A Trio Of RINO Scum


Boys from Dixie telling you to keep your stinking hands of their Confederate statues.....you wouldn't know a "nazi" from a UPS delivery man. hint: they both wear brown shirts.
internet tough guy. ohhhh scary. boo
I’m loving the wingnut butthurt.

Mittens, now that he is a Senator, is bound by his oath of office, which he apparently takes seriously. What’s different? His wealth doesn’t come from a lot of overseas deals with Russians, he doesn’t run in DC circles, he’s a deeply religious man, in the true sense, not like the fake Evangelicals. Sure, Mormonism is a crock, but he believes it and lives it. So he’s not going to be bought, or sacrifice his lifelong reputation for a con man and criminal like Trump.

And I sense that he couldn’t care less if the fringe extremists call him a RINO. :laugh:
Graham got 50 Senators to sign on to the note to Pelousy.....either straighten out your smelly mess of a secret inquisition or the Senate will reject any impeachment articles you send us without taking it up. And it worked...the hideous old criminal has set a vote for Thursday. So there are 53 GOP Senators....who are the 3 who didn't sign? The most obvious is Romney.....I can't believe I voted for that POS in 2012. And the other two? Either Collins, despite her deciding vote for Kavanaugh or the weirdo Sasse from Nebraska. And of course Lisa, lovely Lisa (gag) Murkowski from Alaska who got her ANWR tundra opened for oil exploration thanks to the President. and has voted against him ever since. You'd think they would agree to sign on to what Graham told Fancy Nancy but no.....wait until any of the 3 come begging for something from Trump after this charade ends...that would be a conversation I'd enjoy hearing. :lol:


Newt Gingrich: Pelosi announces Trump impeachment inquiry vote – Here's what I am on the lookout for now
I’m sure you are spot on in those guesses. Btw murkowski isn’t really a Republican. She defeated the Republican candidate for senate last election. Joe Miller was the Republican candidate she defeated.
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He grew up in Detroit near me....the house he grew up in was abandoned and an eyesore...pretty much like he left the companies he raided to make his dirty fortune.


BTW, this house is torn down now but the neighborhood around it is still fairly WHITE and nice. Mittens is a billionaire....couldn't he have afforded to buy it for a peanut, fix it up and donate it to the city as the home of a former governor, CEO of American Motors, and Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate? The cheap prick won't spend a dime of his OWN money to help anybody.
If they put the BRIDGE TO NOWHERE fully funded in the "condemnation," Murkowski will vote for it...

he’s a deeply religious man

As is usually the case with politicians, the question is WHICH RELIGION....

Same as Jason ChaffeTZ??????


Mitt Romney made a fortune on 911 with his hedge fund betting on

Defense Stocks

so he really is a credible "mormon" isn't he....
he’s a deeply religious man

As is usually the case with politicians, the question is WHICH RELIGION....

Same as Jason ChaffeTZ??????


Mitt Romney made a fortune on 911 with his hedge fund betting on

Defense Stocks

so he really is a credible "mormon" isn't he....
Mormons are as hypocritical as any other religion. They compartmentalize their business and their social. Mitt was a corporate raider. Who then justifies it by saying he’s doing everything he can for his family.

but all the god, honor, family, country, oath, military stuff they cling to closely.
Mormons and Christians are unChosen IDIOTS who are manipulated by Judaism to SERVE ISRAEL.

There are idiots and there are manipulators, most of whom are frauds. Mitt is a manipulator, a Jew pretending to be a Mormon....
Not to long ago, Romney was your guy

you all voted for him
Graham got 50 Senators to sign on to the note to Pelousy.....either straighten out your smelly mess of a secret inquisition or the Senate will reject any impeachment articles you send us without taking it up. And it worked...the hideous old criminal has set a vote for Thursday. So there are 53 GOP Senators....who are the 3 who didn't sign? The most obvious is Romney.....I can't believe I voted for that POS in 2012. And the other two? Either Collins, despite her deciding vote for Kavanaugh or the weirdo Sasse from Nebraska. And of course Lisa, lovely Lisa (gag) Murkowski from Alaska who got her ANWR tundra opened for oil exploration thanks to the President. and has voted against him ever since. You'd think they would agree to sign on to what Graham told Fancy Nancy but no.....wait until any of the 3 come begging for something from Trump after this charade ends...that would be a conversation I'd enjoy hearing. :lol:
Newt Gingrich: Pelosi announces Trump impeachment inquiry vote – Here's what I am on the lookout for now

Romney, dead meat, he aided and abetted Obama to win. He was the decoy that made it appear as though Obama had a real challenge. Mitt is the new McCain. Vendetta.
Threatening a Senator, eh?

Threatening to try to be a bigger idiot, eh? Romney is dead meat, political road kill to the voters. The vendetta is his, against Trump, personal, just as it was with McCain for past things said. Trump backed him and Romney fell to pieces in 2012. Gee, I figured there would be at least ONE Tard Moron out there so stupid I'd have to explain that to.
Trump takes out Flake, dems win seat. Trump takes out Corker, Tenn elects a tea party nut in Blackburn. So it depends on demographics. Utah is not going to elect a dem to a natl statewide office, but the party and LDS church don't want a Blackburn. So Mitt took one for the home team. His stance on being maybe open to removing Trump is probably not popular in Utah, even though there are questions about Trump.
The local Mosque in SLC was pretty upset at LDS church leaders because they thought the church had their backs and the state would not vote for Trump
I guess they thought Mormon church officials would come out and tell the members to vote for hilliary.

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