A vacation for Barron Trump?

STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.

I call shenanigans. If you actually cared about Barron, you wouldn't gossip about him on the interwebs. You know very little about his life - and what you do know is largely biased, sensationalized reporting by the Trump-hating media.
She is concerned with the apparent lack of activities with his father who seems more concerned with himself

That is b'loney. You have no idea what Barron's activities actually are. None of us do.

We do have an idea of what Trumps activities are

They don’t involve Barron or his grandkids

B'loney. You only know what the Prog Media Spins.
Why doesn’t Fox show some Trump family time?
It would make him not look like such an asshole

Look at Trump playing with his grandkids
Look at Trump throwing a football with his son Barron

Ain’t gunna happen
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.
95% of the press were azz kizzing the Obama family during his Presidency. Trump's son was viciously verbally attacked after the election. You care about chitt. You need to be put into a slave labor camp. Then you can teach the children there.
It wasn’t hard showing Obama enjoying his family......because he actually did

Trump can’t pull it off
think that most of you guys . Yep , most of you guys can be described as VAPID RWinger .
Hmmm...funny how it seems there is always this amazing lack of diversity in the media Trump hate circles.

Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.
95% of the press were azz kizzing the Obama family during his Presidency. Trump's son was viciously verbally attacked after the election. You care about chitt. You need to be put into a slave labor camp. Then you can teach the children there.
It wasn’t hard showing Obama enjoying his family......because he actually did

Trump can’t pull it off
------------------------------------- i don't think that the TRUMP is interested in Proving anything to 'you people' . I'd be disappointed in the TRUMP if he was interested in proving anything to 'you people' RWinger .
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.

Did you feel this when Chelsea was growing up in the Oval Office?

My point?

Simple, you comment of Special Needs was a low blow swipe and is something I would have never expected from you.

Also remember Donald Trump is old enough to be Baron Grandfather and most likely has more of a connection with his older brothers than his father...
I have special needs students and I don't consider it a low blow to say so if there's a problem. The people who think he's acting autistic aren't saying it because they're being mean and hate his father. That is the behavior they see. I don't know enough about it to say.

I didn't write this thread to start a discussion on that.
You were trolling in a sad way, and that's sad.

Actually Marion I doubt Old Lady knows how to troll but she Limbaugh us with her comment...
Being the middle of summer, I got thinking about Barron. No family vacations for this kid--just weekends and Christmas at Mar a Lago. It's nice, I'm sure, but going to their club for "vacation?" Trump needs to spring for something a bit better. Spend some time with the kid.

There is basically nothing written on Barron, who turned 13 in March. There were articles from when he moved to D.C. and started school, that was it. He is seen walking onto Air Force One with his parents; he has gotten almost as tall as his father. But that's it. The Obamas were definitely not this secretive about Sasha and Melia.

I feel sorry for him. Does anyone remember the comic book series Richie Rich? Poor little Rich Boy? That's what it seems like to me. I hope he's happier than I imagine him to be, hidden in that festering fishbowl down in D.C., with Secret Service agents walking right behind him, everywhere he goes. What if he wants to kiss his first girl at the school dance? Go to a football game without armed guards talking into their walkie talkies all around him? Get drunk at a friend's overnight when the parents are away. You know--junior high stuff. The Trump fans may scream about the MSM, but they have respected Barron's privacy to the extreme. I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

This, though, is outrageous: Bustle, in an article on Trump and Obama family vacations a couple months ago, said this:

The Trumps haven't taken many official government trips together as a family, which is likely due to the fact that the Trump children are all adults —
Family Vacations For Trump Vs. Obama Have One Thing In Common

Poor young Barron.
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.
95% of the press were azz kizzing the Obama family during his Presidency. Trump's son was viciously verbally attacked after the election. You care about chitt. You need to be put into a slave labor camp. Then you can teach the children there.
It wasn’t hard showing Obama enjoying his family......because he actually did

Trump can’t pull it off
------------------------------------- i don't think that the TRUMP is interested in Proving anything to 'you people' . I'd be disappointed in the TRUMP if he was interested in proving anything to 'you people' RWinger .
Conservatives used to claim to care about family values

Then, along came Trump
I call shenanigans. If you actually cared about Barron, you wouldn't gossip about him on the interwebs. You know very little about his life - and what you do know is largely biased, sensationalized reporting by the Trump-hating media.
She is concerned with the apparent lack of activities with his father who seems more concerned with himself

That is b'loney. You have no idea what Barron's activities actually are. None of us do.

