A White House in crisis, and dancing on graves

There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

I think your POV is much too informed by the MSM on TV and in CFR controlled papers.

The whole system is corrupt, and the clandestine Intel agencies have become partisan.

Where once, both parties were controlled by the global elites, these elites are now aging and their successors are in disagreement as to which direction the nation should head. This has led to a destructive power struggle among the autocrats.

This, with the added new technology influx which blossomed as of 1994, the populace has become increasingly aware of the true situation they are in.

For a nice independent review from the conservatives POV out of Canada;

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players
"Despite the fact that the FBI was contacted at least 2 and possibly 3 times about this extremely disturbed and dangerous individual
no one at the FBI did anything. That’s so far from irrational that it bears close and deep scrutiny. However, in my opinion, the obvious is—again—this slaughter was allowed to happen. This was a warning shot to us all. This time, however, it was not over the bow. This is what desperate individuals in 3rd world countries do when extreme fear sets into the autocrats. They’re saying, in essence, “Don’t mess with us and our plans to run your country the way we want.”

I have written multiple columns about the Mueller spurious-if-not-fraudulent investigation for quite awhile and—early on—presented evidence of Mueller’s own questionable and openly criminal behaviors exhibited under the color of law. His ongoing “investigation” of President Trump, which is based upon previously identified and corroborated false evidence, is but his latest endeavor into the realm of making up crimes that are non-existent and using fake information to do so. Mueller has been involved in myriad other questionable if not criminal exercises; not the least of which is his involvement in the Uranium One affair. Mueller—as did Comey—worked to protect Hillary Clinton. See “Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy” below. During Clinton’s “Whitewater” affair, James Comey protected Hillary in almost the exact way as he did when he refused to file charges against her for her “Email-gate” scandal.

Excerpt from the piece referenced above: “Then there was Whitewater, which was a fraudulent scheme to bilk huge amounts of money from investors. Incidentally, Hillary’s buddy FBI Director James Comey was around then, too. At that time, he was Deputy Special Council on the Senate Whitewater Committee. And
guess what? He said almost the same things about her behavior then
as he did recently about her cavalier treatment of Top Secret US documents. During the Whitewater scandal, Comey, also, proceeded to refuse to recommend prosecution of Hillary even though she was clearly guilty.” During the Whitewater whitewash, Comey said that she “didn’t have the intent to defraud.” Comey said of Hillary Clinton’s illegal actions surrounding her email matters and those with whom she was communicating: “We could not prove that the people sending the information, either in that case or the other case with the secretary, were acting with any kind of mens rea, with any kind of criminal intent.”

Note: “Intent” is not even a consideration, in these areas. Yet, Comey and others have gotten away with this sort of subterfuge and sleight of hand for years
and years
with no one calling them out on it
until the courageous California Congressman and one of our applauded champions Rep. Devin Nunes stepped into the fray."
FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players

And a clear picture from the progressive left, from award wining investigation right here in the states;

Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial
"Staying Power

On the other hand, the presumptive perps have not run into a chairman like Nunes in four decades, since Congressmen Lucien Nedzi (D-Mich.), Otis Pike (D-NY), and Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) ran tough, explosive hearings on the abuses of a previous generation deep state, including massive domestic spying revealed by quintessential investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in December 1974. (Actually, this is largely why the congressional intelligence oversight committees were later established, and why the FISA law was passed in 1978.)

At this point, one is tempted to say plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂȘme chose – or the more things change, the more they stay the same – but that would be only half correct in this context. Yes, scoundrels will always take liberties with the law to spy on others. But the huge difference today is that mainstream media have no room for those who uncover government crimes and abuse. And this will be a major impediment to efforts by Nunes and other committee chairs to inform the public.

One glaring sign of the media’s unwillingness to displease corporate masters and Official Washington is the harsh reality that Hersh’s most recent explosive investigations, using his large array of government sources to explore front-burner issues, have not been able to find a home in any English-speaking newspaper or journal. In a sense, this provides what might be called a “confidence-building” factor, giving some assurance to deep-state perps that they will be able to ride this out, and that congressional committee chairs will once again learn to know their (subservient) place.

Much will depend on whether top DOJ and FBI officials can bring themselves to reverse course and give priority to the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. This should not be too much to hope for, but it will require uncommon courage in facing up honestly to the major misdeeds appear to have occurred — and letting the chips fall where they may. Besides, it would be the right thing to do.

Nunes is projecting calm confidence that once he and Trey Gowdey (R-Tenn.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, release documentary evidence showing what their investigations have turned up, it will be hard for DOJ and FBI officials to dissimulate.

In Other News 

In the interview with Attkisson, Nunes covered a number of other significant issues:

  • The committee is closing down its investigation into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign; no evidence of collusion was found.
  • The apparently widespread practice of “unmasking” the identities of Americans under surveillance. On this point, Nunes said, “In the last administration they were unmasking hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Americans’ names. They were unmasking for what I would say, for lack of a better definition, were for political purposes.”
  • Asked about Schiff’s criticism that Nunes behaved improperly on what he called the “midnight run to the White House,” Nunes responded that the stories were untrue. “Well, most of the time I ignore political nonsense in this town,” he said. “What I will say is that all of those stories were totally fake from the beginning.”

Not since Watergate has there been so high a degree of political tension here in Washington but the stakes for our Republic are even higher this time. Assuming abuse of FISA court procedures is documented and those responsible for playing fast and loose with the required justification for legal warrants are not held to account, the division of powers enshrined in the Constitution will be in peril.

A denouement of some kind can be expected in the coming months. Stay tuned."
Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial

Personally, I'd be fascinated in the Hersch investigation. He usually does pretty good work. I had a very good idea what the Benghazi affair was all about a year before it broke because of his article in the London Review of Books.

However, if even THEY aren't willing to publish is work on this topic, you know we are in a bit of trouble.
I don't know what any of that has to do with my point: Behaviors. The willingness of both ends to behave as they are.

And having been in the business for 18 years in a former life, I know precisely how the media operates.
Do you?

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
Again, I don't know what this has to do with the thread.
Your surrender is accepted.
Anything the damages the federal government is a good thing for the country
That’s funny — you share the same sentiment as our enemies.
Not really, the federal government are the country are not one in the same. Obvious by the actions of the federal government

Anti American traitor.
The federal government has not worked for the country for more than a century. Career politicians/deep state believe that the people work for them...

HaHaHaHa---you said deep state---------that makes you a conspiracy theory nut--------HaHahaha
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

I think your POV is much too informed by the MSM on TV and in CFR controlled papers.

The whole system is corrupt, and the clandestine Intel agencies have become partisan.

Where once, both parties were controlled by the global elites, these elites are now aging and their successors are in disagreement as to which direction the nation should head. This has led to a destructive power struggle among the autocrats.

