A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

ABC News reports that the FBI has arrested 20-year-old Christopher Lee Cornell of Green Township, Ohio for planning what ABC describes as “an ISIS-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol, where he hoped to set off a series of bombs aimed at lawmakers, whom he allegedly considered enemies.”

The plan evidently involved seeding the Capitol with pipe bombs, and using guns to murder survivors of the explosions as they fled.

Cornell got on the FBI’s radar screen by praising jihad and expressing support for ISIS online:

The FBI first noticed Cornell several months ago after an informant notified the agency that Cornell was allegedly voicing support for violent “jihad” on Twitter accounts under the alias “Raheel Mahrus Ubaydah,” according to charging documents. In addition, Cornell allegedly posted statements, videos and other content expressing support for ISIS — the brutal terroristgroup also known as ISIL — that is wreaking havoc in Iraq and Syria.

“I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything,” Cornell allegedly wrote in an online message to the informant in August, according to the FBI. “I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves.”
Report FBI Thwarts ISIS-Inspired Plot to Bomb U.S. Capitol - Breitbart
So the guy was allegedly going to commit a terrorist act because Duke university wouldn't allow the Adhan to be called on camps? .....:cool:
Duke is a private college. They can do what they want in this regard. Oh, and by the way, Breitbart is still dead. Just sayin...
Correction - radical Islam calls for the killing of homosexuals.

So, putting them to death is the only evidence that Muslims hate gays?

Plenty on both sides of the issue would tell you otherwise.

I made no statement to that effect. I was merely pointing out that it is radical Islam that calls for killing homosexuals. But since this is being argued, I have seen so-called Christians in this country say essentially as much. Why no comment on those people?

Excuse my frankness, but :bsflag:

What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
I wonder what would happen to me if I started reciting the Lords Prayer in Meccah or reading the Torah in Hebrew in front of the stone.
Don't know.....don't care. .... :cool:
I'm one of those types of people that likes to walk in someone's shoes for awhile. I also have a problem with obvious double-standards.
So, putting them to death is the only evidence that Muslims hate gays?

Plenty on both sides of the issue would tell you otherwise.

I made no statement to that effect. I was merely pointing out that it is radical Islam that calls for killing homosexuals. But since this is being argued, I have seen so-called Christians in this country say essentially as much. Why no comment on those people?

Excuse my frankness, but :bsflag:

What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.
I made no statement to that effect. I was merely pointing out that it is radical Islam that calls for killing homosexuals. But since this is being argued, I have seen so-called Christians in this country say essentially as much. Why no comment on those people?

Excuse my frankness, but :bsflag:

What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Duke University Reverses Course On Muslim Call-To-Prayer From Chapel Bell Tower The Two-Way NPR

After Saying Yes, Duke Nixes Muslim Call To Prayer From Chapel Bell Tower

Duke University announced this week it would allow the traditional Muslim call to prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower. The reaction from some Christian groups was angry, and today the private university in Durham, N.C., reversed course.

"Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students," Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations, said in a statement. "However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect."
Excuse my frankness, but :bsflag:

What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center

Depends on which Crusade. The First Three Crusades were fantastic and absolutely justified. They were trying to reclaim Christian lands which had been taken by the Moslems. The Fourth Crusade, where the Crusaders slaughtered innocent Christians and sacked the great city of Constantinople was an atrocity however.

All this said, the fact that the Left and anti-christian secularists try to equivocate Christianity to Islam today by citing events from almost 1000 years ago really discredits their point. It also shows that a large segment of Muslims still have the attitudes of the ancestors from the Middle Ages, when they were ransacking the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe.
Excuse my frankness, but :bsflag:

What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Nonsense. Christians aren't blowing people up. Nice try though.
What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center

Depends on which Crusade. The First Three Crusades were fantastic and absolutely justified. They were trying to reclaim Christian lands which had been taken by the Moslems. The Fourth Crusade, where the Crusaders slaughtered innocent Christians and sacked the great city of Constantinople was an atrocity however.

All this said, the fact that the Left and anti-christian secularists try to equivocate Christianity to Islam today by citing events from almost 1000 years ago really discredits their point. It also shows that a large segment of Muslims still have the attitudes of the ancestors from the Middle Ages, when they were ransacking the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe.

They were trying to 'reclaim' the "holy lands", which were never held by Christianity. Erm, since Christianity is based on 2,000 years old writings of mostly unknown authors - in what "age" do you suppose the Christians are still stuck?
What part is bullshit? The part where I have seen so-called Christians in this country say as much? Or the fact that so-called Christians have, in fact, attacked, and in some cases, killed homosexuals in this country? And in fact, such attacks have a long history in this country.

Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Nonsense. Christians aren't blowing people up. Nice try though.

Oh really?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today – of course not all of them are radicals! The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15 to 25 percent. … But when you look at 15 to 25 percent of the world Muslim population, you’re looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of western civilization. That is as big as the United States. So why should we worry about the radical 15 to 25 percent? Because it is the radicals that kill. Because it is the radicals that behead and massacre. Articles Coming to America A Terrorist Cell Near You
Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Nonsense. Christians aren't blowing people up. Nice try though.

