A shameful week for America's liberal elites. The top 10 most ridiculous liberal atta


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 21st century, even to the extent that President Obama himself, probably the most liberal US president of modern times, felt the need to rebuke this undignified and crass display of left-wing finger-pointing in his memorial speech in Tucson on Wednesday night.

And after all the accusations against an array of prominent public figures from Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck, to Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes, it emerged that the deranged shooter, Jared Loughner, was in no way influenced by political rhetoric, and indeed had no interest at all in politics. As Charles Krauthammer noted in The Washington Post, “rarely in American political discourse has there been a charge so reckless, so scurrilous and so unsupported by evidence”.

I have compiled below a list of some of the most egregious examples of Leftist hysteria over the past week. It is by no means an exhaustive list – this list could easily be expanded to 20 or 30 further instances, especially crude statements from liberal politicians. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman was among the very first to link the mass shooting to conservatives, and two of his hugely irresponsible pieces feature in the list below. The list also includes a major article from American Guardian writer Michael Tomasky, as an example of how the Left-wing vitriol of the last week emanated not only from the east and west coasts of the United States, but also in some cases from across the Atlantic.

So here is my top 10 list, which Telegraph readers will no doubt wish to add to in their comments.

Read the list here:

A shameful week for America's liberal elites. The top 10 most ridiculous left-wing attacks on US conservatives following the Arizona shootings – Telegraph Blogs

It pretty much fits the bill.

Can I also add to this list the hypocrisy that cross hairs on counties caused this, but somehow gun sights are okay?????
This has been a hugely shameful week for sections of the American Left, who have exploited a horrific tragedy that claimed six lives, in order to advance political attacks upon some leading conservative politicians and media commentators, as well as an entire political movement in the form of the Tea Party. The vitriolic and hate-filled attacks have marked a low point for liberal media elites in America in the 21st century, even to the extent that President Obama himself, probably the most liberal US president of modern times, felt the need to rebuke this undignified and crass display of left-wing finger-pointing in his memorial speech in Tucson on Wednesday night.

And after all the accusations against an array of prominent public figures from Sarah Palin, Bill O’Reilly and Glenn Beck, to Rush Limbaugh and Roger Ailes, it emerged that the deranged shooter, Jared Loughner, was in no way influenced by political rhetoric, and indeed had no interest at all in politics. As Charles Krauthammer noted in The Washington Post, “rarely in American political discourse has there been a charge so reckless, so scurrilous and so unsupported by evidence”.

I have compiled below a list of some of the most egregious examples of Leftist hysteria over the past week. It is by no means an exhaustive list – this list could easily be expanded to 20 or 30 further instances, especially crude statements from liberal politicians. New York Times columnist Paul Krugman was among the very first to link the mass shooting to conservatives, and two of his hugely irresponsible pieces feature in the list below. The list also includes a major article from American Guardian writer Michael Tomasky, as an example of how the Left-wing vitriol of the last week emanated not only from the east and west coasts of the United States, but also in some cases from across the Atlantic.

So here is my top 10 list, which Telegraph readers will no doubt wish to add to in their comments.

Read the list here:

A shameful week for America's liberal elites. The top 10 most ridiculous left-wing attacks on US conservatives following the Arizona shootings – Telegraph Blogs

It pretty much fits the bill.

Can I also add to this list the hypocrisy that cross hairs on counties caused this, but somehow gun sights are okay?????

Probably? :rolleyes:
Interesting point.... the Telegraph employs quite strict journalistic standards on its bloggers. Nice list. I laughed at the shit from Jane Fonda. I had not heard that shit before. She's an ass.
oh good a blog

You just can't call a spade a spade can you? The OP clearly shows that the Left blogosphere is as wrong as wrong can be and you refuse to debate honestly.

There is not ONE shred of fact that corroborates any of the Left's whining about Palin/Rush/Beck et.al as to any of the causes of the shootings.

I'm waiting for the Right to start hammering on Loughner's drug use and how marijuana needs to be banned, seriously banned, with mandatory drug tests. Forget about legalizing marijuana.