This, with the added new technology influx which blossomed as of 1994, the populace has become increasingly aware of the true situation they are in.

For a nice independent review from the conservatives POV out of Canada;

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players
"Despite the fact that the FBI was contacted at least 2 and possibly 3 times about this extremely disturbed and dangerous individual
no one at the FBI did anything. That’s so far from irrational that it bears close and deep scrutiny. However, in my opinion, the obvious is—again—this slaughter was allowed to happen. This was a warning shot to us all. This time, however, it was not over the bow. This is what desperate individuals in 3rd world countries do when extreme fear sets into the autocrats. They’re saying, in essence, “Don’t mess with us and our plans to run your country the way we want.”

I have written multiple columns about the Mueller spurious-if-not-fraudulent investigation for quite awhile and—early on—presented evidence of Mueller’s own questionable and openly criminal behaviors exhibited under the color of law. His ongoing “investigation” of President Trump, which is based upon previously identified and corroborated false evidence, is but his latest endeavor into the realm of making up crimes that are non-existent and using fake information to do so. Mueller has been involved in myriad other questionable if not criminal exercises; not the least of which is his involvement in the Uranium One affair. Mueller—as did Comey—worked to protect Hillary Clinton. See “Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy” below. During Clinton’s “Whitewater” affair, James Comey protected Hillary in almost the exact way as he did when he refused to file charges against her for her “Email-gate” scandal.

Excerpt from the piece referenced above: “Then there was Whitewater, which was a fraudulent scheme to bilk huge amounts of money from investors. Incidentally, Hillary’s buddy FBI Director James Comey was around then, too. At that time, he was Deputy Special Council on the Senate Whitewater Committee. And
guess what? He said almost the same things about her behavior then
as he did recently about her cavalier treatment of Top Secret US documents. During the Whitewater scandal, Comey, also, proceeded to refuse to recommend prosecution of Hillary even though she was clearly guilty.” During the Whitewater whitewash, Comey said that she “didn’t have the intent to defraud.” Comey said of Hillary Clinton’s illegal actions surrounding her email matters and those with whom she was communicating: “We could not prove that the people sending the information, either in that case or the other case with the secretary, were acting with any kind of mens rea, with any kind of criminal intent.”

Note: “Intent” is not even a consideration, in these areas. Yet, Comey and others have gotten away with this sort of subterfuge and sleight of hand for years
and years
with no one calling them out on it
until the courageous California Congressman and one of our applauded champions Rep. Devin Nunes stepped into the fray."
FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players

And a clear picture from the progressive left, from award wining investigation right here in the states;

Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial
"Staying Power

On the other hand, the presumptive perps have not run into a chairman like Nunes in four decades, since Congressmen Lucien Nedzi (D-Mich.), Otis Pike (D-NY), and Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) ran tough, explosive hearings on the abuses of a previous generation deep state, including massive domestic spying revealed by quintessential investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in December 1974. (Actually, this is largely why the congressional intelligence oversight committees were later established, and why the FISA law was passed in 1978.)

At this point, one is tempted to say plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂȘme chose – or the more things change, the more they stay the same – but that would be only half correct in this context. Yes, scoundrels will always take liberties with the law to spy on others. But the huge difference today is that mainstream media have no room for those who uncover government crimes and abuse. And this will be a major impediment to efforts by Nunes and other committee chairs to inform the public.

One glaring sign of the media’s unwillingness to displease corporate masters and Official Washington is the harsh reality that Hersh’s most recent explosive investigations, using his large array of government sources to explore front-burner issues, have not been able to find a home in any English-speaking newspaper or journal. In a sense, this provides what might be called a “confidence-building” factor, giving some assurance to deep-state perps that they will be able to ride this out, and that congressional committee chairs will once again learn to know their (subservient) place.

Much will depend on whether top DOJ and FBI officials can bring themselves to reverse course and give priority to the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. This should not be too much to hope for, but it will require uncommon courage in facing up honestly to the major misdeeds appear to have occurred — and letting the chips fall where they may. Besides, it would be the right thing to do.

Nunes is projecting calm confidence that once he and Trey Gowdey (R-Tenn.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, release documentary evidence showing what their investigations have turned up, it will be hard for DOJ and FBI officials to dissimulate.

In Other News 

In the interview with Attkisson, Nunes covered a number of other significant issues:

  • The committee is closing down its investigation into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign; no evidence of collusion was found.
  • The apparently widespread practice of “unmasking” the identities of Americans under surveillance. On this point, Nunes said, “In the last administration they were unmasking hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Americans’ names. They were unmasking for what I would say, for lack of a better definition, were for political purposes.”
  • Asked about Schiff’s criticism that Nunes behaved improperly on what he called the “midnight run to the White House,” Nunes responded that the stories were untrue. “Well, most of the time I ignore political nonsense in this town,” he said. “What I will say is that all of those stories were totally fake from the beginning.”

Not since Watergate has there been so high a degree of political tension here in Washington but the stakes for our Republic are even higher this time. Assuming abuse of FISA court procedures is documented and those responsible for playing fast and loose with the required justification for legal warrants are not held to account, the division of powers enshrined in the Constitution will be in peril.

A denouement of some kind can be expected in the coming months. Stay tuned."
Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial

Personally, I'd be fascinated in the Hersch investigation. He usually does pretty good work. I had a very good idea what the Benghazi affair was all about a year before it broke because of his article in the London Review of Books.

However, if even THEY aren't willing to publish is work on this topic, you know we are in a bit of trouble.
Umm.... no one is facing indictments regarding Nunes’s memo. Turns out it was nothing but feigned bluster.

Just b/c nothing is being done, doesn't mean wrong hasn't occured.

The problem here is, Republicans worship the FBI and CIA, they can't stand the thought of besmirching the reputation of these organizations.

If the shoe was on the other foot, like it once had been, the Democrats would not give a second thought to bring folks to justice to save the Republic.

Procedure is always more important than politics.

Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished?
Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished? - PaulCraigRoberts.org
Paul Craig Roberts

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” – Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

The American people do not realize the seriousness of the Russiagate conspiracy against them and President Trump. Polls indicate that a large majority of the public do not believe that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the presidential election, and are tired of hearing the media prostitutes repeat the absurd story day after day. On its face the story makes no sense whatsoever. Moreover, the leaked emails are real, not fabricated. The emails show exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. The public knows that these transgressions were pushed out of news sight by the false story of a Trump/Putin conspiracy. The fact that the entirety of the US print and TV media served in a highly partisan political way to bury a true and disturbing story with a fake news story—Russiagate—is one reason some polls show that only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media. All polls show that large majorities of independents, Republicans, and youth distrust the mainstream media. In some polls about half of Democrats trust the media, and that is because the media is servant to Democratic Party interests.

