A step closer to normalizing pedeophelia

Libs are pushing lowering voting ages, so age of consent could be lowered too

Old issue. Was featured in an episode of "The West Wing" (own the dvd set.) :) I could see like 16 maybe since you can begin enlistment in the military via DEP at 16, then ship out at 17. If you can serve your country it stands to reason you should be able to vote for your Commander-in-Chief.

But the slipper slope concern doesn't really exist. AoC for different things is already all over the map with no uniform age to do things.
The deviant AIDS brigade's newest darling group. After a hiatus of 30 years, libfags don't have to hide their support of pedophiles anymore. Deviants.

Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? | Toronto Star

Most paedophiles share a common sexual orientation.


The article says a third are same sex, a third opposite sex and the other third do both. Since fags are such a small percentage of the population they are over reprinted in same sex pedos

yes, they are. and that is the big problem for those who are trying to distance themselves form pedophilia.

Androphilia among pedophiles is really much higher percentage than homosexuality percentage in the general population is. If one takes into consideration that 3-5% of general gay population includes BOTH genders and pedophiles are almost 100% men - than androphilia among pedophiles is even higher overrepresented.

However, there are other factors which are, most probably, the triggers here( in pedophilia cases) - and those should be determined as well.
What the OP is about is that there might be a scientific basis for pedophilia.

And science has never been used by culture to try and justify an abnormal segment's need to accept and justify the abnormal?

I agree - science can be and has been misused.

Like the desperate scientific search for the gay gene?

A genetic basis for homosexuality has not been ruled out - it's a mischaracterization to refer it as a "gay gene" when it's much more likely to be a composite of multiple genes influenced by environmental (including prenatal) factors. Who knows? I do think the consensus is that it is biologically hardwired - whether genetic or not.

Like trying to use science to justify abortions because science doesn't "think" fetuses are humans?

What scientist has EVER claimed that it isn't a human?

Like using bad science to justify the global warming theory?

Sorry dude. That one you lose on. There is now a substantial certainty that global warming exists and is influenced by human activities. The bad science is on the skeptics side.

I have a degree in science and I can tell you that any CLOWN can attempt to bend research to justify an agenda.

I agree - they certainly can.

Do you actually think that science and culture are not integrally connected? I was old enough back in the 60s to remember when Kennedy charged the nation to go to the Moon. If Kennedy thought that our culture at that time would not buy into it, he wouldn't have began the journey. A journey that required all the scientific knowledge available and some that had to invented as we went along.

No, I do agree - there is a connection. Culture can stifle or energize science.

Novasteve's OP comments are spot on. Utilizing science to justify an abnormal condition is simply a reflection on our culture and just a step closer to normalization of that abnormality.

But that is where I disagree - they (the scientists) aren't "justifying it" - they're explaining it. There is no ethical component. They are looking at research that says this might be hardwired - and it certainly explains some things if it were, for example the extremely high recidivism rate. That isn't "normalizing" it. Understanding the alterations in the brain of schitzophrenics isn't "normalizing" it. Research has shown there are common brain abnormalities in psychopaths - that's not "normalizing" it. Understanding this could lead to better ways of managing it.

Such as the science of the gay gene and justification of infanticide and global warming. If the people that want to push our culture closer to abnormal behavior can possibly get some hack science to back them up, they can push their agenda.

"Dude" this isn't rocket science.

No, it's not :) I think you are confusing "hack science" with science that doesn't agree with your political or ethical principles.
I find it hilarious that the same people posting all this hatred are the same folks who support Phil Robertson, who is an avowed paedophile himself.

link up or maybe i should forward this to phil and he can sue you for defamation
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Meh, just baseless puffery nonsense. A terrible attempt to make the slippery slope fallacy. And it's terrible because pedophilia has lost acceptance in the past 50-60 years, penalties have been very punitive, the statute of limitations hs been greatly extended, several states were considering making it a capitol offense.
Meh, just baseless puffery nonsense. A terrible attempt to make the slippery slope fallacy. And it's terrible because pedophilia has lost acceptance in the past 50-60 years, penalties have been very punitive, the statute of limitations hs been greatly extended, several states were considering making it a capitol offense.

