A scam and a disgrace

Trump's awesome lawyers got the judge who is also THE JURY to say, "I'm not interested in what he (Trump, the defendant) has to say." HOLY SHIT!!! This case is now burnt toast on appeal the judge outed himself.

It's a fucking circus of corruption on blatant display and these morons sit here and cheer it on. I can't wait to see it bite them in the ass someday, karma typically has its way.
Yeah, he should just sit there quietly while he's being railroaded by a corrupt judge and district attorney on a charge that's never been brought against anyone before! You'd be pitching a "tizzy fit" too if someone was pulling this shit on you, Richard!

Trump is a scam artist that should have been out in prison many years ago. He's survived only by throwing massive amounts of lawyers at every prosecution.

He can no longer afford massive amounts of high-quality lawyers - they don't trust him enough to work for him anyway. The crimes he's committed are more than he can ever buy his way out of. His past is catching up with him.

That's what he gets for trying to overthrow Democracy!
But the agreed to interest was because they thought the loan was fully secured, when it wasn't.

They would have charged much higher interest had they known how much of the loan wasn't secured.

It would be no different than going to a casino, and getting a $10,000 credit line based on the income and collateral you say you have. Using it to win $5,000.
And then the casino finds out you're unemployed, and they just foreclosed on your house.
Had they known the truth, they never would have given you a line of credit. That you repaid it with your winnings isn't the point.

It was secured, and paid back, based on what they agreed to after their own due diligence.

That only works as a comparison if Casinos spend a few tens of thousands of dollars to check your numbers and verify your information. And THEN agreeing to a given number as the collateral or backup.
Trump is a scam artist that should have been out in prison many years ago. He's survived only by throwing massive amounts of lawyers at every prosecution.

He can no longer afford massive amounts of high-quality lawyers - they don't trust him enough to work for him anyway. The crimes he's committed are more than he can ever buy his way out of. His past is catching up with him.

That's what he gets for trying to overthrow Democracy!

Or the government has put on notice that it will sue any lawyer that works for him.

Nice racket they got there.
Those words do fit. It looks like the judge was out to get Trump from the very beginning. Is it too much to ask for a fair trial?

---Trump called the trial a “scam” and a “disgrace”---

In the New York Supreme Court, defendants are required to follow certain rules while testifying in order to ensure a fair and orderly trial. Here are some general rules that may be applicable:

1. Truthfulness: The defendant is expected to testify truthfully and honestly, providing accurate and reliable information.

2. Direct Examination: During direct examination, the defendant's attorney will ask them questions to clarify the facts and present their side of the case. The defendant should answer the questions clearly and to the best of their knowledge.

3. Cross-Examination: The opposing party's attorney has the opportunity to cross-examine the defendant. The defendant should listen attentively to the questions and respond appropriately, avoiding argumentative or emotional responses.

4. Right to Remain Silent: The defendant has the constitutional right to remain silent and not answer questions that may incriminate themselves. If they decide not to testify, this choice should not be held against them by the court or jury.

5. Objections: The attorneys in the courtroom may raise objections during the testimony. The defendant should remain calm and composed, follow instructions, and wait for the court to rule on the objection before proceeding.

6. Respectful Conduct: The defendant should conduct themselves with respect towards the judge, opposing counsel, witnesses, and all participants in the court process. Maintaining a professional demeanor is crucial to their credibility.

7. Expert Testimony: If the defendant possesses specialized knowledge or skills relevant to the case, they may be asked to provide expert testimony. In such cases, they should present their qualifications and opinions clearly and objectively.

8. Documents and Exhibits: If the defendant wishes to introduce any documents or physical evidence during their testimony, they should do so through proper legal procedures. The court may have specific guidelines on how evidence is presented.

Trump himself probably didn't memorize 6. Well, just like President Biden, Trump's old now. lol.

One of tactics or strategies in lawfare is Public Perception. Yes, Trump just used it to increase his chances of success. Will Trump win or lose? Time will tell! :)
By a corrupted system with a corrupted judge, and you idiots stand by and applaud it happening. I hope you live to regret it.

I grew up in New York and was familiar with the type of person he was long before he came onto the national scene.


Trump is a scam artist that should have been out in prison many years ago. He's survived only by throwing massive amounts of lawyers at every prosecution.

He can no longer afford massive amounts of high-quality lawyers - they don't trust him enough to work for him anyway. The crimes he's committed are more than he can ever buy his way out of. His past is catching up with him.

That's what he gets for trying to overthrow Democracy!
Defending yourself from frivolous lawsuits brought by Democrats is "trying to overthrow Democracy"? You know why you've never seen these kinds of lawsuits before, Richard? Because no political party has ever been as sleazy as the Democratic Party is right now! You're after Trump for a "crime" that has no victim...while at the same time ignoring the blatant influence peddling that was done by Joe Biden! That's who YOU are these days!
I grew up in New York and was familiar with the type of person he was long before he came onto the national scene.


