A Shrine for Hanoi Jane

In spite of all the rightwing hatred directed at Jane Fonda, she is not responsible for a single American death

Her activism helped end a senseless war that was killing hundreds of boys a month
I was watching a netflix movie under foreign films...French. Soon as it started, I saw that bitch as one of the main characters. Her french sucks and so does she. I turned it off and dumped the movie from my list. I also gave a review and said "I refuse to watch Hanoi Jane, so I gave it a one star..meaning HATED IT".
40 years ago, Jane Fonda was right about Vietnam

Still is
We can debate all day about Fonda, some vets respect her, some hate her guts.
My brother was a Vietnam vet, and he despised her actions and to this day would piss on her grave if the chance ever arises.

What she did was traitorous, regardless whether people believe her actions led to the war ending sooner or not is really irrelevant.
You can disagree with a war all you want. There are ways to protest that don't involve treason. To betray our servicemen who were in combat or held prisoners and to side with the communists against our country in a time of war is traitorous. All the while living the life of a spoiled brat Hollywood rich kid with no experience with reality. She wouldn't last on week in a POW camp or a year under a communist regime. A regime she wished for all of her countrymen.

Poster child for the limousine liberal.
Vietnam, like the war in Iraq, were contrived misadventures orchestrated by corrupt politicians for the enrichment of corporations and supported by gullible American citizens. ...... :cool:
Jane Fonda and the rest of the protestors saved thousands of lives by getting us to ask a simple question.....

What are we fighting for?

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