A story too good to check: Paul Ryan and the tale of the brown paper bag

Gotta love the rw's ... Lyin Ryan lies again, gets caught again, admits he lied again and the rw's pretend none of it happened.


How long before his next lie?


Gotta love the moonbats....lying Eloise Anderson was quoted by Ryan, he admits he should have assumed she was a liar before repeating her lie, and moonbats pretend she doesn't exist.
And walker would have let him go without any lunch. Welcome to the gop's "happy valley"

TRANSLATION: I don't dare discuss the fact that Paul Ryan actually told the truth. So I'll tell a lie about Walker instead.

go f yourself. I didn't lie. The kid said he wanted a lunch like everyone else. Frankly that smacks of bs. He's the only kid in school getting a free lunch. I think Ryan's doing a Reagan welfare queen tall tale, But I let that pass.

The gop has, according to THE LINK, no other option for feeding the kid.
And walker would have let him go without any lunch. Welcome to the gop's "happy valley"

TRANSLATION: I don't dare discuss the fact that Paul Ryan actually told the truth. So I'll tell a lie about Walker instead.

(The usual liberal insults and profantiy deleted)

The gop has, according to THE LINK, no other option for feeding the kid.

Q: How do you know you're listening to a liberal fanatic?

A: He's insisting, with a straight face, that if the government doesn't provide lunch, nobody will provide lunch.

What Paul Ryan said:

“The left is making a big mistake here. What they’re offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul. The American people want more than that. This reminds me of a story I heard from Eloise Anderson. She serves in the cabinet of my buddy, Governor Scott Walker. She once met a young boy from a very poor family, and every day at school, he would get a free lunch from a government program. He told Eloise he didn’t want a free lunch. He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown-paper bag just like the other kids. He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown-paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.”

From the "Fact Check" site linked by the OP:

The Facts

The first thing we did was look for Eloise Anderson and stories about brown paper bags. We discovered a congressional hearing, held on July 31, 2013, and chaired by Ryan, that focused on the War on Poverty. Ryan asked Anderson, who appeared as an expert witness, what should be done to make the food stamp program, also known as SNAP, work better.

Anderson responded:

My thought has always been around the SNAP program even when it was called “food stamps” is, why do you have this program, school program, school breakfast, school lunch, school dinner, when do we start asking parents to be responsible for their children?

You know, a little boy told me once that what was important to him is that he didn’t want school lunch, he wanted a brown bag because the brown bag that he brought with his lunch in it meant that his mom cared about him. Just think what we have done. If this kid tells me a brown bag was more important than a free lunch, we’ve missed the whole notion of parents being there for their children because we’ve taken over that responsibility, and I think we need to be very careful about how we provide programs to families that don’t undermine families’ responsibilities.

Okay, so Anderson had testified about this boy, and claimed that she had spoken to him and realized that welfare programs were draining any sense of responsibility.

In other words, Paul Ryan told the exact truth.

And the screeching liberals calling him a liar, are in fact wrong. As usual. :eusa_liar:

But the story doesn’t end there. Wonkette, a satiric blog, wondered if Anderson’s story was actually derived from a 2011 book titled “The Invisible Thread,” by Laura Schroff, which is about a busy executive and her relationship with an 11-year-old homeless panhandler named Maurice Mazyck. His mother was a drug addict, in jail, who had stolen things and cashed in food stamps to pay for drugs. At one point, Schroff offers to bring Mazyck lunch every day so he won’t go hungry. The exchange goes like this:

“Look, Maurice, I don’t want you out there hungry on the nights I don’t see you, so this is what we can do. I can either give you some money for the week – and you’ll have to be really careful about how you spend it – or when you come over on Monday night we can go to the supermarket and I can buy all the things you like to eat and make you lunch for the week. I’ll leave it with the doormen, and you can pick it up on the way to school.”

Maurice looked at me and asked me a question.

“If you make me lunch,” he said, “will you put it in a brown paper bag?”

I didn’t really understand the question. “Do you want it in a brown paper bag?” I asked. “Or how would you prefer it?”

“Miss Laura,” he said, “I don’t want your money. I want my lunch in a brown paper bag.”

“Okay, sure. But why do you want it in a bag?”

“Because when I see kids come to school with their lunch in a paper bag, that means someone cares about them. Miss Laura, can I please have my lunch in a paper bag?”

This actually seemed a little strange. Could the tale told in congressional testimony really be drawn from a book? It did not make much sense in part because Schroff and Mazyck are partnering with a group called No Kid Hungry to help end childhood hunger in the United States. One key part of the program is connecting hungry kids with federal programs such as school lunches and food stamps. The group also opposed Ryan’s 2013 budget for its proposed reductions in the food stamp program.

So we asked Anderson when she met this boy and heard his story. Joe Scialfa, communications director for the department provided us with this answer:

In the course of giving live testimony, Secretary Anderson misspoke. What she had intended to say was the following:

“Once I heard someone say, ‘what was important to him as a boy was that he didn’t want school lunch, he wanted a brown bag because the brown bag that he brought with his lunch in it meant that his mom cared about him.’”

Secretary Anderson was referring to a television interview which she had seen with Maurice Mazyck.