Russiagate is a dagger aimed at the heart of American governmental institutions. A conspiracy involving top officials of the Obama Department of Justice, FBI, and other “security” agencies was formed together with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, the purpose of which was to defeat Trump in the presidential election and, failing that, to remove Trump from office or to discredit him to the point that he would be reduced to a mere figurehead. This conspiracy has the full backing of the entirely of the mainstream media.

In other words, it was a coup not only against Donald Trump but also against American democracy and the outcome of a presidential election.

There is no doubt whatsoever about this. The facts are publicly available in the declassified Top Secret Memorandum Opinion and Order of the FISA Court—https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf and in the declassified report from the House Intelligence Committee—given by the presstitutes the misleading name of the “Nunes Memo,” as if it is Nunes’ personal opinion and not the findings of months of work by an oversight committee of Congress— https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4365354-370598711-House-Intelligence-Committee-Report-on.html?embed=true&responsive=false&sidebar=false .

All of this information has been posted on my website for some time. If you have difficulty following my explanation, former US Attorney Joe DiGenova explains the felony actions by the FBI and Obama Justice (sic) Department here: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-21/brazen-plot-exonerate-hillary-clinton-and-frame-trump-unraveling-says-former-fed

Briefly, the National Security Agency discovered that the FBI and DOJ were abusing the surveillance system. As a favor of one security agency to another, NSA Director Adm. Rogers permitted the FBI and DOJ to rush to the FISA Court and confess their transgressions before the NSA informed the Court. The FBI and DOJ pretended that their deception of the Court in order to obtain surveillance warrants for highly partisan political purposes was not due to their intent but to procedural mistakes. The FBI and DOJ told the Court that they were tightening up procedures so that this would not happen again. The FISA Court Memorandum and Order clearly states:

“On October 24, 2016, the government orally apprised the Court of significant non-compliance with the NSA’s minimization procedures involving queries of data acquired under Section 702 using U.S. person identifiers. The full scope of non-compliant querying practices had not been previously disclosed to the Court.”

What this legalese jargon is saying is the the FBI and DOJ confessed to obtaining warrants under false pretexts. These are felonies: https://www.globalresearch.ca/nunes...the-fbi-and-the-department-of-justice/5628246

The FISA Court Memorandum and Order is about resolving these deficiencies and returning the FBI and DOJ to legal practices. For example, the Court Memorandum and Order says:

“On January 3, 2017, the government made a further submission describing its efforts to ascertain the scope and causes of those compliance problems and discussing potential solutions to them. See January 3, 2017, Supplemental Notice of Compliance Incidents Regarding the Querying of Section 701-Acquired Data (“January 3, 2017 Notice”). The Court was not satisfied that the government had sufficiently ascertained the scope of the compliance problems or developed and implemented adequate solutions for them and communicated a number of questions and concerns to the government.”

In other words, the FBI and DOJ were attempting to make corrections to their “compliance problems” in ways that would allow them to continue to mislead the FISA Court, and the Court wasn’t letting them.

The FISA Court Memorandum and Order was released prior to the House Intelligence Committee report and has been completely ignored by the utterly corrupt press prostitutes. The FISA Court Memorandum and Order, relying on the confessions of the FBI and DOJ, verifies the House Intelligence Committee report that the FBI and DOJ illegally obtained spy warrants for partisan political purposes.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat who is a disgrace to the voters of his California district, to the Democratic Party, and to the House of Representatives, knows full well that the FBI and DOJ deceived the FISA Court. Schiff is so partisan that he lies to the hilt in the face of hard documented evidence from both the FISA Court and his own House committee. Schiff is so totally devoid of all honesty and integrity that he is the perfect leader for a shithole country, something that he and his ilk are turning the United States into.

The honest left—not the Identity Politics left, which is a collection of deranged idiots—does not believe a word of the concocted Russiagate conspiracy against Trump. They object to the Russiagate conspiracy not because they like Trump, which they most certainly do not, but because they understand that it is a lie directed against truth. They understand that the American mainstream media has deserted factual, truthful reporting and serves as a propaganda ministry for the war/police state that American is becoming.
Actually the blame is on a progressive left that can't even wait 4 years to legally get rid of someone, so they with their MSM butt buddies have decided to throw caution to the wind and will do ANYTHING short of armed uprising to get Trump out of office.
What a fucking rightard you are, eh?

The left has little to do with this. Trump is under investigation by Mueller, who’s a Republican. Mueller was installed by Rosenstrin, another Republican. Rosenstein, a Republican, appointented Mueller, a Republican, because Trump, a Republican who was elected president by Republican voters and who appointed Rosenstein, appears to have obstructed Justice by firing Comey, an Independent who used to be a Republican, for not dropping an investigation into Flynn, yet another Republican.

So while it’s true the left can’t devour enough popcorn watching this unfold, it’s the right who is to blame for this mess.


All part of the deep state and the elite. The republicans you list are merely Democrats-lite

Take your conspiracies over to the conspiracy threads.

Your surrender is noted.
Faun: “Your surrender is accepted.”

A mindless parrot squawks what it hears...

Marty: “Your surrender is noted.”

It wasn't parroting, it was mocking.

Figures you can't figure that out.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

White House in "crisis"? How exactly? Because Democrats are trying to smear him with a phony narrative about Russian collusion? This White House keeps getting things done that it promised to get done when it ran for office. That IS a crisis...but not for Trump...it's a crisis for the left.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

I think your POV is much too informed by the MSM on TV and in CFR controlled papers.

The whole system is corrupt, and the clandestine Intel agencies have become partisan.

Where once, both parties were controlled by the global elites, these elites are now aging and their successors are in disagreement as to which direction the nation should head. This has led to a destructive power struggle among the autocrats.

This, with the added new technology influx which blossomed as of 1994, the populace has become increasingly aware of the true situation they are in.

For a nice independent review from the conservatives POV out of Canada;

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players
"Despite the fact that the FBI was contacted at least 2 and possibly 3 times about this extremely disturbed and dangerous individual
no one at the FBI did anything. That’s so far from irrational that it bears close and deep scrutiny. However, in my opinion, the obvious is—again—this slaughter was allowed to happen. This was a warning shot to us all. This time, however, it was not over the bow. This is what desperate individuals in 3rd world countries do when extreme fear sets into the autocrats. They’re saying, in essence, “Don’t mess with us and our plans to run your country the way we want.”

I have written multiple columns about the Mueller spurious-if-not-fraudulent investigation for quite awhile and—early on—presented evidence of Mueller’s own questionable and openly criminal behaviors exhibited under the color of law. His ongoing “investigation” of President Trump, which is based upon previously identified and corroborated false evidence, is but his latest endeavor into the realm of making up crimes that are non-existent and using fake information to do so. Mueller has been involved in myriad other questionable if not criminal exercises; not the least of which is his involvement in the Uranium One affair. Mueller—as did Comey—worked to protect Hillary Clinton. See “Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy” below. During Clinton’s “Whitewater” affair, James Comey protected Hillary in almost the exact way as he did when he refused to file charges against her for her “Email-gate” scandal.

