A Very , Smelly, and Rotton Red Herring.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.

Bound and determined to be the last dupe standing, are you?
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.

Bound and determined to be the last dupe standing, are you?
Thanks for proving the point that you. Name Calling Idiots don't know anything else but Marching, Protesting, Rioting, Burning our Flag, and Name Calling!
Get back to me when you grow up and grow a brain!
Ah, so it's all big conspiracy against Trump? You mean like how the Birther thing, led by Trump, was all a big conspiracy against Obama?

Karma time!
DNC E-Mails Leaked, Embarrassing Dems By Leaking RACIS, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMITIC jokes, comments, etc in personal DNC e-mails...Also revealed was how DNC/Democratic Party rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, and helped Hillary cheat in debates to help Hillary defeat Sanders - which showed she could not do so on her own - to take the DNC Nomination handed to her.

DNC cries 'Russia Hacked the Election'
- Servers never examined by the FBI
- The 'election' was never hacked...BY THE RUSSIANS. Revealed: Obama and the DHS attempted to hack the Indiana and Georgia state elections 14 times - and failed - in an attempt to bolster their attempt to take over ALL state elections weeks before the election in the name of 'critical infrastructure'.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired 3 terrorist-connected Pakistani IT SPY brothers and gave them access to classified House Files before they were caught, banned from the House and an investigation on them began. DWS then hired the oldest brother - ignoring the investigation and ban, gave him access to Hose files AGAIN as well as to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords - THE SAME E-MAIL THE RUSSIANS SUPPOSEDLY (ACCORDING TO DEMOCRATS) HACKED AND LEAKED. (Smells like a BS claim by Dems to attack Trump, claim 'victim status', and distract from the fact that their hacked/leaked e-mails were the result of a Self-inflicted wound, specifically pulled off by DWS' Pakistani IT hacker/spy.)

Democrats claim 'Russian-Trump Collusion'

Directors of both the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress that initial 'incidental collections' of Trump team revealed NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information collected contained NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE. Obama then asked for multiple investigations of Trump and his team. Again, the NSA and FBI directors testified they made it CLEAR to the Obama administration that NO CRIME and NO COLLUSION had been discovered...which meant there was NO NEED / NO legitimate reason for an investigation.
-- Both testified that since the information collected had NO INTEL VALUE 1) it became 'Protected Classified Personal Information' and 2) there was no reason to release it to Intel Agencies. The only reason to do so - according to the NSA and FBI was for POLITICAL REASONS, which they declared is a CRIME. SUSAN RICE ADMITTED she released the info to the Intel Agencies and demanded multiple times Trump team members be 'unmasked'. RICE, according to the FBI and NSA - BROKE THE LAW.
-- Both testified that the releasing of the 'Protected Classified Personal Information' by the Intel agencies later was a violation of US Law - Felony Espionage.

The Directors of the NSA and FBI testified there was NEVER a CRIME, there was NEVER any evidence of Collusion, and there STILL isn't any evidence to support the claims of collusion - after 10 months of multiple investigations...that are still on-going despite no crime and no evidence against Trump.

The FBI has publicly declared 3 times now there is NO EVIDENCE to support the false claims.

Obama's Ex-Director of National Intelligence has testified there is NO evidence.

The Intel Committee Chairman has declared there is NO evidence.

Intel Committee D-Feinstein has declared there is NO evidence.

Investigations into the Clinton Team has resulted in revealing:
- The Clinton Foundation took in large donations from prominent Russian Businessmen with govt connections
- Bill Clinton was being paid to give speeches by Ex-KGB Putin Pals
- Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stocks he never reported and 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominent Russian Businessmen who have ties to the Kremlin / Putin
- The brother of Hillary's campaign manager was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails. (What a coincidence)

Democrats are still screaming how Trump is guilty of collusion despite all the evidence (or LACK of any evidence) mentioned above.

This is pretty much the details and the running timeline of this Fake News, All-In snowflake NON-scandal.
Ah, so it's all big conspiracy against Trump? You mean like how the Birther thing, led by Trump, was all a big conspiracy against Obama?
Thank you for the perfect example of how snowflakes completely ignore / leave out facts when those facts are inconvenient....

Report: Clinton Confidant Sidney Blumenthal Spread Birther Rumors in 2008 (Updated)

Fact checking the media — yes, the Clinton machine did start the birther movement

"The birther movement does indeed have Democratic roots, long before Mr. Trump ever brought it up and made it an issue.

“The idea of going after Obama’s otherness dates back to the last presidential election — and to Democrats,” Bloomberg News
reported. “Long before Trump started in, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, Mark Penn, recognized this potential vulnerability in Obama and sought to exploit it.

In a March 2007 memo to
Clinton (that later found its way to me), Penn wrote: ‘All of these articles about his boyhood in Indonesia and his life in Hawaii are geared toward showing his background is diverse, multicultural and putting it in a new light,’ he wrote. ‘Save it for 2050. It also exposes a very strong weakness for him — his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and his values,’ ” Bloomberg reported.

Although Mr. Penn never suggested bringing up Mr. Obama’s birth certificate as a strategy to exploit this weakness, he did suggest
Mrs. Clinton include a line in every speech saying that she was “born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century.”

But that doesn’t stand in the way of the mainstream news media trying to rewrite history."

