A so called "transgender" MMA fighter chokes out female competitor in debut match

I'll probably stick around and laugh at the homophobes and transphobes but other than that I don't really care.

Yes, you are in favor of sports being for men. How misogynist of you.

Afghanistan sounds like your kind of place
A man beat the shit out of a woman while you cheered. That bothers a lot of people.

Did I cheer? No, MMA isn't really a sport that I care for. Did I actually at least watch the highlights of the event before commenting? Yes. The cis woman did just fine, they shook hands afterward.

You said you watched a man beat up a woman and didn't care. Who do you think you're fooling exactly?
How does everyone like their Red Herring cooked?

Because there is a physiological advantage here. We are not talking about a male that decided to transition prior to puberty, took hormone blockers and didn't experience male puberty. We are talking about a male, that went through full blown male puberty, went into the military, who basically pays you to get into shape, receive combat training and come out of the military a physically developed, physically fit male that then decides he wants to be woman and then fight women.

A recent study shows that even a year after hormone therapy, there is still a physical advantage.

Read it below

And it doesn't take one to do a blood test to tell you that this fighter has a physical advantage. Granted, that doesn't mean he/she can fight. But considering that he/she's been training, ex-military, and still has the physical mass of a man, one could clearly see the advantage here.

Regardless of the sport (which you try to deflect or ignore the point as to why women are fighting), more and more trans men are entering cis-female sports and dominating them. You don't see the social hypocrisy here?

I think most everyone wants equality. But there is a line here that is beginning to be crossed and no one knows how to handle the issue or will address it. Those that do are labeled homophobes or anti-trans. And that's not the case.
Here is how you handle the issue. It's simple. If you are a biological male you have to fight biological males and compete with biological males.

The only other fair thing to do is create Trans Sports Freak Leagues where only Trans Freaks can get Freaky with other Trans Freaks.
Did I cheer? No, MMA isn't really a sport that I care for. Did I actually at least watch the highlights of the event before commenting? Yes. The cis woman did just fine, they shook hands afterward.
You mean Sissy Man. Because this piece of shit biological male would get his ass kicked by me, and even worse by a male MMA FIGHTER.

The Left's war on women continues unabatted.

Transgender MMA fighter chokes out female competitor in debut match​

Matthew Miller
Sun, September 12, 2021, 6:55 PM

Transgender mixed martial arts fighter Alana McLaughlin, a biological male, defeated her opponent via rear-naked choke in a Friday debut fight.

McLaughlin, 38, began transitioning in 2010 after leaving the U.S. Army Special Forces, Outsports.com reported. The transgender fighter beat Celine Provost, a biological female, 3 minutes and 32 seconds into the second round. McLaughlin began training in the sport a year ago and was cleared to compete against women by the Florida State Boxing Commission after a hormone level test.

Someone tell this yahoo writer that HE isn't woke enough. Biological female? Oooooops, the left don't believe in that. When that dude claimed he is a woman, well he is officially a she.

According to the left.

I mean it is all ridiculous and there is no such thing as transgender and no, this man will never be a menstruating person. Nope.

No ovaries, nothing. Nothing. Will never be a woman.

I used to laugh about all of this, but I no longer laugh about it.
Provost agreed to the fight, so...?

This isn't like a track meet or similar situation where the other competitors can't control whom they compete against.
That doesn't sound like anything I've said, looks more like another delusional kazzing.

So never said what you said. You meant you didn't mean what you mean you meant you didn't say you meant
What they really need to call these Shemale vs Female MMA matches is Rape. The only thing different between this and rape is the fool had a cutadickoffofme surgery and cannot physically penetrate the female after he has beating the shit out of her.

It's rape is what it is.
You don't know what a cis woman is?
The Shemale is a homosexual who refuses to admit there is a God and that they will burn in Hell for their sins. The transman is a homosexual who is not only gay, they are too cowardly to admit they like being tea-bagged by other men.

Screw you and your cis terminology. There are only two sexes, male and female and there does not need to be a cis or a trans nor any other term mentally insane bathroom confused people need to place in front of it to make themselves feel at peace with their dysfunctions.

F Lefty and their PC dictionary, and straight from Hell made up terms.
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Bottom line: Provost agreed to the fight of her own free will.

End of story.

She had to in order to continue her pro career. When some guy kills one of these women (and it will happen) what are you going to say then? She asked for it?

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