A wall on the border would kill the environment.

Funny, I saw the wall as representing freedom and liberty. Freedom and Liberty for people who live along the border not to have to worry about criminals, thugs, and desperate people trying to smuggle drugs and people through their property at night leaving all kinds of trash behind them for you to deal with, freedom and liberty to be able to go to bed at night with your window open and not worry about some Mexican breaking into your house to rob and rape you. The freedom and liberty to live in an open and honest society where people around you are documented American citizens and not some greasy wetback who doesn't even speak English trying to run some scam on you while looking out for the Police. The freedom and liberty to know that money you pay in taxes is going more for things which make the country better rather than just trying to keep it from getting worse.

Even when those living close to the border don't want the wall?

Proximity to the border does not matter when it comes to views about U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. Only about one-third (32%) of Americans near the border and 35% of those living further away from the border approve of the proposed wall. Mexicans are overwhelmingly united in opposition: Only 3% of Mexicans within 200 miles from the border and 5% of Mexicans further from the border approve of Trump’s plan.

How Americans, Mexicans see each other differs for those closer to border

By your logic, we shouldn't build prisons either because 98% of the people in them don't want to be there and 88% of the people in the area don't want one in their backyard.

BESIDES, how did we let you get away with making this "Trump's Wall?" THE WALL IS ALREADY THERE! There has been a barrier there for a LONG TIME. It has been promised and supported by most every president and politician on both sides of the aisle! All Trump is trying to do is FINISH the wall and make it complete and effective.

You just proclaimed that the wall represents freedom because of what it would mean to the people who actually live on the border, I showed you they don't want it.

And, fyi, most/many prisons aren't in 'peoples' backyards'.

The wall is not there, some fencing is and apparently Trump is ripping down his own wall as many of his surrogates are saying that much of the wall will only be a fence. Funny, just a little while ago as Mexico was proclaiming they weren't going to pay for it Trump said the wall was only going to get higher. What a lie that was, amiright?

Look pea-brain, why don't you know when you've lost the argument and admit defeat gracefully. You have shown NOTHING but some website with a pro-Mexican agenda. I know for a fact that the Americans down there WANT THE WALL. But then, what is the point trying to carry on a conversation with an idiot like you who stands there claiming the wall is not there even as 100,000 pictures have been shown of the Border Patrol patrolling it and Mexicans trying to climb over it or get through the places it is broken down. Not to mention every president going back as far as I can remember being for it and promising to address the issue. The wall is going up, period. Had Mexicans respected the original wall in the first place, they wouldn't have to face the prospect of this new one being twice as high and 10X as impenetrable. If you don't like it, if Mexicans don't like it, they only have themselves to blame and you can all go suck a donkey's ass.

No, like most Americans they don't wan the wall, you can proclaim to have that info first hand and I'd assume it's anecdotal at best.

The current 'border wall' is mostly fence, sorry.

The rest of your post is just blathering anger.
A wall would not hurt, and building of it, the maintenance of it, the Manning of it would create jobs...
Progressives interests are not my interests so there will always be disagreement there... that’s life
It really can’t hurt to build the wall, it’s not like Mexico is a credible country. LOL

If you ignore the cost. And yes, Mexico is a legit country, what an idiot.

As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.

No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.
Illegal is illegal no two ways about it
No worries, a wall can be taken down much quicker that it was built.

And they can put all the trash right back.

Back? It will still be there if the wall is built.

Nope. Not really.
Sure it will. Probably more, since it will draw a lot of people. The Berlin wall wasn't looking too hot at the end.

But it did the job extremely well until those who built it agreed to tear it down.

In all fairness, though, it was supported by snipers with orders to shoot and don't even bother to ask questions.

Elsewhere, between Soviet ruled countries and the Western world the border was guarded by snipers and land mines.

Good bet that the whole thing was far more effective and cost a lot less to build and maintain than anything proposed for the Mexican border.

It was called the "Iron Curtain".
^real 'merican (idiot)
Sorry I hurt your feelings

No hurting my feelings, feel free to shit on the most recognized American landmark all you want.
I don’t only thing worse than nationalism is globalism, so fuck your Statue of Liberty it represents socialism Europe... lol

It represents socialism? That's a new one.
Europe is socialist and it came from Europe…

Was France socialist in the 1880s?

Europe is chalk full of our allies, perhaps you'd prefer this on Ellis Island:


I heard there are a lot of dead meskins who died trying to get up here. If I lived down there, I'd be the one out there poking them with a stick, to see if the bloated fuckers would pop.

