A SECOND whistle-blower in Trump's tarnished future....

It won't matter. You all are too dense to realize the dangerous precedent that is being set for ALL future Presidents. Anybody can get a "whistlblower" without firsthand knowledge to snitch on literally ANYTHING.

Well, yes....an idiot like you WOULD say the above........Get it through your fucking half brain:

TRUMP IS CORRUPT...and THAT is why all this crap is floating to the top.

Stop the damn excuses and face it like an American citizen.

The ends justify the means.....

Because the left knows best.
"The end justifies the means".....pretty much what the GOP sold its soul based on.
The Adam Schitt defence of the Surrender Monkey birth certificate....on the back it mentions BIDEN, 7 Or 8 times!!!


Yep that's the kind of crap Trumpsters think is evidence. They are so chldish.
A Second Whistleblower Complaint Is Targeting Trump's Tax Returns
The House Ways and Means Committee is investigating evidence that Trump may have attempted to influence the mandatory IRS audit conducted on sitting presidents.

An anonymous federal employee is alleging that President Donald Trump has abused his executive authority in order to hide possible misconduct. Congress is now investigating.

Yes, it sounds like a story you've heard before—pretty much non-stop for the past week or so, actually—but this is a different whistleblower complaint alleging completely different presidential misconduct and being investigated by a different congressional committee. This one hasn't gotten as much attention as the allegations involving Trump asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to investigate Joe Biden's son because it lacks the foreign intrigue, Mafioso-style "favors," and doesn't seem to have anything to do with the 2020 presidential election.

And this whistleblower's allegations may suggest a more straightforward example of the president attempting to circumvent federal law.

A Second Whistleblower Complaint Is Targeting Trump's Tax Returns
It won't matter. You all are too dense to realize the dangerous precedent that is being set for ALL future Presidents. Anybody can get a "whistlblower" without firsthand knowledge to snitch on literally ANYTHING.

Well, yes....an idiot like you WOULD say the above........Get it through your fucking half brain:

TRUMP IS CORRUPT...and THAT is why all this crap is floating to the top.

Stop the damn excuses and face it like an American citizen.

The ends justify the means.....

Because the left knows best.
"The end justifies the means".....pretty much what the GOP sold its soul based on.
The Adam Schitt defence of the Surrender Monkey birth certificate....on the back it mentions BIDEN, 7 Or 8 times!!!


Yep that's the kind of crap Trumpsters think is evidence. They are so chldish.
If I may quote Adam Schitt...."Its a PARADAY!....SO I imagine you, to be fair and unbiased think Schitt is childish....is that not correct or are you going into your hypocrisy stage...again!
Well, yes....an idiot like you WOULD say the above........Get it through your fucking half brain:

TRUMP IS CORRUPT...and THAT is why all this crap is floating to the top.

Stop the damn excuses and face it like an American citizen.

The ends justify the means.....

Because the left knows best.
"The end justifies the means".....pretty much what the GOP sold its soul based on.
The Adam Schitt defence of the Surrender Monkey birth certificate....on the back it mentions BIDEN, 7 Or 8 times!!!


Yep that's the kind of crap Trumpsters think is evidence. They are so chldish.
If I may quote Adam Schitt...."Its a PARADAY!....SO I imagine you, to be fair and unbiased think Schitt is childish....is that not correct or are you going into your hypocrisy stage...again!

It can only be parody if you don't think it's real.
. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl. :auiqs.jpg:

OR.........we've never had such a fucking corrupt turd in the oval office............You choose.
It won't matter. You all are too dense to realize the dangerous precedent that is being set for ALL future Presidents. Anybody can get a "whistlblower" without firsthand knowledge to snitch on literally ANYTHING. Now just let that sink in. Democrats have lowered the bar on accusations so low that no matter what Party is in power, this is what America will look like. An endless string of flimsy or bogus charges brought by shadowy whistleblowers against Democrat or Republican Presidents ad infinitum. Are the little wheels turning enough to light the bulb yet? Do you get it?
This is a constitutional crisis created by the Democrats.
The ends justify the means.....

Because the left knows best.
"The end justifies the means".....pretty much what the GOP sold its soul based on.
The Adam Schitt defence of the Surrender Monkey birth certificate....on the back it mentions BIDEN, 7 Or 8 times!!!


Yep that's the kind of crap Trumpsters think is evidence. They are so chldish.
If I may quote Adam Schitt...."Its a PARADAY!....SO I imagine you, to be fair and unbiased think Schitt is childish....is that not correct or are you going into your hypocrisy stage...again!

