A woman faces a murder charge in Texas over an alleged self-induced abortion

My goalposts are fine... get rid of these stupid laws before you abuse them like you did with Purvi Patel.

Because I have no desire to live in the Republic of Gilead
No your goal post have wheels
Scott Peterson charged, tried and convicted for killing a unborn child.
No your goal post have wheels
Scott Peterson charged, tried and convicted for killing a unborn child.

Which was thrown out because the conviction was dubious.
The ladies at Salem were convicted of witchcraft. We are all pretty darned sure now that they weren't witches.
And you can't show me a birth certificate for anyone named "Conner Peterson" because he wasn't a person.
Which was thrown out because the conviction was dubious.
The ladies at Salem were convicted of witchcraft. We are all pretty darned sure now that they weren't witches.
And you can't show me a birth certificate for anyone named "Conner Peterson" because he wasn't a person.
The death penalty was thrown out but got life for killing his unborn son.
You cannot move an unmovable fact.
Actually, he's probably getting a second trial.... because the evidence was so dubious to start with.
There you go again with that cotton candy wishes theory. You're basing your argument on one juror might have been biased. 1 out ot 12
"The arguments will follow an anticlimactic final two days of testimony into whether juror Richelle Nice was biased and lied to get on the jury that convicted Peterson in 2004 and put him on death row for the murders of Laci, 27, and the unborn child they planned to name Conner"
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There you go again with that cotton candy wishes theory. You're basing your argument on one juror might have been biased. 1 out ot 12
"The arguments will follow an anticlimactic final two days of testimony into whether juror Richelle Nice was biased and lied to get on the jury that convicted Peterson in 2004 and put him on death row for the murders of Laci, 27, and the unborn child they planned to name Conner"

The more I read about the case, the more I am thinking poor Scott got railroaded.

There was no physical evidence or forensics.
The timeline for him to have disposed of the body is dubious, at best.
He had absolutely ZERO history of domestic violence, spousal abuse or drug use.

The only thing he did was that he lied about having an affair with Amber Frey. But we are to believe he killed his pregnant wife over a woman he had only known for a couple of weeks?
The more I read about the case, the more I am thinking poor Scott got railroaded.

There was no physical evidence or forensics.
The timeline for him to have disposed of the body is dubious, at best.
He had absolutely ZERO history of domestic violence, spousal abuse or drug use.

The only thing he did was that he lied about having an affair with Amber Frey. But we are to believe he killed his pregnant wife over a woman he had only known for a couple of weeks?
1 juror out of 12, 11 agreed he killed an unborn Child well all 12 agreed but one is in questioned. Death or life sentence changes nothing the fact the sate said he killed an unborn baby.
1 juror out of 12, 11 agreed he killed an unborn Child well all 12 agreed but one is in questioned. Death or life sentence changes nothing the fact the sate said he killed an unborn baby.

Doesn't matter, a tainted jury is still a tainted jury. The fact they allowed this woman who got slapped around by her boyfriend while she was pregnant invalidated the entire procedure.
Doesn't matter, a tainted jury is still a tainted jury. The fact they allowed this woman who got slapped around by her boyfriend while she was pregnant invalidated the entire procedure.
😆 Total bullshit we're still taking about Scott Peterson not your movement of the goal post.
Scott Peterson who was convicted of a non-crime due to massive state misconduct. That Scott Peterson?
Scott Peterson was convicted of murder. So you'll say stupid shit to try and dodge what you can't dodge. The remains of what you call a non violent crime
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Scott Peterson was convicted of murder. So you'll say stupid shit to try and dodge what you can't dodge. The remains of what you call a non violent crime

Killing his wife was a crime.
Killing a fetus isn't.

That body bag looks kind of big for a fetus.

The problem here is that the poor man was railroaded by the media.
Killing his wife was a crime.
Killing a fetus isn't.

That body bag looks kind of big for a fetus.

