A surprising request from Justice Scalia

He supported Kagan for the court

"Let me put a finer point on it," the justice said, in a lower, purposeful tone of voice, his eyes fixed on mine. "I hope he sends us Elena Kagan."

I was surprised that a member of the court would so bluntly propose a nominee, and intrigued that it was Kagan, the former Harvard Law School dean who was appointed solicitor general by Obama to represent the government before the Supreme Court. Though she had worked on policy in the Clinton administration and had a reputation for pragmatism, Kagan plainly would be a liberal in the context of the court.


Later, I learned that Scalia and Kagan were friends, though I suspect she would have been as surprised as I was at the brazenness of Scalia's suggestion.

So much so that a conservative lion would lobby the President's adviser for his liberal friend. Thank you, Justice Scalia, for your service to our country.

David Axelrod: A surprise request from Justice Scalia - CNN.com
Six Roman Catholics and three Jewish members on the Supreme Court with nary a Protestant as representation....seems like the court is stacked to me....and 5 of those Justices are Jesuit trained...coincidence? I think not.
What it means is that Protestantism isn't in control any more. Six of the Republican candidates were Catholic, and most people barely noticed.

The Catholic Church is still going strong while most Protestant traditions are falling apart due to pressure from liberals to be pro-abortion and pro-gay and pro-same sex marriage, and pro-women priests/ministers. Only the evangelicals are still strong on these issues, but they gave in on divorce decades ago, and many evangelical churches have pastors' wives acting as co-leader.

If you want to attend a Church that still follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, as set forth in the Bible, then the Catholic Church is the correct one for you.
If it surprises you that Antonin Scalia and Ruth Bader Ginsburg were good friends, you shouldn't be. Judges, lawyers, and law students do not select friends based on politics. I had a lot of liberal friends in law school, and my lunch group was a Catholic atheist, a Chinese atheist, and a Jewish atheist. We had fun debating the issues, and it never caused any discord. The thing about liberal law students was that they could actually defend their position without resorting to name calling. Most liberals are too stupid to do that.
I will just assume that the weakling Republican leadership in the Senate will approve anyone Obama appoints, even if he/she is on the FBI watchlist as a threat to national security.
He supported Kagan for the court

"Let me put a finer point on it," the justice said, in a lower, purposeful tone of voice, his eyes fixed on mine. "I hope he sends us Elena Kagan."

I was surprised that a member of the court would so bluntly propose a nominee, and intrigued that it was Kagan, the former Harvard Law School dean who was appointed solicitor general by Obama to represent the government before the Supreme Court. Though she had worked on policy in the Clinton administration and had a reputation for pragmatism, Kagan plainly would be a liberal in the context of the court.


Later, I learned that Scalia and Kagan were friends, though I suspect she would have been as surprised as I was at the brazenness of Scalia's suggestion.

So much so that a conservative lion would lobby the President's adviser for his liberal friend. Thank you, Justice Scalia, for your service to our country.

David Axelrod: A surprise request from Justice Scalia - CNN.com
Six Roman Catholics and three Jewish members on the Supreme Court with nary a Protestant as representation....seems like the court is stacked to me....and 5 of those Justices are Jesuit trained...coincidence? I think not.

are you nuts?

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