We do have an idea of what Trumps activities are

They don’t involve Barron or his grandkids

B'loney. You only know what the Prog Media Spins.
Why doesn’t Fox show some Trump family time?
It would make him not look like such an asshole

Look at Trump playing with his grandkids
Look at Trump throwing a football with his son Barron

Ain’t gunna happen

I didn't see you asking for such a program about the Obamas - nor attacking their children. Shame on you.
Did you feel this when Chelsea was growing up in the Oval Office?

My point?

Simple, you comment of Special Needs was a low blow swipe and is something I would have never expected from you.

Also remember Donald Trump is old enough to be Baron Grandfather and most likely has more of a connection with his older brothers than his father...
I have special needs students and I don't consider it a low blow to say so if there's a problem. The people who think he's acting autistic aren't saying it because they're being mean and hate his father. That is the behavior they see. I don't know enough about it to say.

I didn't write this thread to start a discussion on that.

1. If you did not want want to discuss the rude comment you made about Baron then you should have never wrote it in the first place.

2. Writers that make those claims are doing so to take a swipe at Donald Trump to get a negative reaction because they know attacking his family will get him to react.

3. In my personal opinion your comment was a low blow and no better than Rush Limbaugh stupid comment on Chelsea Clinton or the individuals on here attacking the Obama Daughters.

4. Baron would have never had a normal life no matter what because he is a Trump, so summer camp was never happening unless it is the rich kid summer camps and who would go to one if those?

5. Donald Trump closet relationship with his children is Ivanka and why?

Who knows but Donald seem less engaged with his sons than his oldest Daughter and Tiffany is just the one no one even remembers anyway.

6. Did you have this concern for Chelsea, the Bush Twins and the Obama Daughters?

My guess would be no but because of your distaste for Trump you felt like hitting at Baron because let admit reality Trump supporters will react harshly when you attack Trump youngest than attack Trump himself...

Final part:

As much as I hate and despise Donald John Trump the fact is I dislike it when partisan hacks use the children of any President to attack that President.

I defended Chelsea, Bush Twins, Obama Daughters and will defend Baron and even Tiffany because they did not ask their parents to toss them into this circus we call politics.

You can pretend you meant nothing Old Lady but in my personal opinion what you wrote in your OP was a low blow and you are a hell of a lot better than that!
I'm not pretending. This thread was taken in the spirit in which it was intended until the partisans showed up and -- to get a lib (me)-- started talking about the rumor. This was about slamming me, not about any outrage about Barron.
Are you this angry that you have to attack his teenage son? Lol so sad .. do you need friends?
No one is attacking Barron, except you folks bringing up over and over the rumor that he's autistic. Maybe if you don't want it focused on, you ought to shut up about it.

I didn't mention any word but you are doing it Old Lady...

Fact is you seem upset about being called out about being like Rush Limbaugh...
CALL it as you like , just remember that 'bush style and so called conservative familia values are not my values ' . Plus i don't think that you and i share the same family values RWinger .
Oh shut the fuck up. You don't give a rat's ass about Barron, you're just looking for another excuse to attack Trump.
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.
95% of the press were azz kizzing the Obama family during his Presidency. Trump's son was viciously verbally attacked after the election. You care about chitt. You need to be put into a slave labor camp. Then you can teach the children there.
It wasn’t hard showing Obama enjoying his family......because he actually did

Trump can’t pull it off
------------------------------------- i don't think that the TRUMP is interested in Proving anything to 'you people' . I'd be disappointed in the TRUMP if he was interested in proving anything to 'you people' RWinger .
Conservatives used to claim to care about family values

Then, along came Trump
What’s your point ?
Obama’s daughters and joe Biden’s son smoke crack
She is concerned with the apparent lack of activities with his father who seems more concerned with himself

That is b'loney. You have no idea what Barron's activities actually are. None of us do.

We do have an idea of what Trumps activities are

They don’t involve Barron or his grandkids

B'loney. You only know what the Prog Media Spins.
Why doesn’t Fox show some Trump family time?
It would make him not look like such an asshole

Look at Trump playing with his grandkids
Look at Trump throwing a football with his son Barron

Ain’t gunna happen

I didn't see you asking for such a program about the Obamas - nor attacking their children. Shame on you.

