A Troubling Theory About the Timing of the S. Carolina Shooting...

Do you think the timing, 1 day apart, of these 2 events, & the look of the suspect are related?

  • No, a millenial could never be a racist and pro-LGBT. It's one or the other, not both.

  • No, the 24-hour period between the two is pure coincidence.

  • Maybe, the timing does seem to be very odd.

  • Yes, I believe the shooter could be both racist and pro-gay marriage enough to anger him so.

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Go ahead and call tin foil hat. But like the lady who followed the suspect on a hunch, I think I'm going to turn my car around and get back on the freeway and tail this thing for a few miles anyway.

Three things bother me about this thread Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum and the world at large.

1. This ^^ southern baptist minister said what he said, when he said it, June 16, 2015.

2. A very metro-looking mellenial just shot up a southern baptist? church June 17th, 2015.

3. On last night's MSNBC Maddow show, just she and no other anchor on any other network I could find (I was flipping around a lot to get the whole story) had the 21 year old shooter's face blurred out on all the frontal shots. Maddow has assured all of us time and again that basically the huge majority of millenial kids are full-boar in support of gay marriage.

What do you make of that? Probably nothing. I just thought it was very odd just her show blurred the guy's face. And it struck me that a southern white racist millenial might not necessarily be anti-gay marriage... I think I saw pictures of him wearing racist badges. That was very thoughtful of him to put his motive on his jacket lapel like that, just in case there might be some doubt.

Anyone else see the June 18, 2015 Maddow show and the blurring I was talking about? Your thoughts?

This is all pure speculation but one day a southern baptist leader says "no gay marriage!" and the very next day a millenial takes it upon himself to go shoot up a southern baptist church? Maybe it's just a coincidence. It's all just very weird..and tragic of course. :( It just sort of smells like the Gabby Giffords shooter whipped into a frenzy by urgings from the MSM. Like what polarizing media incitement can lead to in an unhinged mind that watches it every day.

The infamous car he drove, a Hyundai Elantra:

The car has every appearance of a second-generation Hyundai Elantra, sold here from 1996-2000.Help Police Identify The Charleston Shooter s Car


Here's his unblurred face. Kind of a sweet looking young man. But sick for sure if he's guilty of what they say.


Given the victims and the place where the shootings happened it was a hate crime on either

1. Blacks or

2. Southern baptists who just happened to be black.

Yikes...that is one seriously demented looking guy.
Roof's actions don't have to make sense to you. He was under the influence of a mind altering substance just like so many others. His actions made sense to him.

He went to a church because he knew for certain that the church is a gun free zone.

He was concealed carrying with the intent to murder. He could have chosen anywhere. Instead, he chose a church on that specific day of all days. Not only that, he sat there for an hour listening to the Christian discussion of that particular day (the day after the announcement in Tenn.). Then, our very dapper and tender-looking suspect rose up and shot six women and three men to death.

Now then. The explanation seeping out from his friends is that he had a vendetta specifically and only for black people; and that because he felt they were sullying the white race by "raping white women". With that much sobriety, to walk into a church and pretend to participate for an hour, how is it that he made such a gross miscalculation about his targets? Was he thinking as he shot the women in their middle age or elder years, at a church, "here's for all the white women you raped!"??

I'd like to know what was being discussed at that Bible study for the hour before the gunman rose up and shot all those people at the church.

Yes, yes, we all get it. You think this has something to do with gay marriage. That's your story and by golly you're sticking to it. Get a grip Sil.
The infamous car he drove, a Hyundai Elantra:

The car has every appearance of a second-generation Hyundai Elantra, sold here from 1996-2000.Help Police Identify The Charleston Shooter s Car


Here's his unblurred face. Kind of a sweet looking young man. But sick for sure if he's guilty of what they say.


Yikes...that is one seriously demented looking guy.

Actually he looks a little frail for the most part, but like quite a lot of high school kids anywhere really. What about that face/car combo would suggest to anyone that he was predisposed to killing 6 women and 3 men at a church?
The infamous car he drove, a Hyundai Elantra:

The car has every appearance of a second-generation Hyundai Elantra, sold here from 1996-2000.Help Police Identify The Charleston Shooter s Car


Here's his unblurred face. Kind of a sweet looking young man. But sick for sure if he's guilty of what they say.


Yikes...that is one seriously demented looking guy.

Actually he looks a little frail for the most part, but like quite a lot of high school kids anywhere really. What about that face/car combo would suggest to anyone that he was predisposed to killing 6 women and 3 men at a church?

He confessed to his crimes. He is guilty.
He confessed to his crimes. He is guilty.

Don't you wonder about what the topic of discussion was at the Bible study just before he rose up and shot those 6 women and 3 men?

