A step closer to warp drive?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"...instead of figuring out how to actually curve space-time, a German researcher named Nikodem Szpak may have found a loophole that lets us study the effects of curved space-time without having to actually curve it."
Scientists can now simulate curved space-time in a lab ExtremeTech

Only way to ever make space exploration possible (as in to other stars) is to give the finger to Einstein's absolute speed limit of light-speed. Through normal space-time this is of course impossible. But 'warping' space-time itself has no speed limit (indeed, the reality of this being possible is illustrated by Inflation theory in the very early universe, where the universe expanding many thousands of time faster than the speed of light by way of warping itself.) So if we can figure out how to do that mechanically, we can start being a space faring civilization.

Sooner than that though will be a wonderful new concept in communications: instant communications. Radio beams travel at light-speed. That's fine for here on Earth, but as we go out into space it'll be impractically slow. Could discover alien soscieties all day long, but if it takes dozens or hundred of years for round-trip communications, so what? If we can use warp-speed communication, that'd be nice.
New discoveries being made daily, a promising design in theory would allow safe space travel at 20%ish the speed of light by warping Spacetime to cause the space craft to in essence FALL towards its destination requiring much less energy than thought possible.
In testing using a Thoron Floride Salt Reactor has achieved producing a gravitational pull between 1 to 1.5 G's
Moving the liquid Floride salts through an iron pipe laced with an Aluminum Spiral the entire length of the pipe, separating the spirals as an electrical insulator would be compacted diamond for its resistance to corrosion.
Once moving the Spacetime continuation differential produces zero point heat that can be used to power the drive thus the liquid Floride salts doubles to harness zero point energy.
Travel too slow and you won't be able to carry enough Thoron fuel to power the drive, travel too fast and the build up of zero point energy heat will melt away it's own components resulting in failure in the depths of Space, that's why with our current technologies and avalible materials a theoretical design allow safe travel at 20%ish the speed of light.
The current design allows between 6 to 11 light years of travel depending upon the quality of materials and maintenance provided.
Tests have shown the outer components to age much faster than the ship and it's occupants, mathematically needing to last 125 years of operation when only 23 years have passed, this is needed to reach Alfa Centari 4.5 Light Years away.
Traveling faster than 20% Light Speed would require new materials and much higher quality of engineering that is beyond the scope of our current technologies, mainly you would have to build the drive to sustain many more hundreds or even thousands of years of operation without failure to withstand the Spacetime deferential.
But at least we now know it's possible.
Research and Development of such technology almost seems impossible, as this drive has the advantage of being able to instantly reach 20% Light Speed and come to a complete stop you could reach Mars in about 30 min or so with further development, as of now the current design would require a gradual acceleration requiring about 30 days to reach 20% Light Speed with the ability to instantly stop simply by shutting the drive down.
What makes Reasearch & Development so difficult is that if you had a breakdown halfway to Mars there is no way to send help, possibly incorporating a redundancy/secondary drive system on board the craft that can be deployed by its crew could solve this problem and allowing the ship to reach its destination and thus research and development could continue. ....... for double or triple the cost.
As this is the main problem COST, if Mars or ANY distant deep space exploration has nothing to offer such as valuable materials or new realestate ............. the pursuit of this technology is dead.
Maybe to first send unmanned probes to the asteroid belt in search of valuable materials that can be mined, if an asteroid made of solid GOLD were to be found in the asteroid belt, I can assure you this technology would be the top priority of investment and would quickly be developed within a short time.
We think of a manned mission to Mars and if life will be discovered there ....... even if so..... unless the life forms can poop gold or other valuable materials you can consider a Manned mission to Mars as DEAD.
Mars is too small and gravity too weak to hold an atmosphere to become real estate, there is absolutely no reason to go there at all, it would be like sending a colony of scientists to Antarctica.......... nothing to offer vs the cost.
New discoveries being made daily, a promising design in theory would allow safe space travel at 20%ish the speed of light by warping Spacetime to cause the space craft to in essence FALL towards its destination requiring much less energy than thought possible.
In testing using a Thoron Floride Salt Reactor has achieved producing a gravitational pull between 1 to 1.5 G's
Moving the liquid Floride salts through an iron pipe laced with an Aluminum Spiral the entire length of the pipe, separating the spirals as an electrical insulator would be compacted diamond for its resistance to corrosion.
Once moving the Spacetime continuation differential produces zero point heat that can be used to power the drive thus the liquid Floride salts doubles to harness zero point energy.
Travel too slow and you won't be able to carry enough Thoron fuel to power the drive, travel too fast and the build up of zero point energy heat will melt away it's own components resulting in failure in the depths of Space, that's why with our current technologies and avalible materials a theoretical design allow safe travel at 20%ish the speed of light.
The current design allows between 6 to 11 light years of travel depending upon the quality of materials and maintenance provided.
Tests have shown the outer components to age much faster than the ship and it's occupants, mathematically needing to last 125 years of operation when only 23 years have passed, this is needed to reach Alfa Centari 4.5 Light Years away.
Traveling faster than 20% Light Speed would require new materials and much higher quality of engineering that is beyond the scope of our current technologies, mainly you would have to build the drive to sustain many more hundreds or even thousands of years of operation without failure to withstand the Spacetime deferential.
But at least we now know it's possible.
The part about outside components aging at a different rate makes no sense at all.
The part about outside components aging at a different rate makes no sense at all.

