A sobering reminder to the GOP regarding Texas...

If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. Other people having abortions is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
That's as ignorant as saying "if your neighbor is murdered - it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS". Murder is everyone's business, stupid.
You are ignorant. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term. If a woman has an abortion, it is none of your business.
If you believe abortion is wrong, don't have one. Other people having abortions is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
That's as ignorant as saying "if your neighbor is murdered - it is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS". Murder is everyone's business, stupid.
You are ignorant. Murder is a legal term. Abortion is a medical term. If a woman has an abortion, it is none of your business.
You wouldn't be saying that if you were aborted....
We have been hearing Texas is going to turn blue for about 30 years now.
And we thought Colorado and Virginia would never go blue....

Everything will go blue if Republicans don't stop being the party of stupid and instead fight to win the demographic war that Democrats have waged since the 60s.
And how does one achieve that? By abandoning all of one's principles and embracing liberalism? :eusa_doh:
In truth Republicans lost the war for political dominance after they rejected McCarthyism.

Now it is about winning the war for the survival of the party and western civilization itself. Republicans need to start up McCarthyism again in the whitest states and obliterate white liberalism where it started(Wisconsin and the like) and then they can worry about attempting to fight the "rising tide of color" that is destroying all their strongholds year after year.
No offense - but that has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. None of this is about color, ethnicity, etc. and it never was.

You know how you win this war? You educate people. In sports, when you're winning and someone keeps talking shit you just say "scoreboard" and you point to the scoreboard. In politics, you just go into Democrat communities and you say "Detroit" and then you point to the city that was the ultimate liberal utopia and is now a third-world shit-hole that had to file for bankruptcy. A freaking city had to file for bankruptcy and it is indisputably because of liberalism.

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves ; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.” - Thomas Jefferson
As long as Democrats control the culture and the schools and the media they have nothing to fear from these temporary trends.

As long as Democrats control the culture(TEA PARTY) and the schools (LIBERTY and TRUMP U.) and the media (FOX News and Hate-Talk Radio) they have nothing to fear from these temporary (temporary, really???) trends. LOL
you just go into Democrat communities and you say "Detroit" and then you point to the city that was the ultimate liberal utopia and is now a third-world shit-hole that had to file for bankruptcy. A freaking city had to file for bankruptcy and it is indisputably because of liberalism.

Well, you're "right"....the demise of Detroit had NOTHING to do with the car manufacturing going overseas.....it was all the fault of "liberalism"....(How do these right wingers even manage to turn their computers on all by themselves?)
They have been increasing the percent of Hispanics that vote republican for years now if you choose to see that as negative then so be it nothing left to say.

The majority support for Democratic candidates continues a pattern among Hispanic voters. In a December 2011 poll, 67% of Hispanics said they were Democrats, and 20% said they were Republicans.
you just go into Democrat communities and you say "Detroit" and then you point to the city that was the ultimate liberal utopia and is now a third-world shit-hole that had to file for bankruptcy. A freaking city had to file for bankruptcy and it is indisputably because of liberalism.

Well, you're "right"....the demise of Detroit had NOTHING to do with the car manufacturing going overseas.....it was all the fault of "liberalism"....(How do these right wingers even manage to turn their computers on all by themselves?)
Your lack of understanding about basic economics isn't the least bit shocking considering you are a liberal. Just like the Texas issue....why did automobile manufacturing begin to boom overseas? Because it was cheaper. And why was it cheaper? Because liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have made it ungodly costly to build automobiles here in the U.S.

Anything else you'd like me to explain to you?
They have been increasing the percent of Hispanics that vote republican for years now if you choose to see that as negative then so be it nothing left to say.

The majority support for Democratic candidates continues a pattern among Hispanic voters. In a December 2011 poll, 67% of Hispanics said they were Democrats, and 20% said they were Republicans.
One problem this is now 2016 not 2011 if that data was accurate then Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick would not have gotten 44 and 46 percent of the Hispanic vote in the last election.
As long as Democrats control the culture and the schools and the media they have nothing to fear from these temporary trends.

As long as Democrats control the culture(TEA PARTY) and the schools (LIBERTY and TRUMP U.) and the media (FOX News and Hate-Talk Radio) they have nothing to fear from these temporary (temporary, really???) trends. LOL
I really hope you aren't stupid enough to believe a word of this...
They have been increasing the percent of Hispanics that vote republican for years now if you choose to see that as negative then so be it nothing left to say.

The majority support for Democratic candidates continues a pattern among Hispanic voters. In a December 2011 poll, 67% of Hispanics said they were Democrats, and 20% said they were Republicans.
Well of course. The Dumbocrats have the easiest message in world history: grant us all of the money and all power over you and we will give you anything you want:

We'll allow you to break into this country illegally and then we'll just grant you citizenship as a reward for your criminal activity. We'll give you "free" good. We'll give you "free" housing. We'll give you "free" healthcare. We'll give you "free" cell phones. The only thing that won't be "free" will be the people.

Yeah....Venezuela tried this about a decade ago. How's that working out for them right now?
As long as Democrats control the culture and the schools and the media they have nothing to fear from these temporary trends.