But that's just me. :biggrin:

(graphic image removed)

If I lived in cali I'd follow the lefties that put water out for the illegals and replace it with antifreeze.

Has to be clear.


If you ignore the cost. And yes, Mexico is a legit country, what an idiot.

As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.

No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.

Yes...a few posters on this site.......I am talking the real world....

I'm debating your fellow idiots currently. But I'm glad you realize their ideas don't represent the real world. With friends like you....:badgrin:
It really can’t hurt to build the wall, it’s not like Mexico is a credible country. LOL

If you ignore the cost. And yes, Mexico is a legit country, what an idiot.

As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.
Europe is aging far quicker and Japan quicker yet.

Only legal immigration is financially viable… Illegal is illegal and costs for too much.
Your political correctness is making you look foolish again

Yep, but we're talking about the U.S., we have an aging population and were not popping out enough kids to keep the economy moving. Therefore we need immigration. I'm not for illegal immigration, I'm for more immigration.
That’s why everyone should wait in line to immigrate here, those that don’t follow the rules go to back to the line. No matter their age, no matter their circumstances, no matter their political thinking.

America does not have the money to finance these so called “dreamers” Because after all they are just a diminishing return.
If you ignore the cost. And yes, Mexico is a legit country, what an idiot.

As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.

No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.
Illegal is illegal no two ways about it

Yep, nobody is advocating illegal immigration. So, move along.
I think it's foolish to set policy based on racial hatred.
Says the control freak

I bet you think everyone in the country should speak English.

I do......the worst problems within a country begin with the inability to speak a common language.....
That is true, but I don’t see where that is possible… a common tongue.
What I really hate is when these places call you with people that have really strong accents from foreign countries. I just hang up because I can’t understand them... lol

It would take a movement....all government documents and voting should be in English.....that would be the bare minimum...

You won't win that one.
As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.

No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.

Yes...a few posters on this site.......I am talking the real world....

I'm debating your fellow idiots currently. But I'm glad you realize their ideas don't represent the real world. With friends like you....:badgrin:

They are good people who disagree with those who want to ruin this country......and too often those who want to ruin the country want to import uneducated, non english speakers in order to get votes......they know these people will give their votes to anyone who will give them the bare minimum.......and the democrats are more than willing to fill that role...
If you ignore the cost. And yes, Mexico is a legit country, what an idiot.

As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.
Europe is aging far quicker and Japan quicker yet.

Only legal immigration is financially viable… Illegal is illegal and costs for too much.
Your political correctness is making you look foolish again

Yep, but we're talking about the U.S., we have an aging population and were not popping out enough kids to keep the economy moving. Therefore we need immigration. I'm not for illegal immigration, I'm for more immigration.
That’s why everyone should wait in line to immigrate here, those that don’t follow the rules go to back to the line. No matter their age, no matter their circumstances, no matter their political thinking.

America does not have the money to finance these so called “dreamers” Because after all they are just a diminishing return.

The line is impossibly long, like over 10 years, it's simply not reasonable. Comprehensive immigration reform should work to shorten this time frame. However since many on the right don't like Mexicans that is going to be difficult to do. Of course 2aguy thinks ya'll love Mexicans, I'm betting otherwise.
Sorry I hurt your feelings

No hurting my feelings, feel free to shit on the most recognized American landmark all you want.
I don’t only thing worse than nationalism is globalism, so fuck your Statue of Liberty it represents socialism Europe... lol

It represents socialism? That's a new one.
Europe is socialist and it came from Europe…

Was France socialist in the 1880s?

Europe is chalk full of our allies, perhaps you'd prefer this on Ellis Island:

Europe is no friend of this country, They have always tried to control this country
I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.

No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.

Yes...a few posters on this site.......I am talking the real world....

I'm debating your fellow idiots currently. But I'm glad you realize their ideas don't represent the real world. With friends like you....:badgrin:

They are good people who disagree with those who want to ruin this country......and too often those who want to ruin the country want to import uneducated, non english speakers in order to get votes......they know these people will give their votes to anyone who will give them the bare minimum.......and the democrats are more than willing to fill that role...

Make up your mind. Are your fellow knuckle draggers good people or living in fantasy land? :badgrin:
No worries, a wall can be taken down much quicker that it was built.

And they can put all the trash right back.

Back? It will still be there if the wall is built.

Nope. Not really.
Sure it will. Probably more, since it will draw a lot of people. The Berlin wall wasn't looking too hot at the end.

