A scam and a disgrace

Because banks don't have subpoena power until after they file a lawsuit. And here's the catch-22, they can't get the evidence to file a lawsuit without being able to subpoena Trumps business records and tax returns.

None of them complained, none of them felt cheated.

And If you investigate every business of the same magnitude in NY I have a feeling you will find similar things going on.
Also a possibility. Not verifying Trumps financial statements, and giving him a lower interest rate seems like a fiduciary lapse on the banks part.

Except it did not happen .
The bank DID do an independent appraisal.
It came out to be about 30% less than the Trump evaluation.
The Trump evaluation was not used at all, and can not be used legally.
So there was no "fiduciary lapse", nor could there have been any possible fraud on the part of Trump.

But the prosecution of Trump then clearly is fraud.
He lied on the forms, that is breaking the law...

If you drive home drunk you have broken the law, doesn't matter if you didn't kill anyone.

If Trump told the truth he would have been deemed a higher risk and would possibly have had to pay higher premiums and put up more collateral.
Since Trump has a history of owning companies that go bankrupt , he knew this...

This is very much a crime... It is a white collar crime, a crime for the rich... You make a lot more doing this than robbing the bank by gun point... And the whole time he can rely on idiots to say it is not crime cause no one got shot...
But they can’t come back after you a year or so after the night you drive drunk
What defense? I asked a poster insinuating knowledge of this law to cite a single case where this law has been applied to valuation of commercial real estate.

Do you want to help him out? Just one case.
New York State V Donald John Trump. / Trump Organization.
Except it did not happen .
The bank DID do an independent appraisal.
It came out to be about 30% less than the Trump evaluation.
The Trump evaluation was not used at all, and can not be used legally.
So there was no "fiduciary lapse", nor could there have been any possible fraud on the part of Trump.

But the prosecution of Trump then clearly is fraud.
Trumps evaluation was very most likely never provided to any appraiser
Does not work that way
Judge directing how and in what tone the words can come out of Trumps mouth set up perfectly for judicial misconduct. I feel Eggmoron is working for Team Trump
The judge wanted Trump to answer the question. Him bloviating about "crooked Hillary" or some other nonsense, was not answering the question.
The judge wanted Trump to answer the question. Him bloviating about "crooked Hillary" or some other nonsense, was not answering the question.
It is the defendants right to respond in his manner of choice. The judge cannot attempt to micro manage how the defendant formulates and presents his responses.
Except it did not happen .
The bank DID do an independent appraisal.
It came out to be about 30% less than the Trump evaluation.
Is that the one where Trump 11,000 square foot penthouse was listed as being 30,000 square feet.

That 30% less?
None of the 9-11 first responders felt they had been wronged either. Not until years later when the facts about air quality came out.

Wow, talk about a stretch comparison, you ghoulish sack of shit.
The AG and judge need to be imprisoned.
This is clearly a deliberate violation of what the legislation says, as well as intent.


Clearly the law allows the AG to file a civil complaint for persistent fraudulent business practices.

What the banks are required to do by law is exactly what this case is about, since everyone knows banks have to do their own independent appraisal, so they are not going to care what they hand over as their evaluation.
They know it does not matter what they hand over, so they are just going to take an existing promotional.
They are not going to spend time or money on anything else.

Nope, the banks are not responsible for FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization filing fraudulent business documents.

New York State V Donald John Trump. / Trump Organization.
Wow Ratty gets one right, for once. 70 years on the books and Trump is this first time this consumer protection law has been applied to valuation of commercial real estate by a commercial bank.
Trump's awesome lawyers got the judge who is also THE JURY to say, "I'm not interested in what he (Trump, the defendant) has to say." HOLY SHIT!!! This case is now burnt toast on appeal the judge outed himself.

I know that is the rage (pun intended), but when you look at it in context, the Judge was talking about FPOTUS#45's rambling and irrelevant speeches he was making that where not relevant to the question asked. The judge is correct.

For example:

QUESTION: Is this your signature on this form?

ANSWER: The Attorney General is a racist bitch and the Judge is corrupt.

Judges routinely ignore non-responsive answers and in a Jury Trial can instruct the jury to disregard.

Trumps evaluation was very most likely never provided to any appraiser
Does not work that way
One important thing about appraising the value of a building, is the financial condition as rental property. A building could have cost $500 million to build. but if it's only 20% occupied, it's barely making enough money to cover operating expenses. It was Trumps "fixed" books, that listed how much of the building was currently being rented, and what the rental income was.

Trump lied, saying some of his buildings were 80% occupied, when they weren't.
IOW, because there is overwhelming evidence of Don's guilt he prefers to try the case in the court of public opinion, not a court of law.
Guilt? I'm still trying to figure out who the injured party was in this case! It's an alleged "crime" that didn't cause damage to anyone! It's like charging someone with tail gating when they're on the highway by themselves! If the banks issuing those loans hadn't been paid back with interest, you might be able to make a fraud case but even then it would be difficult because the banks have people who assess loan risks and the collateral proposed to secure those risks. I don't have a clue what you're talking about when you say that there is "overwhelming evidence" of guilt here! Guilt of what?
I know that is the rage (pun intended), but when you look at it in context, the Judge was talking about FPOTUS#45's rambling and irrelevant speeches he was making that where not relevant to the question asked. The judge is correct.

For example:

QUESTION: Is this your signature on this form?

ANSWER: The Attorney General is a racist bitch and the Judge is corrupt.

Judges routinely ignore non-responsive answers and in a Jury Trial can instruct the jury to disregard.

LOL "please respond to the question" from a Judge is about 16 light years from "I'm not interested in what he (Trump, the defendant) has to say" from the finder of fact.
I know that is the rage (pun intended), but when you look at it in context, the Judge was talking about FPOTUS#45's rambling and irrelevant speeches he was making that where not relevant to the question asked. The judge is correct.

For example:

QUESTION: Is this your signature on this form?

ANSWER: The Attorney General is a racist bitch and the Judge is corrupt.

Judges routinely ignore non-responsive answers and in a Jury Trial can instruct the jury to disregard.

The only context that matters is that this Soviet show trial that you are. Cheering for is nothing but an un-American political STUNT!!!
You mother fuckers were crying about RUSSIAN election interference, but this time YOU'RE DIONG IT YOURSELVES!!!!!
This is nothing short of EVIL!!! :evil:
It is the defendants right to respond in his manner of choice. The judge cannot attempt to micro manage how the defendant formulates and presents his responses.
The witness can answer the question, using his words of choice. What he can't do, is use words to AVOID answering the question.
He lied on the forms, that is breaking the law...

If you drive home drunk you have broken the law, doesn't matter if you didn't kill anyone.

If Trump told the truth he would have been deemed a higher risk and would possibly have had to pay higher premiums and put up more collateral.
Since Trump has a history of owning companies that go bankrupt , he knew this...

This is very much a crime... It is a white collar crime, a crime for the rich... You make a lot more doing this than robbing the bank by gun point... And the whole time he can rely on idiots to say it is not crime cause no one got shot...
Interesting. So to use your analogy. If you drove home drunk...didn't have an accident...didn't hurt anyone...and then years later the local DA that has publically stated that she was going to charge you with something...charged you with drunk driving because she got a receipt from the bar you were at and saw that you drank ten cocktails...how far do you think that case would proceed?

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