Me eather, I'm not a scientist, I just have a basic understanding on how it works, it has something to do with the warping of Spacetime to move the ship.
At first I thought they were just pulling a bunch of science jargon out their aasses for the purposes of getting me to fund some sort of bogus research........ THEN they shown me a live experiment on Spacetime warping on a small scale using an outdoor camping propane burner, cast iron skillet, then broke off some pieces of a feed store salt lick block with a hammer, put the salt chunks in the cast iron skillet and melted them down to a liquid.
Then got 2 identical wind up clocks and synconize them down to the second, they placed 1 clock next to the cast iron skillet, the other clock 20ft away.
In 1 hour the clock near the cast iron skillet was 4 seconds faster than the other clock 20 ft away, when we placed them side by side you can clearly see the clocks were no longer synchronized to the second...... one of them being 4 seconds faster......p: no big deal, 1 clock runs a little faster than the other, they told me to take them home. I assumed the faster running clock would gain more seconds on since its running faster, but to my surprise after 18 hours it was still only 4 sec faster.
It has something to do with the iron and liquid salt causing a reaction to warp Spacetime.
I then asked them...... How will this research benifit ME?
They answered .......p:....... we could design a real working warp technology and possibly make new discoveries....... so then I decided to NOT invest 1 penny, as it will only fund a bunch of scientists to ride around out in Space without any kind of monetary returns for myself........ then I started laughing..... and said: I'd rather donate the money to the United Negro College Fund....... at least it tax deductible.
The part about outside components aging at a different rate makes no sense at all.

Me eather, I'm not a scientist, I just have a basic understanding on how it works, it has something to do with the warping of Spacetime to move the ship.
At first I thought they were just pulling a bunch of science jargon out their aasses for the purposes of getting me to fund some sort of bogus research........ THEN they shown me a live experiment on Spacetime warping on a small scale using an outdoor camping propane burner, cast iron skillet, then broke off some pieces of a feed store salt lick block with a hammer, put the salt chunks in the cast iron skillet and melted them down to a liquid.
Then got 2 identical wind up clocks and synconize them down to the second, they placed 1 clock next to the cast iron skillet, the other clock 20ft away.
In 1 hour the clock near the cast iron skillet was 4 seconds faster than the other clock 20 ft away, when we placed them side by side you can clearly see the clocks were no longer synchronized to the second...... one of them being 4 seconds faster......p: no big deal, 1 clock runs a little faster than the other, they told me to take them home. I assumed the faster running clock would gain more seconds on since its running faster, but to my surprise after 18 hours it was still only 4 sec faster.
It has something to do with the iron and liquid salt causing a reaction to warp Spacetime.
I then asked them...... How will this research benifit ME?
They answered .......p:....... we could design a real working warp technology and possibly make new discoveries....... so then I decided to NOT invest 1 penny, as it will only fund a bunch of scientists to ride around out in Space without any kind of monetary returns for myself........ then I started laughing..... and said: I'd rather donate the money to the United Negro College Fund....... at least it tax deductible.
I understand warping space and time dilation, but that shouldn't happen here since the ship is not actually moving. Time dilation happens whenever something is caught in a massive gravity well such as a Black hole or going really really fast. A cast Iron skillet and salt would not cause that. By the way sodium chloride liquefies at 1400 F a plain old camp fire doesn't get that hot.
The part about outside components aging at a different rate makes no sense at all.

