A Warning from Canada: Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights

Now Reader, you may be asking yourself: "How many times does one need to demonstrate their delusion, before they become aware of it?"

And it's understandable that you would... but in the question, you demonstrate the most common misnomer about the mental disorder at issue.

Delusion means that they cannot be aware of it. Because friends... they're deluded.

See the problem?

They look like you and I... they drive cars, own homes, pay bills... just like you and I. But they live in a sense of reality which stands apart from ... reality.

They're nuckin' futs.
Tell us more about your life. I find it entertaining.
Now Reader, you may be asking yourself: "How many times does one need to demonstrate their delusion, before they become aware of it?"

And it's understandable that you would... but in the question, you demonstrate the most common misnomer about the mental disorder at issue.

Delusion means that they cannot be aware of it. Because friends... they're deluded.

See the problem?

They knew exactly what they were doing when they overthrew the APA back in the 1970s: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This coup by the LGBT cult has been carefully planned since the 1960s. The leadership started back then studied an art of psychological manipulation. They are very smart and knew this had to be done incrementally over a long period of time, due to the visceral rejection of deviant sexuality and their ties to child predation. It is nearly indistinguishable from what pedophiles do on a smaller scale with kids in their neighborhood. Only in this case, the "neighborhood" is the country and the targets are orphans, usually only readily accessible from a marriage to adopt.

Unfortunately, organizing and overthrowing the APA does not constitute a scientific conclusion about the organizers. Only total control of information and press regarding their previously-categorized mental disturbances. Reality remains the same; but they have nearly gotten that overthrown too.
Ran across this article which conveys what I have been saying about the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality Cult and what we should expect as a consequence of its effect on our culture, from people who have experienced the effects on theirs.

"Americans need to understand that the endgame of the LGBT rights movement involves centralized state power—and the end of First Amendment freedoms."

"I am the daughter of a gay father who died of AIDS. I described my experiences in my book: Out From Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting. Over fifty adult children who were raised by LGBT parents have communicated with me and share my concerns about same-sex marriage and parenting. Many of us struggle with our own sexuality and sense of gender because of the influences in our household environments growing up.

We have great compassion for people who struggle with their sexuality and gender identity—not animosity. And we love our parents. Yet, when we go public with our stories, we often face ostracism, silencing, and threats.

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

The Americans who are concerned about normalizing the mental disorder that presents sexual deviancy, should read the entire article, which you can find here:

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights Public Discourse

It's evil... of the Old Testament variety and it will bring the same wrath to our time that it brought to the ancient people, destroying their cultures by the gross.
Cool a Canadian homophobe site. Who'd a guessed they had one too!
Now Reader, you may be asking yourself: "How many times does one need to demonstrate their delusion, before they become aware of it?"

And it's understandable that you would... but in the question, you demonstrate the most common misnomer about the mental disorder at issue.

Delusion means that they cannot be aware of it. Because friends... they're deluded.

See the problem?

They knew exactly what they were doing when they overthrew the APA back in the 1970s: Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren t to Blame They Rely on Science .. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

This coup by the LGBT cult has been carefully planned since the 1960s. The leadership started back then studied an art of psychological manipulation. They are very smart and knew this had to be done incrementally over a long period of time, due to the visceral rejection of deviant sexuality and their ties to child predation. It is nearly indistinguishable from what pedophiles do on a smaller scale with kids in their neighborhood. Only in this case, the "neighborhood" is the country and the targets are orphans, usually only readily accessible from a marriage to adopt.

Wow, your anti-gay screeds are getting especially shrill with your conspiracies more fantastically elaborate and wildly complicated. Can I take it from the escalation that you're not terribly confident about the USSC's ruling this month?

Unfortunately, organizing and overthrowing the APA does not constitute a scientific conclusion about the organizers. Only total control of information and press regarding their previously-categorized mental disturbances. Reality remains the same; but they have nearly gotten that overthrown too.

Um, Sil.......your opinion doesn't define ''reality'' either.

Thankfully these kind of raving anti-gay hysterics have a shelf life. With the slow attrition of age alone gradually eliminating your perspective.
If as you say, everyone knows what the deceit is, and you are definitely ignorant, you've just dispelled your hypothesis.

How so?


Once again... The Relativist is incapable of answering the question, which was for it to simply define the basis on which it's would-be point was resting... OKA: Reality.

Yet ANOTHER clue... provided in evidence of the mental disorder common to that cult.

Read carefully your posting, and if you possess an ounce of intelligence, you will discover your answer, which by the way, I've already given you.

Now Reader, you may be asking yourself: "How many times does one need to demonstrate their delusion, before they become aware of it?"

And it's understandable that you would... but in the question, you demonstrate the most common misnomer about the mental disorder at issue.

Delusion means that they cannot be aware of it. Because friends... they're deluded.