Excerpt from the piece referenced above: “Then there was Whitewater, which was a fraudulent scheme to bilk huge amounts of money from investors. Incidentally, Hillary’s buddy FBI Director James Comey was around then, too. At that time, he was Deputy Special Council on the Senate Whitewater Committee. And
guess what? He said almost the same things about her behavior then
as he did recently about her cavalier treatment of Top Secret US documents. During the Whitewater scandal, Comey, also, proceeded to refuse to recommend prosecution of Hillary even though she was clearly guilty.” During the Whitewater whitewash, Comey said that she “didn’t have the intent to defraud.” Comey said of Hillary Clinton’s illegal actions surrounding her email matters and those with whom she was communicating: “We could not prove that the people sending the information, either in that case or the other case with the secretary, were acting with any kind of mens rea, with any kind of criminal intent.”

Note: “Intent” is not even a consideration, in these areas. Yet, Comey and others have gotten away with this sort of subterfuge and sleight of hand for years
and years
with no one calling them out on it
until the courageous California Congressman and one of our applauded champions Rep. Devin Nunes stepped into the fray."
FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players

And a clear picture from the progressive left, from award wining investigation right here in the states;

Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial
"Staying Power

On the other hand, the presumptive perps have not run into a chairman like Nunes in four decades, since Congressmen Lucien Nedzi (D-Mich.), Otis Pike (D-NY), and Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) ran tough, explosive hearings on the abuses of a previous generation deep state, including massive domestic spying revealed by quintessential investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in December 1974. (Actually, this is largely why the congressional intelligence oversight committees were later established, and why the FISA law was passed in 1978.)

At this point, one is tempted to say plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂȘme chose – or the more things change, the more they stay the same – but that would be only half correct in this context. Yes, scoundrels will always take liberties with the law to spy on others. But the huge difference today is that mainstream media have no room for those who uncover government crimes and abuse. And this will be a major impediment to efforts by Nunes and other committee chairs to inform the public.

One glaring sign of the media’s unwillingness to displease corporate masters and Official Washington is the harsh reality that Hersh’s most recent explosive investigations, using his large array of government sources to explore front-burner issues, have not been able to find a home in any English-speaking newspaper or journal. In a sense, this provides what might be called a “confidence-building” factor, giving some assurance to deep-state perps that they will be able to ride this out, and that congressional committee chairs will once again learn to know their (subservient) place.

Much will depend on whether top DOJ and FBI officials can bring themselves to reverse course and give priority to the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. This should not be too much to hope for, but it will require uncommon courage in facing up honestly to the major misdeeds appear to have occurred — and letting the chips fall where they may. Besides, it would be the right thing to do.

Nunes is projecting calm confidence that once he and Trey Gowdey (R-Tenn.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, release documentary evidence showing what their investigations have turned up, it will be hard for DOJ and FBI officials to dissimulate.

In Other News 

In the interview with Attkisson, Nunes covered a number of other significant issues:

  • The committee is closing down its investigation into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign; no evidence of collusion was found.
  • The apparently widespread practice of “unmasking” the identities of Americans under surveillance. On this point, Nunes said, “In the last administration they were unmasking hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Americans’ names. They were unmasking for what I would say, for lack of a better definition, were for political purposes.”
  • Asked about Schiff’s criticism that Nunes behaved improperly on what he called the “midnight run to the White House,” Nunes responded that the stories were untrue. “Well, most of the time I ignore political nonsense in this town,” he said. “What I will say is that all of those stories were totally fake from the beginning.”

Not since Watergate has there been so high a degree of political tension here in Washington but the stakes for our Republic are even higher this time. Assuming abuse of FISA court procedures is documented and those responsible for playing fast and loose with the required justification for legal warrants are not held to account, the division of powers enshrined in the Constitution will be in peril.

A denouement of some kind can be expected in the coming months. Stay tuned."
Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial

Personally, I'd be fascinated in the Hersch investigation. He usually does pretty good work. I had a very good idea what the Benghazi affair was all about a year before it broke because of his article in the London Review of Books.

However, if even THEY aren't willing to publish is work on this topic, you know we are in a bit of trouble.
I don't know what any of that has to do with my point: Behaviors. The willingness of both ends to behave as they are.

And having been in the business for 18 years in a former life, I know precisely how the media operates.
Do you?

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
Again, I don't know what this has to do with the thread.
You are focused on "Democrats" and "Republicans."

As long as you are, of course you won't get it.

Spooks are controlling your information, and this is a conflict against them.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

I think your POV is much too informed by the MSM on TV and in CFR controlled papers.

The whole system is corrupt, and the clandestine Intel agencies have become partisan.

Where once, both parties were controlled by the global elites, these elites are now aging and their successors are in disagreement as to which direction the nation should head. This has led to a destructive power struggle among the autocrats.

This, with the added new technology influx which blossomed as of 1994, the populace has become increasingly aware of the true situation they are in.

For a nice independent review from the conservatives POV out of Canada;

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players
"Despite the fact that the FBI was contacted at least 2 and possibly 3 times about this extremely disturbed and dangerous individual
no one at the FBI did anything. That’s so far from irrational that it bears close and deep scrutiny. However, in my opinion, the obvious is—again—this slaughter was allowed to happen. This was a warning shot to us all. This time, however, it was not over the bow. This is what desperate individuals in 3rd world countries do when extreme fear sets into the autocrats. They’re saying, in essence, “Don’t mess with us and our plans to run your country the way we want.”

I have written multiple columns about the Mueller spurious-if-not-fraudulent investigation for quite awhile and—early on—presented evidence of Mueller’s own questionable and openly criminal behaviors exhibited under the color of law. His ongoing “investigation” of President Trump, which is based upon previously identified and corroborated false evidence, is but his latest endeavor into the realm of making up crimes that are non-existent and using fake information to do so. Mueller has been involved in myriad other questionable if not criminal exercises; not the least of which is his involvement in the Uranium One affair. Mueller—as did Comey—worked to protect Hillary Clinton. See “Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy” below. During Clinton’s “Whitewater” affair, James Comey protected Hillary in almost the exact way as he did when he refused to file charges against her for her “Email-gate” scandal.

Excerpt from the piece referenced above: “Then there was Whitewater, which was a fraudulent scheme to bilk huge amounts of money from investors. Incidentally, Hillary’s buddy FBI Director James Comey was around then, too. At that time, he was Deputy Special Council on the Senate Whitewater Committee. And
guess what? He said almost the same things about her behavior then
as he did recently about her cavalier treatment of Top Secret US documents. During the Whitewater scandal, Comey, also, proceeded to refuse to recommend prosecution of Hillary even though she was clearly guilty.” During the Whitewater whitewash, Comey said that she “didn’t have the intent to defraud.” Comey said of Hillary Clinton’s illegal actions surrounding her email matters and those with whom she was communicating: “We could not prove that the people sending the information, either in that case or the other case with the secretary, were acting with any kind of mens rea, with any kind of criminal intent.”

