A sobering reminder to the GOP regarding Texas...

One problem this is now 2016 not 2011 if that data was accurate then Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick would not have gotten 44 and 46 percent of the Hispanic vote in the last election.

Actually, NO, only about 1/3 of Hispanics showed up to vote in a midterm election in TX.......National election draw them out a bit more....especially when your party talks about "beautiful" wall building.
Wrong as usual Dan Patrick who won the LT Governor race is a very strong pro border security person and was using language similar to Trumps and won while running against a Hispanic woman and getting 46 percent of the Hispanic vote.
So he lost the Hispanic vote in a mid-term election...

I wonder how long it will be before 46% isn't enough in a presidential election...
Your lack of understanding about basic economics isn't the least bit shocking considering you are a liberal. Just like the Texas issue....why did automobile manufacturing begin to boom overseas? Because it was cheaper. And why was it cheaper? Because liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have made it ungodly costly to build automobiles here in the U.S.

Anything else you'd like me to explain to you?

A recap of what that great economist, Sean Hannity would have stated (without the boring commercials in between)....

No moron, oversea auto manufacturers made the cars better in gasoline efficiency and safety...Actually, left up to your ilk, there would be NO American car manufacturer left. Of course, we could have a right wing sponsored resurgence of the US auto industry if you morons brought back slavery.

I've heard some weak and pitiful excuses before - but that is by far and away the most pathetic. Gas mileage? Gas mileage??? :lmao:

Once again sweetie....it was liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions which made it so outrageously expensive to build automobiles in the U.S. Trust me stupid, Toyota and Honda weren't selling cars cheaper because of gas mileage. They were selling them cheaper because they didn't have the outrageous liberal costs created by idiot liberals that don't understand basic economics.

Would you like to try again sweetie?
We'll allow you to break into this country illegally and then we'll just grant you citizenship as a reward for your criminal activity. We'll give you "free" good. We'll give you "free" housing. We'll give you "free" healthcare. We'll give you "free" cell phones. The only thing that won't be "free" will be the people.

School assignment: Check out how many "illegals" (and NOT all Hispanics are illegal as your imbecility implies) came to this country under GWB versus Obama.........Please have the assignment typed.
Hey dumb-ass....I didn't state anything about the numbers. I stated how the Dumbocrats offer to make them citizens in exchange for their money and power over them. You're reading comprehension is nearly as laughable as your knowledge of basic economics.
you just go into Democrat communities and you say "Detroit" and then you point to the city that was the ultimate liberal utopia and is now a third-world shit-hole that had to file for bankruptcy. A freaking city had to file for bankruptcy and it is indisputably because of liberalism.

Well, you're "right"....the demise of Detroit had NOTHING to do with the car manufacturing going overseas.....it was all the fault of "liberalism"....(How do these right wingers even manage to turn their computers on all by themselves?)
Your lack of understanding about basic economics isn't the least bit shocking considering you are a liberal. Just like the Texas issue....why did automobile manufacturing begin to boom overseas? Because it was cheaper. And why was it cheaper? Because liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have made it ungodly costly to build automobiles here in the U.S.

Anything else you'd like me to explain to you?

The automobile industry bloomed overseas because Europeans were making BETTER CARS, while American carmakets, coddled by Congress had lower safety and emissions standards, and couldn't be sold in foreign countries.

As manufacturing was sent off shore, fewer and fewer working class Americans could afford new cars, and those who could, preferred the better made, more fuel efficient foreign cars to the poorly design North American models. With few foreign markets for their products, they went under.
you just go into Democrat communities and you say "Detroit" and then you point to the city that was the ultimate liberal utopia and is now a third-world shit-hole that had to file for bankruptcy. A freaking city had to file for bankruptcy and it is indisputably because of liberalism.

Well, you're "right"....the demise of Detroit had NOTHING to do with the car manufacturing going overseas.....it was all the fault of "liberalism"....(How do these right wingers even manage to turn their computers on all by themselves?)
Your lack of understanding about basic economics isn't the least bit shocking considering you are a liberal. Just like the Texas issue....why did automobile manufacturing begin to boom overseas? Because it was cheaper. And why was it cheaper? Because liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have made it ungodly costly to build automobiles here in the U.S.

Anything else you'd like me to explain to you?

The automobile industry bloomed overseas because Europeans were making BETTER CARS, while American carmakets, coddled by Congress had lower safety and emissions standards, and couldn't be sold in foreign countries.

As manufacturing was sent off shore, fewer and fewer working class Americans could afford new cars, and those who could, preferred the better made, more fuel efficient foreign cars to the poorly design North American models. With few foreign markets for their products, they went under.
No matter how many times you provide an insane and absurd false narrative - it doesn't make it true. Foreigners were manufacturing exponentially cheaper because they didn't have to deal with the idiot liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions.
Wrong as usual Dan Patrick who won the LT Governor race is a very strong pro border security person and was using language similar to Trumps and won while running against a Hispanic woman and getting 46 percent of the Hispanic vote.

Patrick thumped Van de Putte among Hispanic men, 53-46. These voters clearly didn’t find Patrick’s tough immigration stance offensive. One possible explanation is that some Hispanics saw the name “Van de Putte” and thought it belonged to some Dutch banker. Was Van de Putte’s ethnicity known to enough Hispanics? Would more money and advertising have made a difference?