It has been in the past, and gay humans are no more, nor less likely to be pedophiles.

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Meh, just baseless puffery nonsense. A terrible attempt to make the slippery slope fallacy. And it's terrible because pedophilia has lost acceptance in the past 50-60 years, penalties have been very punitive, the statute of limitations hs been greatly extended, several states were considering making it a capitol offense.

It has been in the past, and gay humans are no more, nor less likely to be pedophiles.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

That is a fantastic source and it contains real study, and pretty much debunks studiesthat say otherwise.

Some folks think that if a child molester picks victims of the same sex. that makes them homosexual. This is an over simplification that they use dishonestly.
Meh, just baseless puffery nonsense. A terrible attempt to make the slippery slope fallacy. And it's terrible because pedophilia has lost acceptance in the past 50-60 years, penalties have been very punitive, the statute of limitations hs been greatly extended, several states were considering making it a capitol offense.

It has been in the past, and gay humans are no more, nor less likely to be pedophiles.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

That is a fantastic source and it contains real study, and pretty much debunks studiesthat say otherwise.

Some folks think that if a child molester picks victims of the same sex. that makes them homosexual. This is an over simplification that they use dishonestly.

A "child molester" is defined by the age of consent; pedophilia is the desire to have sex with children who have not reached puberty, totally different desire. A 24 year old who has sex with a 16 year old in my state is a child molester, committing a 2nd degree felony. 15 years, max.
The deviant AIDS brigade's newest darling group. After a hiatus of 30 years, libfags don't have to hide their support of pedophiles anymore. Deviants.

Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? | Toronto Star

Another poster unable to differentiate between consent between adults and lack of consent due to age.

Yes, any sexual contact between a 15 year old and an 18 year old can get you five years in my state.

i don't believe that is pedophilia. that is statutory rape. i understand pedophilia to be the act or desire to act with someone under the age of...have to look it up...11 (thought it was 10).

in most societies, current and historical, sex with children under 11 was/is very taboo. in the past boys usually became men at around 13 and women about the same depending on their first "moon".

as to pedophilia being an orientation, that is absurd. why don't we call murder an orientation? is that a slippery slope argument? nope. both acts are repulsive to the vast majority of society.
It's really not the ass pumpers that are pushing this, but their controllers. This is well known fact for 30 years or more.
Another poster unable to differentiate between consent between adults and lack of consent due to age.

Yes, any sexual contact between a 15 year old and an 18 year old can get you five years in my state.

i don't believe that is pedophilia. that is statutory rape. i understand pedophilia to be the act or desire to act with someone under the age of...have to look it up...11 (thought it was 10).

in most societies, current and historical, sex with children under 11 was/is very taboo. in the past boys usually became men at around 13 and women about the same depending on their first "moon".

as to pedophilia being an orientation, that is absurd. why don't we call murder an orientation? is that a slippery slope argument? nope. both acts are repulsive to the vast majority of society.

Yes, pedophilia is the desire to have sexual contact with children who have not reached puberty.
Meh, just baseless puffery nonsense. A terrible attempt to make the slippery slope fallacy. And it's terrible because pedophilia has lost acceptance in the past 50-60 years, penalties have been very punitive, the statute of limitations hs been greatly extended, several states were considering making it a capitol offense.

It has been in the past, and gay humans are no more, nor less likely to be pedophiles.

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

That is a fantastic source and it contains real study, and pretty much debunks studiesthat say otherwise.

Some folks think that if a child molester picks victims of the same sex. that makes them homosexual. This is an over simplification that they use dishonestly.

Thank you, it is a good study; I also saw FBI stats about ten years ago, no statistical difference. A higher than expected percentage of pedophiles are developmentally disabled.

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