Note: “Intent” is not even a consideration, in these areas. Yet, Comey and others have gotten away with this sort of subterfuge and sleight of hand for years
and years
with no one calling them out on it
until the courageous California Congressman and one of our applauded champions Rep. Devin Nunes stepped into the fray."
FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players

And a clear picture from the progressive left, from award wining investigation right here in the states;

Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial
"Staying Power

On the other hand, the presumptive perps have not run into a chairman like Nunes in four decades, since Congressmen Lucien Nedzi (D-Mich.), Otis Pike (D-NY), and Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) ran tough, explosive hearings on the abuses of a previous generation deep state, including massive domestic spying revealed by quintessential investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in December 1974. (Actually, this is largely why the congressional intelligence oversight committees were later established, and why the FISA law was passed in 1978.)

At this point, one is tempted to say plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂȘme chose – or the more things change, the more they stay the same – but that would be only half correct in this context. Yes, scoundrels will always take liberties with the law to spy on others. But the huge difference today is that mainstream media have no room for those who uncover government crimes and abuse. And this will be a major impediment to efforts by Nunes and other committee chairs to inform the public.

One glaring sign of the media’s unwillingness to displease corporate masters and Official Washington is the harsh reality that Hersh’s most recent explosive investigations, using his large array of government sources to explore front-burner issues, have not been able to find a home in any English-speaking newspaper or journal. In a sense, this provides what might be called a “confidence-building” factor, giving some assurance to deep-state perps that they will be able to ride this out, and that congressional committee chairs will once again learn to know their (subservient) place.

Much will depend on whether top DOJ and FBI officials can bring themselves to reverse course and give priority to the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. This should not be too much to hope for, but it will require uncommon courage in facing up honestly to the major misdeeds appear to have occurred — and letting the chips fall where they may. Besides, it would be the right thing to do.

Nunes is projecting calm confidence that once he and Trey Gowdey (R-Tenn.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, release documentary evidence showing what their investigations have turned up, it will be hard for DOJ and FBI officials to dissimulate.

In Other News 

In the interview with Attkisson, Nunes covered a number of other significant issues:

  • The committee is closing down its investigation into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign; no evidence of collusion was found.
  • The apparently widespread practice of “unmasking” the identities of Americans under surveillance. On this point, Nunes said, “In the last administration they were unmasking hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Americans’ names. They were unmasking for what I would say, for lack of a better definition, were for political purposes.”
  • Asked about Schiff’s criticism that Nunes behaved improperly on what he called the “midnight run to the White House,” Nunes responded that the stories were untrue. “Well, most of the time I ignore political nonsense in this town,” he said. “What I will say is that all of those stories were totally fake from the beginning.”

Not since Watergate has there been so high a degree of political tension here in Washington but the stakes for our Republic are even higher this time. Assuming abuse of FISA court procedures is documented and those responsible for playing fast and loose with the required justification for legal warrants are not held to account, the division of powers enshrined in the Constitution will be in peril.

A denouement of some kind can be expected in the coming months. Stay tuned."
Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial

Personally, I'd be fascinated in the Hersch investigation. He usually does pretty good work. I had a very good idea what the Benghazi affair was all about a year before it broke because of his article in the London Review of Books.

However, if even THEY aren't willing to publish is work on this topic, you know we are in a bit of trouble.
Umm.... no one is facing indictments regarding Nunes’s memo. Turns out it was nothing but feigned bluster.

Just b/c nothing is being done, doesn't mean wrong hasn't occured.

The problem here is, Republicans worship the FBI and CIA, they can't stand the thought of besmirching the reputation of these organizations.

If the shoe was on the other foot, like it once had been, the Democrats would not give a second thought to bring folks to justice to save the Republic.

Procedure is always more important than politics.

Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished?
Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished? - PaulCraigRoberts.org
Paul Craig Roberts

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” – Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

The American people do not realize the seriousness of the Russiagate conspiracy against them and President Trump. Polls indicate that a large majority of the public do not believe that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the presidential election, and are tired of hearing the media prostitutes repeat the absurd story day after day. On its face the story makes no sense whatsoever. Moreover, the leaked emails are real, not fabricated. The emails show exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. The public knows that these transgressions were pushed out of news sight by the false story of a Trump/Putin conspiracy. The fact that the entirety of the US print and TV media served in a highly partisan political way to bury a true and disturbing story with a fake news story—Russiagate—is one reason some polls show that only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media. All polls show that large majorities of independents, Republicans, and youth distrust the mainstream media. In some polls about half of Democrats trust the media, and that is because the media is servant to Democratic Party interests.

Russiagate is a dagger aimed at the heart of American governmental institutions. A conspiracy involving top officials of the Obama Department of Justice, FBI, and other “security” agencies was formed together with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, the purpose of which was to defeat Trump in the presidential election and, failing that, to remove Trump from office or to discredit him to the point that he would be reduced to a mere figurehead. This conspiracy has the full backing of the entirely of the mainstream media.

In other words, it was a coup not only against Donald Trump but also against American democracy and the outcome of a presidential election.

There is no doubt whatsoever about this. The facts are publicly available in the declassified Top Secret Memorandum Opinion and Order of the FISA Court—https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf and in the declassified report from the House Intelligence Committee—given by the presstitutes the misleading name of the “Nunes Memo,” as if it is Nunes’ personal opinion and not the findings of months of work by an oversight committee of Congress— https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4365354-370598711-House-Intelligence-Committee-Report-on.html?embed=true&responsive=false&sidebar=false .

All of this information has been posted on my website for some time. If you have difficulty following my explanation, former US Attorney Joe DiGenova explains the felony actions by the FBI and Obama Justice (sic) Department here: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-21/brazen-plot-exonerate-hillary-clinton-and-frame-trump-unraveling-says-former-fed

Briefly, the National Security Agency discovered that the FBI and DOJ were abusing the surveillance system. As a favor of one security agency to another, NSA Director Adm. Rogers permitted the FBI and DOJ to rush to the FISA Court and confess their transgressions before the NSA informed the Court. The FBI and DOJ pretended that their deception of the Court in order to obtain surveillance warrants for highly partisan political purposes was not due to their intent but to procedural mistakes. The FBI and DOJ told the Court that they were tightening up procedures so that this would not happen again. The FISA Court Memorandum and Order clearly states:

“On October 24, 2016, the government orally apprised the Court of significant non-compliance with the NSA’s minimization procedures involving queries of data acquired under Section 702 using U.S. person identifiers. The full scope of non-compliant querying practices had not been previously disclosed to the Court.”

