A Sad Time For Republicans.....I Don't Believe In God But Sometimes I Think There Is One

I almost pity someone as stupid as you.
Democrats have lost over 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their presidential candidates consist of white geriatrics with decades in politics. Their leading contender, the supposed shoo-in, is losing to a self proclaimed socialist who wasn't even a Democrat until a year ago. Their leading candidate is opposed by their own president and will probably be indicted before the campaign is over.
Meanwhile the GOP has a stable of smart capable people who articulate new ideas.
It's no contest.

I didn't say you didn't. I said we've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. It's harder for you bastards to gerrymander and make rules denying Democrats their vote in a national race. Popular vote majority carries the whole goddam state. Unless you can manage another absolute fraud and theft like 2000 in FL you will never occupy the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the Poor, most young people, women who don't think a bunch of old white men should be able to govern their libidos, etc. will all vote Democrat. One more thing I'll point out and annunciate........we'll be picking supreme court justices too. I suppose we'll just have to get used to governing by executive order since Obama hasn't done his share:


Poor deluded fool.
The president isnt picked by popular vote.
And puking back the failed meme on EOs. Silly Campbell, don't you know it's the effect of EOs not the number that counts?
How many rads did you take to the head on your job?

Each state selects a candidate by which one gets the popular vote. Electoral votes determine the winner nationally. The only time it doesn't work right is when some crooked bastard steals the thing like Jeb Bush did for his brother in 2000. Al Gore should have been the 43rd president of the United States and if he had we would have never invaded Iraq....the rich wouldn't gotten two tax cuts, there would be no national debt and thousands of young Americans would still be enjoying life with their families instead of pushing up daisies. You warmongering assholes will never get it. The Republican military/industrial complex is alive and well. I don't get it.....one of your own presidents warned you about it:


I almost pity someone as stupid as you.
Democrats have lost over 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their presidential candidates consist of white geriatrics with decades in politics. Their leading contender, the supposed shoo-in, is losing to a self proclaimed socialist who wasn't even a Democrat until a year ago. Their leading candidate is opposed by their own president and will probably be indicted before the campaign is over.
Meanwhile the GOP has a stable of smart capable people who articulate new ideas.
It's no contest.

I didn't say you didn't. I said we've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. It's harder for you bastards to gerrymander and make rules denying Democrats their vote in a national race. Popular vote majority carries the whole goddam state. Unless you can manage another absolute fraud and theft like 2000 in FL you will never occupy the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the Poor, most young people, women who don't think a bunch of old white men should be able to govern their libidos, etc. will all vote Democrat. One more thing I'll point out and annunciate........we'll be picking supreme court justices too. I suppose we'll just have to get used to governing by executive order since Obama hasn't done his share:


Poor deluded fool.
The president isnt picked by popular vote.
And puking back the failed meme on EOs. Silly Campbell, don't you know it's the effect of EOs not the number that counts?
How many rads did you take to the head on your job?

Each state selects a candidate by which one gets the popular vote. Electoral votes determine the winner nationally. The only time it doesn't work right is when some crooked bastard steals the thing like Jeb Bush did for his brother in 2000. Al Gore should have been the 43rd president of the United States and if he had we would have never invaded Iraq....the rich wouldn't gotten two tax cuts, there would be no national debt and thousands of young Americans would still be enjoying life with their families instead of pushing up daisies. You warmongering assholes will never get it. The Republican military/industrial complex is alive and well. I don't get it.....one of your own presidents warned you about it:


I almost pity someone as stupid as you.
Democrats have lost over 900 seats nationwide since 2008. Their presidential candidates consist of white geriatrics with decades in politics. Their leading contender, the supposed shoo-in, is losing to a self proclaimed socialist who wasn't even a Democrat until a year ago. Their leading candidate is opposed by their own president and will probably be indicted before the campaign is over.
Meanwhile the GOP has a stable of smart capable people who articulate new ideas.
It's no contest.

I didn't say you didn't. I said we've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. It's harder for you bastards to gerrymander and make rules denying Democrats their vote in a national race. Popular vote majority carries the whole goddam state. Unless you can manage another absolute fraud and theft like 2000 in FL you will never occupy the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the Poor, most young people, women who don't think a bunch of old white men should be able to govern their libidos, etc. will all vote Democrat. One more thing I'll point out and annunciate........we'll be picking supreme court justices too. I suppose we'll just have to get used to governing by executive order since Obama hasn't done his share:


Poor deluded fool.
The president isnt picked by popular vote.
And puking back the failed meme on EOs. Silly Campbell, don't you know it's the effect of EOs not the number that counts?
How many rads did you take to the head on your job?

Each state selects a candidate by which one gets the popular vote. Electoral votes determine the winner nationally. The only time it doesn't work right is when some crooked bastard steals the thing like Jeb Bush did for his brother in 2000. Al Gore should have been the 43rd president of the United States and if he had we would have never invaded Iraq....the rich wouldn't gotten two tax cuts, there would be no national debt and thousands of young Americans would still be enjoying life with their families instead of pushing up daisies. You warmongering assholes will never get it. The Republican military/industrial complex is alive and well. I don't get it.....one of your own presidents warned you about it:


In Michigan the Republicans are doing what they always do, both at the state and the federal level. They gut government agencies, and then when their own actions cause a catastrophe, they try to lay the blame on that agency they have cut to shreds....Like the State Department and Benghazi
In Michigan the Republicans are doing what they always do, both at the state and the federal level. They gut government agencies, and then when their own actions cause a catastrophe, they try to lay the blame on that agency they have cut to shreds....Like the State Department and Benghazi

I couldn't have said it better myself. That bunch of Right Wing assholes call themselves American and they're so far from being one it's actually hilarious.

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