A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

Wow. No cable? You child abuser!!!! :lol:

Interestingly, in spite of all the mixed messages, females are doing better is school. We must be doing something right.

which should tell you that the basic premise of the PTC study -- that girls are told their only value is in their sexuality -- is inherently incorrect.

the way i see it, the PTC is essentially the TV version of what the PMRC was... people who run around and try to censor what we look at and listen to based on a "social conservative" agenda.
And Note the people on the right who would prefer to attack the TV show but yet want women (including 14 year old girls) to just accept the treatment on the street by males who scream shit.
What disturbs me, and any normal man, is the "adultifying" of teens and preteens.
And I am not talking about TV...real life.

How many guys are with me here...how many times have you looked at a distance at a female in...that way...and as she comes closer you realize you were looking at girl maaaybe 16.
Where are this girls parents? Especially the father!

The haze and fog of time do not yet obscure a fresh-faced sophomore in high school checking out the senior babes and thinking "Boobs. These aren't girls they're women!! :cool: NIIICCCCCEE!"

Now I meet young women who are sophomores in college and I think "Babies. These girls are kids!! What are you thinking?!? :eek: CRRREEEEEPPY!"

Then I tip for the dance and ask her to send our waitress by.
What disturbs me, and any normal man, is the "adultifying" of teens and preteens.
And I am not talking about TV...real life.

How many guys are with me here...how many times have you looked at a distance at a female in...that way...and as she comes closer you realize you were looking at girl maaaybe 16.
Where are this girls parents? Especially the father!

Here is an example of where the problem originates.

You personal reaction to a female on the street.

You looked at them like a piece of ass and felt a little guilty and blamed the girls dad for not following her arround.

Stop treating the women you see as a potential piece of ass no matter what their ages.

Want to know why TV does this , look in the mirror.

Believe me you, I have been treated like this my entire life.

To be female in this culture is to have your whole being judged on wether some fucknut things you are doable or not.

When we teach our girls to USE this power because there is no fighting it then you call then bitches.

This is why being a bitch is a new value to women.

If I be a bitch and piss you off you stop looking at me like you are about to rape me.

Men need to act like they can control their dicks and quit blaming it on what someone looks like.


If you people would just dress your hotties both young and old in burquas, you wouldn't have these problems.

Its what they are aiming at by telling women its there fault assholes cant control their mouths with their brains.

They seem to want to hold TV producers to a higher standard than themselves.
To be female in this culture is to have your whole being judged on wether some fucknut things you are doable or not.

That explains a LOT about Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton's success.

Thank you for that useful post!
on a related note:
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Way-We-Never-Were-Nostalgia/dp/0465090974]Amazon.com: The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap (9780465090976): Stephanie Coontz: Books[/ame]
What disturbs me, and any normal man, is the "adultifying" of teens and preteens.
And I am not talking about TV...real life.

How many guys are with me here...how many times have you looked at a distance at a female in...that way...and as she comes closer you realize you were looking at girl maaaybe 16.
Where are this girls parents? Especially the father!

Mother nature made girls of 16 sexually attractive.

Blaming the fathers of these budding beauties for the fact that you or I are PROGRAMMED TO THINK THEY'RE SEXY make like ZERO sense.

And, FWIW.

BLAMING YOURSELF for seeing these beauties and recognizing their beauty makes no sense, either.

It's time for us to admit that teens are NOT children.

Teens never were children, and no amount of social pressure is every going to change that fact.

100 years ago and for all time before that, too, a 16 year old was a YOUNG WOMAN who was ready for marriage and motherhood.

That hasn't changed.

What has changed (and I think I approve) was that we now expect these YOUNG ADULTS to hold off on getting married and having children because people now need more time to get educated so they can be productive members of society.

But let's stop pretending that there's something wrong with us when we observe that beaufty young adults are beautiful young adults.

Pretending that they're children is simply nuts.

15 is not a young adult. 15 is an older child.
A very recent social change
Mother nature made girls of 16 sexually attractive.

Blaming the fathers of these budding beauties for the fact that you or I are PROGRAMMED TO THINK THEY'RE SEXY make like ZERO sense.

And, FWIW.

BLAMING YOURSELF for seeing these beauties and recognizing their beauty makes no sense, either.

It's time for us to admit that teens are NOT children.

Teens never were children, and no amount of social pressure is every going to change that fact.

100 years ago and for all time before that, too, a 16 year old was a YOUNG WOMAN who was ready for marriage and motherhood.

That hasn't changed.

What has changed (and I think I approve) was that we now expect these YOUNG ADULTS to hold off on getting married and having children because people now need more time to get educated so they can be productive members of society.

But let's stop pretending that there's something wrong with us when we observe that beaufty young adults are beautiful young adults.

Pretending that they're children is simply nuts.

15 is not a young adult. 15 is an older child.

Yeah? You think?

Here's a clue from mother nature.

Children cannot reproduce.

Adults can.

Hey, don't blame me, blame mother nature.

The average age of menarche has declined over the last century but the magnitude of the decline and the factors responsible remain subjects of contention. The average age of menarche is 11.75 years.[1] It is about 12.5 years in the United States[2] and 13.06 ± 0.10 years in Iceland.[3]

Menarche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah? You think?

Here's a clue from mother nature.

Children cannot reproduce.

Adults can.

Hey, don't blame me, blame mother nature.

Girls under 18 (at least) and especially girls 16 and under do not have the mental faculties to deal with sexuality and older males. Their frontal lobe area is not developed, and therefore they are physically unable to make judgements based on future outcome.
As a developed society we understand this, and know that a 15 year old girl is deeply impressionable and looks up to older males...and virtually every single girl has had a sexual crush on one somewhere between 13 and 18.
It is incredibly dangerous and potentially causing life-long psychological damage to girls who end up being raped by an older man.
And yes it is rape. Any adult male who is at least 10 years older than the girl has any sexual relations with a teen girl is a f*ck. An absolute sick bastard who deserves to go to jail for years...first offense.
Why would god make their bodies ready so many years before their brains?

A 16-year-old is mature enough to operate a 200+ lb deadly weapon, but not old enough to decide whom to have sex with?
The problem today jb (from my perspective) is that girls are being sexualized younger, while at the same time, we've raised the age of adulthood to 27. They are more mature physically but far less mature emotionally than when we were kids. I guess the same could be said for boys too. Just my two cents.
The problem today jb (from my perspective) is that girls are being sexualized younger, while at the same time, we've raised the age of adulthood to 27. They are more mature physically but far less mature emotionally than when we were kids. I guess the same could be said for boys too. Just my two cents.

I think youre viewing your adolescence through clouded lenses.

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