A woman faces a murder charge in Texas over an alleged self-induced abortion

Abortion is legal in America. What she did is legal. Texas can't get away with charging murder.

So when you are about in your lets say 70’s or 80’s and the people are tired of you and taking care of you paying your medical bills or whatever , your ill in the hospital it’s ok for the Hospital to determine eeeh it’s just time to let you die , don’t worry they will leave you in a room keeping you nice and comfortable. That’s kind of what the Gov. Of Va. said about letting the babies die, they’ll stick them in a room keep them nice and comfortable. Hahahaah

& you are for a baby to be killed 28 days “ AFTER “ it’s been born . Your ok with that/ LOL no doubt.

Satanic shit and you ppl have been fed gawd dam lies you can’t even see through your own brainwashing as to why this is just ok to do while these satanic Brain washing tactics used by “ TV PROGRAMMING”
along with indoctrination . Try coming out of it time is short .
So when you are about in your lets say 70’s or 80’s and the people are tired of you and taking care of you paying your medical bills or whatever , your ill in the hospital it’s ok for the Hospital to determine eeeh it’s just time to let you die , don’t worry they will leave you in a room keeping you nice and comfortable. That’s kind of what the Gov. Of Va. said about letting the babies die, they’ll stick them in a room keep them nice and comfortable. Hahahaah

& you are for a baby to be killed 28 days “ AFTER “ it’s been born . Your ok with that/ LOL no doubt.

Satanic shit and you ppl have been fed gawd dam lies you can’t even see through your own brainwashing as to why this is just ok to do while these satanic Brain washing tactics used by “ TV PROGRAMMING”
along with indoctrination . Try coming out of it time is short .
Get your head out of some religious fanatics ass boi.
I don't care what a woman does with "her body". She can tattoo it, take every form of birth control all at once, pierce every surface of her skin, sleep with no men or 10,000. I don't care.

But if you create a baby, that's a SEPARATE body. Don't you all "follow the science"? So, follow the science.

Fetuses aren't viable, therefore they aren't people. This is pretty simple science.
Suicide is not a criminal act. Any "custody" into which a person is taken subsequent to a suicide attempt is on the basis of a psychiatric emergency.

They didn't say it was a criminal act, they said you can be taken into custody for attempting it. Then you turned around and made the exact same statement.
They didn't say it was a criminal act, they said you can be taken into custody for attempting it. Then you turned around and made the exact same statement.

If you look closer, Whitehall is using the fact as validation for charging this woman with a crime, and for criminalizing abortive acts. Do try to keep up, dear.
Are you going to help push for laws forcing people to become organ donors? Or are you really NOT pro-life?
When you can take out a kidney (or one emerges as part of the natural course of its development) and by feeding and sheltering it, it becomes in due time a fully-grown man or woman, only then will that equivalency cease to be a false one.
Hahaha…and just like that ladies and gentlemen….the same twisted libs that beg Father Government to lead them around by the nose suddenly hate government intervention.
Hah, expect government to function properly and you want it to limit rights and force birth from women.
So when you are about in your lets say 70’s or 80’s and the people are tired of you and taking care of you paying your medical bills or whatever , your ill in the hospital it’s ok for the Hospital to determine eeeh it’s just time to let you die , don’t worry they will leave you in a room keeping you nice and comfortable. That’s kind of what the Gov. Of Va. said about letting the babies die, they’ll stick them in a room keep them nice and comfortable. Hahahaah

& you are for a baby to be killed 28 days “ AFTER “ it’s been born . Your ok with that/ LOL no doubt.

Satanic shit and you ppl have been fed gawd dam lies you can’t even see through your own brainwashing as to why this is just ok to do while these satanic Brain washing tactics used by “ TV PROGRAMMING”
along with indoctrination . Try coming out of it time is short .
It's "you are" not "your"--- you are illiterate. And, you don't know how to think rationally. There is no logical comparison between an aborted fetus and an elderly person, much less a month old baby, absolutely none. It's foolish to even try to make an argument on that basis. Based on your argument, you are not even worth trying to reason with. It's too bad that people like you have the right to vote.
Irrelevant dodge from your pro abortion position. Why charge a person for murdering an unborn child when you so easily abort them.

Well, mostly because such a ruling would be impractical.

The problem is, most fetuses are the size of a kidney bean when they are aborted. You can easily flush them down a toilet after you abort them. You know, unlike your MAGA hat neighbor, where you have to worry about the logistics of disposing of the body.

Now, all kidding aside, the thing is, you can get nearly universal agreement that murder is wrong. We are sharply divided on abortion.

When there is a murder, witnesses are willing to testify. Cops are willing to investigate. Prosecutors are willing to bring charges and argue cases, and juries are willing to convict. Yet with all that, even with universal agreement that murder is bad, only 61% of homicides are cleared.

When there is an abortion, most people aren't going to rat out their friends and relatives. Cops have got better things to do than play Tampon Police. Prosecutors have real crimes to prosecute, and if you pick out 12 random people, at least one would refuse to convict.

Me, I wouldn't care if you had film of the provider tossing the bloody fetus across the room for a three pointer into the medical waste container, I'm voting to acquit.

So here's the thing. When abortion was illegal, women were never arrested for having them. Providers were only prosecuted when they fouled up and maimed the woman. In a country like the Philippines, abortion is illegal, yet they have 500K of them a year and almost no prosecutions.
Well, mostly because such a ruling would be impractical.

The problem is, most fetuses are the size of a kidney bean when they are aborted. You can easily flush them down a toilet after you abort them. You know, unlike your MAGA hat neighbor, where you have to worry about the logistics of disposing of the body.

Now, all kidding aside, the thing is, you can get nearly universal agreement that murder is wrong. We are sharply divided on abortion.

When there is a murder, witnesses are willing to testify. Cops are willing to investigate. Prosecutors are willing to bring charges and argue cases, and juries are willing to convict. Yet with all that, even with universal agreement that murder is bad, only 61% of homicides are cleared.

When there is an abortion, most people aren't going to rat out their friends and relatives. Cops have got better things to do than play Tampon Police. Prosecutors have real crimes to prosecute, and if you pick out 12 random people, at least one would refuse to convict.

Me, I wouldn't care if you had film of the provider tossing the bloody fetus across the room for a three pointer into the medical waste container, I'm voting to acquit.

So here's the thing. When abortion was illegal, women were never arrested for having them. Providers were only prosecuted when they fouled up and maimed the woman. In a country like the Philippines, abortion is illegal, yet they have 500K of them a year and almost no prosecutions.
Blah blah blah Scott Peterson was convicted of double homicide for killing his wife and unborn child. An abortionists kills an unborn child and gets away with it.

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