The problem here is that the poor man was railroaded by the media.
Wow he was charged and convicted for doing both. And he'll still remain in prison for doing both. The body bag was his wife and unborn child
Wow he was charged and convicted for doing both. And he'll still remain in prison for doing both. The body bag was his wife and unborn child

Well, if the fetus doesn't get its own body bag, then its not a person, is it?

That was simple.

I doubt his conviction will survive a long term review, the whole case was kind of dubious.

No blood in the house. No blood in the boat. No witnesses, no forensics, no murder weapon.
Holy Shit, you think THIS was a case of justice?

In August, A&E released the six-part docuseries, The Murder of Laci Peterson, which offered a different perspective on a case that has long been perceived as closed. The series features exclusive audio from death row inmate Scott Peterson, who had little to say following his pregnant wife’s disappearance and murder, and did not take the stand at his 2004 trial. In addition to hearing from his family and attorneys, legal analysts and journalists, the prosecution’s winning case is thoroughly presented through trial footage and interviews with jurors who stand by their decision to convict and sentence Peterson to death.

Arguably amongst the most damning evidence for the jury was Peterson’s brief affair with Amber Frey, with whom he continued to communicate after Laci’s disappearance. Frey was secretly recording their calls for police, and although she obtained nothing incriminating, the audio was incredibly damaging. There was no other evidence to suggest Peterson was unhappy about being married and becoming a father, but the prosecution presented his infidelity as proof of both – as well as a motive to kill.

What they didn’t have was a theory for how or where Laci was killed, because police found no blood or other physical evidence at the Peterson home, at Scott’s warehouse or in the boat he allegedly used to dump the body in the San Francisco Bay. Peterson told police that he spent the day fishing near the Berkeley Marina – and that’s exactly where Laci’s body and her fetus were found (separately) three months later. An impossible coincidence, prosecutors claimed. But Peterson’s alibi was common knowledge – if someone else killed Laci, the docuseries posits, they would have known just where to dispose of her remains in order to evade suspicion by framing Peterson.

And then there are the over two dozen neighborhood witnesses who reported seeing a pregnant woman who looked like Laci walking a dog later that morning, after the prosecution claimed she was already dead. The police dismissed these Laci sightings as not being credible with little if any followup; but the docuseries presents a newly uncovered statement from the Petersons’ regular postman which seems to corroborate those accounts. The couple’s dog McKenzie always barked when he delivered the mail, the postman stated, but on Christmas Eve, the house was quiet, which meant no one was home. According to the timestamp on his digital scanner, this was during the same timeframe as the many Laci sightings. And if Laci was still alive and walking the dog after Peterson left the house, he would not have been able to commit the crime.

So who did kill Laci, if Scott Peterson is innocent? Multiple witnesses reported a burglary across the street from the Peterson’s house on Christmas Eve morning, and one witness even claims that she saw Laci confronting the two men involved. According to the docuseries, It’s a compelling theory.
Well, if the fetus doesn't get its own body bag, then its not a person, is it?

That was simple.

I doubt his conviction will survive a long term review, the whole case was kind of dubious.

No blood in the house. No blood in the boat. No witnesses, no forensics, no murder weapon.
There were two bags in the picture one body bag and another smaller bag
You've lied to yourself so much you convinced yourself Scott was railroaded.

Actually, I've never given the case a lot of thought until now.

Now I can see how this poor man was railroaded by the police and the media.

So let's review. In the police theory, he killed his wife at home in the morning, took her body in his car to his workplace, then put it in a boat and dumped it in San Francisco Bay.

Totally ignoring there were people who saw her walking the dog after she had been supposedly killed.

And somehow he managed to not get a drop of blood in his house, car, workplace or boat.

The police ignored the fact that a break in happened across the street. (The burglars later claimed they robbed the house on the 26th, but by the 26th, there were camera crews set up on the Peterson's front lawn.

So the actual evidence was-

1) A single one of her hairs in a pair of pliers.
2) That he was having an affair with Amber Frey.
3) That he wasn't acting like the police thought he should be acting.

Um. That was it. Kind of terrifying that's all it takes to get you on death row in this country.

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