A telling fact progs don't want to talk about; as voters get to know Hilldawg, they like her less

This comment of yours sounds like an interesting topic for a conspiracy thread, Ray.

But for here...Donald Trump is an abomination as a candidate for president of the United States. I might enjoy a round of golf with him...but I cannot imagine anyone wanting him for the chief executive.

Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, while far from a perfect candidate, has the right stuff for the office.

Well, for a Democrat, yes. She does have the right stuff being a criminal and all. But I think you're miscalculating the mood of the voters. Many of us want change.......major change in our politics. That's what brought us Trump. That's what put Sander's in a close second place. Hillary is the same ole, same ole with more baggage than an airport terminal.

There is no conspiracy here. Her sever was just about an open door to our enemies. We have no idea who has the information that was stored there. Even the FBI said it's impossible to find out who may have hacked that thing. The very idea that this bimbo risked classified information getting into enemy hands, and not even being indicted on it shows what Washington has become. She lied to the American people. She destroyed evidence. She lied under oath to the US Congress about it. Not only is she not behind bars where she should be, she's actually running for President.

Well, for a Democrat, yes. She does have the right stuff being a criminal and all. But I think you're miscalculating the mood of the voters. Many of us want change.......major change in our politics. That's what brought us Trump. That's what put Sander's in a close second place. Hillary is the same ole, same ole with more baggage than an airport terminal.[/quote]

I am not "miscalculating" the mood at all. I agree with you that many want change.

But I am convinced that enough American voters are sane and reasonable enough to realize that Hillary Clinton is infinitely a better choice than Donald Trump to be our next president.

We'll see in November.

There is no conspiracy here. Her sever was just about an open door to our enemies. We have no idea who has the information that was stored there. Even the FBI said it's impossible to find out who may have hacked that thing. The very idea that this bimbo risked classified information getting into enemy hands, and not even being indicted on it shows what Washington has become. She lied to the American people. She destroyed evidence. She lied under oath to the US Congress about it. Not only is she not behind bars where she should be, she's actually running for President.

EVERY server is an open door to our enemies, Ray. Stop kidding yourself. In fact, it might be that the server Hillary used was more secure than the servers of State.

She has lied. If you think that to be unusual or disqualifying for an American politician...you are just being naive.

I understand there are people like you who hate her so much they want to see her in prison. When she is elected president...she will represent you guys also.

Well, for a Democrat, yes. She does have the right stuff being a criminal and all. But I think you're miscalculating the mood of the voters. Many of us want change.......major change in our politics. That's what brought us Trump. That's what put Sander's in a close second place. Hillary is the same ole, same ole with more baggage than an airport terminal.

I am not "miscalculating" the mood at all. I agree with you that many want change.

But I am convinced that enough American voters are sane and reasonable enough to realize that Hillary Clinton is infinitely a better choice than Donald Trump to be our next president.

We'll see in November.

There is no conspiracy here. Her sever was just about an open door to our enemies. We have no idea who has the information that was stored there. Even the FBI said it's impossible to find out who may have hacked that thing. The very idea that this bimbo risked classified information getting into enemy hands, and not even being indicted on it shows what Washington has become. She lied to the American people. She destroyed evidence. She lied under oath to the US Congress about it. Not only is she not behind bars where she should be, she's actually running for President.

EVERY server is an open door to our enemies, Ray. Stop kidding yourself. In fact, it might be that the server Hillary used was more secure than the servers of State.

She has lied. If you think that to be unusual or disqualifying for an American politician...you are just being naive.

I understand there are people like you who hate her so much they want to see her in prison. When she is elected president...she will represent you guys also.[/QUOTE]

I am not "miscalculating" the mood at all. I agree with you that many want change.

But I am convinced that enough American voters are sane and reasonable enough to realize that Hillary Clinton is infinitely a better choice than Donald Trump to be our next president.

We'll see in November.

