A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

Perhaps a loud speaker truck playing "Amazing Grace" at level 11 at the same time?...

better yet----some sort of system should be devised ---pleced somewhere in the atmosphere above Mecca which---projects
on sound waves----pinpointed to-----the black rock and its sorrounds-----to play five times per day, one hour of Christmas carols----complete with organ music-----and at alternate intervals----lively renditions of Hava Nagila and at least once per day "I can't get no satisfaction"
Did Jesus tell them to beat him or did they just decide to do it on their own?


What makes you think they were Christians? Jesus taught us to try to get along with people, not tie them to a fence post and beat the crap out of them.

Muhammad actually told Muslims to lie to and even kill non-believers. They've been doing it all over the Middle-East and every place they get the numbers together to do it. Ethnic cleansing has been going on under our nose for close to a decade starting in the Sudan and has spread to Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Now is a very poor time to be selling out to a religion that isn't really peaceful at all.

Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Nonsense. Christians aren't blowing people up. Nice try though.

Oh really?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Christians blowing people up, not getting blown up.
I notice you went back to 1963 to find an example. A fake example no less. Can't find anything recent?
Nope, you guys are living in the past, trying to blame us for what happened 50, 200, 1000 years ago. Pretty damned typical of the left. They only can remember the bad and they wallow in it, refusing to let it go.

Fake example? What planet did you say you were from? Whether or not it was a "Christian" thing to do, the perpetrators were Christians, and went to church on Sundays just like every other Christian. You can live in denial of your own religion's atrocities all you want (even those you Christians have done to yourselves - such as in Ireland), but the non-Christian world knows what has been done in Christianity's name and has not forgotten.
They didn't do the attack in the name of Christ, nor claim they were inspired by Christ to do the attack. So no, you cannot equivocate this to the Paris shootings, where the attackers declared they had avenged muhammad and shouted "allah akbar".

No comparison.

You also equivocate at your own peril. Not only are you simply wrong in suggesting there is no difference between Christianity and Islam as pertains to extremism, but it is a dangerous and suicidal position. Your kind of egalitarian and multicultural thinking is what led to attacks like we saw in Paris in the first place.
Our mosque wanted to broadcast the Adhan (call to prayer) through a loudspeaker on the roof.

Some people objected and the issue went before the City Council.

It was brought up that the Catholic church a block down the street rang it's steeple bells several times per day.

We won the case and the beautiful Adhan now permeates the air 5 times per day. ...... :thup:
Broadcasting evil over the speakers
Lol. Hardly. A call to prayer.
More a call to sedition, mayhem, and wholesale murder if we go by actions rather than words.
Yes, Jesus taught us to turn the other cheek, and yet we had the crusades, the inquisition, and the slaughter of millions of aboriginal people in the new world. I'd say Christianity has done a piss poor job of living up to its ideals. And yet we continue to see cases such as what happened with Matthew Shepard and many others. We continue to see groups like these sprouting up:

18 Anti-Gay Groups and Their Propaganda Southern Poverty Law Center
Nonsense. Christians aren't blowing people up. Nice try though.

Oh really?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Christians blowing people up, not getting blown up.
I notice you went back to 1963 to find an example. A fake example no less. Can't find anything recent?
Nope, you guys are living in the past, trying to blame us for what happened 50, 200, 1000 years ago. Pretty damned typical of the left. They only can remember the bad and they wallow in it, refusing to let it go.

Fake example? What planet did you say you were from? Whether or not it was a "Christian" thing to do, the perpetrators were Christians, and went to church on Sundays just like every other Christian. You can live in denial of your own religion's atrocities all you want (even those you Christians have done to yourselves - such as in Ireland), but the non-Christian world knows what has been done in Christianity's name and has not forgotten.
They didn't do the attack in the name of Christ, nor claim they were inspired by Christ to do the attack. So no, you cannot equivocate this to the Paris shootings, where the attackers declared they had avenged muhammad and shouted "allah akbar".

No comparison.

You also equivocate at your own peril. Not only are you simply wrong in suggesting there is no difference between Christianity and Islam as pertains to extremism, but it is a dangerous and suicidal position. Your kind of egalitarian and multicultural thinking is what led to attacks like we saw in Paris in the first place.

the ALL PEOPLES IS THE SAME fart is the hallmark statement of anti intellectual bullshit of the 21st century.
It is right up there with "the bible says anything I want it to say"
Our mosque wanted to broadcast the Adhan (call to prayer) through a loudspeaker on the roof.

Some people objected and the issue went before the City Council.

It was brought up that the Catholic church a block down the street rang it's steeple bells several times per day.

We won the case and the beautiful Adhan now permeates the air 5 times per day. ...... :thup:
Broadcasting evil over the speakers
Lol. Hardly. A call to prayer.
More a call to sedition, mayhem, and wholesale murder if we go by actions rather than words.

church bells are illegal in shariah shit holes
I figured the liberals here would find some excuse to defend this.
So predictable.

Politics, the law, political-correctness.....all just tools for the left to return us back to a pre-9/11 posture.

Yeah, it is amazing that someone could excuse a private institution making its own decisions. How dare they!!
Yup yup

January 15, 2015
Duke University finds homosexual haters it can embrace
By Thomas Lifson

Duke University is one of the most politically correct campuses in the nation, a title for which there is abundant competition. Chick Fil A’s outlet on campus closed in 2013, after its contract expired in the wake of concerns expressed by the LGBT Center.

But now comes news that the Muslim call to prayer, the adhan, will echo from the bell tower of the Duke chapel – Duke’s most iconic structure -- every Friday, electronically amplified. CNN:

Starting Friday, the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, or adhan, from the Duke Chapel bell tower. The adhan signals the beginning of the weekly prayer service. It's ubiquitous in Muslim countries the world over; not so in the Carolina piedmont.

