A Travesty: Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Chanted Every Friday Across Campus At Duke University

better yet----some sort of system should be devised ---pleced somewhere in the atmosphere above Mecca which---projects
on sound waves----pinpointed to-----the black rock and its sorrounds-----to play five times per day, one hour of Christmas carols----complete with organ music-----and at alternate intervals----lively renditions of Hava Nagila and at least once per day "I can't get no satisfaction"
Put the bong down irosie.......time to stop and clear your head. ..... :cool:

what is "bong"? is that Arabic for the hindu BHANG---as in "BHANG LASSI"? -----an intereting personal story-----way back in the miserable Clinton era----Clinton said he had an experience with a marijuana cigarette----but did not inhale.
(he explained he has asthma) Everyone laughed -----I did not----I was once offered a marijuana cigarette. I said "do I have to inhale"? (I had once inhaled on a cigarette and was coughing for a week) They said "if you don't inhale you are wasting it"------so I did not try
what is "bong"?

Our mosque wanted to broadcast the Adhan (call to prayer) through a loudspeaker on the roof.

Some people objected and the issue went before the City Council.

It was brought up that the Catholic church a block down the street rang it's steeple bells several times per day.

We won the case and the beautiful Adhan now permeates the air 5 times per day. ...... :thup:

As you should if that is the congregation's wish.
If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...
If Christians are forbidden to pray at school, then this should also be forbidden. So the first question I ask is, would a Christian student be permitted to perform a benediction or prayer of thanks at any university event?

Christians are not forbidden to pray at private schools. Duke is a private school. The point is moot, however, since Duke as since pulled its policy wrt Muslims. Do you think that is fair?
They are a private institution last time I checked. They are free to allow or not allow what they want. And people are allowed to pay or not pay them as they please. There are plenty of institutes of higher learning to go to.
If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...
If Christians are forbidden to pray at school, then this should also be forbidden. So the first question I ask is, would a Christian student be permitted to perform a benediction or prayer of thanks at any university event?

Christians are not forbidden to pray at private schools. Duke is a private school. The point is moot, however, since Duke as since pulled its policy wrt Muslims. Do you think that is fair?
I am not muslim, nor am I christian. I really don't care as long as everyone is permitted free expression. But lately, christian expression in this country seems to be represented as somehow evil and unacceptable in many venues, while muslim expression has been exalted and encouraged. All this despite the evidence that followers of islaam appear determined to completed obliterate all others off the face of the planet. Free expression seems to be anathema to muslims.
If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...
If Christians are forbidden to pray at school, then this should also be forbidden. So the first question I ask is, would a Christian student be permitted to perform a benediction or prayer of thanks at any university event?

Christians are not forbidden to pray at private schools. Duke is a private school. The point is moot, however, since Duke as since pulled its policy wrt Muslims. Do you think that is fair?
I am not muslim, nor am I christian. I really don't care as long as everyone is permitted free expression. But lately, christian expression in this country seems to be represented as somehow evil and unacceptable in many venues, while muslim expression has been exalted and encouraged. All this despite the evidence that followers of islaam appear determined to completed obliterate all others off the face of the planet. Free expression seems to be anathema to muslims.

The fact that you believe the above to be true tells me that you care more about Christian rights than anyone else's. Duke is a private Christian school. No one is denying Christians at that Christian school from practicing their faith. It is their choice whether or not to allow Muslims to pray on their campus. Is it not?

Wonder what the same hypocritical piece of shit if the school called for a public prayer of the Our Father.....

He would not be asking, "What is the problem?"

Liberals, the hypocrisy never ends.

What would be problem with a public prayer of Our Father in a private university- and I ask that as a Liberal?
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
better yet----some sort of system should be devised ---pleced somewhere in the atmosphere above Mecca which---projects
on sound waves----pinpointed to-----the black rock and its sorrounds-----to play five times per day, one hour of Christmas carols----complete with organ music-----and at alternate intervals----lively renditions of Hava Nagila and at least once per day "I can't get no satisfaction"
Put the bong down irosie.......time to stop and clear your head. ..... :cool:

what is "bong"? is that Arabic for the hindu BHANG---as in "BHANG LASSI"? -----an intereting personal story-----way back in the miserable Clinton era----Clinton said he had an experience with a marijuana cigarette----but did not inhale.
(he explained he has asthma) Everyone laughed -----I did not----I was once offered a marijuana cigarette. I said "do I have to inhale"? (I had once inhaled on a cigarette and was coughing for a week) They said "if you don't inhale you are wasting it"------so I did not try
what is "bong"?

