A scam and a disgrace

There are no damages in this case.

This case is cased on disengorgement not fines. Disengorement is based on how much he determines that FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization gained in illegal profits based on their liability for persistent fraudulent business practices.

How do you determine damages when you say there aren't any? If I'm sitting on the bench hearing you say that, WW? You're going to be politely asked to get up and leave before you embarrass yourself further.
That is what the Judge will determine.

And yes, the rates lenders and insurance carriers would have charged will be included.

And who is it that will be awarded these damages? Damages for the damage that you now admit never took place?
I am not citing any law, the AG in NY did that. You are more than free to read the charge and the judges ruling.

For what?

So you don't know how the law that they're saying applied was broke?

For what? For violating SEC regulations and policy.
The witness can answer the question, using his words of choice. What he can't do, is use words to AVOID answering the question.
And the judge cannot interrupt Trump and state the judge has no interest in what Trump is revealing. It’s prejudice aforethought
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New York State Executive Law 62(12).

#1 The SEC is a Federal entity, this was charged under state law so the SEC doesn't apply.

#2 The banks are not a respondent to the suit for doing anything wrong. The respondent to the suit is FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization for repeated fraudulent and illegal business practices.


Why aren't the banks being held accountable for breaking SEC regulations? I don't care who's bringing the suit, the feds are certainly capable of coming after the bank, yet they are not. Apparently it's not as serious as you lefties would like to make it out to be. You only care that Trump is prosecuted for supposed wrongdoing, but don't give a damn about the bank. You don't hide your true intensions very well., you actually suck at it. But you don't have to hide them any longer since you believe the tide has turned on your side (not to mention the corrupt 'media'), which is why the corruption is blatant and in your face now as well. No one will do anything about it, but in the end it's going to come back to bite you. I just hope I'm here to witness it.
Trump would have to count the floors, the ceilings and the roof to bring the square footage of his penthouse in Trump Tower to 30,000 square feet.
If I have a 2,500 sq ft floor with 30’ ceiling and I put a loft style up there with 2500 feet of flooring and now a 15’ ceiling down and 15’ ceiling for the loft then it’s legimate to claim I now have 5,000 sq ft improved space. Appraiser generally don’t agree but it’s Absolutely not an approach that is so misguided and devious that you are in court about it.
At least you do know what you are talking about and that is So Refreshing.
And who is it that will be awarded these damages? Damages for the damage that you now admit never took place?

There are no damages in this case.

This case is cased on disengorgement not fines. Disengorement is based on how much he determines that FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization gained in illegal profits based on their liability for persistent fraudulent business practices.

The disgorgement penalty will go to the State of New York.

Why aren't the banks being held accountable for breaking SEC regulations? I don't care who's bringing the suit, the feds are certainly capable of coming after the bank, yet they are not. Apparently it's not as serious as you lefties would like to make it out to be. You only care that Trump is prosecuted for supposed wrongdoing, but don't give a damn about the bank. You don't hide your true intensions very well., you actually suck at it. But you don't have to hide them any longer since you believe the tide has turned on your side (not to mention the corrupt 'media'), which is why the corruption is blatant and in your face now as well. No one will do anything about it, but in the end it's going to come back to bite you. I just hope I'm here to witness it.
What are they going to do...prevent those banks from doing business in New York State as they've done with Trump? Financial institutions are already leaving New York City in droves...can you imagine the stampede to Florida if James applied the same laws to them as she's applying to Donald Trump?
There are no damages in this case.

This case is cased on disengorgement not fines. Disengorement is based on how much he determines that FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization gained in illegal profits based on their liability for persistent fraudulent business practices.

The disgorgement penalty will go to the State of New York.

Ah...so the State of New York is the injured party? In what way exactly? How did Trump inflating the value of his properties cost New York State anything?
What are they going to do...prevent those banks from doing business in New York State as they've done with Trump? Financial institutions are already leaving New York City in droves...can you imagine the stampede to Florida if James applied the same laws to them as she's applying to Donald Trump?
The rest of the wheelers and dealers that do this daily are not a clear “threat” to become POTUS. That’s why it’s called political witch hunting.
What are they going to do...prevent those banks from doing business in New York State as they've done with Trump? Financial institutions are already leaving New York City in droves...can you imagine the stampede to Florida if James applied the same laws to them as she's applying to Donald Trump?
That and real estate investors. Perhaps they can write it off as a one off, but anyone thinking about sinking significant $$ in NY real estate has to be thinking twice of running afoul of Queen Letticia.
What are they going to do...prevent those banks from doing business in New York State as they've done with Trump? Financial institutions are already leaving New York City in droves...can you imagine the stampede to Florida if James applied the same laws to them as she's applying to Donald Trump?

Ah...so the State of New York is the injured party? In what way exactly? How did Trump inflating the value of his properties cost New York State anything?


Those words do fit. It looks like the judge was out to get Trump from the very beginning. Is it too much to ask for a fair trial?

---Trump called the trial a “scam” and a “disgrace”---

Who cares what Trump called it. Trump is nothing but a big baby pitching a tizzy fit.
Not really, there are things called GAAP (Generaly Accepted Accounting Principals) that organization have to adhere to. It's like saying that Doctor's providing health care are entirely subjective ignoring that there are defined standards of care that have to be followed.

Then why are they taking Trump's word on the valuation of his own property. Does the bank do that for you when you apply for a mortgage or a HELOC? Do they do that for anyone?
Who cares what Trump called it. Trump is nothing but a big baby pitching a tizzy fit.
Yeah, he should just sit there quietly while he's being railroaded by a corrupt judge and district attorney on a charge that's never been brought against anyone before! You'd be pitching a "tizzy fit" too if someone was pulling this shit on you, Richard!
Don't try to get out of comparing 9/11 to a fucking political show-trail, hack.

I think if a bank got paid back what they were owed and got the interest THEY AGREED TO there was no harm.
But the agreed to interest was because they thought the loan was fully secured, when it wasn't.

They would have charged much higher interest had they known how much of the loan wasn't secured.

It would be no different than going to a casino, and getting a $10,000 credit line based on the income and collateral you say you have. Using it to win $5,000.
And then the casino finds out you're unemployed, and they just foreclosed on your house.
Had they known the truth, they never would have given you a line of credit. That you repaid it with your winnings isn't the point.
And yet FPOTUS#45 has already lost the case, or maybe you should write to the AG and the Judge and explain the law to them.

Right now FPOTUS#45 has been convicted - umm, it's a civil case so the correct term is "found liable" - for persistent and fraudulent illegal business activities. I'm sure the court will dismiss the case once it's explained to them.

But at the end of the day the case has NOTHING to do with what the banks did, it has to do with what FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization did. Last I checked neither are a bank so the whole "bank" line is a red herring.


By a corrupted system with a corrupted judge, and you idiots stand by and applaud it happening. I hope you live to regret it.

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