See the problem?

They look like you and I... they drive cars, own homes, pay bills... just like you and I. But they live in a sense of reality which stands apart from ... reality.

They're nuckin' futs.

Bingo! You're showing great improvement since you've acknowledged your nuckin nuts.
So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!
So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!

The 'homo cult'? You do realize you just made that up, right?

And the OP predicts erosion of First Amendment freedoms. Um......what freedoms have you lost over the course of 43 pages?

You really don't think your arguments through, do you?
Wow, your anti-gay screeds are getting especially shrill with your conspiracies more fantastically elaborate.



All it needs to make that true is to pretend that 'elaborate' means simple... and fantastic, to mean typical.

In reality, thus in truth, there is nothing elaborate to the conspiracy which has sought to portray the cult of sexual deviancy to be exponentially larger than it is and that it is 'gay' and not the insignificant, shameful group of degenerates.

It is very simple... and Silhouette, has never suggested otherwise.
Wow, your anti-gay screeds are getting especially shrill with your conspiracies more fantastically elaborate.



All it needs to make that true is to pretend that 'elaborate' means simple... and fantastic, to mean typical.

In reality, thus in truth, there is nothing elaborate to the conspiracy which has sought to portray the cult of sexual deviancy to be exponentially larger than it is and that it is 'gay' and not the insignificant, shameful group of degenerates.

It is very simple... and Silhouette, has never suggested otherwise.

That's literally the extent of your argument.....to call gay people names? Can you see why your argument fails to convince folks who don't already agree with you?

And you do realize that Silo has insisted that all polling data showing support for gay marriage has been faked, right? That Gallup, one of the most respected polling agencies in the world, is falsifying its results on gay marriage as part of a vast in a conspiracy that goes back to the 1960s? That per Sil, gays have infiltrated all polling agencies to fake these numbers?

That's 'in reality and thus in truth'?

I don't think 'reality' nor 'truth' mean what you think they mean. Remember, you just making shit up is neither 'reality', nor 'truth'.
So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!

... the OP predicts erosion of First Amendment freedoms.



The OP notes in irrefutable terms, the destruction of the right to speak freely in Canadian law. And it marks the attacks upon the same by the same cult, in the US.

I went further and repeatedly demonstrated the actions by the Ideological Left in the US who are, even as we discuss this, doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

So... again, you're feckless attempt to debate it, doesn't change the fact that the facts set forth in the article cited in the OP, are not even remotely debatable.

BUT! If the vaunted "NUH-HUH" Defense were valid... OH what a fine point you'd have there.
That's literally the extent of your argument.....to call gay people names?

In point of fact, I have never called a happy, festive, sportive person 'a name'.

But your deceitful projection is HYSTERICAL! ... nonetheless.
So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


You can NOT make this crap up!

... the OP predicts erosion of First Amendment freedoms.



The OP notes in irrefutable terms, the destruction of the right to speak freely in Canadian law. And it marks the attacks upon the same by the same cult, in the US.

So the OP didn't say this?

I want to warn America to expect severe erosion of First Amendment freedoms if the US Supreme Court mandates same-sex marriage. The consequences have played out in Canada for ten years now, and they are truly Orwellian in nature and scope. ... "

A Warning from Canada Same-Sex Marriage Erodes Fundamental Rights US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

But the OP didn't predict erosion of First Amendment freedoms?

Laughing....oh, Keyes. You are a hoot.

So back to my question. What First amendment freedoms have you lost over these 43 pages?


I went further and repeatedly demonstrated the actions by the Ideological Left in the US who are, even as we discuss this, doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Actually, you made up a 'homo-cult' and cited this thread specifically;

So... We have 43 pages of the Homo-cult doing everything the author in the OP said they're doin'... even as they deny that it's happening.


What 1st amendment freedoms did you lose? Or are you just completely abandoning your claim?

Sigh....logic and reason aren't your friends, Keyes.
That's literally the extent of your argument.....to call gay people names?

In point of fact, I have never called a happy, festive, sportive person 'a name'.

But your deceitful projection is HYSTERICAL! ... nonetheless.

Laughing....Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this 'Where_r_my_keys' guy? He calls you a liar:

In reality, thus in truth, there is nothing elaborate to the conspiracy which has sought to portray the cult of sexual deviancy to be exponentially larger than it is and that it is 'gay' and not the insignificant, shameful group of degenerates.


So name calling is your entire argument.

Um, wow. Just...wow.
...what freedoms have you lost over the course of 43 pages?


Setting aside the ludicrous notion that the Author of the Article cited in the OP made any claim about this Thread... it's great that you would ask about infringes upon such freedoms were realized in the process of this discussion, here within our little micro-community...

In point of fact, in the first page of this thread, an Advocate of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality, deleted 7 posts, which conveyed the body of the article, so that the Reader did not need to access the link.

