A TrumpUSA Brainchild: Metaphysics Mediums


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Metaphysics is interesting, because it compels us to evaluate the boundaries between physical reality and supernatural imagination.

As we celebrate the election of a celebrity-president with a consumerism-background (Donald Trump), we might consider the value of metaphysics in a modern world shadowed by Wall Street and Burger King.

Why did American horror-novelist Stephen King write a story about haunted children trying to take over a town of adults (Children of the Corn)?

When we look at shadows, we might think about the contours of perception and silhouettes and contemplate the meaning of philosophical ambiguities --- e.g., "Why is the human mind curious about doom and oblivion?"

Why does the Christian Book of Revelation suggest that at the 'End of Days,' Christ will return (complementing the archangel Michael's war with the Dragon/Satan) to manifest his testimony about the chaos of bureaucracy and civilization, and why does the Book suggest that this 'rapture' will be coupled to a visibility of strange forces and characters such as the AntiChrist (the adversary of Jesus Christ)?


As Evans walked down a sunlit path one autumn in Connecticut, he noticed the numerous shadows created by the sunlight hitting the trees on the path at certain angles. Evans started thinking about how shadows are as real as real-world objects, even though they are merely 'footprints' of the contours of objects 'competing' for attention from the sunlight. Evans thought about these strange mysteries, even though he was only 11 years-old. Evans' father (Theodore), a Yale professor of divinity, was giving a guest lecture, while Evans was taking this meditative walk.

As Evans continued on his walk, he started thinking about how shadows of tree-silhouettes were not frightening or confusing at all, but shadows of people moving around were somewhat eerie (since they represented the mind's perception of an 'alternative' reality --- or even consciousness!). Evans' father Theodore was busy delivering his lecture about the ramifications of Sunni-Shia schisms within Islam in the modern world of commerce-based globalization politics (e.g., European Union, OPEC, NATO, etc., etc.). Evans started thinking deeply about shadows of children walking on the walk-path of autumn trees and how the shadows moved around and would remind him of an unusual imagination.

As Evans continued on his walk and thought about shadows of other kids walking by in the autumn sunlight in Connecticut, something offbeat occurred to him --- there must be a 'link' between childhood imagination and adulthood cynicism. Why do adults lose their natural fascination with magic and the supernatural, and should kids be considered 'strange' or even 'crazy' for entertaining wild thoughts about 'alternative' realities? Evans remembered how his father was telling him on his birthday about the Stephen King horror-tale Children of the Corn and how it presented the story of possessed children defying the rule of an adult world. Evans concluded that the reason he was having all these thoughts about shadows and light was because he was bored of a 'normal' world governed by cheeseburgers and computers!



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