Oh really?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Christians blowing people up, not getting blown up.
I notice you went back to 1963 to find an example. A fake example no less. Can't find anything recent?
Nope, you guys are living in the past, trying to blame us for what happened 50, 200, 1000 years ago. Pretty damned typical of the left. They only can remember the bad and they wallow in it, refusing to let it go.
Today is what matters, not stuff that happened long ago.

Name an example of a devout Christian who killed a homosexual just for making fun of Jesus.

You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center

Depends on which Crusade. The First Three Crusades were fantastic and absolutely justified. They were trying to reclaim Christian lands which had been taken by the Moslems. The Fourth Crusade, where the Crusaders slaughtered innocent Christians and sacked the great city of Constantinople was an atrocity however.

All this said, the fact that the Left and anti-christian secularists try to equivocate Christianity to Islam today by citing events from almost 1000 years ago really discredits their point. It also shows that a large segment of Muslims still have the attitudes of the ancestors from the Middle Ages, when they were ransacking the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe.

They were trying to 'reclaim' the "holy lands", which were never held by Christianity. Erm, since Christianity is based on 2,000 years old writings of mostly unknown authors - in what "age" do you suppose the Christians are still stuck?
No, you are simply wrong.

I won't give you a detailed history lesson. I will give you some links if you are so inclined. But Jerusalem, along with the Levant and Anatolia, were under the rule of the Christian Byzantine Empire until they were conquered by the Arabs during the Islamic Conquest.

Jerusalem was in Christian hands until 634 AD

Anatolia(modern day Turkey and Syria) hadn't begun to be conquered by Moslems until 1060.

Also it needs to be considered that Muslims had invaded Christian Europe multiple times before the Crusades. Moving as far as France in 732 at the Battle of Tours when they had conquered large portions of Spain. Also, multiple invasions of Sicily and Italy had been made in the 700s and 800s

The first three Crusades were reactions to these incursions and attempts to regain historical christian lands.

Muslim conquests - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

There is nothing wrong with maintaining traditions, honoring our ancestors, and heeding to the wisdom of Christ and the Apostles. I think your post is a perfect example of the left's hostility to tradition on principle, all of course for the sake of "progress". You totally misunderstood what I was saying. Muslims heeding to the traditions of their founders is not bad because the founders were from a certain time period, but because of what the first Muslims did in violently expanding their religion.
There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today – of course not all of them are radicals! The majority of them are peaceful people. The radicals are estimated to be between 15 to 25 percent. … But when you look at 15 to 25 percent of the world Muslim population, you’re looking at 180 million to 300 million people dedicated to the destruction of western civilization. That is as big as the United States. So why should we worry about the radical 15 to 25 percent? Because it is the radicals that kill. Because it is the radicals that behead and massacre. Articles Coming to America A Terrorist Cell Near You

Where did you get this ridiculous 15-25 percent claim?
If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...
If Christians are forbidden to pray at school, then this should also be forbidden. So the first question I ask is, would a Christian student be permitted to perform a benediction or prayer of thanks at any university event?
You don't comprehend the English language very well, do you? Where in my response above did I suggest that Christians have been killing homosexuals for making fun of Jesus? Try to stay on topic, dude.

But you are right. Today does matter. Like when two Christian boys in Wyoming took a gay boy way out in the country, tied him to a fence post, and proceeded to beat him to death.
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Nonsense. Christians aren't blowing people up. Nice try though.

Oh really?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Christians blowing people up, not getting blown up.
I notice you went back to 1963 to find an example. A fake example no less. Can't find anything recent?
Nope, you guys are living in the past, trying to blame us for what happened 50, 200, 1000 years ago. Pretty damned typical of the left. They only can remember the bad and they wallow in it, refusing to let it go.

Fake example? What planet did you say you were from? Whether or not it was a "Christian" thing to do, the perpetrators were Christians, and went to church on Sundays just like every other Christian. You can live in denial of your own religion's atrocities all you want (even those you Christians have done to yourselves - such as in Ireland), but the non-Christian world knows what has been done in Christianity's name and has not forgotten.
After pointing out that the majority of Germans, Russians, Chinese, and Japanese were peaceful people, and yet radicals from those countries still murdered tens of millions of people, Gabriel observed, “The peaceful majority were irrelevant.”

What is relevant is what our government is ignoring. At TheReligionof Peace.com, the array of statistics on the world’s Muslim population’s support of terrorism and violence in defense of Islam is eye-opening – at least for those who are not willfully blind to reality. It includes a List of Islamic Terror Attacks for the Past 30 Days. When it becomes necessary to keep a running list of attacks every 30 days, the “religion of peace” is looking a lot less peaceful. And linked with the statistics on support among the general Muslim population, the claim that this hate is an aberration becomes even more disingenuous.

It is arrogance when someone with little knowledge of a topic takes to the bully pulpit and makes false assertions as if an expert. When our president does so, it is dangerous. When he does so with national security, he becomes an accomplice to an existential threat to our country’s long-term viability. When Obama claims, “ISIL is not ‘Islamic.’ No religion condones the killing of innocents,” he is willfully shirking his responsibility to defend our nation.

Obama’s platitudes and assertions that only a rogue “few” are terrorists, fly in the face of reality. The terrorists are not psychopathic or crazy. They are motivated and determined and thinking lucidly about how to destroy Western civilization. It is Obama and the politically correct who label honest, clear-minded realists Islamophobic and not operating with a full deck. They are functioning in a state of denial.

Articles Coming to America A Terrorist Cell Near You

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