Don't be a doofus. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people in, not out. Who except yourself would want to go live in some Marxists "paradise"?

Direction of the migration is immaterial. It DID the job.
No hurting my feelings, feel free to shit on the most recognized American landmark all you want.
I don’t only thing worse than nationalism is globalism, so fuck your Statue of Liberty it represents socialism Europe... lol

It represents socialism? That's a new one.
Europe is socialist and it came from Europe…

Was France socialist in the 1880s?

Europe is chalk full of our allies, perhaps you'd prefer this on Ellis Island:

Europe is no friend of this country, They have always tried to control this country

:badgrin: 2aguy thinks your opinions don't matter, I agree.
As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.

No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.
Illegal is illegal no two ways about it

Yep, nobody is advocating illegal immigration. So, move along.
Yes you are, dreamers should move to the back of the line.
Immigration in this country should be a first come first serve waiting in line of 12 - 15 or more.
Basically a pay to play…
Last edited:
As Spoken by the pea-brain who ignores the cost of all that illegal aliens actually cost us. The wall isn't an "expense," it represents a huge savings. Funny how when Obama spent enough money in 2009 to build the wall THIRTY TIMES OVER, they touted it as a great economic moment.

I'm more intersted in the overall picture of immigration. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are a huge economic plus for our country, and let's face it we are aging and we need younger people to emigrate to the U.S.
Europe is aging far quicker and Japan quicker yet.

Only legal immigration is financially viable… Illegal is illegal and costs for too much.
Your political correctness is making you look foolish again

Yep, but we're talking about the U.S., we have an aging population and were not popping out enough kids to keep the economy moving. Therefore we need immigration. I'm not for illegal immigration, I'm for more immigration.
That’s why everyone should wait in line to immigrate here, those that don’t follow the rules go to back to the line. No matter their age, no matter their circumstances, no matter their political thinking.

America does not have the money to finance these so called “dreamers” Because after all they are just a diminishing return.

The line is impossibly long, like over 10 years, it's simply not reasonable. Comprehensive immigration reform should work to shorten this time frame. However since many on the right don't like Mexicans that is going to be difficult to do. Of course 2aguy thinks ya'll love Mexicans, I'm betting otherwise.
10 years is far too short... They can live here while they are doing it but they have to pay to play. Their life has to be under a microscope to qualify.
Immigration is a privilege not a right
I don’t only thing worse than nationalism is globalism, so fuck your Statue of Liberty it represents socialism Europe... lol

It represents socialism? That's a new one.
Europe is socialist and it came from Europe…

Was France socialist in the 1880s?

Europe is chalk full of our allies, perhaps you'd prefer this on Ellis Island:

Europe is no friend of this country, They have always tried to control this country

:badgrin: 2aguy thinks your opinions don't matter, I agree.

No...don't put words in my posts....I agree with 99% of what they post......I too think dreamers go to the back of the line.....that we need a Wall, the end of chain migration, the end of birth right citizenship for the children of foriegn nationals, the end of the immigration lottery, that we need e-verify and I think instead of deporting violent criminals, we should lock them up so they don't keep coming back on comitting crimes...
I don’t only thing worse than nationalism is globalism, so fuck your Statue of Liberty it represents socialism Europe... lol

It represents socialism? That's a new one.
Europe is socialist and it came from Europe…

Was France socialist in the 1880s?

Europe is chalk full of our allies, perhaps you'd prefer this on Ellis Island:

Europe is no friend of this country, They have always tried to control this country

:badgrin: 2aguy thinks your opinions don't matter, I agree.
Well I guess your opinion and my opinion cancel each other out… LOL
No one is against legal immigration.....illegal immigration, supported by the democrats because they want a serf class to vote them power....that is what we have a problem with...

Actually there are quite a few here who don't want 'wet backs' to immigrate here, who are you trying to fool? Start with BrokeLoser and move down the list.

Yes...a few posters on this site.......I am talking the real world....

I'm debating your fellow idiots currently. But I'm glad you realize their ideas don't represent the real world. With friends like you....:badgrin:

They are good people who disagree with those who want to ruin this country......and too often those who want to ruin the country want to import uneducated, non english speakers in order to get votes......they know these people will give their votes to anyone who will give them the bare minimum.......and the democrats are more than willing to fill that role...

Make up your mind. Are your fellow knuckle draggers good people or living in fantasy land? :badgrin:
The Fantasy world is everyone getting along, why do you want to force those you disagree with to get along with you?

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