A Simple Question to American Indians.

Do you condemn Geronimo and Sitting Bull?

  • Yes - Genocide is a little like drowning..the more you resist the more it hurts.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - Sucka..if you gotta go..take a few with you!

    Votes: 3 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Why should they?

For what?

Since they were leaders of pastoral societies, they fought the wars according to the standards of their forefathers and to the best of their ability, and when it became obvious that keeping going would result in annihilation, the made the best deals they could.

YOu are trying to satirize another thread, and doing it badly. The mid east and europe have agreed that even in times of war, certain behaviors are out of bounds. They critiisize Israel and the west for breaking these rules, and yet break them themselves.

If you acknowledge there are rules, you must conform. If you don't feel the rules apply to you, then they don't apply to the other side. Hezbo allah and the other groups like it insist the rules don't apply to them, but they apply to others.

If Islam acknowledges that there are rules to warfare, then the terrorist groups on the mid east should be condemned if they break them.
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Cherokee People. Cherokee Tribe. So proud to live. So proud to die![ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ6RjP7MlXk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ6RjP7MlXk[/ame]
Glorified Mexicans

I realize, with an IQ of 80 or less, nonsense like this comes rolling out of your ignorant mouth, but please spare us your obtuse negativity. It's really too bad threats aren't allowed or you would have just received one. Have a great day and try not to skin your knuckles when they bounce along the ground.
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A simple question to Europeans

Do you condemn Julius Ceasar or Napoleon?
A simple question to Europeans

Do you condemn Julius Ceasar or Napoleon?

Ceasar yes, Napoleon no.

Julie destroyed the republic. But on balance Boney left the world a better place than he found it.

And the tide of ideas he left behind permanently washed away the foundations of the old order. In some ways, the new order was worse, but getting rid of the concept of devine right of kings and impoverishing the church made europe a better place.

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