A Simple Way To Add 40 million New Jobs And Huge Upward Pressure On Wages Tomorrow:

All that can be done tomorrow?

Gawd. What should be done tomorrow is ban the senior discount for alcoholic beverages at the early bird suppers.
Yea right lol Republicans have loved amnesty for decades

dear stupid. As I said what support there is is in the Republican Party and Trump may be about to turn it into a Republican flood. Get with it!!
That's why the establishment hates him lol
Who cares if some Republicans hate Trump, If he wins he's the Republican Party. Also, many probably secretly love him but know better than to say it given their liberal constituencies.

Do you understand??
I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to wake up in a world where 30 million illegals voted in the last election and Adolf Hitler was a Leftie who would think Black Lives Matter.

This is the actual brain activity going on in the minds of these profoundly retarded rubes these days who call themselves conservatives. This is the "reality" they actually live in.

I would like to be able to ROFLMAO at that, but it is way too serious a matter to laugh off.
EdwardBaiamonte Keep insulting everyone the way you are, "dear", and I'm booting you out of your own thread. You want to have a flame fest then take it to the flame zone. Do you have the IQ to understand???
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1) ship 10-30 million liberal illegals home,

2) eliminate most liberal corporate tax in the world, as well as liberal unions and deficits

3) end liberal war on family and schools that renders many Americans unfit for work!

Case closed because it makes so much sense and because liberals are far too stupid to confute it!!

Question... what kind of jobs do you think these 10 -30 million have?
I thought this was an Impeach Obama thread.
If we had impeached Obama in February 2009 like we were supposed to, we would have created 493 million new jobs in the next two months, easily. Now it's too late. At best, an Obama impeachment at this stage would only create 38 jobs. In South Carolina.

Not only that, if we had impeached him in February 2009, the 2008 crash would never have happened, Al Qaeda would have surrendered in 2006, and all the homos would have moved to Africa and died from Ebola.

What are you...stupid?

It's a joke, idiot.

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