A step closer to normalizing pedeophelia

Lgbts in the USA supported pedophiles until 1979. After that a few like Harry hay and Ginsberg supported them
If it's a sexual orientation then how could therapy work? If that works then so must conversion therapy
I'm saying read the OP dude :)

I did. Take this quote from the article.
“Pedophiles will remain hidden if they continue to be hated and feared, which would impede efforts to better understand this sexual orientation and thereby prevent child sexual exploitation,” he wrote.

My point is that in this culture (so far) pedophilia is a crime. So, the article wants us to understand the pedo? Ok, I gave YOU an example of a culture that UNDERSTANDS it. In fact, they ACCEPT it. Even encourage it.

Want to understand pedophilia, go to Afghanistan "dude" and you'll see plenty.

I interjected islamic culture and religion to the topic because clearly it belongs as part of the topic. If you want to understand pedophilia, go to a culture where they DO IT.

And as only a slight aside, you'll see that liberals want the islams to be able to practice their religion freely in Europe and even in the USA under their own form of law called sharia law.

Pedophilia is no longer a crime or something that just doesn't click right in the pedo's brain when it's considered the norm. It's ALL good then.
I find it hilarious that the same people posting all this hatred are the same folks who support Phil Robertson, who is an avowed paedophile himself.
I'm saying read the OP dude :)

I did. Take this quote from the article.
“Pedophiles will remain hidden if they continue to be hated and feared, which would impede efforts to better understand this sexual orientation and thereby prevent child sexual exploitation,” he wrote.

My point is that in this culture (so far) pedophilia is a crime. So, the article wants us to understand the pedo? Ok, I gave YOU an example of a culture that UNDERSTANDS it. In fact, they ACCEPT it. Even encourage it.

Want to understand pedophilia, go to Afghanistan "dude" and you'll see plenty.

I interjected islamic culture and religion to the topic because clearly it belongs as part of the topic. If you want to understand pedophilia, go to a culture where they DO IT.

And as only a slight aside, you'll see that liberals want the islams to be able to practice their religion freely in Europe and even in the USA under their own form of law called sharia law.

Pedophilia is no longer a crime or something that just doesn't click right in the pedo's brain when it's considered the norm. It's ALL good then.

Islam, taken as a whole does not support pedophilia - it's very much a cultural thing, and in the countries where it is prevalent and, yes, they do use religion to justify it - it is also practiced by adherents of other religions.

That said - it's really 'nother issue and a derailment. Liberals don't support pedophilia and I have heard zero evidence that Muslims in the US support it either. What the OP is about is that there might be a scientific basis for pedophilia. If you want to discuss your ignorant assumptions about sharia and Islam, there's a billion threads out there for you to participate in...or, you can continue spouting it here.

But the science is far more interesting then your bigotry :)
It's possible pedophilia could be considered a "sexual orientation" based on science (which attaches no moral values to findings) - but it will never be normalized because the other half of the "orientation" is a child.

Children can not give consent and it's clearly documented that children suffer extreme damage from such "relationships".

That is not the case in homosexual relationships, where both partners are consenting adults.

Your "step closer to normalizing" pedophilia is in reality a stumble.

Your arguments, that seem to make sense, can be argued against. Children cannot give consent simply because of an arbitrary law fixing the age at which consent can be given. Change the law, change the age and five year olds can give consent.

Except that our society - including liberals, do not and are unlikely to support that. I think there is more to consider here as well. In times past - children were not considered in need of protection and "childhood" did not really exist as seperate from adulthood - as soon as children could they were put to work. Age of consent was highly variable and included what we consider children. Children were not much more than property in regards to any rights. That was then.

Take it to today. We have a much broader understanding of human devleopment, brain development, psychology, etc. and there is a considerable body of evidence supporting the damage that pedophilia does to children. Do you really think that policy makers and the public will overturn all that to benefit a tiny group of people? I seriously doubt that.