The Obamas did not have to set up photo ops with their daughters. They were naturally affectionate and enjoyed doing things as a family

Trump sees no reason to do things his family will enjoy....it is all about him
View attachment 271406
STFU yourself, you miserable asshole. I'm a teacher and a grannie and I actually do care about kids. Plus I WAS a kid once. Summers were fun. I can't imagine being a first kid. Awful, awful.
95% of the press were azz kizzing the Obama family during his Presidency. Trump's son was viciously verbally attacked after the election. You care about chitt. You need to be put into a slave labor camp. Then you can teach the children there.
It wasn’t hard showing Obama enjoying his family......because he actually did

Trump can’t pull it off
------------------------------------- i don't think that the TRUMP is interested in Proving anything to 'you people' . I'd be disappointed in the TRUMP if he was interested in proving anything to 'you people' RWinger .
Conservatives used to claim to care about family values

Then, along came Trump
What’s your point ?
Obama’s daughters and joe Biden’s son smoke crack
Poor Tiffany

Always standing on the outside barely in the picture
I never see her complaining.. always smiling .. he has a great family. Picture perfect
That is b'loney. You have no idea what Barron's activities actually are. None of us do.

We do have an idea of what Trumps activities are

They don’t involve Barron or his grandkids

B'loney. You only know what the Prog Media Spins.
Why doesn’t Fox show some Trump family time?
It would make him not look like such an asshole

Look at Trump playing with his grandkids
Look at Trump throwing a football with his son Barron

Ain’t gunna happen

I didn't see you asking for such a program about the Obamas - nor attacking their children. Shame on you.

The Obamas did not have to set up photo ops with their daughters. They were naturally affectionate and enjoyed doing things as a family

Trump sees no reason to do things his family will enjoy....it is all about him
-------------------------------------------- if what you say was true I'd just figure that TRUMP has bigger fish to fry , His family will 'live' RWinger .
That is b'loney. You have no idea what Barron's activities actually are. None of us do.

We do have an idea of what Trumps activities are

They don’t involve Barron or his grandkids

B'loney. You only know what the Prog Media Spins.
Why doesn’t Fox show some Trump family time?
It would make him not look like such an asshole

Look at Trump playing with his grandkids
Look at Trump throwing a football with his son Barron

Ain’t gunna happen

I didn't see you asking for such a program about the Obamas - nor attacking their children. Shame on you.

The Obamas did not have to set up photo ops with their daughters. They were naturally affectionate and enjoyed doing things as a family

Trump sees no reason to do things his family will enjoy....it is all about him

Your TDS is flaring up, bub. Must be painful.
There are questions on whether Barron has emotional or mental disabilities. He appears remote in personal appearances and rarely smiles.

I don't know--maybe the rumors that he is special needs is true.

Now that both of you are on the record, I hope the two of you are proud of yourselves... Are the two of you related to Rosie O'Donnell?

Ok, So Does Barron have Autism?

  1. The Rosie O’Donnell No-No. Rosie O’Donnell apologized publically for her accusations about Barron having Autism, but it does not excuse her allegations, nor does it correct any damage she may have caused. By Rosie putting her opinion out there on social media about Barron Trump, she not only caused an aftershock of public backlash, she took the power from President Trump and Mrs. Trump in letting them announce publically whether or not their son has Autism. It is every parent’s right to be the voice for their child on whether or not things like diagnoses, disorders or health problems are highlighted publically. Rosie, you did a big #NoNo.
  2. Eleven-Year-Olds Will Be Eleven-Year-Olds. Barron is eleven. And he acts as most eleven year olds do. He gets bored easily. He gets distracted easily. He would likely rather be playing on an Xbox or with his toys than having to sit (or stand) for Presidential events. All-in-all, he publicly appears to be a well-mannered and well-behaved young man who’s had to adjust to his new-normal with his Dad as President. That would be a huge adjustment for most of us to cope with. Imagine how confusing and strange this is for a child?
  3. Autism Cannot Be Diagnosed on Public Behaviors Alone. At the crux of this issue is how social media has blown up about Barron allegedly having Autism based on little more than his pubic behaviors. Yes, he has been photographed and videotaped dozens – if not hundreds – of times by now, where he’s seen engaging in hand-flapping, staring at the ceiling, and walking in a strange manner. These behaviors alone are not conclusive of Autism. His age, developmental level, social and pragmatic skills, and the environmental context need to be taken into consideration. Remember, he is only eleven years old. And most unsettling for Barron are the possible ramifications of social media making these assumptions about him. At eleven years old, he’s old enough to read, and old enough to understand what is being said about him in the public eye whether or not he has full access to them. These types of allegations without actual evidence supporting them are unfair to Barron and the Trump family. I am not suggesting Barron does not have Autism, nor am I affirming he does have Autism.
The Barron Trump Autism Rumor: 3 Critical Facts - The Autism Analyst

Stop Your Dangerous Speculation About Barron Trump's ...
Barron is now 13 and still shows signs of autism

Not that there is anything wrong with it but if his father finds out about it, he may publicly

And as usual you show definite signs of insanity.

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