I don't gaf where you're from or what you're familiar with, your personal hatred is clearly clouding any judgment you might have, which I'm guessing isn't much. This is a corruption of justice by a corrupt DA and a corrupt court, and because you hate the defendant, you're cheering it on, you have zero integrity. And I hope by turning a blind eye to it as many of you are on here, as well as cheering it on, it goes to a place too far and you live to regret it. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone, to anyone they see as a threat to their power. It won't stop at Trump, you're a naive fool if you believe otherwise.
In the New York Supreme Court, defendants are required to follow certain rules while testifying in order to ensure a fair and orderly trial. Here are some general rules that may be applicable:

1. Truthfulness: The defendant is expected to testify truthfully and honestly, providing accurate and reliable information.

2. Direct Examination: During direct examination, the defendant's attorney will ask them questions to clarify the facts and present their side of the case. The defendant should answer the questions clearly and to the best of their knowledge.

3. Cross-Examination: The opposing party's attorney has the opportunity to cross-examine the defendant. The defendant should listen attentively to the questions and respond appropriately, avoiding argumentative or emotional responses.

4. Right to Remain Silent: The defendant has the constitutional right to remain silent and not answer questions that may incriminate themselves. If they decide not to testify, this choice should not be held against them by the court or jury.

5. Objections: The attorneys in the courtroom may raise objections during the testimony. The defendant should remain calm and composed, follow instructions, and wait for the court to rule on the objection before proceeding.

6. Respectful Conduct: The defendant should conduct themselves with respect towards the judge, opposing counsel, witnesses, and all participants in the court process. Maintaining a professional demeanor is crucial to their credibility.

7. Expert Testimony: If the defendant possesses specialized knowledge or skills relevant to the case, they may be asked to provide expert testimony. In such cases, they should present their qualifications and opinions clearly and objectively.

8. Documents and Exhibits: If the defendant wishes to introduce any documents or physical evidence during their testimony, they should do so through proper legal procedures. The court may have specific guidelines on how evidence is presented.

Trump himself probably didn't memorize 6. Well, just like President Biden, Trump's old now. lol.

One of tactics or strategies in lawfare is Public Perception. Yes, Trump just used it to increase his chances of success. Will Trump win or lose? Time will tell! :)
Interesting. Do you have a list of the "rules" that a judge and District Attorney should adhere to as well? You might want to send that to the judge and DA in this case!
Defending yourself from frivolous lawsuits brought by Democrats is "trying to overthrow Democracy"? You know why you've never seen these kinds of lawsuits before, Richard? Because no political party has ever been as sleazy as the Democratic Party is right now! You're after Trump for a "crime" that has no victim...while at the same time ignoring the blatant influence peddling that was done by Joe Biden! That's who YOU are these days!

Wow, mindlessness just spews out of you!

Trump has been and is a crook. He incited an insurrection. He belongs in prison.

If George Washington were alive, he would have hung Trump by Jan. 7, 2021.

Trump is a traitor!
Wow, mindlessness just spews out of you!

Trump has been and is a crook. He incited an insurrection. He belongs in prison.

If George Washington were alive, he would have hung Trump by Jan. 7, 2021.

Trump is a traitor!
Interesting. So if Trump "incited an insurrection" then why isn't he being charged with doing that? Oh my gosh, Richard! You need to call Jack Smith right now! He somehow neglected to do that! (eye roll)
Wow, mindlessness just spews out of you!

Trump has been and is a crook. He incited an insurrection. He belongs in prison.

If George Washington were alive, he would have hung Trump by Jan. 7, 2021.

Trump is a traitor!
If George Washington was alive to see this trial going on in New York he'd probably be disgusted by what our legal system has devolved into!
But the agreed to interest was because they thought the loan was fully secured, when it wasn't.

They would have charged much higher interest had they known how much of the loan wasn't secured.

It would be no different than going to a casino, and getting a $10,000 credit line based on the income and collateral you say you have. Using it to win $5,000.
And then the casino finds out you're unemployed, and they just foreclosed on your house.
Had they known the truth, they never would have given you a line of credit. That you repaid it with your winnings isn't the point.
They would research your assets first
Children commenting on adult issues Way Out of Hand here.
I don't gaf where you're from or what you're familiar with, your personal hatred is clearly clouding any judgment you might have, which I'm guessing isn't much. This is a corruption of justice by a corrupt DA and a corrupt court, and because you hate the defendant, you're cheering it on, you have zero integrity. And I hope by turning a blind eye to it as many of you are on here, as well as cheering it on, it goes to a place too far and you live to regret it. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone, to anyone they see as a threat to their power. It won't stop at Trump, you're a naive fool if you believe otherwise.

Nope, what it is is a crook that was a crook for decades and bought off a corrupt system with daddy's money...

Well the crook is getting his comeuppance.

If George Washington was alive to see this trial going on in New York he'd probably be disgusted by what our legal system has devolved into!

If George Washington was alive to see the shit that Trump has done in his life he'd take him out behind the shed and beat him with an axe handle.

But the agreed to interest was because they thought the loan was fully secured, when it wasn't.

They would have charged much higher interest had they known how much of the loan wasn't secured.
How do you know this, scumbag?

Seriously, how??
And the judge cannot interrupt Trump and state the judge has no interest in what Trump is revealing. It’s prejudice aforethought
It's a bench trial. The judge can make an instant ruling on the witness being unresponsive.

Alternatively, during a bench trial (or a trial in which the verdict is given by the judge instead of a jury) the judge will disregard the answer that was nonresponsive. Whether asked to do so or not, the judge will typically then instruct the witness simply to answer only the question that was asked.

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