A better choice? The woman imagines she is being shot at leaving airplanes. She has regular conversations with dead people. She is anti-gun and will do what she can to disarm law abiding citizens. If she does that, the criminals will celebrate coast to coast. Crime will soar as it did before the early 90's when few states allowed people to defend themselves with deadly force.

Donald Trump is a successful man. He created thousands of jobs for Americans. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink. He has a business understanding that Hillary could never comprehend. He's not trying to get the job for the aftereffects such as selling books, giving speeches, or any monetary advantage. He would be one of the few people who would be taking a step down by having to live in the White House.

EVERY server is an open door to our enemies, Ray. Stop kidding yourself. In fact, it might be that the server Hillary used was more secure than the servers of State.

She has lied. If you think that to be unusual or disqualifying for an American politician...you are just being naive.

I understand there are people like you who hate her so much they want to see her in prison. When she is elected president...she will represent you guys also.

She'll never represent me. I have morals and standards.

It's not at all about lying, it's what somebody lied about that's important.

She was not named after Sir Edmond Hillary because he wasn't even known before she was born. She was never shot at leaving an airplane either. I can live with that.

But telling Americans that four of our fellow citizens died in Benghazi because of some video tape nobody ever seen was just covering tracks. Reassuring the public that our confidential information was secure is not acceptable either. When a person with even the inkling of integrity gets caught, they admit their mistakes and face the consequences.

Well, for a Democrat, yes. She does have the right stuff being a criminal and all. But I think you're miscalculating the mood of the voters. Many of us want change.......major change in our politics. That's what brought us Trump. That's what put Sander's in a close second place. Hillary is the same ole, same ole with more baggage than an airport terminal.

I am not "miscalculating" the mood at all. I agree with you that many want change.

But I am convinced that enough American voters are sane and reasonable enough to realize that Hillary Clinton is infinitely a better choice than Donald Trump to be our next president.

We'll see in November.

There is no conspiracy here. Her sever was just about an open door to our enemies. We have no idea who has the information that was stored there. Even the FBI said it's impossible to find out who may have hacked that thing. The very idea that this bimbo risked classified information getting into enemy hands, and not even being indicted on it shows what Washington has become. She lied to the American people. She destroyed evidence. She lied under oath to the US Congress about it. Not only is she not behind bars where she should be, she's actually running for President.

EVERY server is an open door to our enemies, Ray. Stop kidding yourself. In fact, it might be that the server Hillary used was more secure than the servers of State.

She has lied. If you think that to be unusual or disqualifying for an American politician...you are just being naive.

I understand there are people like you who hate her so much they want to see her in prison. When she is elected president...she will represent you guys also.

I am not "miscalculating" the mood at all. I agree with you that many want change.

But I am convinced that enough American voters are sane and reasonable enough to realize that Hillary Clinton is infinitely a better choice than Donald Trump to be our next president.

We'll see in November.

A better choice? The woman imagines she is being shot at leaving airplanes. She has regular conversations with dead people. She is anti-gun and will do what she can to disarm law abiding citizens. If she does that, the criminals will celebrate coast to coast. Crime will soar as it did before the early 90's when few states allowed people to defend themselves with deadly force.

Donald Trump is a successful man. He created thousands of jobs for Americans. He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink. He has a business understanding that Hillary could never comprehend. He's not trying to get the job for the aftereffects such as selling books, giving speeches, or any monetary advantage. He would be one of the few people who would be taking a step down by having to live in the White House.

EVERY server is an open door to our enemies, Ray. Stop kidding yourself. In fact, it might be that the server Hillary used was more secure than the servers of State.

She has lied. If you think that to be unusual or disqualifying for an American politician...you are just being naive.

I understand there are people like you who hate her so much they want to see her in prison. When she is elected president...she will represent you guys also.

She'll never represent me. I have morals and standards.

It's not at all about lying, it's what somebody lied about that's important.

She was not named after Sir Edmond Hillary because he wasn't even known before she was born. She was never shot at leaving an airplane either. I can live with that.