What this legalese jargon is saying is the the FBI and DOJ confessed to obtaining warrants under false pretexts. These are felonies: https://www.globalresearch.ca/nunes...the-fbi-and-the-department-of-justice/5628246

The FISA Court Memorandum and Order is about resolving these deficiencies and returning the FBI and DOJ to legal practices. For example, the Court Memorandum and Order says:

“On January 3, 2017, the government made a further submission describing its efforts to ascertain the scope and causes of those compliance problems and discussing potential solutions to them. See January 3, 2017, Supplemental Notice of Compliance Incidents Regarding the Querying of Section 701-Acquired Data (“January 3, 2017 Notice”). The Court was not satisfied that the government had sufficiently ascertained the scope of the compliance problems or developed and implemented adequate solutions for them and communicated a number of questions and concerns to the government.”

In other words, the FBI and DOJ were attempting to make corrections to their “compliance problems” in ways that would allow them to continue to mislead the FISA Court, and the Court wasn’t letting them.

The FISA Court Memorandum and Order was released prior to the House Intelligence Committee report and has been completely ignored by the utterly corrupt press prostitutes. The FISA Court Memorandum and Order, relying on the confessions of the FBI and DOJ, verifies the House Intelligence Committee report that the FBI and DOJ illegally obtained spy warrants for partisan political purposes.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat who is a disgrace to the voters of his California district, to the Democratic Party, and to the House of Representatives, knows full well that the FBI and DOJ deceived the FISA Court. Schiff is so partisan that he lies to the hilt in the face of hard documented evidence from both the FISA Court and his own House committee. Schiff is so totally devoid of all honesty and integrity that he is the perfect leader for a shithole country, something that he and his ilk are turning the United States into.

The honest left—not the Identity Politics left, which is a collection of deranged idiots—does not believe a word of the concocted Russiagate conspiracy against Trump. They object to the Russiagate conspiracy not because they like Trump, which they most certainly do not, but because they understand that it is a lie directed against truth. They understand that the American mainstream media has deserted factual, truthful reporting and serves as a propaganda ministry for the war/police state that American is becoming.
Your claim was that their actions were illegal and that arrests would be made. Now you’re reducing that charge to their actions were wrong, which is also in dispute.
What a fucking rightard you are, eh?

The left has little to do with this. Trump is under investigation by Mueller, who’s a Republican. Mueller was installed by Rosenstrin, another Republican. Rosenstein, a Republican, appointented Mueller, a Republican, because Trump, a Republican who was elected president by Republican voters and who appointed Rosenstein, appears to have obstructed Justice by firing Comey, an Independent who used to be a Republican, for not dropping an investigation into Flynn, yet another Republican.

So while it’s true the left can’t devour enough popcorn watching this unfold, it’s the right who is to blame for this mess.


All part of the deep state and the elite. The republicans you list are merely Democrats-lite

Take your conspiracies over to the conspiracy threads.

Your surrender is noted.
Faun: “Your surrender is accepted.”

A mindless parrot squawks what it hears...

Marty: “Your surrender is noted.”

It wasn't parroting, it was mocking.

Figures you can't figure that out.

Still a mindless post. Seems that’s all you’re capable of.

All part of the deep state and the elite. The republicans you list are merely Democrats-lite

Take your conspiracies over to the conspiracy threads.

Your surrender is noted.
Faun: “Your surrender is accepted.”

A mindless parrot squawks what it hears...

Marty: “Your surrender is noted.”

It wasn't parroting, it was mocking.

Figures you can't figure that out.

Still a mindless post. Seems that’s all you’re capable of.

I only give what I get. Post something worthy of a longer response and you will get one.

Post "fuh fuh fuh, trump sucks, fuh fuh fuh" and get what it deserves.
Lol, you people constantly complained about Bush. Then you got what you wanted, by electing a black president. After that you attacked anyone that disagreed with him by calling them a racist. Also Obama set race relations back 50 years. Liberalism has divided us, because liberals are never satisfied.

And then there are crazy people ^^^
Tell me one time when a liberal was satisfied. You got gay marriage, satisfied? No, went after a baker, satisfied? No, had to normalize transgendered, satisfied? No, had to have men in girls locker rooms, well luckily we stopped that.
There really was no need to reaffirm my last post.
What liberalism has produced.View attachment 179666
Your obsession with trannies is noted and discarded.
Never really thought about them. Till childish liberals thought it would be a good idea to put men in girls locker rooms.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.

I think your POV is much too informed by the MSM on TV and in CFR controlled papers.

The whole system is corrupt, and the clandestine Intel agencies have become partisan.

Where once, both parties were controlled by the global elites, these elites are now aging and their successors are in disagreement as to which direction the nation should head. This has led to a destructive power struggle among the autocrats.

This, with the added new technology influx which blossomed as of 1994, the populace has become increasingly aware of the true situation they are in.

For a nice independent review from the conservatives POV out of Canada;

FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players
"Despite the fact that the FBI was contacted at least 2 and possibly 3 times about this extremely disturbed and dangerous individual
no one at the FBI did anything. That’s so far from irrational that it bears close and deep scrutiny. However, in my opinion, the obvious is—again—this slaughter was allowed to happen. This was a warning shot to us all. This time, however, it was not over the bow. This is what desperate individuals in 3rd world countries do when extreme fear sets into the autocrats. They’re saying, in essence, “Don’t mess with us and our plans to run your country the way we want.”

I have written multiple columns about the Mueller spurious-if-not-fraudulent investigation for quite awhile and—early on—presented evidence of Mueller’s own questionable and openly criminal behaviors exhibited under the color of law. His ongoing “investigation” of President Trump, which is based upon previously identified and corroborated false evidence, is but his latest endeavor into the realm of making up crimes that are non-existent and using fake information to do so. Mueller has been involved in myriad other questionable if not criminal exercises; not the least of which is his involvement in the Uranium One affair. Mueller—as did Comey—worked to protect Hillary Clinton. See “Mueller and the US “Corruptocracy” below. During Clinton’s “Whitewater” affair, James Comey protected Hillary in almost the exact way as he did when he refused to file charges against her for her “Email-gate” scandal.

Excerpt from the piece referenced above: “Then there was Whitewater, which was a fraudulent scheme to bilk huge amounts of money from investors. Incidentally, Hillary’s buddy FBI Director James Comey was around then, too. At that time, he was Deputy Special Council on the Senate Whitewater Committee. And
guess what? He said almost the same things about her behavior then
as he did recently about her cavalier treatment of Top Secret US documents. During the Whitewater scandal, Comey, also, proceeded to refuse to recommend prosecution of Hillary even though she was clearly guilty.” During the Whitewater whitewash, Comey said that she “didn’t have the intent to defraud.” Comey said of Hillary Clinton’s illegal actions surrounding her email matters and those with whom she was communicating: “We could not prove that the people sending the information, either in that case or the other case with the secretary, were acting with any kind of mens rea, with any kind of criminal intent.”

