A Troubling Theory About the Timing of the S. Carolina Shooting...

Do you think the timing, 1 day apart, of these 2 events, & the look of the suspect are related?

  • No, a millenial could never be a racist and pro-LGBT. It's one or the other, not both.

  • No, the 24-hour period between the two is pure coincidence.

  • Maybe, the timing does seem to be very odd.

  • Yes, I believe the shooter could be both racist and pro-gay marriage enough to anger him so.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Go ahead and call tin foil hat. But like the lady who followed the suspect on a hunch, I think I'm going to turn my car around and get back on the freeway and tail this thing for a few miles anyway.

Three things bother me about this thread Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum and the world at large.

1. This ^^ southern baptist minister said what he said, when he said it, June 16, 2015.

2. A very metro-looking mellenial just shot up a southern baptist? church June 17th, 2015.

3. On last night's MSNBC Maddow show, just she and no other anchor on any other network I could find (I was flipping around a lot to get the whole story) had the 21 year old shooter's face blurred out on all the frontal shots. Maddow has assured all of us time and again that basically the huge majority of millenial kids are full-boar in support of gay marriage.

What do you make of that? Probably nothing. I just thought it was very odd just her show blurred the guy's face. And it struck me that a southern white racist millenial might not necessarily be anti-gay marriage... I think I saw pictures of him wearing racist badges. That was very thoughtful of him to put his motive on his jacket lapel like that, just in case there might be some doubt.

Anyone else see the June 18, 2015 Maddow show and the blurring I was talking about? Your thoughts?

This is all pure speculation but one day a southern baptist leader says "no gay marriage!" and the very next day a millenial takes it upon himself to go shoot up a southern baptist church? Maybe it's just a coincidence. It's all just very weird..and tragic of course. :( It just sort of smells like the Gabby Giffords shooter whipped into a frenzy by urgings from the MSM. Like what polarizing media incitement can lead to in an unhinged mind that watches it every day.

The infamous car he drove, a Hyundai Elantra:

The car has every appearance of a second-generation Hyundai Elantra, sold here from 1996-2000.Help Police Identify The Charleston Shooter s Car


Here's his unblurred face. Kind of a sweet looking young man. But sick for sure if he's guilty of what they say.


Given the victims and the place where the shootings happened it was a hate crime on either

1. Blacks or

2. Southern baptists who just happened to be black.
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I realize there are probably like a jillion threads on this topic. But so far I've not seen one on the timing so close between the two stories this week.
When I saw who the OP was I thought to myself, "There's no way she can link this to same sex marriage."

You really are a retard.
When I saw who the OP was I thought to myself, "There's no way she can link this to same sex marriage."

You really are a retard.
I know right? And if the head of the southern baptist church hadn't said what he did the day before the shootings, this thread wouldn't exist. The timing was just too...too close. Do you disagree?

And the sweet looking young man driving the clean little hyundai sedan just doesn't quite fit the profile of one of those hardened southern racist plotters. This feels more like a kneejerk crime. So when a knee jerks, you look to the hammer blow immediately preceding it..

Young men that age are super impulsive and stupid. They get angry, ACT! and then wake up as if from a haze and think about what they did when it's too late..

Like I said though, it sure was accomodating of him to wear those racist badges on his lapel to make sure everyone understood his true motive. Clears up any other doubts. Though we WERE warned repeatedly that a "culture-war" was on so? Such confusing times we live in.. I mean only a racist this week would be angry at a southern baptist church and targeting it for a kneejerk crime like this one obviously was.
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I guess the more I think about it, & the more I see media talking heads prattling on in dazed amazment at why these kneejerk "anger-hit" shootings/crimes keeping happening with more and more frequency, the more I want to get to the bottom of it.

I recently met a lady who used to be a news anchor. She said she quit journalism when the news went to 24-hour cycles and sensationalistic reporting. She says she even refuses to watch any 24-hour news in protest. It seems the temptation to coerce more clowns onto the stage when the audience tires of the mundane could be an untamed tiger of itself in this circus.