As long as Democrats control the culture(TEA PARTY) and the schools (LIBERTY and TRUMP U.) and the media (FOX News and Hate-Talk Radio) they have nothing to fear from these temporary (temporary, really???) trends. LOL
I really hope you aren't stupid enough to believe a word of this...
Oh she is. She is the queen of stupid. She doesn't even understand how liberalism collapsed Detroit, Venezuela, the former U.S.S.R., Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam, and on and on and on. You have to explain everything to her and even then she still doesn't understand. She only knows what Hiterly and Obama tell her.
They have been increasing the percent of Hispanics that vote republican for years now if you choose to see that as negative then so be it nothing left to say.

The majority support for Democratic candidates continues a pattern among Hispanic voters. In a December 2011 poll, 67% of Hispanics said they were Democrats, and 20% said they were Republicans.
One problem this is now 2016 not 2011 if that data was accurate then Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick would not have gotten 44 and 46 percent of the Hispanic vote in the last election.
You're not really expecting anything accurate from Nat are you?!?
Your lack of understanding about basic economics isn't the least bit shocking considering you are a liberal. Just like the Texas issue....why did automobile manufacturing begin to boom overseas? Because it was cheaper. And why was it cheaper? Because liberal taxes, liberal regulations, liberal labor laws, and liberal unions have made it ungodly costly to build automobiles here in the U.S.

Anything else you'd like me to explain to you?

A recap of what that great economist, Sean Hannity would have stated (without the boring commercials in between)....

No moron, oversea auto manufacturers made the cars better in gasoline efficiency and safety...Actually, left up to your ilk, there would be NO American car manufacturer left. Of course, we could have a right wing sponsored resurgence of the US auto industry if you morons brought back slavery.
One problem this is now 2016 not 2011 if that data was accurate then Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick would not have gotten 44 and 46 percent of the Hispanic vote in the last election.

Actually, NO, only about 1/3 of Hispanics showed up to vote in a midterm election in TX.......National election draw them out a bit more....especially when your party talks about "beautiful" wall building.
We have been hearing Texas is going to turn blue for about 30 years now.
And we thought Colorado and Virginia would never go blue....

Everything will go blue if Republicans don't stop being the party of stupid and instead fight to win the demographic war that Democrats have waged since the 60s.
And how does one achieve that? By abandoning all of one's principles and embracing liberalism? :eusa_doh:
In truth Republicans lost the war for political dominance after they rejected McCarthyism.

Now it is about winning the war for the survival of the party and western civilization itself. Republicans need to start up McCarthyism again in the whitest states and obliterate white liberalism where it started(Wisconsin and the like) and then they can worry about attempting to fight the "rising tide of color" that is destroying all their strongholds year after year.
No offense - but that has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. None of this is about color, ethnicity, etc. and it never was.

You know how you win this war? You educate people. In sports, when you're winning and someone keeps talking shit you just say "scoreboard" and you point to the scoreboard. In politics, you just go into Democrat communities and you say "Detroit" and then you point to the city that was the ultimate liberal utopia and is now a third-world shit-hole that had to file for bankruptcy. A freaking city had to file for bankruptcy and it is indisputably because of liberalism.

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves ; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.” - Thomas Jefferson
It has always been about "color". What were the first words that Democrats said about the Tea Party? What is the implied statement that automatically accompanies the Democrat claim that "racists" switched parties?

Wake up. Most Democrats don't even give a shit about Lincoln being a Republican, to them he was just a racist white man trying to maintain "white privilege" anyway. You will never win anything trying to teach these bigoted retards actual history, or indeed anything else at all. The way to win is to rally your troops and obliterate them.
We'll allow you to break into this country illegally and then we'll just grant you citizenship as a reward for your criminal activity. We'll give you "free" good. We'll give you "free" housing. We'll give you "free" healthcare. We'll give you "free" cell phones. The only thing that won't be "free" will be the people.

School assignment: Check out how many "illegals" (and NOT all Hispanics are illegal as your imbecility implies) came to this country under GWB versus Obama.........Please have the assignment typed.
They have been increasing the percent of Hispanics that vote republican for years now if you choose to see that as negative then so be it nothing left to say.

The majority support for Democratic candidates continues a pattern among Hispanic voters. In a December 2011 poll, 67% of Hispanics said they were Democrats, and 20% said they were Republicans.
Well of course. The Dumbocrats have the easiest message in world history: grant us all of the money and all power over you and we will give you anything you want:

We'll allow you to break into this country illegally and then we'll just grant you citizenship as a reward for your criminal activity. We'll give you "free" good. We'll give you "free" housing. We'll give you "free" healthcare. We'll give you "free" cell phones. The only thing that won't be "free" will be the people.

Yeah....Venezuela tried this about a decade ago. How's that working out for them right now?
Their message is far more sinister than that.
One problem this is now 2016 not 2011 if that data was accurate then Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick would not have gotten 44 and 46 percent of the Hispanic vote in the last election.

Actually, NO, only about 1/3 of Hispanics showed up to vote in a midterm election in TX.......National election draw them out a bit more....especially when your party talks about "beautiful" wall building.
Wrong as usual Dan Patrick who won the LT Governor race is a very strong pro border security person and was using language similar to Trumps and won while running against a Hispanic woman and getting 46 percent of the Hispanic vote.

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