I am curious. You however are hoping and begging it has something to do with gays. You're desperately trying to link this story to gays. That's all you really care about. How can use their tragedy to smear the queers? It's gross of you but unsurprising to say the least.
I am curious. You however are hoping and begging it has something to do with gays. You're desperately trying to link this story to gays. That's all you really care about. How can use their tragedy to smear the queers? It's gross of you but unsurprising to say the least.
No, I'll be the first one to admit that the Tennessee-revelation the day before by a southern Christian church was mere coincidence. Aren't you even slightly rattled by this coming at a southern church the day after a HUGE southern church's leadership made a socially-impactful statement like the one the day before the shooting? I'll remind you again, this thread would not exist if but for a few things:

1. The June 16, 2015 church announcement in Tennessee.

2. The June 17, 2015 mass murder at a church in the south by a sweet looking young man who shot up 6 aging/elderly women and 3 men at a Bible study meeting after an hour had elapsed for the reasons being flaunted (emphasis on flaunted) that "blacks are raping white women" (& fill in other sterotypical "white racist chants" here..)

3. How many elderly black women who are 2x week church attendees do you suppose are responsible for raping white women? The kid was concealed-carrying. Why not hit a night club line in a drive-by where young black men would be the more likely profile to fit your hatred?

4. That the millenial lad sat in the church meeting for an hour before killing. And the thought keeps ringing in my head like a bell "Why a church meeting? Why a church meeting? Why a church meeting"... Others have said "because the victims were unarmed". Well they would have been at a beauty parlor too, where most of his victims likely frequented. There was something about his choice of a church. I guess I want that answered.

So I'll be the first one if this shakes out to be not a hate crime on a church (that also catered mainly to blacks), to admit I'm wrong. But with all the other oddities factored in, I'm not going to be like you and rubber-stamp this "just another garden variety white supremacist crime" ("now move along please!") by a tender young white millenial male with a drug problem.
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He confessed to his crimes. He is guilty.

Don't you wonder about what the topic of discussion was at the Bible study just before he rose up and shot those 6 women and 3 men?

I am curious. You however are hoping and begging it has something to do with gays. You're desperately trying to link this story to gays. That's all you really care about. How can use their tragedy to smear the queers? It's gross of you but unsurprising to say the least.
No, I'll be the first one to admit that the Tennessee-revelation the day before by a southern Christian church was mere coincidence. I'll remind you again, this thread would not exist if but for a few things:

1. The June 16, 2015 church announcement in Tennessee.

2. The June 17, 2015 mass murder at a church in the south by a sweet looking young man who shot up 6 aging/elderly women and 3 men at a Bible study meeting after an hour had elapsed for the reasons being flaunted (emphasis on flaunted) that "blacks are raping white women" (& fill in other sterotypical "white racist chants" here..)

3. How many elderly black women who are 2x week church attendees do you suppose are responsible for raping white women? The kid was concealed-carrying. Why not hit a night club line in a drive-by where young black men would be the more likely profile to fit your hatred?

4. That the millenial lad sat in the church meeting for an hour before killing. And the thought keeps ringing in my head like a bell "Why a church meeting? Why a church meeting? Why a church meeting"... Others have said "because the victims were unarmed". Well they would have been at a beauty parlor too, wheree most of his victims likely frequented. There was someting about his choice of a church. I guess I want that answered.

So I'll be the first one if this shakes out to be not a hate crime on a church (that also catered mainly to blacks), to admit I'm wrong. But with all the other oddities factored in, I'm not going to be like you and rubber-stamp this "just another garden variety white supremacist crime" ("now move along please!") by a tender young white millenial male with a drug problem.

You can't even be honest about the purpose of this thread, which is nothing more than excuse to use this massacre to attack gays. All roads lead back to gays with you and if you can't find a way you just invent one.

I've never seen you admit you were wrong once on this forum. You didn't even admit that this church wasn't affiliated with Southern Baptists. You merely hope it was so you could use it for your narrative. Have fun with your latest delusion b/c I am done with this bullshit thread.
You can't even be honest about the purpose of this thread, which is nothing more than excuse to use this massacre to attack gays. All roads lead back to gays with you and if you can't find a way you just invent one. .

Well MDK, the social-media photos of the killer are starting to make their rounds on the internet. Charleston Shooter Is A Right Winger Cue Laff-Trak Page 4 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum It would be a supreme disservice to the victims of this crime to immediately pigeonhole the motive for this crime as "only just a racial crime" (at a church). If what happened is what I think might have happened, the nation needs to know about it. It's essential that if we are going to protect people in the future from same or similar violence, that we know EVERYTHING about it; the bad, the ugly and the worse..

Suffice to say that when this all settles down there really will be the finger of blame pointed in one direction; and that ultimately may be the media. I can't be the only person in this country or the world who has noticed the increasing fanning of civil unrest as to race...and other civil rights agendas.. in the last year mounting a crescendo up to this particular month and year. Only it's not Fox News. I'll let you guess which media outlet I'm talking about.
So everyone has agreed that this is 100% a racially-motivated crime and 0% a crime against a church in the South on June 17, 2015?

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