If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...
If Christians are forbidden to pray at school, then this should also be forbidden. So the first question I ask is, would a Christian student be permitted to perform a benediction or prayer of thanks at any university event?

Christians are not forbidden to pray at private schools. Duke is a private school. The point is moot, however, since Duke as since pulled its policy wrt Muslims. Do you think that is fair?
I am not muslim, nor am I christian. I really don't care as long as everyone is permitted free expression. But lately, christian expression in this country seems to be represented as somehow evil and unacceptable in many venues, while muslim expression has been exalted and encouraged. All this despite the evidence that followers of islaam appear determined to completed obliterate all others off the face of the planet. Free expression seems to be anathema to muslims.

The fact that you believe the above to be true tells me that you care more about Christian rights than anyone else's. Duke is a private Christian school. No one is denying Christians at that Christian school from practicing their faith. It is their choice whether or not to allow Muslims to pray on their campus. Is it not?
Yes, it is the choice of the christians who founded and who administer the school to permit muslim prayer on their campus. The article indicates that this is already permitted. The decision to permit howling the "call to prayer" has been reconsidered. Honestly, as long as one does not use one's religion to force me to act one way, or another, is irrelevant to me. Considering what is common knowledge about islaam, I'd say, they would be much more likely to cause me, and mine, harm, should they ever gain their stated goals.

Wonder what the same hypocritical piece of shit if the school called for a public prayer of the Our Father.....

He would not be asking, "What is the problem?"

Liberals, the hypocrisy never ends.

What would be problem with a public prayer of Our Father in a private university- and I ask that as a Liberal?
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
No, I am attentive to the realities currently rampant on this planet.
If true, then...

Hopefully, the entire Alumni Association stops their donations...

Hopefully, donations from most other sources dry up, as well...

Hopefully, others challenge this audio intrusion into the hearing and minds of non-Muslim students...

Hopefully, the non-Muslim majority at the school embark upon protests against their Administration...

Hopefully, somebody with deep pockets challenges this in court, beginning with an immediate injunction against doing so...

The day the University of Riyad or the University of Karachi allows similar broadcasting of Ave Maria and Amazing Grace from their minarets on a regular daily basis, then maybe schools in the US can reciprocate, but not until then... no reciprocity, no original accommodation... no tickee, no washee...

Hopefully, the Board of Trustees encounters such a shit-storm that they have no choice but to direct school administration to reverse its decision...

Frigging Hyper-Liberal Academia Idiots...
If Christians are forbidden to pray at school, then this should also be forbidden. So the first question I ask is, would a Christian student be permitted to perform a benediction or prayer of thanks at any university event?

Christians are not forbidden to pray at private schools. Duke is a private school. The point is moot, however, since Duke as since pulled its policy wrt Muslims. Do you think that is fair?
I am not muslim, nor am I christian. I really don't care as long as everyone is permitted free expression. But lately, christian expression in this country seems to be represented as somehow evil and unacceptable in many venues, while muslim expression has been exalted and encouraged. All this despite the evidence that followers of islaam appear determined to completed obliterate all others off the face of the planet. Free expression seems to be anathema to muslims.

The fact that you believe the above to be true tells me that you care more about Christian rights than anyone else's. Duke is a private Christian school. No one is denying Christians at that Christian school from practicing their faith. It is their choice whether or not to allow Muslims to pray on their campus. Is it not?

this isnt about muslims praying. They've always been allowed to. It's about whether the university should allow them to issue a campus wide call to prayer. And I see absolutely no reason why a private university can't do so.

Wonder what the same hypocritical piece of shit if the school called for a public prayer of the Our Father.....

He would not be asking, "What is the problem?"

Liberals, the hypocrisy never ends.

What would be problem with a public prayer of Our Father in a private university- and I ask that as a Liberal?
I'm not sure, either, but judging by the typical liberal reaction to the prayer of Our Father being articulated in any venue, including private ones, I'd guess the typical liberal would burst into flames if such words were uttered.
Who has a problem with that, ever? You're delusional.
No, I am attentive to the realities currently rampant on this planet.
Give an example of opposition to the Our Father

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