A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

I dont need and dont want the admiration of some smuck on the street with a hard on.

14 year old girls shoudl be able to walk the street and NOT have some scumbag call her out on how perky her titties are.

You people pretend it is all "oh gosh you are pretty" comments.

The shit I have heard out of male mouths in my lifetime was NEVER fun when I am just lving my life and trying to move freely in society without worrying what some guy will do as a follow up to "Hot mama you sure have a nice rack".

It is NOT designed to make me feel valued and the asshole who says it inst sayin it for my benifit, its for the guys next to him who aree laughing their asses off.

Be real.

I'm sorry - but judging from the anger you're displaying in your posts I'm left wondering what you were doing to attract all this negative behavior from so many men so much of the time.

I'm not sure if I ever had anyone give me a wolf whistle, but I've sure had a lot of men look me over - both black and white. None of them ever approached me or said anything untoward or disparaging. But I also carried myself like a lady and maybe that was the difference.
So its my fault these assholes could not keep their fucking mouths shut?

Jesus you people just LOVE to be part of the problem huh?
When you play tehir game you condone the game.

Why do you condone the harrassment of girls on the street?

When I play the game, THEY STOP; when you ignore them, THEY CONTINUE. Why do you condone the harassment of girls on the street?

Im 50+ and had someone cat call me a few months ago.

I used to get it all the time.

Its rarer now that I am old but from a distance they cant tell Im old.

I dress very boyishly too.

Jeans tees shirts and No they are NOT tight

From the immaturity of a majority of your posts, I'd have sworn you were under 25.

The gays have taken a shining to you.
I dont need and dont want the admiration of some smuck on the street with a hard on.

14 year old girls shoudl be able to walk the street and NOT have some scumbag call her out on how perky her titties are.

You people pretend it is all "oh gosh you are pretty" comments.

The shit I have heard out of male mouths in my lifetime was NEVER fun when I am just lving my life and trying to move freely in society without worrying what some guy will do as a follow up to "Hot mama you sure have a nice rack".

It is NOT designed to make me feel valued and the asshole who says it inst sayin it for my benifit, its for the guys next to him who aree laughing their asses off.

Be real.

I'm sorry - but judging from the anger you're displaying in your posts I'm left wondering what you were doing to attract all this negative behavior from so many men so much of the time.

I'm not sure if I ever had anyone give me a wolf whistle, but I've sure had a lot of men look me over - both black and white. None of them ever approached me or said anything untoward or disparaging. But I also carried myself like a lady and maybe that was the difference.

Excellent point.
It is how a woman carries herself that attracts positive attention or negative.
The sexiest a woman can possible be is in a simple sundress...50 times sexier than dressing slutty.
I have always dressed in NON sexy jeans and shirts.

Listen to you people say its my fault some asshole could not keep his mouth shut.

I suppose you say rape victims ask for it too huh?
If our species' survival depended on embittered feminazis humanity would die out by sheer lack of reproduction. :D :D
See what women feel and think mean nothing.

To you idiots the only important thing is fucking and reproduction.

I have NEVER pursued this type of treatment in any way.

I have gotten it anyway.

This isnt about me you fools go look at the OP.

This is how 14 year old girls are treated on the street.

Like they are hookers
I have always dressed in NON sexy jeans and shirts.

Listen to you people say its my fault some asshole could not keep his mouth shut.

I suppose you say rape victims ask for it too huh?

How's that working out for you? How's ignoring them working out for you?

If you play the game well, you win. But I don't expect you to get that.
It works fine.

If you want to be flattered by shit that is designed to demean you then that is your problem
I was never raped from cat callers . . .. were you?

If you just play the game a bit they do stop. It's no fun for them when the females join in, they love it when you ignore them. Makes them try even harder. ;)

Not in my experience.

You are just so insecure that you see it as a compliment.

Not sure how this got to cat calls.
I haven't made a cat call for probably 30 years.