It's possible that in the near future, laws should be revisited about journalism/freedom of speech and incitement of public unrest. If the Gabby Giffords incident didn't drive that home, nothing will. One cannot use a highly accessible and visible podium to whip up civil unrest...using words like "this is war!" and so on. It's illegal, if my reading of our nation's bylaws was correct back in my poli-sci class in college.
Considering that his friends have stated that he started spouting racist hate crap, and that he told one of the survivors "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go.", I think its a pretty safe bet that this is strictly about race.

Your conspiracy theory fails.
Considering that his friends have stated that he started spouting racist hate crap, and that he told one of the survivors "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go.", I think its a pretty safe bet that this is strictly about race.

Your conspiracy theory fails.

Why at a quiet bible study at a southern baptist church the day after the southern baptist leadership in Tenn. announced no matter what SCOTUS says they will not perform gay weddings? Wouldn't people at a church be the least likely to rape white women? For instance, as he was shooting the 87 year old woman with a Bible in her hands at a church, how many times did he imagine she had "raped white women"? Wouldn't a "better" place for his angst to be expressed be at a line going in a night club/juke joint where black men of questionable morals gather? The type that more likely fit his racial profiling/hate/angst "reasons"?

The timing and the place of this attack means we can't just snap the investigation shut at "this was a simple hate crime against blacks." I submit it was more than just blacks this kid was aiming to send a message about. It was at a southern baptist church. And what did the southern baptists JUST announce the DAY BEFORE? But like I said, it's just my pet theory...
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Delving into the conspiracy theory as soon as I heard this story take over the news outlets I thought to myself this will push the Obamatrade votes off the front page. And so far I am right and we are all obliging, by discussing nothing else, those selling the working man down the drain, once again.
Imagine if the MSM would have to now put in the headlines gay white man shoots.... instead of what they are doing.
Either that or 87 year old female Bible study attendees would not be the type one would shoot if one was out to get "those blacks who rape our white women"...
Imagine if the MSM would have to now put in the headlines gay white man shoots.... instead of what they are doing.
Would NEVER happen. Not in a million years. Even if the kid fesses up and admitted it. The story would be skillfully buried.
Delving into the conspiracy theory as soon as I heard this story take over the news outlets I thought to myself this will push the Obamatrade votes off the front page. And so far I am right and we are all obliging, by discussing nothing else, those selling the working man down the drain, once again.
Man living as a conservative must be so tiresome, constantly thinking everything that happens in the world is a liberal conspiracy.
What in actual the hell? Sil can turn any event into anti-gay rant. Good god girl, get a grip.

It is raining outside right now. The timing is rather suspicious! I bet the queers have something to do with it.
Delving into the conspiracy theory as soon as I heard this story take over the news outlets I thought to myself this will push the Obamatrade votes off the front page. And so far I am right and we are all obliging, by discussing nothing else, those selling the working man down the drain, once again.
Man living as a conservative must be so tiresome, constantly thinking everything that happens in the world is a liberal conspiracy.

The liberals, in general, are not supporting Obamatrade.
Delving into the conspiracy theory as soon as I heard this story take over the news outlets I thought to myself this will push the Obamatrade votes off the front page. And so far I am right and we are all obliging, by discussing nothing else, those selling the working man down the drain, once again.
Man living as a conservative must be so tiresome, constantly thinking everything that happens in the world is a liberal conspiracy.
Nobody is saying this is a conspiracy. Only a lone shooter who chose a specific place (a southern baptist church's quiet Wednesday night Bible study meeting) at a specific time (the day after the southern baptist church leadership announced it refused to have anything to do with gay weddings) to execute elderly, sublime and peaceful "black" people who the shooter says he was out to get revenge upon for them "raping white women". Seems the shooter is either 1. Stupid and doesn't realize that younger non church-affiliated/amoral males are the most common rapists or 2. Was choosing a place that in no way was related to what he professes were his reasons for killing the people he killed. (Emphasis on "choosing a place")

Like I said before, as he was shooting the 87 year old woman clutching a Bible at a quiet and thoughtful religious sanctuary, was he thinking "bitch! This is what you get for raping all those white women you raped!"??

I think probably not. I think different thoughts were motivating the pulling of the trigger when the gun was aimed at her..at that very specific, and I believe significant, location...and time...
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Considering that his friends have stated that he started spouting racist hate crap, and that he told one of the survivors "I have to do it. You rape our women and you're taking over our country. And you have to go.", I think its a pretty safe bet that this is strictly about race.