Next is an argument that liberals have been making to eliminate the differences between boys and girls. It's nature v. nurture. If a child had parental sexual stimulation from birth, they would not find anything at all wrong with sex with an adult.

I am a liberal and I have never ever heard that.

It would be normal. It would be pleasurable. Pedophiles will tell you that it is nothing they are doing to children that causes emotional trauma. It's an outdated and archaic practice of making children believe that sex with adults is bad or to be avoided. That's what causes the emotional damage.

Most of the arguments to legalize and normalize pedophilia have already been made, they just need to be promoted.

It's not just emotional damage but physical damage. I can see the argument you are making - but I can't see enough support ever for it because children legally are in a different class than adults.

The tricky thing is that the OP, which is quite interesting, isn't "normalizing" pedophilia at all. In fact, it doesn't call it a "sexual orientation" - it says it's biologically hardwired LIKE a sexual orientation and it points out a number of physical characteristics they seem to share in common as well.

What it is saying is that these people can't help what they ARE - though they can refrain from acting on it. That's not normalizing - it's applying a biological basis for what they are.

Pedophilia is going along the very same path that homosexuality went along. There was a time when no one could imagine that two men would someday be able to marry. It would have been unthinkable.

Normalize pedophilia
Conference aims to normalize pedophilia | The Daily Caller

If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their way at a conference this week, pedophiles themselves could play a role in removing pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of mental illnesses — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), set to undergo a significant revision by 2013. Critics warn that their success could lead to the decriminalization of pedophilia.

Normalizing Pedophilia 2 | National Review Online

The Atlantic–mainstream media!–has two articles that push us in that direction. First, “I Pedophile,” by David Goldberg–a Canadian journalist convicted for viewing child pornography–argues that his obsession with children is a “sexual orientation:”

The main query that I am convinced will always be without an answer is why I am a pedophile. It is the equivalent of trying to determine why someone is heterosexual or gay. We don’t choose our sexual orientations

Are Mental Health Professionals Working to Normalize Pedophilia?

The conference was sponsored by B4U-ACT, which the Daily Caller described as “a group of pro-pedophile mental health professionals and sympathetic activists.” According to information provided on the group’s website, the focus of the conference was to bring together researchers and mental health professionals — as well as “minor-attracted persons” — in order to discuss, among other issues, ways in which pedophiles “can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process.”

The Daily Caller noted that B4U-ACT has been actively attacking “the APA’s definition of pedophilia in the run-up to the conference, denouncing its description of ‘minor-attracted persons’ as ‘inaccurate’ and ‘misleading’ because the current DSM links pedophilia with criminality” — a “stigma” B4U-ACT members would apparently like to see changed.

Here Come The Attempts To ?Normalize? Pedophilia | The Real Revo

Third, from the Washington Free Beacon comes this: “Anti-Fracking Activist Advocated Bizarre Child Sexuality Theories”

Are there cultures that mothers or fathers pleasure their children and teenagers sexually or genitally and also possibly initiate them into sexual expression at some point?” Scroggins asked in one message.

“I have had intuitive thoughts that such would be a healthy way for parents to interact with their children and introduce their children to sensual/sexual pleasure and bonding and loving practices,” Scroggins said.

“Who better to do it, than the parents first?” she added.”

Is there a movement to ?normalize pedophilia?? | Opinion - Conservative

So much for the left’s “consenting adults” rhetoric on sex. Forever the consummate conservationists, our self-described “progressive” friends at the ACLU, MSNBC and elsewhere have been ramping-up efforts to downsize from “consenting adults” to merely “consenting” – a far less cumbersome qualifier

Tolerating “intergenerational romance” for “minor-attracted” adults is all the rage these days.

Normalizing pedophilia is already well under way.
The deviant AIDS brigade's newest darling group. After a hiatus of 30 years, libfags don't have to hide their support of pedophiles anymore. Deviants.

Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? | Toronto Star

Most paedophiles share a common sexual orientation.


