A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

It is a fact that the ADHAN crap could offend some people. It does not bother me but my hubby was born in a shariah shit hole-----and we live in a town with lots of store front mosques----some of them BROADCAST that adhan crap into the ears of any person passing by WITHOUT WARNING Poor hubby
gets nauseated. Before the adhan crap is blared out----
there should be a warning so that sensitive people can move away and ----at least block their ears with their hands
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.
Wonder what the same hypocritical piece of shit if the school called for a public prayer of the Our Father.....

He would not be asking, "What is the problem?"

Liberals, the hypocrisy never ends.

What would be problem with a public prayer of Our Father in a private university- and I ask that as a Liberal?
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
No, I am attentive to the realities currently rampant on this planet.
Give an example of opposition to the Our Father
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.

nice of you to be so INCLUSIVE------you want all kinds of chants broadcasted into your ears?-------music you like is why
God invented ------discs
What would be problem with a public prayer of Our Father in a private university- and I ask that as a Liberal?
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
No, I am attentive to the realities currently rampant on this planet.
Give an example of opposition to the Our Father
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.

nice of you to be so INCLUSIVE------you want all kinds of chants broadcasted into your ears?-------music you like is why
God invented ------discs

Are you sure it was God who invented... discs? And then, which God? The broadcast from my understanding is once a week. Some Catholic churches ring bells several times a day and that might get a little irritating.
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
No, I am attentive to the realities currently rampant on this planet.
Give an example of opposition to the Our Father
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.

nice of you to be so INCLUSIVE------you want all kinds of chants broadcasted into your ears?-------music you like is why
God invented ------discs

Are you sure it was God who invented... discs? And then, which God? The broadcast from my understanding is once a week. Some Catholic churches ring bells several times a day and that might get a little irritating.

yes-----I enjoyed the bells in my college town-----the bell ringer (quazimoto) could ring out whole compositions ---
the adhan is not bells -----and it is interminable---upon hearing the adhan-----one has to try not to recall the fact that church bells are illegal under the shit of shariah law. Try planting
church bells in a minaret in Saudi Arabia. Of all the issue of
Christianity that muslims most deride----it is that "turn the cheek thing"
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.
yea the crystal cathedral out here used to chime the bells on sundays....it was pretty melodic....
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting...
Sounds more like a cat in heat, being chased off a fence-top.

...Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.
No problem.

Except for the ones that want to conquer the world and kill everyone who does not think like them.

Except for the ones that oppress women and do not grant them rights equal to those of men.

Except for the ones that produce scum who ram jet airliners into skyscrapers and kill thousands of my countrymen.

Etc... etc... etc...

Duke University reverses decision, will not allow Muslim call to prayer at its chapel

Charlotte Observer ^

Duke University has reversed itself, and announced Thursday afternoon it will not allow a Muslim call to prayer Friday from its iconic cathedral. The decision had met with widespread controversy. “Duke remains committed to fostering an inclusive, tolerant and welcoming campus for all of its students,” said Michael Schoenfeld, vice president for public affairs and government relations. “However, it was clear that what was conceived as an effort to unify was not having the intended effect.” Members of the Muslim community will now gather on the quadrangle outside the chapel before moving to its regular location for prayers, Duke said....
How are bells ringing the same as a the Islamic shit blaring over loud speakers?

If Muslims want to hear that shit they can move to any number of shithole Islamic countries around the world.
no more grant money for Duke or any other funds from any level of government

separation of church and state

How has Duke breached that? They are not leading the prayers. What they are doing is the same as ringing the church bells.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it
no more grant money for Duke or any other funds from any level of government

separation of church and state

How has Duke breached that? They are not leading the prayers. What they are doing is the same as ringing the church bells.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.
Perhaps a loud speaker truck playing "Amazing Grace" at level 11 at the same time?...
Good idea!

Paranoia is so unbecoming. What if these were anti-Christian cartoons being distributed on campus?
Christians have a tendency to not let such things drive them into murderous retribution.
Muslims use it as an excuse to commit violence.

Good Christians shun murderers.
"Good Muslims" celebrate them, at least that is the way it is today.

We're not talking about the 16th century here. We're talking today. Christians do not condone acts of violence in the name of Jesus. However, Muslims do condone violence in the name of Muhammad.

Millions of them say yes to the question: Is is good to kill in the name of Muhammad?

If they don't agree with it, they either claim that the victims of these attacks asked for it or that it is all just a plot by Jews.
I like the call to prayer and find it enchanting the same as the Rabbi chants in Jewish temples. Time to start accepting that there are other religions besides Christianity folks.
I like it too....but now isn't the time to be telling the Muslim world that all of this violence is helping the cause. Giving in to them is just asking for more of the same.
I like it too....but now isn't the time to be telling the Muslim world that all of this violence is helping the cause. Giving in to them is just asking for more of the same.

So how would allowing the Call to Prayer at Duke university be giving in to muslims around the world? ....... :cool:
I can't believe that I have to explain this to you.

You and I both know that some Muslims will consider it a victory. The problem with some Muslims, and yourself included, is that they refuse to face reality. Islam is at war with Western Society. Trying to get on Muslims good side only encourages them to do the same or worse.

But you already knew that......even though you claim to be ignorant to the facts.
no more grant money for Duke or any other funds from any level of government

separation of church and state

How has Duke breached that? They are not leading the prayers. What they are doing is the same as ringing the church bells.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.

I thought OUR LAW was based on the 10 Commandments, NOT Sharia, or the atheist code of nothing!
no more grant money for Duke or any other funds from any level of government

separation of church and state

How has Duke breached that? They are not leading the prayers. What they are doing is the same as ringing the church bells.
some leftist sued a small town that had statue ofa soldier kneeling by grave, but since the headstone was a cross he went nuts and said his rights were violated

so I"m just channeling the leftist thought pattern if they can be honest about it

And a right wing state supreme court justice put a 2 ton monument of the 10 commandments in a state courthouse lobby and refused to allow another other displays. Channel that and see whether the 1st amendment was violated.

I thought OUR LAW was based on the 10 Commandments, NOT Sharia, or the atheist code of nothing!

No, it is not based on the 10 commandments. Only 4 of the 10 were laws at all. And the one about "false witness" only applied in certain circumstances. Our law is based on a variety of sources. Most cultures with any laws at all had laws against murder and theft. Those are the only two commandments that would apply to our laws now.

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