It’s important to note that there is no discussion in the book about the school lunch program, and we could find no interview with Mazyck in which he said that. He simply repeats the story as told in the book, without any larger political context about federal programs to help hungry children. Moreover, this incident happened more than 25 years ago; Mazyck is no longer a boy but in his late 30s.

careful of calling people liars, you twerp

Now if Ryan had discussed his plan for liveable wages for all workers ....

I actually like Ryan, but giving him a welfare queen pass is less than honest.
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What Paul Ryan said:

“The left is making a big mistake here. What they’re offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul. The American people want more than that. This reminds me of a story I heard from Eloise Anderson. She serves in the cabinet of my buddy, Governor Scott Walker. She once met a young boy from a very poor family, and every day at school, he would get a free lunch from a government program. He told Eloise he didn’t want a free lunch. He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown-paper bag just like the other kids. He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown-paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand.”

From the "Fact Check" site linked by the OP:

The Facts

The first thing we did was look for Eloise Anderson and stories about brown paper bags. We discovered a congressional hearing, held on July 31, 2013, and chaired by Ryan, that focused on the War on Poverty. Ryan asked Anderson, who appeared as an expert witness, what should be done to make the food stamp program, also known as SNAP, work better.

Anderson responded:

My thought has always been around the SNAP program even when it was called “food stamps” is, why do you have this program, school program, school breakfast, school lunch, school dinner, when do we start asking parents to be responsible for their children?

You know, a little boy told me once that what was important to him is that he didn’t want school lunch, he wanted a brown bag because the brown bag that he brought with his lunch in it meant that his mom cared about him. Just think what we have done. If this kid tells me a brown bag was more important than a free lunch, we’ve missed the whole notion of parents being there for their children because we’ve taken over that responsibility, and I think we need to be very careful about how we provide programs to families that don’t undermine families’ responsibilities.

Okay, so Anderson had testified about this boy, and claimed that she had spoken to him and realized that welfare programs were draining any sense of responsibility.

In other words, Paul Ryan told the exact truth.

And the screeching liberals calling him a liar, are in fact wrong. As usual. :eusa_liar:

Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it' | PolitiFact

Ryan made a mistake. he repeated someone in a speech without verification of it before hand.

A mistake.

dimocraps, OTOH, are the lyingest cocksuckers to ever walk the face of the Ear.

Not only did we tell anybody that would listen that the lying cocksucker in chief was a lying cocksucker, but the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM, including the WaPo (aka; Pravda West) ran interference for the lying cocksucker in chief and helped further the lie.

This is why it's pathological with dimocrap scum.

Even the lying cocksuckers at the WaPo can't tell the difference between a mistake and a bald-faced fucking lie.

They really don't know the difference. To them, it's all the same. To lying dimocrap scumbags, it's all just one big campaign anyway. To dimocrap scum, lying is a way of life.

To us, to normal people... We know the difference between a mistake and a lie.

dimocrap scum lie. We sometimes make mistakes.

To call Ryan a liar just shows the pathology present in dimocrap scum
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again, be very careful in calling other poster liars

Kevin Seifert, a spokesman for Ryan, said: “It’s unfortunate to learn that while testifying before the House Budget Committee, Secretary Anderson misspoke, but we appreciate her taking the time to share her insights.” After our inquiry, Ryan posted a notice on Facebook saying, “I regret failing to verify the original source of the story.”

A story too good to check: Paul Ryan and the tale of the brown paper bag
careful of calling people liars, you twerp

Now if Ryan had discussed his plan for liveable wages for all workers ....

I actually like Ryan, but giving him a welfare queen pass is less than honest.
Eloise, the woman Ryan invited to his hearing on wanting to rip school lunches for children -- and who he drew the poor sad brown bag story from (which she lied about) has Paul Ryan's Atlas Shugged on speed dial.

"Do you think we should completely abolish welfare?" Leslie
Stahl of 60 Minutes asks a contemplative Eloise Anderson,
director of California's Department of Social Services, on national

Anderson, staring straight into Stahl's eyes, replies firmly,

"You do?" Stahl responds, visibly taken aback.


"What about those people who find it too hard to work?" asks
Stahl after emitting a "Wow."

"I don't understand finding it too hard to work."
again, be very careful in calling other poster liars

Kevin Seifert, a spokesman for Ryan, said: “It’s unfortunate to learn that while testifying before the House Budget Committee, Secretary Anderson misspoke, but we appreciate her taking the time to share her insights.” After our inquiry, Ryan posted a notice on Facebook saying, “I regret failing to verify the original source of the story.”

A story too good to check: Paul Ryan and the tale of the brown paper bag

dogs bark
ducks quack
babies cry
cats meow

dimocraps lie.

Because they're scumbags and don't have any honor, any self-respect, any respect for anybody else, and are pathologically mentally ill.

dimocraps lie. it's what they do
Eloise, the woman Ryan invited to his hearing on wanting to rip school lunches for children -- and who he drew the poor sad brown bag story from (which she lied about) has Paul Ryan's Atlas Shugged on speed dial.

Hey, look, the leftist subject-changing has begun already. (yawn)

..the ..memories....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo3xQ8mZpBU]Paul Ryan Gets Testy And Ends Interview - YouTube[/ame]

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