Some of that stuff is crazy. I remember reading on "interstellar" they got a slew of scientists to try and make that as theoretically close as it should be. Basically if you were born the exact moment the Voyager spacecraft launched, you are now 11 seconds older than it.

But even how on a tiny time scale, your head is older than your feet. Living on Mt Everest time passes more quickly Than if you lived at sea level. Technically if you lived long enough you could wear a wristwatch on your wrist and another on your ankle, and even if they were perfect, the one on your wrist would end up getting ahead of the other.

Then to throw speed into time, where even though astronauts should age faster than us on earth they age slower due to them traveling at a higher rate of speed.

But how the components age quicker is interesting.
I seen the salt chunks melt, but it doesn't matter anyway.
It's fascinating science stuff, but that all it will ever be, it will never pay out.
I love watching shows like Star Trek, but if you think about it, how can they economically afford to build space ships like that ....... they don't even economically pay for themselves, even if you had entire societies of devout slaves building your space ships it would still be economically impossible, as with slaves there is still an accosiated cost to operate them, those space ships would have to generate returns or they would simply grind to a halt and thus not even worth building in the first place.
Example: take $200 and give it to a homeless alcoholic, now he will spend that money on what he considers to be a good time...... thus you have accomplished nothing, you only lost $200.
This is what needs to happen to bring this to life.
First Russia needs to build its economic power to be about equal to the USA.
Both USA and Russia must be economically wealthy as that the majority of its citizens have 40% liquid monthly income to spend on recreational activities.
Then give this technology to both sides, in an arms and technology race, both sides will struggle for dominance thus investing and research without end.
I seen the salt chunks melt, but it doesn't matter anyway.
It's fascinating science stuff, but that all it will ever be, it will never pay out.
I love watching shows like Star Trek, but if you think about it, how can they economically afford to build space ships like that ....... they don't even economically pay for themselves, even if you had entire societies of devout slaves building your space ships it would still be economically impossible, as with slaves there is still an accosiated cost to operate them, those space ships would have to generate returns or they would simply grind to a halt and thus not even worth building in the first place.
Example: take $200 and give it to a homeless alcoholic, now he will spend that money on what he considers to be a good time...... thus you have accomplished nothing, you only lost $200.
This is what needs to happen to bring this to life.
First Russia needs to build its economic power to be about equal to the USA.
Both USA and Russia must be economically wealthy as that the majority of its citizens have 40% liquid monthly income to spend on recreational activities.
Then give this technology to both sides, in an arms and technology race, both sides will struggle for dominance thus investing and research without end.

I think one thing star trek dismisses somewhat when you see the guys welding and repairing and doing all the work is the use of robotics and drones. We just parked a spaceship with nobody on board at the space station. Someday will that step be a ship going to the asteroid belt and mining? Then robots processing it and building whatever we make of it?

Figure it takes 13.5 man hours now to build a Jeep. in 1909 it took just over 300 hours to build one. I
The part about outside components aging at a different rate makes no sense at all.

Some of that stuff is crazy. I remember reading on "interstellar" they got a slew of scientists to try and make that as theoretically close as it should be. Basically if you were born the exact moment the Voyager spacecraft launched, you are now 11 seconds older than it.

But even how on a tiny time scale, your head is older than your feet. Living on Mt Everest time passes more quickly Than if you lived at sea level. Technically if you lived long enough you could wear a wristwatch on your wrist and another on your ankle, and even if they were perfect, the one on your wrist would end up getting ahead of the other.

Then to throw speed into time, where even though astronauts should age faster than us on earth they age slower due to them traveling at a higher rate of speed.

But how the components age quicker is interesting.
I forgot about the time dilation that occurs the further you move away from a gravity well but that doesn't apply to a ship moving through space. There is no gravity well and you and everything on the ship is moving at the same velocity.
They should try the Mr. Fusion

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