A scam and a disgrace

Not wrong, the SEC is a federal entity. This is a state case.

#1 For banks that operate in New York? Sure they do.

#2 This case isn't against the banks anyway it's against the Trump Organization based out of New York.

Not really, there are things called GAAP (Generaly Accepted Accounting Principals) that organization have to adhere to. It's like saying that Doctor's providing health care are entirely subjective ignoring that there are defined standards of care that have to be followed.


The fraud is the in the bank loan "application" its the legal document known as a Statement of Financial Conditions which must adhere to GAAP.



Since the loan was to a bank, then it IS totally under banking laws, which have been federal for over 80 years.
States have no jurisdiction over banks, since banks are entirely under federal SEC jurisdiction.
And this case is entirely about the fact there is no way banks are ever allowed to ask for or use an applicant evaluation.
If the bank ever was to use one instead of running an independent appraisal, that would be a violation of federal law.
The loan and assets used as collateral were international, so then states have no jurisdiction at all.

GAAP has NOTHING at all to do with loan applications.
That is for investors who by stocks, audits, tax accountants, etc.

The "Statement of Financial Conditions" is totally and completely subjective, and can not possibly be under any sort of GAAP.
Obviously the value of real estate depends entirely on what others are willing to pay.
And if you were to claim that at least the dimensions should have been accurate, that also is obviously wrong because the penthouse of a building is not static. You can decide to designate any number of floors you want to the penhouse, as well as under ground parking, pools, exercise rooms, etc.
There is no way anyone can fault anything Trump corp. supplied.
The prosecutor and judge are just totally and completely lying.
And I say that as a far left, progressive, liberal who would never vote for Trump normally.
But this prosecution is so incredibly egregious, as to make me vote for Trump next time, out of anger.

The simple fact is you can NEVER charge anyone over a loan application.
You can only legally charge people if there is harm or at least potential harm to the rights of others.
I think things have gotten twisted. Are there really no grand juries in civil cases? I find that hard to believe.

There should never be any grand juries.
They are highly disreputable, since the law is not represented by a judge and the defendant is not allowed to challenge lies.
The only reason grand juries are used is so that the prosecutor is protected from lawsuits for his misconduct.

The origin of grand juries was good, in that anyone could then charge anyone else, if they got enough people to petition for a grand jury of the people.
Current grand juries are entirely from the corrupt prosecutors and not the people, so they are an abuse of precedent.

Since the loan was to a bank, then it IS totally under banking laws, which have been federal for over 80 years.
States have no jurisdiction over banks, since banks are entirely under federal SEC jurisdiction.
And this case is entirely about the fact there is no way banks are ever allowed to ask for or use an applicant evaluation.
If the bank ever was to use one instead of running an independent appraisal, that would be a violation of federal law.
The loan and assets used as collateral were international, so then states have no jurisdiction at all.

GAAP has NOTHING at all to do with loan applications.
That is for investors who by stocks, audits, tax accountants, etc.

The "Statement of Financial Conditions" is totally and completely subjective, and can not possibly be under any sort of GAAP.
Obviously the value of real estate depends entirely on what others are willing to pay.
And if you were to claim that at least the dimensions should have been accurate, that also is obviously wrong because the penthouse of a building is not static. You can decide to designate any number of floors you want to the penhouse, as well as under ground parking, pools, exercise rooms, etc.
There is no way anyone can fault anything Trump corp. supplied.
The prosecutor and judge are just totally and completely lying.
And I say that as a far left, progressive, liberal who would never vote for Trump normally.
But this prosecution is so incredibly egregious, as to make me vote for Trump next time, out of anger.

The simple fact is you can NEVER charge anyone over a loan application.
You can only legally charge people if there is harm or at least potential harm to the rights of others.

And yet FPOTUS#45 has already lost the case, or maybe you should write to the AG and the Judge and explain the law to them.

Right now FPOTUS#45 has been convicted - umm, it's a civil case so the correct term is "found liable" - for persistent and fraudulent illegal business activities. I'm sure the court will dismiss the case once it's explained to them.

But at the end of the day the case has NOTHING to do with what the banks did, it has to do with what FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization did. Last I checked neither are a bank so the whole "bank" line is a red herring.

They’re keeping their mouths shut, because they don’t want to be co-defendants or be sued by their own shareholders.

Shareholders cannot sue for what did not lose money.
But if a bank ever used a customer evaluation instead of an independent appraisal, that would violate federal law.
And yet FPOTUS#45 has already lost the case, or maybe you should write to the AG and the Judge and explain the law to them.

Right now FPOTUS#45 has been convicted - umm, it's a civil case so the correct term is "found liable" - for persistent and fraudulent illegal business activities. I'm sure the court will dismiss the case once it's explained to them.

But at the end of the day the case has NOTHING to do with what the banks did, it has to do with what FPOTUS#45 and the Trump Organization did. Last I checked neither are a bank so the whole "bank" line is a red herring.


The AG and judge need to be imprisoned.
This is clearly a deliberate violation of what the legislation says, as well as intent.