The call will last three minutes and will be only "moderately amplified," the school said.

Duke, which got its start in the late 19th century with help from the Methodist church, says the move "represents a larger commitment to religious pluralism that is at the heart of Duke's mission."

I wonder how the LGBT Center feels about this? Islam calls for the killing of homosexuals. If mere opposition to same sex marriage is cause for outrage, how about the killing of homosexuals?

Blog Duke University finds homosexual haters it can embrace
At this point in time, the LGBT Center probably considers themselves allies with the local muslim student community. But it will be interesting how that warm relationship progresses, should the muslim students get what they say they want. At least we will no longer suffer the outrage of LGBT folks forcing hard-working business people out of business...
better yet----some sort of system should be devised ---pleced somewhere in the atmosphere above Mecca which---projects
on sound waves----pinpointed to-----the black rock and its sorrounds-----to play five times per day, one hour of Christmas carols----complete with organ music-----and at alternate intervals----lively renditions of Hava Nagila and at least once per day "I can't get no satisfaction"
Put the bong down irosie.......time to stop and clear your head. ..... :cool:
THE FREAKING HYPOCRISY. Lefties would call for a full scale outrage media attack if Duke U decided to authorize Bible studies on campus. If the faulty and disturbing modern version of "separation of church and state" works against Christian values what the hell happened in this case? Where is the radical liberal media and the ACLU?
Our mosque wanted to broadcast the Adhan (call to prayer) through a loudspeaker on the roof.

Some people objected and the issue went before the City Council.

It was brought up that the Catholic church a block down the street rang it's steeple bells several times per day.

We won the case and the beautiful Adhan now permeates the air 5 times per day. ...... :thup:
Broadcasting evil over the speakers
Lol. Hardly. A call to prayer.
More a call to sedition, mayhem, and wholesale murder if we go by actions rather than words.

church bells are illegal in shariah shit holes
As evidenced by the manner in which they are looted and burned to the ground in so many shariah shit holes. Not to mention the way their adherents are oh-so-respectfully disposed of...
better yet----some sort of system should be devised ---pleced somewhere in the atmosphere above Mecca which---projects
on sound waves----pinpointed to-----the black rock and its sorrounds-----to play five times per day, one hour of Christmas carols----complete with organ music-----and at alternate intervals----lively renditions of Hava Nagila and at least once per day "I can't get no satisfaction"
Put the bong down irosie.......time to stop and clear your head. ..... :cool:

what is "bong"? is that Arabic for the hindu BHANG---as in "BHANG LASSI"? -----an intereting personal story-----way back in the miserable Clinton era----Clinton said he had an experience with a marijuana cigarette----but did not inhale.
(he explained he has asthma) Everyone laughed -----I did not----I was once offered a marijuana cigarette. I said "do I have to inhale"? (I had once inhaled on a cigarette and was coughing for a week) They said "if you don't inhale you are wasting it"------so I did not try

Wonder what the same hypocritical piece of shit if the school called for a public prayer of the Our Father.....

He would not be asking, "What is the problem?"

Liberals, the hypocrisy never ends.

What would be problem with a public prayer of Our Father in a private university- and I ask that as a Liberal?
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.

Duke Announces Change to Friday’s Call-to-Prayer

DURHAM, NC - Duke University has reconsidered a previously announced plan to present a traditional Muslim call-to-prayer from the Duke Chapel bell tower, campus officials said Thursday.

The call to prayer, or “adhan,” which announces the start of a weekly jummah prayer service that has been held in the Chapel basement for the past several years, will not come from the bell tower on Friday as announced earlier.

“Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students,” said Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations. “However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect.”

Jummah prayers have taken place in the basement of Duke Chapel for many years, and start with the traditional call to prayer chant. Members of the Muslim community will now gather for the call-to-prayer chant on the quadrangle outside the Chapel, a site of frequent interfaith programs and activities, before moving to their regular location for prayers. More than 700 of Duke’s 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students identify as Muslim.

“Our Muslim community enriches the university in countless ways,” said Schoenfeld. “We welcome the active expression of their faith tradition, and all others, in ways that are meaningful and visible.”

Duke Announces Change to Friday s Call-to-Prayer Duke Today
Guess I'll LMAO when those scorned muslims decide to take action to punish bad, old Duke...Let's wait and see how this pans out, shall we?
Still, Muslims are attacking us all over the world. Death by a thousand paper-cuts right now but soon another 9/11 or worse if nothing is done.
So what do you suggest should be done? ..... :cool:

Wait until ISIS is history, Boca Haram is wormfood, and Muslims stand up and start taking out these radical SOBs themselves, with no prodding from the US.

Oh, and when they stop calling us the Great Satan and they stop celebrating our demise.
Oh, do you mean when all the so-called "moderate" muslims stand up on their hind legs and quit encouraging, or at least condoning through their echoing silence, the action of the so-called "radical" muslims?
Islam wouldn't tolerate such nonsense. Liberal groups might as well be saying Sieg Heil in support of political freedom. Do these people know what they are supporting? They support those that would destroy them. Fools.
It's attitudes like some of the people display here that makes many muslims feel marginalized and basically like 2nd class citizens.

All the muslim students wanted was the Adhan (call to prayer) to be broadcast for about 3 min. every Friday at noon.

But people here demand an apology for ISIS and Boko Haram and the Charlie Hebdo magazine incident.

Like somehow these muslim students at an American university are responsible for isolated events taking place on the other side of the world.

Go figure......... :cool:
Why aren't the muslim students at an American university demonstrating in the streets, expressing their open disgust with the actions of others who also claim islam as the guiding light for their abhorrent actions?

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