Your conspiracy theory fails.

Why at a quiet bible study at a southern baptist church the day after the southern baptist leadership in Tenn. announced no matter what SCOTUS says they will not perform gay weddings? Wouldn't people at a church be the least likely to rape white women? For instance, as he was shooting the 87 year old woman with a Bible in her hands at a church, how many times did he imagine she had "raped white women"? Wouldn't a "better" place for his angst to be expressed be at a line going in a night club/juke joint where black men of questionable morals gather? The type that more likely fit his racial profiling/hate/angst "reasons"?

The timing and the place of this attack means we can't just snap the investigation shut at "this was a simple hate crime against blacks." I submit it was more than just blacks this kid was aiming to send a message about. It was at a southern baptist church. And what did the southern baptists JUST announce the DAY BEFORE? But like I said, it's just my pet theory...

Why at a quiet bible study? Because this coward knew he would likely face no real resistance.

And at a night club he would be far more likely to encounter someone who would shoot back.

No, given what his friends said of his rants, what he said to the woman in the church, and the patches sewn on his jacket in his FaceBook pic, he is a racist trying to kill blacks.
This thread, like Sil, belongs in the Rubber Room. What a joke.
Why at a quiet bible study? Because this coward knew he would likely face no real resistance.

And at a night club he would be far more likely to encounter someone who would shoot back.

Since many of his victims were women, why not at a beauty parlor? Or a grocery store? Surely none of them would've shot back either. Why a southern baptist church, the day after their leadership made "the announcement" in Tennessee? This was a crime perhaps contemplated in the past "if this ever happens...then.." by this fragile looking young man, but it was a kneejerk catalyst that spurred him on on the timing and place IMHO. It has all the feel of a kneejerk crime anyway.

And like I said it was very accomodating of him to let all of us know "for sure" that this was a crime purely and only about racism...by the photos he posed for with the racist badges on his lapels. Yes, perhaps it was contemplated ahead of time. Surely the country is really angry with a specific demographic right about now.
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Go ahead and call tin foil hat. But like the lady who followed the suspect on a hunch, I think I'm going to turn my car around and get back on the freeway and tail this thing for a few miles anyway.

Three things bother me about this thread Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum and the world at large.

1. This ^^ southern baptist minister said what he said, when he said it, June 16, 2015.

2. A very metro-looking mellenial just shot up a southern baptist? church June 17th, 2015.

3. On last night's MSNBC Maddow show, just she and no other anchor on any other network I could find (I was flipping around a lot to get the whole story) had the 21 year old shooter's face blurred out on all the frontal shots. Maddow has assured all of us time and again that basically the huge majority of millenial kids are full-boar in support of gay marriage.

What do you make of that? Probably nothing. I just thought it was very odd just her show blurred the guy's face. And it struck me that a southern white racist millenial might not necessarily be anti-gay marriage... I think I saw pictures of him wearing racist badges. That was very thoughtful of him to put his motive on his jacket lapel like that, just in case there might be some doubt.

Anyone else see the June 18, 2015 Maddow show and the blurring I was talking about? Your thoughts?

This is all pure speculation but one day a southern baptist leader says "no gay marriage!" and the very next day a millenial takes it upon himself to go shoot up a southern baptist church? Maybe it's just a coincidence. It's all just very weird..and tragic of course. :( It just sort of smells like the Gabby Giffords shooter whipped into a frenzy by urgings from the MSM. Like what polarizing media incitement can lead to in an unhinged mind that watches it every day.

The infamous car he drove, a Hyundai Elantra:

The car has every appearance of a second-generation Hyundai Elantra, sold here from 1996-2000.Help Police Identify The Charleston Shooter s Car


Here's his unblurred face. Kind of a sweet looking young man. But sick for sure if he's guilty of what they say.


Given the victims and the place where the shootings happened it was a hate crime on either

1. Blacks or

2. Southern baptists who just happened to be black.
You do know that the church that was shot up wasn't a baptist church? By now you have to have gotten that much. It was an AME church, African Methodist Episcopalian. Not a baptist in a carload.

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