It did so on the basis that to post the article was a violation of the law...

In truth, under no possible circumstances could posting that article be considered a violation of the law, as the article was fully attributed to both the author and the site that published it. The article was published for the purpose of distributing the information to as many people as is possible. My actions were in sync with that purpose.

The posts were deleted because of their content... by an authority of our little community.

So the freedom to post information that contests the Advocacy to Normalization of Sexual Abnormality was infringed by that authority... on the first page of this thread, under the color of law... .


Does that help?
Last edited:
In point of fact, in the first page of this thread, an Advocate of the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality, deleted 7 posts, which conveyed the body of the article, so that the Reader did not need to access the link.

That's because you violated board rules, spamming 7 enormous block posts in 4 minutes. And it has exactly nothing to do with the 1st amendment, gay marriage or a Supreme Court ruling.

So what 1st amendment freedoms have you lost over these 43 pages?

It did so on the basis that to post the article was a violation of the law...

In truth, under no possible circumstances could posting that article be considered a violation of the law, as the article was fully attributed to both the author and the site that published it.

Who says that attribution alleviates any legal issues? Remember, you don't actually know a thing about the law. And your personal opinion defines no legal standard.

The posts were deleted because of their content... by an authority of our little community.

Says who?

And the 1st amendment has nothing to do with your posts being deleted by a moderator for any reason. The 1st amendment prohibits Congress from infringing your rights. And a board moderator isn't congress.

So you're offering us your baseless personal opinion backed by nothing. And you've profoundly misunderstood what the first amendment actually is.

So I ask again....what 1st amendment freedoms have you lost over the last 43 pages?
Cool a Canadian homophobe site. Who'd a guessed they had one too!

There is no such thing as "Homophobe".

Such is a deceitful construct, which fraudulently seeks to cow resistance to the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality, through the illicit influence of the ignorant.

In short, it's idiocy being advanced by idiots, to sustain an evil farce.
Cool a Canadian homophobe site. Who'd a guessed they had one too!

There is no such thing as "Homophobe". Such is a deceitful construct, which fraudulently seeks to cow resistance to the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality.

In short, it's idiocy being advanced by idiots, to sustain an evil farce.

Says you. The dictionary says otherwise:

: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly

Homophobe Definition of homophobe by Merriam-Webster

Is this the part where you tell us that the dictionary is wrong and you must be right....because you say so? Or the part where you make up imaginary 'root meanings' for the word and insist that your imagination is 'objective'?

Sigh.....you make this too easy.
That's literally the extent of your argument.....to call gay people names?

In point of fact, I have never called a happy, festive, sportive person 'a name'.

But your deceitful projection is HYSTERICAL! ... nonetheless.

Laughing....Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this 'Where_r_my_keys' guy? He calls you a liar:

In reality, thus in truth, there is nothing elaborate to the conspiracy which has sought to portray the cult of sexual deviancy to be exponentially larger than it is and that it is 'gay' and not the insignificant, shameful group of degenerates.


So name calling is your entire argument.

Um, wow. Just...wow.

LOL! Pitiful...

But hey... a concession is a concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. AGAIN!
That's literally the extent of your argument.....to call gay people names?

In point of fact, I have never called a happy, festive, sportive person 'a name'.

But your deceitful projection is HYSTERICAL! ... nonetheless.

Laughing....Oh, I believe you, buddy. But this 'Where_r_my_keys' guy? He calls you a liar:

In reality, thus in truth, there is nothing elaborate to the conspiracy which has sought to portray the cult of sexual deviancy to be exponentially larger than it is and that it is 'gay' and not the insignificant, shameful group of degenerates.


So name calling is your entire argument.

Um, wow. Just...wow.

LOL! Pitiful...

But hey... a concession is a concession.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. AGAIN!

And your tell. With these bizarre summary declarations of victory followed by your hapless rout from the thread.

Once again, common reason and simple logic simply overwhelmed your 'lets call gay people names' nonsense.
Actually, you made up a 'homo-cult'.

Homo-Cult is a compounding of the word "Homo-" which is a colloquial expression used to identify sexual deviancy, wherein the individual obsessively craves sexual gratification through sexual interaction with those of its own gender... and "Cult" which identifies a relatively small group of people having a misplaced, excessive and irrational admiration for a particular thing.

Thus the Homo-Cult is a relatively small group of people having a misplaced, excessive and irrational admiration for individuals who obsessively crave sexual gratification through sexual interaction with those of its own gender.

But, Skylar, in fairness to you, as an Relativist, there is no way you could have known that compounding two concepts to form one concept was a longstanding practice, common to the effective use of formally defined symbols to convey one's thoughts; OKA: Language, AKA: the method of communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words; symbols which are structured in a well established, formally designated, conventional way.

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