My biggest Texas election surprise: Patrick thumped Van de Putte among Hispanic men

Foreigners were manufacturing exponentially cheaper because they didn't have to deal with the idiot liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions.

This moron wants to compare the social, government subsidized advantages (like health care and education) of Japanese, German, Italian and Swedish auto manufacturers???? REALLY???
Hey dumb-ass....I didn't state anything about the numbers. I stated how the Dumbocrats offer to make them citizens in exchange for their money and power over them. You're reading comprehension is nearly as laughable as your knowledge of basic economics.

What a moronic reply....So the number of "illegals" under a Rep versus a Dem administration makes NO difference? Really? LOL
Foreigners were manufacturing exponentially cheaper because they didn't have to deal with the idiot liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions.

This moron wants to compare the social, government subsidized advantages (like health care and education) of Japanese, German, Italian and Swedish auto manufacturers???? REALLY???
Yeah....because we don't have education in the U.S. or Medicare, Medicaid, etc. :eusa_doh:
Hey dumb-ass....I didn't state anything about the numbers. I stated how the Dumbocrats offer to make them citizens in exchange for their money and power over them. You're reading comprehension is nearly as laughable as your knowledge of basic economics.

What a moronic reply....So the number of "illegals" under a Rep versus a Dem administration makes NO difference? Really? LOL
Especially when that's not what was being discussed. :lmao:

Like I said - you're reading comprehension is nearly as atrocious as your ignorance of basic economics.

Incidentally, if libtards weren't trying to purchase power through trading votes for citizenship, the total number of illegal aliens wouldn't be nearly as big of a problem. They would stop coming here by the millions if they weren't lead to believe that free citizenship was coming.
Yeah....because we don't have education in the U.S. or Medicare, Medicaid, etc.

First, education in the US is more expensive than in any other decent country on earth....and, YES, auto manufacturers in US cities could lower their car costs if they hired more older, retired people (Medicare) and/or lots of handicapped (Medicaid) workers. (look how fast they could be on an assembly line with their wheelchairs.)
Incidentally, if libtards weren't trying to purchase power through trading votes for citizenship, the total number of illegal aliens wouldn't be nearly as big of a problem. They would stop coming here by the millions if they weren't lead to believe that free citizenship was coming.

True, my gardener wanted for me to translate the Constitution from English to Spanish instead of getting paid for mowing the lawn.
A sobering reminder of the immaturity, very limited intellect, and disgusting antics of liberals. There is nothing less civilized than a liberal. From rioting like animals, to murdering law enforcement officers, to this idiotic and immature nonsense, liberals a barely operating at the levels of primates in the wild...

Yeah we saw how "blue" Texas was when Abbot sent Abortion Barbie packing

Yeah but she was right and the law was overturned by the Supreme Court. More and more of these pointless and restrictive laws will fall.

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. Other people having abortions is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Yeah, murdering babies is something to just ignore! Stupid libtard bitches.
Yeah, murdering babies is something to just ignore! Stupid libtard bitches.

Terminating a pregnancy is not murdering a baby, so stop it.

It's not YOUR life, or your family, and it's certainly not your uterus. If you don't want an abortion, don't have one.

Anyone else's abortion, is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Wrong as usual Dan Patrick who won the LT Governor race is a very strong pro border security person and was using language similar to Trumps and won while running against a Hispanic woman and getting 46 percent of the Hispanic vote.

Patrick thumped Van de Putte among Hispanic men, 53-46. These voters clearly didn’t find Patrick’s tough immigration stance offensive. One possible explanation is that some Hispanics saw the name “Van de Putte” and thought it belonged to some Dutch banker. Was Van de Putte’s ethnicity known to enough Hispanics? Would more money and advertising have made a difference?

My biggest Texas election surprise: Patrick thumped Van de Putte among Hispanic men
So, Hispanics are racist?
Terminating a pregnancy union is not murdering detrimental to baby labor, so stop it.

It's not YOUR life career, or your family union, and it's certainly not your uterus company. If you don't want a abortion career in the free market, don't have one.

Anyone else's abortion company, is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

It's remarkable how liberals don't apply their same ultra libertarianism to anything else in life except for killing. I took the liberty to edit your post so you don't sound so insane and contradictory.
Terminating a pregnancy high taxes is not murdering a baby detrimental, so stop it.

It's not YOUR life, or your family income, and it's certainly not your uterus money. If you don't want an abortion low taxes, don't have one pay the lower rate.

Anyone else's abortion taxes, is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
It's remarkable how liberals don't apply their same ultra libertarianism to anything else in life except for killing. I took the liberty to edit your post so you don't sound so insane and contradictory.
Terminating a pregnancy U.S. healthcare is not murdering a baby it, so stop it.

It's not YOUR life, or your family insurance policy, and it's certainly not your uterus healthcare. If you don't want a abortion free market policy, don't have one.

Anyone else's abortion healthcare, is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
It's remarkable how liberals don't apply their same ultra libertarianism to anything else in life except for killing. I took the liberty to edit your post so you don't sound so insane and contradictory.

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