A Vote For Trump is a Vote Against Them

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The assholes in the DC establishment have grown so arrogant that they feel they OWN government, all our money, and YOU! Hence the emergence of president Trump!
It’s republicans who sell out the country to their donors since Reagan.
Here’s an example:

Currently there is a thread on this very board to where Trump supporters are actually questioning if the Capitol Hill police were injured in the 1/6 insurrection.

There is no basement low enough for Trump supporters. They act like garbage. It has become such second nature to most of them that I wonder what they will do when the blob goes t*ts up...are they going to actually be able to function when nobody is there to tell them what to think to the degree of disgust they currently wallow in. Don’t get me wrong...they’ll still be told what to think but when their thought leaders aren’t so hopelessly narcissistic, aren’t so hopelessly aloof when it comes to actual policy debates to suggest stuff like injecting bleach or raking he forest, and frankly aren’t so willing to say anything to get fawning acceptance...it should be fun to watch them trying to salvage some dignity. I’m afraid (not really afraid but saddened by it) the MAGA fools will go the way of the 9/11 Truthers...who only now whisper “inside job” as opposed to having once beat their chest about it. Sooner or later being the outcast takes it’s toll on the losers who seek and revel in the ignominy of the choice. Take Bobby Knight for example. He passed away recently. Whereas when other accomplished men passed, reactions came from near and far...Knight’s passing was noticed but the man’s accomplishments were hardly celebrated. Why? Because, for whatever reason, he doubled down on what got him ostracized in the first place. Being a dick.
I don’t know if you watched the video or not but it’s about the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in terms of someone attempting to be serious and scholarly but failing so spectacularly.
No I didn’t. But thanks, I couldn’t stop laughing. I can only take a few seconds of Tuckerism.
The assholes in the DC establishment have grown so arrogant that they feel they OWN government, all our money, and YOU! Hence the emergence of president Trump!
All fine and well, Trump's good at pointing our the problems, not so good at providing the remedies for them Blues

So trumps good at pointing out the problems, only when looking in the mirror.
I would say most pols are great at pulling themselves up, by pulling others down Dag

The better of them would do so , if only to include whatever corrective avenues they would seek in office

This is the best Trump ad I've seen so far

Naw, this is better and it’s truthful.

Republicans won’t be swayed. They’ll take a dictator just to remain in power with policies that even their own followers don’t like. It’s an a art form, getting votes for candidates that want to screw the voters.
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