Smoking marijuana ups risk of schizophrenia: study | Reuters

We need to be sure that druggies get treatment, and don't get guns or ammo. Those are the facts. Its not rhetoric...its drug abuse.
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possibly be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims
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I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

No kidding..:clap2:
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

So you admit that to you it isn't about a shooting with dead and wounded victims.
LOL, see how the left now want to sweep under the Rug all the shit they and the Lamestream media stirred up by ACCUSING the Republicans, Palins map, the Tea party, violent speech for having a hand in this shooting.

but they sure DID agree with them ALL WEEK. we have the threads here to PROVE IT.
It looks like its about to be at least a full week with wails from The Right claiming victimhood.

I wonder if the powers that be will consider these romp material.
I just love how the horrific Tucson shootings have now become about how rightwingers were called names.

Talk about shameless victimization from the right? Can you guys possiblu be bigger drama queens?

Its not about Giffords, its not about a dead 9 year old and five other victims

Its all about poor Sarah Palin and her right wing counterparts being the victims

Actually, it's about the media publishing accusations with no basis in fact. But don't let the facts get in the way of more total fucking bullshit.

What a bunch of drama queens...

People are lying dead in the streets of Tucson and the right wing thinks the tragedy is that they were called names
LOL, see how the left now want to sweep under the Rug all the shit they and the Lamestream media stirred up by ACCUSING the Republicans, Palins map, the Tea party, violent speech for having a hand in this shooting.

but they sure DID agree with them ALL WEEK. we have the threads here to PROVE IT.

Its been a week and the Conservatives are still whining like little children. What a bunch of pussies.

Listen to Rush, Hannity and Beck and the Tragedy in Tucson was that they were blamed.....

Breaks my heart
Oh it's not whining dear, it's NOT going to sit here and turn the other cheek this time while you all LIBEL and SLANDER OTHERS.

You will be HELD RESPONSIBLE. We will make sure of that.
Can I also add to this list the hypocrisy that cross hairs on counties caused this, but somehow gun sights are okay?????

"If Sarah Palin, whose website put and today scrubbed bullseye targets on 20 Representatives including Gabby Giffords, does not repudiate her own part in amplifying violence and violent imagery in politics,..."

Apparently Sarah thought in her own mind she was guilty of amplifying violence & violent imagery in politics. Surely someone who should know her 1st Amendment rights by now wouldn't remove anything from her website if she thought it was appropriate. I guess she always runs when under the slightest pressure. Tsk!:lol:
Oh it's not whining dear, it's NOT going to sit here and turn the other cheek this time while you all LIBEL and SLANDER OTHERS.

You will be HELD RESPONSIBLE. We will make sure of that.

Classic SOB Story

Citizens are dead in the street and all the Conservatives care about is whining about how they are the REAL Victims here

Breaks my heart Steph.........breaks my heart
Interesting point.... the Telegraph employs quite strict journalistic standards on its bloggers. Nice list. I laughed at the shit from Jane Fonda. I had not heard that shit before. She's an ass.

SNIFF Tuna fish...................... What proof do you have that the "Telegraph employs quite strict journalistic standards on its bloggers?"
Interesting point.... the Telegraph employs quite strict journalistic standards on its bloggers. Nice list. I laughed at the shit from Jane Fonda. I had not heard that shit before. She's an ass.

SNIFF Tuna fish...................... What proof do you have that the "Telegraph employs quite strict journalistic standards on its bloggers?"

Go and find out for yourself. Idiot. I'm not here to teach an idiot... I don't speak your language.
Oh it's not whining dear, it's NOT going to sit here and turn the other cheek this time while you all LIBEL and SLANDER OTHERS.

You will be HELD RESPONSIBLE. We will make sure of that.

Classic SOB Story

Citizens are dead in the street and all the Conservatives care about is whining about how they are the REAL Victims here

Breaks my heart Steph.........breaks my heart

I don't care what it does to your heart. And you all should of "thought" of the victims before you started using them for A POLITICAL hatchet job on others.

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