Note: “Intent” is not even a consideration, in these areas. Yet, Comey and others have gotten away with this sort of subterfuge and sleight of hand for years
and years
with no one calling them out on it
until the courageous California Congressman and one of our applauded champions Rep. Devin Nunes stepped into the fray."
FBI Continues Satanic Dance with some old and some new players

And a clear picture from the progressive left, from award wining investigation right here in the states;

Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial
"Staying Power

On the other hand, the presumptive perps have not run into a chairman like Nunes in four decades, since Congressmen Lucien Nedzi (D-Mich.), Otis Pike (D-NY), and Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) ran tough, explosive hearings on the abuses of a previous generation deep state, including massive domestic spying revealed by quintessential investigative reporter Seymour Hersh in December 1974. (Actually, this is largely why the congressional intelligence oversight committees were later established, and why the FISA law was passed in 1978.)

At this point, one is tempted to say plus ça change, plus c’est la mĂȘme chose – or the more things change, the more they stay the same – but that would be only half correct in this context. Yes, scoundrels will always take liberties with the law to spy on others. But the huge difference today is that mainstream media have no room for those who uncover government crimes and abuse. And this will be a major impediment to efforts by Nunes and other committee chairs to inform the public.

One glaring sign of the media’s unwillingness to displease corporate masters and Official Washington is the harsh reality that Hersh’s most recent explosive investigations, using his large array of government sources to explore front-burner issues, have not been able to find a home in any English-speaking newspaper or journal. In a sense, this provides what might be called a “confidence-building” factor, giving some assurance to deep-state perps that they will be able to ride this out, and that congressional committee chairs will once again learn to know their (subservient) place.

Much will depend on whether top DOJ and FBI officials can bring themselves to reverse course and give priority to the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. This should not be too much to hope for, but it will require uncommon courage in facing up honestly to the major misdeeds appear to have occurred — and letting the chips fall where they may. Besides, it would be the right thing to do.

Nunes is projecting calm confidence that once he and Trey Gowdey (R-Tenn.), chair of the House Oversight Committee, release documentary evidence showing what their investigations have turned up, it will be hard for DOJ and FBI officials to dissimulate.

In Other News 

In the interview with Attkisson, Nunes covered a number of other significant issues:

  • The committee is closing down its investigation into possible collusion between Moscow and the Trump campaign; no evidence of collusion was found.
  • The apparently widespread practice of “unmasking” the identities of Americans under surveillance. On this point, Nunes said, “In the last administration they were unmasking hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of Americans’ names. They were unmasking for what I would say, for lack of a better definition, were for political purposes.”
  • Asked about Schiff’s criticism that Nunes behaved improperly on what he called the “midnight run to the White House,” Nunes responded that the stories were untrue. “Well, most of the time I ignore political nonsense in this town,” he said. “What I will say is that all of those stories were totally fake from the beginning.”

Not since Watergate has there been so high a degree of political tension here in Washington but the stakes for our Republic are even higher this time. Assuming abuse of FISA court procedures is documented and those responsible for playing fast and loose with the required justification for legal warrants are not held to account, the division of powers enshrined in the Constitution will be in peril.

A denouement of some kind can be expected in the coming months. Stay tuned."
Nunes: FBI and DOJ Perps Could Be Put on Trial

Personally, I'd be fascinated in the Hersch investigation. He usually does pretty good work. I had a very good idea what the Benghazi affair was all about a year before it broke because of his article in the London Review of Books.

However, if even THEY aren't willing to publish is work on this topic, you know we are in a bit of trouble.
Umm.... no one is facing indictments regarding Nunes’s memo. Turns out it was nothing but feigned bluster.

Just b/c nothing is being done, doesn't mean wrong hasn't occured.

The problem here is, Republicans worship the FBI and CIA, they can't stand the thought of besmirching the reputation of these organizations.

If the shoe was on the other foot, like it once had been, the Democrats would not give a second thought to bring folks to justice to save the Republic.

Procedure is always more important than politics.

Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished?
Will The Conspiracy Against Trump and American Democracy Go Unpunished? - PaulCraigRoberts.org
Paul Craig Roberts

“In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting their trivial old age, we are thereby ripping the foundations of justice from beneath new generations.” – Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn

The American people do not realize the seriousness of the Russiagate conspiracy against them and President Trump. Polls indicate that a large majority of the public do not believe that Trump conspired with Putin to steal the presidential election, and are tired of hearing the media prostitutes repeat the absurd story day after day. On its face the story makes no sense whatsoever. Moreover, the leaked emails are real, not fabricated. The emails show exactly what Hillary and the DNC did. The public knows that these transgressions were pushed out of news sight by the false story of a Trump/Putin conspiracy. The fact that the entirety of the US print and TV media served in a highly partisan political way to bury a true and disturbing story with a fake news story—Russiagate—is one reason some polls show that only 6% of Americans trust the mainstream media. All polls show that large majorities of independents, Republicans, and youth distrust the mainstream media. In some polls about half of Democrats trust the media, and that is because the media is servant to Democratic Party interests.

Russiagate is a dagger aimed at the heart of American governmental institutions. A conspiracy involving top officials of the Obama Department of Justice, FBI, and other “security” agencies was formed together with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, the purpose of which was to defeat Trump in the presidential election and, failing that, to remove Trump from office or to discredit him to the point that he would be reduced to a mere figurehead. This conspiracy has the full backing of the entirely of the mainstream media.

In other words, it was a coup not only against Donald Trump but also against American democracy and the outcome of a presidential election.

There is no doubt whatsoever about this. The facts are publicly available in the declassified Top Secret Memorandum Opinion and Order of the FISA Court—https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf and in the declassified report from the House Intelligence Committee—given by the presstitutes the misleading name of the “Nunes Memo,” as if it is Nunes’ personal opinion and not the findings of months of work by an oversight committee of Congress— https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4365354-370598711-House-Intelligence-Committee-Report-on.html?embed=true&responsive=false&sidebar=false .

All of this information has been posted on my website for some time. If you have difficulty following my explanation, former US Attorney Joe DiGenova explains the felony actions by the FBI and Obama Justice (sic) Department here: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-21/brazen-plot-exonerate-hillary-clinton-and-frame-trump-unraveling-says-former-fed

Briefly, the National Security Agency discovered that the FBI and DOJ were abusing the surveillance system. As a favor of one security agency to another, NSA Director Adm. Rogers permitted the FBI and DOJ to rush to the FISA Court and confess their transgressions before the NSA informed the Court. The FBI and DOJ pretended that their deception of the Court in order to obtain surveillance warrants for highly partisan political purposes was not due to their intent but to procedural mistakes. The FBI and DOJ told the Court that they were tightening up procedures so that this would not happen again. The FISA Court Memorandum and Order clearly states:

“On October 24, 2016, the government orally apprised the Court of significant non-compliance with the NSA’s minimization procedures involving queries of data acquired under Section 702 using U.S. person identifiers. The full scope of non-compliant querying practices had not been previously disclosed to the Court.”