How is it not a compliment for a woman to be admired by a man?
As a guy on the occasion a woman made a flirtatious gesture...that is a good day...a real good day. Especially if she looks to be in her 30's...freakin awesome day. I imagine that is exactly how most women feel.

having said this...I have been married since 1989. I have not cheated, nor will i cheat on my wife.

There is nothing wrong with admiring a pretty woman that you see on the street/Mall etc. Many women actually do work hard at "looking good" and like being admired...probably even strive for that. I think it is a little silly to just blame the man...when women play these little sexually flirty (usually harmless) games right along with them.
Because if I want anyone determining what should and should not be on TV, it's the PTC. :cuckoo:

Here's a novel idea, instead of Big Government Nanny Social Conservatives trying to censor television, why not simply pay attention to what one's kids are watching on television? I mean, I'm no parent but I assume it's not impossible to monitor what your kids are watching if you care enough.
Remember the Beach movies? Brittany spears? etc...

Lots of money to be made off of it as well.
Not in my experience.

You are just so insecure that you see it as a compliment.

Not sure how this got to cat calls.
I haven't made a cat call for probably 30 years.

How is it not a compliment for a woman to be admired by a man?
As a guy on the occasion a woman made a flirtatious gesture...that is a good day...a real good day. Especially if she looks to be in her 30's...freakin awesome day. I imagine that is exactly how most women feel.

having said this...I have been married since 1989. I have not cheated, nor will i cheat on my wife.

There is nothing wrong with admiring a pretty woman that you see on the street/Mall etc. Many women actually do work hard at "looking good" and like being admired...probably even strive for that. I think it is a little silly to just blame the man...when women play these little sexually flirty (usually harmless) games right along with them.

Which is just the point bub, The "woman" you are talking about may be a 14 year old girl.

Men think it is harmless and it is distrubing for many women and NOT HEALTHY for girls to be treated this way.

Now you may have some attetion starved women like the some who have posted in this thread PLAYING along with the game and you can blame them.

When I was 13 I looked 20. It runs in my family. OUR women are VERY curvey and have everything in the right place. I was ushered into womanhood by realizing I had to dress like a man if I didnt want to be treated like shit all day long. Luckily I was a tom boy anyway and liked the jeans and big tees I still wear. The only thing that would have covered all my lady lumps was a burka. Some feel women have so little offer the world they like the attention. I on the other hand wanted to be treated like I had a brain and a sense of humor. Some Men get this scary assed look in their eyes when they want to fuck you. I dont imagine you have ever been looked at like that by a man. The eyes go blank and you can see the brain go on hold. As a woman I realized I could take them for every dime they had when they displayed that look and that there was this other side to this coin. Their brains are on hold and they are in an animalistic state, some guys are not real nice people and you can not control which ones go brain dead when they look at you. I wear no makeup and have not since I was a early teen( tomboy so was a double plus for me) and have NEVER been into clothes.

Now you tell me how I deserved to be treated like this?

I wish for one week every time you went into public some guy started screaming at you that he wanted to fuck you becuase your ass looked so hot in your jeans.

You may change your mind as to wether it is harmless or not.
According to a new study conducted by the Parents Television Council (PTC), Hollywood is shockingly obsessed with sexualizing teen girls, to the point where underage female characters are shown participating in an even higher percentage of sexual situations than their adult counterparts: 47 percent to 29 percent respectively.

PTC’s report, entitled “New Target: A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV” is based on a content analysis drawn from the 25 most popular shows in the 12-17 demographic throughout the 2009-2010 television season.

“The results from this report show Tinseltown’s eagerness to not only objectify and fetishize young girls, but to sexualize them in such a way that real teens are led to believe their sole value comes from their sexuality," said PTC President Tim Winter. "This report is less about the shocking numbers that detail the sickness of early sexualization in our entertainment culture and more about the generation of young girls who are being told how society expects them to behave."

Read more: Prime Time TV 'Objectifies and Fetishizes' Underage Girls, Study Says - FoxNews.com

Is this true? And if so, what can be done?

Just a semi-free market tryin' to give (sell) the people what the people want.



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