The article says a third are same sex, a third opposite sex and the other third do both. Since fags are such a small percentage of the population they are over reprinted in same sex pedos
Homosexuality itself is a paraphilia like many others.

It was formally classified as such by psychiatrists in the DSM (diagnosis manual) until political pressure from gay advocacy groups in the late 1960s
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What the OP is about is that there might be a scientific basis for pedophilia.

And science has never been used by culture to try and justify an abnormal segment's need to accept and justify the abnormal?

Like the desperate scientific search for the gay gene?

Like trying to use science to justify abortions because science doesn't "think" fetuses are humans?

Like using bad science to justify the global warming theory?

I have a degree in science and I can tell you that any CLOWN can attempt to bend research to justify an agenda.

Do you actually think that science and culture are not integrally connected? I was old enough back in the 60s to remember when Kennedy charged the nation to go to the Moon. If Kennedy thought that our culture at that time would not buy into it, he wouldn't have began the journey. A journey that required all the scientific knowledge available and some that had to invented as we went along.

Novasteve's OP comments are spot on. Utilizing science to justify an abnormal condition is simply a reflection on our culture and just a step closer to normalization of that abnormality.

Such as the science of the gay gene and justification of infanticide and global warming. If the people that want to push our culture closer to abnormal behavior can possibly get some hack science to back them up, they can push their agenda.

"Dude" this isn't rocket science.
The deviant AIDS brigade's newest darling group. After a hiatus of 30 years, libfags don't have to hide their support of pedophiles anymore. Deviants.

Is pedophilia a sexual orientation? | Toronto Star

DSM-V supposedly calls it an orientation now. When that broke I was still on another site but it was debated to death. To sum up, what is or isn't in the DSM-V is the result of popular voting. Hence longtime disorders like homosexuality can suddenly not be disorders any longer, and guess now pedophilia too has gone that route.

I actually take a different tack and dont' believe in sexual orientations of any sort at all. I think we all just love one another and when we get to have sex with someone agreeable, if they're opposite sex to us we start calling ourselves heterosexual, or is the same sex, homosexual. But since the choice is always a choice, and the term referring to our orientation is never binding as people sometimes experiment, or 'make due' (as with prisoners,) the term itself is meaningless.

I don't understand pedophiles proper (those sexually attracted to prepubescent children.) Even in ancient and classicial circles pedophilia was just as rare as it is today. Post-pubescent sure, once someone's body starts showing secondary sexual characteristics, that at least makes some sense. But before that? I don't get the attraction. But, as with every other attraction sometimes the x-factor is the only factor. Maybe it being forbidden causes some strange allure, or the perception a young child is somehow safer than an older lover (sex offenders interviewed after arrest often state this belief, that a younger child is 'cleaner' and thus safer for sex but it's statistically wrong since the children in question are often sexual slaves and abused often.) So if the American Psychiatric Association wants to call it an orientation, since I don't believe in orientations anyway, sure why not.

I can imagine the concern some will have, but those concerns are unfounded. Orientation or disorder, the age of consent will ensure such relationships never happen. Currently, if some citizen travels overseas to a coutry with child sexual slavery then can be arrested when they return here already. Even if the age of consent overseas permitted such liasons. It might effect how sex offenders are treated after incarceration, but not in any 'it's okay, it's their sexual orientation' sorta way. Being pedophile isn't illegal now, with it a 'disorder' so this change is symbollic if anything. The charge remains statutory rape. And that's with consent, and older victims. Much more serious child rape statutes exist already for those under 12. And mandatory minimums of 5-30 years exist herein Missouri at least. And max sentences of life without parole exist for the extreme cases of very young children. Orientation wont effect that one bit.
Pedeophelia is legal in Mexico

Pedophilia's legal here in the US too. Pedophilic relationships aren't, but if not having a relationship with a minor the disorder/orientation itself doesn't involve anything criminal. And all but one of the Mexican states have an age of consent of 18, the one that doesn't it's 12. Dunno why the difference but think that state is akin to a 3rd world enviroment.

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