a True Patriot

The laws do not favor any specif race or group (except for the rich), the economic system definitely is racist and partisan. The people of America are racist, and bigotted.

The economic system -- whatever you are thinking that is -- is controlled by the law. Again, the law is neither racist nor for or against religion.

Are you not the big proponent of freedom of speech? Championing a cause you don't adhere to is bad for. Whether or not the people of the US are racist is their business unless you choose to police people's thoughts.

Everyone with a mind capable of rational, discriminating thought is bigotted.
The economic system must not be that racist if Rev Wright can afford the upscale mansion in the gated community. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, et al seem to be making out pretty well too. Obama sure doesn't look like he's suffered any either. Maybe the economic system just happens to reward those who work hard and are smart enough to put together a good business?

And some people in America are racist and bigoted, others are not. These racists and bigots come in all sizes, shapes and colors, not just white.
When a few minority figures are able to break through, they are used as "evidence" that the system is not racist...but it is a sham. And to continue to perpetrate that lie is racist in of itself.

There is nothing wrong with ackowledging a problem in order to address it and hopefully correct it.
The economic system -- whatever you are thinking that is -- is controlled by the law. Again, the law is neither racist nor for or against religion.

Are you not the big proponent of freedom of speech? Championing a cause you don't adhere to is bad for. Whether or not the people of the US are racist is their business unless you choose to police people's thoughts.

Everyone with a mind capable of rational, discriminating thought is bigotted.
And the law, and the economic system is classist, and part of that is racial inequity.
And the law, and the economic system is classist, and part of that is racial inequity.

Any perceived racial inequity is not a product class division. Unless you're saying *I* am a victim of racial inequity.

Class inequity and racial inequity are neither synonimous nor mutually inclusive.
Any perceived racial inequity is not a product class division. Unless you're saying *I* am a victim of racial inequity.

Class inequity and racial inequity are neither synonimous nor mutually inclusive.

Whites reaped most of the benefits of racial inequality, until Nixon destroyed the Bretton Woods system and the middle class began to sink into the lower class.

With the Bretton Woods sytem, we would be able to target the poor for elevation into the middle class...but the way the system is designed now, we have to focus on most of America, the laws and the economic structure if we are ever going to fix the inequality.
Whites reaped most of the benefits of racial inequality, until Nixon destroyed the Bretton Woods system and the middle class began to sink into the lower class.

With the Bretton Woods sytem, we would be able to target the poor for elevation into the middle class...but the way the system is designed now, we have to focus on most of America, the laws and the economic structure if we are ever going to fix the inequality.

Yep affirmative action definetly benefited whites.:cuckoo:
OMG dude not every thing in this country is a conspiracy, there trully are evil individuals out there.

it is all one conspiracy..look at the evidence..many reports of multiple bombs
the atf not being in their office that day john doe..McvEY WAS COMPLETELY MENTAL..could not of done this alone..then the first wtc attack the FBI funded it ..ordered a real bomb..except the fall guy taped it all that time there are evil people out there your correct..and they are running the show the intelligence is so good they knew all about these attacks prior to there occurrence and even helped them along...including 911
Whites reaped most of the benefits of racial inequality, until Nixon destroyed the Bretton Woods system and the middle class began to sink into the lower class.

With the Bretton Woods sytem, we would be able to target the poor for elevation into the middle class...but the way the system is designed now, we have to focus on most of America, the laws and the economic structure if we are ever going to fix the inequality.

If that was in fact true, then whoever it is you are calling "the poor" would have disappeared between the adoption of the Bretton Woods Agreements and our withdrawal from them. Setting a global standard for currency with gold as its base doesn't equate to elevating the poor in this nation to middle class, so perhaps you need to explain where you see the correlation.

Your claim that whites reaped the most benefits of racial inequality during the period the US was part of the Bretton Woods Agreements is kind of a lopsided one since the vast majority of the time the US participated in Bretton Woods was pre-Civil Rights era.

No one is saying the US was never a racist country. Obviously, it was. Racism does not exist legally, and the only reason it exists at all is because of people on both sides of the racial argument keeping it alive.

Ideologically, "elevating the poor" when they have done nothing to deserve nor earn such elevation is, for lack of a better term, ka-ka.

I bust my ass to earn what I have I will openly admit that I am more than resentful that legal thievery is practiced every day on my wallet to support those who think they are entitled and those who enable them in their thinking. In ANY other facet of life in this country, if you take from someone what they earned without their permission it's called theft, plain and simple.