But telling Americans that four of our fellow citizens died in Benghazi because of some video tape nobody ever seen was just covering tracks. Reassuring the public that our confidential information was secure is not acceptable either. When a person with even the inkling of integrity gets caught, they admit their mistakes and face the consequences.[/QUOTE]

I understand your frustration, Ray.

Hillary Clinton is going to be elected president in November...and she will be president of all the people...including people who dislike her as extremely as do you.

I think she will serve the United States...and its people admirably.

If a calamity occurs and Donald Trump wins...I will wish him the best of luck in leading our nation. If he fails...if Hillary fails...WE FAIL.
Obviously I have not got the quoting function down properly yet. I'll try to do better as soon as possible.
I wouldn't hire the bus stop rat bag old hag power-hungry incompetent lying piece of shit to run a laundrymat. Well, maybe the pantsuit division. But that's it.
I'm not young...so I cannot speak to the issue from that perspective. But I consider Hillary Clinton to be an intelligent, competent, capable woman who will make a very decent president. Why some young people think otherwise is a mystery to me.

I certainly think she is head and shoulders better a choice than the alternative(s),

Then you must not care very much for our Constitution, particularly your gun rights. And you must also not care about our country being overrun with immigrants making you the minority in your own country.

If you want more government intrusion in your life, then you vote Democrat. If you want less government intrusion in your life, vote conservative Republican.

She will make a fine president.

You'll see. In fact,

In think she will so prove herself to some of you people, many of you will end up voting for her when she runs for re-election.
Obvious sarcasm.
That's right, as people get to know more about Hillary, her favorability numbers go down.

Now, it wouldn't be fair to say that this is a real revelation to anyone. We all know that Hillary really isn't likable.

But this study of millennials is still worth noting - why?

Not just because of her dramatic drop in favorability numbers; but the fact that as this new voting block has gotten to know her better, gotten to know more and more about her; they start liking her less and less

hey good news for Hill and the rest of the progs? It does look like that there will be more and more people to pander to as time goes on!

Clinton’s support drops 16% among youth in one year – poll

Clinton's favorable rating in the latest poll is up 5 points to the highest it's been since a year ago.

Political Figures: Hillary Clinton
Didn't work.

Try a couple dozen more times.

Okay...number one of a couple dozens more tries.

But I thought it worked. The stuff I wanted to quote was there...my comment was there. Not sure how to get the quote to the top and my reply to the bottom...but after a few more dozen tries...I may get the hang of it.
Didn't work.

Try a couple dozen more times.

Okay...number one of a couple dozens more tries.

But I thought it worked. The stuff I wanted to quote was there...my comment was there. Not sure how to get the quote to the top and my reply to the bottom...but after a few more dozen tries...I may get the hang of it.

I was kidding,

you did it correctly
I understand your frustration, Ray.

Hillary Clinton is going to be elected president in November...and she will be president of all the people...including people who dislike her as extremely as do you.

I think she will serve the United States...and its people admirably.

If a calamity occurs and Donald Trump wins...I will wish him the best of luck in leading our nation. If he fails...if Hillary fails...WE FAIL.

Which is why I'm hoping Trump wins it. But I'm glad your crystal ball is so accurate. Hope you purchased a warranty with it.
Just hoping like you, Ray. Just hoping...except in the opposite direction.

No crystal ball.

And...this is a good time to remind MYSELF...never underestimate an opponent. Trump can win...unfortunately.

Thanks for the prodding.
Just hoping like you, Ray. Just hoping...except in the opposite direction.

No crystal ball.

And...this is a good time to remind MYSELF...never underestimate an opponent. Trump can win...unfortunately.

Thanks for the prodding.

And thanks for a good discussion. Welcome to USMB. :welcome:
Nobody like Hillary, but she has two things going for her:

1) The D beside her name
2) A vagina

Other than that she's got nothing.

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