Now quickly, run for your 'safe space', snowflake. The liberal fairy tale created to deny the true Birther movement / issue created by Hillary's team has been de-bunked.
Bet Pence took a spyplane ride to beg Putin to deliver them the Whitehouse like libs claim Bush I did....rrrrrriiiiigggghhhttt.,......All libs know how to do is brew fake scandals and try to claim anyone who wins but them is illegitimate.....let me know when they don't do it.
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.

Bound and determined to be the last dupe standing, are you?
Thanks for proving the point that you. Name Calling Idiots don't know anything else but Marching, Protesting, Rioting, Burning our Flag, and Name Calling!
Get back to me when you grow up and grow a brain!
Complaining about name calling? Demorats?
DNC E-Mails Leaked, Embarrassing Dems By Leaking RACIS, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMITIC jokes, comments, etc in personal DNC e-mails...Also revealed was how DNC/Democratic Party rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, and helped Hillary cheat in debates to help Hillary defeat Sanders - which showed she could not do so on her own - to take the DNC Nomination handed to her.

DNC cries 'Russia Hacked the Election'
- Servers never examined by the FBI
- The 'election' was never hacked...BY THE RUSSIANS. Revealed: Obama and the DHS attempted to hack the Indiana and Georgia state elections 14 times - and failed - in an attempt to bolster their attempt to take over ALL state elections weeks before the election in the name of 'critical infrastructure'.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired 3 terrorist-connected Pakistani IT SPY brothers and gave them access to classified House Files before they were caught, banned from the House and an investigation on them began. DWS then hired the oldest brother - ignoring the investigation and ban, gave him access to Hose files AGAIN as well as to DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords - THE SAME E-MAIL THE RUSSIANS SUPPOSEDLY (ACCORDING TO DEMOCRATS) HACKED AND LEAKED. (Smells like a BS claim by Dems to attack Trump, claim 'victim status', and distract from the fact that their hacked/leaked e-mails were the result of a Self-inflicted wound, specifically pulled off by DWS' Pakistani IT hacker/spy.)

Democrats claim 'Russian-Trump Collusion'

Directors of both the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress that initial 'incidental collections' of Trump team revealed NO CRIME, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information collected contained NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE. Obama then asked for multiple investigations of Trump and his team. Again, the NSA and FBI directors testified they made it CLEAR to the Obama administration that NO CRIME and NO COLLUSION had been discovered...which meant there was NO NEED / NO legitimate reason for an investigation.
-- Both testified that since the information collected had NO INTEL VALUE 1) it became 'Protected Classified Personal Information' and 2) there was no reason to release it to Intel Agencies. The only reason to do so - according to the NSA and FBI was for POLITICAL REASONS, which they declared is a CRIME. SUSAN RICE ADMITTED she released the info to the Intel Agencies and demanded multiple times Trump team members be 'unmasked'. RICE, according to the FBI and NSA - BROKE THE LAW.
-- Both testified that the releasing of the 'Protected Classified Personal Information' by the Intel agencies later was a violation of US Law - Felony Espionage.

The Directors of the NSA and FBI testified there was NEVER a CRIME, there was NEVER any evidence of Collusion, and there STILL isn't any evidence to support the claims of collusion - after 10 months of multiple investigations...that are still on-going despite no crime and no evidence against Trump.

The FBI has publicly declared 3 times now there is NO EVIDENCE to support the false claims.

Obama's Ex-Director of National Intelligence has testified there is NO evidence.

The Intel Committee Chairman has declared there is NO evidence.

Intel Committee D-Feinstein has declared there is NO evidence.

Investigations into the Clinton Team has resulted in revealing:
- The Clinton Foundation took in large donations from prominent Russian Businessmen with govt connections
- Bill Clinton was being paid to give speeches by Ex-KGB Putin Pals
- Hillary's campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stocks he never reported and 1/3rd of his company's board members are prominent Russian Businessmen who have ties to the Kremlin / Putin
- The brother of Hillary's campaign manager was working for the 'KGB Bank' and the Russian spy agency that supposedly hacked the DNC's e-mails. (What a coincidence)

Democrats are still screaming how Trump is guilty of collusion despite all the evidence (or LACK of any evidence) mentioned above.

This is pretty much the details and the running timeline of this Fake News, All-In snowflake NON-scandal.
But the Flying Monkeys don't want to hear that. All they want to do is Parade around wearing Pussy Hats , and burn down things!
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.

Bound and determined to be the last dupe standing, are you?
Thanks for proving the point that you. Name Calling Idiots don't know anything else but Marching, Protesting, Rioting, Burning our Flag, and Name Calling!
Get back to me when you grow up and grow a brain!
This from the guy who started the thread by calling them "DemoRATS".

Is there anything you do that's not hypocritical?
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.
The Democrats did not start Russiagate. It was started by the US intelligence community when they reported Russian interference and exsposure of the Russian "St. Petersburg troll army", an active operative propaganda and fake news operation conducted by the Russian government.
As I've said from the moment the DemoRats first raised the RUSSIA THING , that it's nothing more than a very large, very smelly, and now very OLD and thoroughly ROTTEN RED HERRING.
And of course Just like the Former Democratic Head of the CIA said, " theres nothing there, but of course, but that doesn't matter to the DemonRats, who in typical Brown Shirt fashion will NEVER give it up. We'll be hearing about Russia's "Illegal" Collusion with the Trump Campaign till Kingdom Come.
Just a bit tardy to the party. Meaning, everything they say and ALL of their issues are red herrings or some other kind of fallacy.

No, that is not a syllogism. All of their points and issues are some sort of fallacy. Period.

All of them without exception are fucking losers.

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