And you might wish to rethink your socialist utopia ideology and look at it in practical application. Socialist nations don't have a poor classe elevated to middle class. They have a poor class and a ruling class.
Whites reaped most of the benefits of racial inequality, until Nixon destroyed the Bretton Woods system and the middle class began to sink into the lower class.

With the Bretton Woods sytem, we would be able to target the poor for elevation into the middle class...but the way the system is designed now, we have to focus on most of America, the laws and the economic structure if we are ever going to fix the inequality.

Whatever happened to the good old American concept of you worked hard and made your own way? Are you saying that our country has to "target the poor" in order to make them better? What about those people that choose that lifestyle, either by dropping out of school or becoming a criminal? People make choices in life and then reap what they sow. If you chose to quit school, you reap a life of flipping burgers at McDonalds. If you chose to become a criminal, you reap of life in and out of prison. You can't make anyone be anything they don't want to be.
What Obama Could Have Said About His Pastor

By Lawrence Korb And Ian Moss

"In 1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F. Kennedy's challenge to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country," gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia and voluntarily joined the Marines. In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the Marines, volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman....

While this young man was serving six years on active duty, Vice President Dick Cheney, who was born the same year as the Marine/sailor, received five deferments, four for being an undergraduate and graduate student and one for being a prospective father. Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, both five years younger than the African-American youth, used their student deferments to stay in college until 1968. Both then avoided going on active duty through family connections.

Who is the real patriot? The young man who interrupted his studies to serve his country for six years or our three political leaders who beat the system? Are the patriots the people who actually sacrifice something or those who merely talk about their love of the country?

After leaving the service of his country, the young African-American finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained as a minister, and eventually became pastor of a large church in one of America's biggest cities.__This man is Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the retiring pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, who has been in the news for comments he made over the last three decades."


Lee Harvey Oswald was a marine. Charles Whitman was a marine. Were they great patriots as well?
I often wonder about the people who bitch about how horrid this country is. Go to China, Russia, North Korea, Mexico, Macau, and then come back and tell me about racism and civil rights. Nothing is perfect in this world but what we have is something that I'm extremely proud of.
I often wonder about the people who bitch about how horrid this country is. Go to China, Russia, North Korea, Mexico, Macau, and then come back and tell me about racism and civil rights. Nothing is perfect in this world but what we have is something that I'm extremely proud of.

Being proud and being critical are not mutually exclusive.
Well, making blanket statements of how this country is evil seems to be mutually exclusive among some.

What may seem like nothing but a blanket statement to you may have seemed like something more to the intended audience. Both greater exposure to Wright and different perspectives on the world generally may have enabled them to read something more into his words than you do - as black and white (couldn't help myself) as the words seemed to you.
What may seem like nothing but a blanket statement to you may have seemed like something more to the intended audience. Both greater exposure to Wright and different perspectives on the world generally may have enabled them to read something more into his words than you do - as black and white (couldn't help myself) as the words seemed to you.

Calling for the disposal of a race as basis for religion makes you a racist, period. I don't care if it's whites calling for the destruction of blacks or blacks calling for the destruction of whites, it's racist. Explain how wanting nothing but the destruction of another race is anything other than racist?
Calling for the disposal of a race as basis for religion makes you a racist, period. I don't care if it's whites calling for the destruction of blacks or blacks calling for the destruction of whites, it's racist. Explain how wanting nothing but the destruction of another race is anything other than racist?

I was speaking more to the criticism of the US. I actually hadn't heard that he called for the genocide of the caucasian peoples, but it matters little to how I think of it. I doubt that you will find any of this in the least bit convincing, but here are a few considerations.

1. What did the language mean to the intended listeners? Wright's parish has a history and experience with Wright. They can put certain words in context with other things he has said. Was he merely being emotive? I don't know, but his parish would probably know when to take him literally and when not to.

2. Do the same words mean the same thing when said by a black person than when said by a white person? You obviously feel that they do. I don't personally believe that. I think we (or many of us) recognize different standards for black people and white people. There is much greater tolerance for racist language by a black person than by a white person. Perhaps there shouldn't be, but there is. I can understand the historical and cultural reasons for this.

3. In the end, the language is secondary to the intent. Do you believe that Wright believes all the worst things you have heard him say? Yes? No? Not sure? How you feel about him (and Obama) will obviously reflect how you come down on this question.

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