What this legalese jargon is saying is the the FBI and DOJ confessed to obtaining warrants under false pretexts. These are felonies: https://www.globalresearch.ca/nunes...the-fbi-and-the-department-of-justice/5628246

The FISA Court Memorandum and Order is about resolving these deficiencies and returning the FBI and DOJ to legal practices. For example, the Court Memorandum and Order says:

“On January 3, 2017, the government made a further submission describing its efforts to ascertain the scope and causes of those compliance problems and discussing potential solutions to them. See January 3, 2017, Supplemental Notice of Compliance Incidents Regarding the Querying of Section 701-Acquired Data (“January 3, 2017 Notice”). The Court was not satisfied that the government had sufficiently ascertained the scope of the compliance problems or developed and implemented adequate solutions for them and communicated a number of questions and concerns to the government.”

In other words, the FBI and DOJ were attempting to make corrections to their “compliance problems” in ways that would allow them to continue to mislead the FISA Court, and the Court wasn’t letting them.

The FISA Court Memorandum and Order was released prior to the House Intelligence Committee report and has been completely ignored by the utterly corrupt press prostitutes. The FISA Court Memorandum and Order, relying on the confessions of the FBI and DOJ, verifies the House Intelligence Committee report that the FBI and DOJ illegally obtained spy warrants for partisan political purposes.

Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat who is a disgrace to the voters of his California district, to the Democratic Party, and to the House of Representatives, knows full well that the FBI and DOJ deceived the FISA Court. Schiff is so partisan that he lies to the hilt in the face of hard documented evidence from both the FISA Court and his own House committee. Schiff is so totally devoid of all honesty and integrity that he is the perfect leader for a shithole country, something that he and his ilk are turning the United States into.

The honest left—not the Identity Politics left, which is a collection of deranged idiots—does not believe a word of the concocted Russiagate conspiracy against Trump. They object to the Russiagate conspiracy not because they like Trump, which they most certainly do not, but because they understand that it is a lie directed against truth. They understand that the American mainstream media has deserted factual, truthful reporting and serves as a propaganda ministry for the war/police state that American is becoming.
Your claim was that their actions were illegal and that arrests would be made. Now you’re reducing that charge to their actions were wrong, which is also in dispute.
Quote for me, where, in my words, I made a claim that arrests would be made.
Anything the damages the federal government is a good thing for the country
That’s funny — you share the same sentiment as our enemies.
Not really, the federal government are the country are not one in the same. Obvious by the actions of the federal government

Anti American traitor.
The federal government has not worked for the country for more than a century. Career politicians/deep state believe that the people work for them...

HaHaHaHa---you said deep state---------that makes you a conspiracy theory nut--------HaHahaha

You know who academic professors and professional bureaucrats in D.C. give credit for pointing out the birth of the Deep State?

That’s funny — you share the same sentiment as our enemies.
Not really, the federal government are the country are not one in the same. Obvious by the actions of the federal government

Anti American traitor.
The federal government has not worked for the country for more than a century. Career politicians/deep state believe that the people work for them...

HaHaHaHa---you said deep state---------that makes you a conspiracy theory nut--------HaHahaha

You know who academic professors and professional bureaucrats in D.C. give credit for pointing out the birth of the Deep State?

I'm sure the tinfoil hat crowd does.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.
This 'above the fray' sanctimony crops up on even # years and likewise abates on even # years into gloating, partisanship, "nuclear option" rule changes... quite peculiar..
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.
This 'above the fray' sanctimony crops up on even # years and likewise abates on even # years into gloating, partisanship, "nuclear option" rule changes... quite peculiar..
Funny how perceptions work.

From your perspective, those of us who feel this way think we're "above the fray".

From our perspective, we're on the ground being trampled by the people who behave this way and control the conversation.
There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.
This 'above the fray' sanctimony crops up on even # years and likewise abates on even # years into gloating, partisanship, "nuclear option" rule changes... quite peculiar..
Funny how perceptions work.

From your perspective, those of us who feel this way think we're "above the fray".

From our perspective, we're on the ground being trampled by the people who behave this way and control the conversation.
lol...there is truth to that. Perhaps I'm still reeling from a recently closed chapter, 8 year period, of 'gnashing of teeth'...

Take your conspiracies over to the conspiracy threads.

Your surrender is noted.
Faun: “Your surrender is accepted.”

A mindless parrot squawks what it hears...

Marty: “Your surrender is noted.”

It wasn't parroting, it was mocking.

Figures you can't figure that out.

Still a mindless post. Seems that’s all you’re capable of.

I only give what I get. Post something worthy of a longer response and you will get one.

Post "fuh fuh fuh, trump sucks, fuh fuh fuh" and get what it deserves.
At least you know you’re a mindless parrot who only squawks back what it hears.
Not really, the federal government are the country are not one in the same. Obvious by the actions of the federal government

Anti American traitor.
The federal government has not worked for the country for more than a century. Career politicians/deep state believe that the people work for them...

HaHaHaHa---you said deep state---------that makes you a conspiracy theory nut--------HaHahaha

You know who academic professors and professional bureaucrats in D.C. give credit for pointing out the birth of the Deep State?

I'm sure the tinfoil hat crowd does.

There are many Americans who are not paralyzed by a partisan ideology. We have our views, we like this politician more than the other, we vote that way, but what we really want is things to go as well as possible, as often as possible. Even if it's not the way we would have chosen. We don't care who gets the credit politically.

What we're seeing now is clearly (a) a White House in crisis, primarily internally and as it operates under threat of a deep, broad federal investigation that could expose or destroy not just the President and various staff members, but members of his family. Proponents of the White House are, predictably, defending the President. Fine. But this is clearly not good. For the country.

Equally troubling to those of us who are hoping for the best regardless of who gets credit is the behavior of those who are clearly in joyous celebration of what is happening. As we see here on USMB, it's thread after thread of his opponents dancing on (what they suspect and hope is) his grave. A White House is in crisis, and there are Americans who are obviously overjoyed and reveling in the disaster.

This is why so many of us choose not to ideology affix ourselves to a party. We may share many opinions with one or the other, but we refuse to behave like this. It's now officially party over country, and it's ugly. We want no part of this.
For some of people it's not about "credit" it's about choosing the kind of government you feel is best for the country. There are very strong divisions between Democrats and Republicans....especially now after eight years of very divisive rhetoric and the success of the current president at undoing much of the harm imposed by the Obama administration.

Indecisive, wishy washyness just seems like a lack of backbone and the wording of your post doesn't really reflect a true desire for peace.

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