What the banks are required to do by law is exactly what this case is about, since everyone knows banks have to do their own independent appraisal, so they are not going to care what they hand over as their evaluation.
They know it does not matter what they hand over, so they are just going to take an existing promotional.
They are not going to spend time or money on anything else.
"....by virtue of yesterday's testimony in NY is...........I do not have to respect the judicial process, or the presiding judge, or the prosecutors,..."
Without cameras in the courtroom for us to judge with first-hand knowledge we have to rely upon journalists to tell us what they saw.
OK, this issue ain't the first like that.
So, reading sources, and watching last night's news, what I gather is that this court is bending over backwards to NOT bring the hammer down on bad behavior in the courtroom.

If what I read in the newsfeeds is true......well, why in God's good name was Trump NOT charged with 'contempt of court'?
Anyone else, in most every court in the land would have been sanctioned in a micro-second for what Trump said about the court and the trial......and said it while he was on the witness stand.

Trump is being treated more favorably than any other defendant in such a situation. Extraordinarily so.

One can hope that karma comes.
And it comes after a defendant intentionally or carelessly pisses off the magistrate who is the sole arbiter on how much the Trump organization will need pay in penalties for the fraud that has already been proven and adjudicated.
Karma comes.

They know they lied and cheated and got caught, now they are just trying to get out of it..
That should be a bumper sticker......except the words would be too small.
Cowboy T. speaks truth.
Those words do fit. It looks like the judge was out to get Trump from the very beginning. Is it too much to ask for a fair trial?
Trump's awesome lawyers got the judge who is also THE JURY to say, "I'm not interested in what he (Trump, the defendant) has to say." HOLY SHIT!!! This case is now burnt toast on appeal the judge outed himself.
That defense flies in the face of the reputations of the people bringing the case. Who’s going to do that, especially with precedent going back to 1956? I think you’re the one needing to bring up cases.
What defense? I asked a poster insinuating knowledge of this law to cite a single case where this law has been applied to valuation of commercial real estate.

Do you want to help him out? Just one case.
Then why didn't they sue him?

Why aren't they clamoring for his head during this trial?
Because banks don't have subpoena power until after they file a lawsuit. And here's the catch-22, they can't get the evidence to file a lawsuit without being able to subpoena Trumps business records and tax returns.
I think things have gotten twisted. Are there really no grand juries in civil cases? I find that hard to believe.
Grand juries are a 5th amendment right, as is the right against self incrimination. BUT the 5th only applies to criminal cases.
Oldest play in the book.
Trump's and his lawyers smartly poked and insulted the judge until the judge lost it, blurted out the truth. When the judge who is also the jury states in the court record, "I'm not interested in what he (Trump, the defendant) has to say" wow just wow. Trump and his lawyers use psychological warfare to trick judge into admitting the fix is in.
They’re keeping their mouths shut, because they don’t want to be co-defendants or be sued by their own shareholders.
Also a possibility. Not verifying Trumps financial statements, and giving him a lower interest rate seems like a fiduciary lapse on the banks part.
Without cameras in the courtroom for us to judge with first-hand knowledge we have to rely upon journalists to tell us what they saw.
OK, this issue ain't the first like that.
So, reading sources, and watching last night's news, what I gather is that this court is bending over backwards to NOT bring the hammer down on bad behavior in the courtroom.

If what I read in the newsfeeds is true......well, why in God's good name was Trump NOT charged with 'contempt of court'?
Anyone else, in most every court in the land would have been sanctioned in a micro-second for what Trump said about the court and the trial......and said it while he was on the witness stand.

Trump is being treated more favorably than any other defendant in such a situation. Extraordinarily so.

One can hope that karma comes.
And it comes after a defendant intentionally or carelessly pisses off the magistrate who is the sole arbiter on how much the Trump organization will need pay in penalties for the fraud that has already been proven and adjudicated.
Karma comes.


That should be a bumper sticker......except the words would be too small.
Cowboy T. speaks truth.

The court is the one in violation.
And by objecting to the courts actions, Trump bring the conflict into greater contrast, so it is more obvious.
Trump has to do this, since the 91 indictments are impossible to deal with, and all of them have to be attacked collectively at once.
They are all illegal, and all an obvious conspiracy to prevent the next election from being fair.
All 91 prosecutors and judges need to be in jail.
Those words do fit. It looks like the judge was out to get Trump from the very beginning. Is it too much to ask for a fair trial?

---Trump called the trial a “scam” and a “disgrace”---

Trump is crying again.

Since the loan was to a bank, then it IS totally under banking laws, which have been federal for over 80 years.
States have no jurisdiction over banks, since banks are entirely under federal SEC jurisdiction.
Actually it depends on the banks charter. If it's federally chartered, then it's under the federal government. Other banks, like a small savings and loan, are only state chartered, and not subject to federal oversight.
Judge directing how and in what tone the words can come out of Trumps mouth set up perfectly for judicial misconduct. I feel Eggmoron is working for Team Trump

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