It can only be parody if you don't think it's real.
I believe the White House transcript of phone conversation. Trump did nothing wrong. Period. Biden is the one who leaned on Ukraine to back off his loser son. How in the fuck can Democrats advocate impeachment unless it’s for pure political reasons. The 2016 tears from Hillary defeat continue to flow. :206:
. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl. :auiqs.jpg:
The GOP tried that with Clinton and Obama....Clinton got impeached but not convicted for lying about an affair after millions were spent on an investigation that lasted years. Obama...........the poor GOP tried and tried and tried. :71:

Oh yeah, the prosecutorial team that proceeded on that case was SOOOO unbiased, with no corruption what-so-ever.

That has been revealed to have no agenda what so ever. . . .

. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl. :auiqs.jpg:

You knew he was a lying crook when you elected him President. Did you think that he would magically change and become a decent honest man and run an honest Presidency? The impeachment of Donald Trump was inevitable because he's just that criminal.
. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl. :auiqs.jpg:

You knew he was a lying crook when you elected him President. Did you think that he would magically change and become a decent honest man and run an honest Presidency? The impeachment of Donald Trump was inevitable because he's just that criminal.

A) Yes, I knew he was a lying crook when he ran, but I never voted for him, I don't vote for lying crooks, it is why I couldn't vote for the alternatives either.

B) By your logic, all of the previous ones should have been impeached as well.
. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl. :auiqs.jpg:

You knew he was a lying crook when you elected him President. Did you think that he would magically change and become a decent honest man and run an honest Presidency? The impeachment of Donald Trump was inevitable because he's just that criminal.

You've been saying that for three years and will continue to say it for five more.

Are you ever going to get a life ?
. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl.
You are already witnessing karma in action.

Trump wanted our last two presidents forcibly removed from office. He whined on CNN that he wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush and said he would have been very happy if she did.

Then he spent several years perpetrating a hoax that Obama was born in Kenya and thus disqualified to be President.

Now he is reaping some heavy duty karma. Ain't that a BITCH? :21:
It only gets better for the impeachment inquiry

There is a SECOND whistleblower......

This tax whistleblower went straight to Congress ― specifically to the House Ways and Means Committee, which had sued the Trump administration for refusing to provide copies of the president’s tax returns in response to a formal request. Democrats say they need Trump’s returns to make sure the IRS properly enforces tax laws against the president.

But Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) is far less outspoken than Schiff, and his approach to the tax case has been cautious. He decided to stay focused on the lawsuit, using the whistleblower’s material to bolster that case.

In a brief last month, the committee told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that a “federal employee” had approached them with “evidence of possible misconduct” and “inappropriate efforts” to influence an IRS audit of the president. The document provided no further detail about the whistleblower, but in a footnote, Democrats offered to tell U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden all about it in private.

Donald Trump Actually Has 2 Whistleblowers To Worry About | HuffPost
When will his torment end ?
When Trump is frog walked out of the WH or at the very least loses an election by 100's of million votes
They think they “got him” but I know what Rachel wants. The First Lady.

Trump got himself. He made that phone call, he threatened the Ukraine, he tried to cover it up, and then he confessed to the extortion on national TV, and then lied about the Bidens - again.

Once you confess to doing something on national television, it's pretty hard to pretend you didn't do that.
. . . the day will come when all of these abhorrent, vindictive, partisan tools are used to harass a president, are turned around and used on a Democratic, left wing President.

When that day comes, how the left will howl.
You are already witnessing karma in action.

Trump wanted our last two presidents forcibly removed from office. He whined on CNN that he wanted his friend Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush and said he would have been very happy if she did.

Then he spent several years perpetrating a hoax that Obama was born in Kenya and thus disqualified to be President.

Now he is reaping some heavy duty karma. Ain't that a BITCH? :21:

Bush declared a pre-emptive war on manufactured evidence and by lying to the American public. He is also guilty of using chemical weapons.

To the Obama claim, there is some legitimate disagreement on the term, "natural born citizen." Should folks that run for president have allegiance to this nation? :45:

What presidents had foreign born parents? - Answers

I really can't tell you about the qualitative differences of all the other scandals in other administrations. Honestly, yeah, I think they all have been war criminals.

These are stupid distractions and the polity, bureaucracy, leaders, media, and public have their priorities ass-backward. When our foreign policy is responsible for more death and destruction than any other nation, and all other presidents have been more guilty than Trump, and all his efforts to end these types of policies are met with resistance by the liberal war hawk and neo-cons in congress, the bureaucracy and establishment?

I know your agenda, and you can just feck off if you really want me to take your absurd posts seriously at this point.

Trump doesn't know what he is doing, but all those other war criminals you defend? GTFO


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