A Simple Way To Add 40 million New Jobs And Huge Upward Pressure On Wages Tomorrow:

1) ship 10-30 million liberal illegals home,

2) eliminate most liberal corporate tax in the world, as well as liberal unions and deficits

3) end liberal war on family and schools that renders many Americans unfit for work!

Case closed because and liberals are far too stupid to confute it!!
Democrats love the slave labor wage rates, they won't do it.
Democrats love the slave labor wage rates, they won't do it.

Amazing, right??? Stupid liberals talk about the impossibility of competiting against the slave labor wages in China but then invite 20 million illegals here to drive down our wages to slave labor levels.
1) ship 10-30 million liberal illegals home,
How does one discern a liberal illegal from a conservative illegal? Their hats? Their pigmentation? What?

by the way they vote, dummy!
I see. So you assume 10 to 30 million illegals are liberal, and that they somehow all vote. Vote illegally. And you find out how they voted...how, exactly?

Bear in mind that only 65 million people voted for Obama. So half of those were from illegals and no one caught on?

My God, the stupid goes deep in this one.
Our host won't boot illegals if they vote the right way. I can't believe I am not incapacitated with laughter by the multiple levels of hilarity in this concept.
Our host won't boot illegals if they vote the right way.

Republicans would be much less inclined to boot them if the voted Republican just like Democrats are much more inclined to keep them for their votes and regardless of their taking 10-30 American jobs and driving wages down .

Do you understand now??
I thought this was an Impeach Obama thread.
If we had impeached Obama in February 2009 like we were supposed to, we would have created 493 million new jobs in the next two months, easily. Now it's too late. At best, an Obama impeachment at this stage would only create 38 jobs. In South Carolina.

Not only that, if we had impeached him in February 2009, the 2008 crash would never have happened, Al Qaeda would have surrendered in 2006, and all the homos would have moved to Africa and died from Ebola.

What are you...stupid?
Current republicans don't want immigration fixed. That's why thy all cave. The chamber of commerce has em wrapped up. Goddamn corporatists

dear stupid, the support for reform is in the Republican Party so you need to nurture it into a majority. Do you have the IQ to understand?
And you know how they voted...how, exactly?

survey research tells us how men over 6'7" voted! Do you have the IQ to understand?
Okay, so let's a survey tells you that 4 out of 5 illegals voted for Obama, eh? And then you would magically know which 4 out of which 5 are liberal from a survey, right?

And you haven't even explained how 30 million liberal illegals managed to vote in 2012 without a single one getting caught.

I'm not kidding. I have to stay away from all beverages and food while I am posting back and forth with you so as to avoid choking to death.
Okay, so let's a survey tells you that 4 out of 5 illegals voted for Obama, eh? And then you would magically know which 4 out of which 5 are liberal from a survey, right?

dear stupid, they get surveyed about all the folks they voted for and the liberal pattern is very very clear. Now do you understand??
And you haven't even explained how 30 million liberal illegals managed to vote in 2012 without a single one getting caught.

dear stupid, there is always a steady stream becoming legal and their voting pattern is clear. Now do you understand??

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