A woman faces a murder charge in Texas over an alleged self-induced abortion

Except we never mandated vaccines, did we? We were perfectly happy letting another 400K people die of TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) than actually preventing a disease.
People should not be forced to accept medical treatment
Except we've had vaccine mandates for years in this country for measles, polio, etc.
No one was forced to get those vaccines against their will.

At worst people faced a fine or their kids were not allowed into public schools
Except we never mandated vaccines, did we? We were perfectly happy letting another 400K people die of TRUMP PLAGUE(TM) than actually preventing a disease.

Your partisan babblings are boring why not make an intelligent reply instead?

There have been a lot of Vaccine mandates in military, sports, governments and in various schools' districts.

You never addressed what I said and completely missed the point about personal ownership contradictions.
Except we've had vaccine mandates for years in this country for measles, polio, etc.

They have a higher death rate and lots of lifetime injuries for the survivors.



The measles vaccine is effective at preventing the disease, is exceptionally safe, and is often delivered in combination with other vaccines.[7][18] Vaccination resulted in an 80% decrease in deaths from measles between 2000 and 2017, with about 85% of children worldwide having received their first dose as of 2017.[14] Measles affects about 20 million people a year,[3] primarily in the developing areas of Africa and Asia.[7] It is one of the leading vaccine-preventable disease causes of death.[19][20] In 1980, 2.6 million people died from measles,[7] and in 1990, 545,000 died due to the disease; by 2014, global vaccination programs had reduced the number of deaths from measles to 73,000.[21][22] Despite these trends, rates of disease and deaths increased from 2017 to 2019 due to a decrease in immunization.[23][24][25]


In addition, measles can suppress the immune system for weeks to months, and this can contribute to bacterial superinfections such as otitis media and bacterial pneumonia.[6][38][39][40][41] Two months after recovery there is a 11–73% decrease in the number of antibodies against other bacteria and viruses.[42]

The death rate in the 1920s was around 30% for measles pneumonia.[43]




In those with muscle weakness, about 2 to 5 percent of children and 15 to 30 percent of adults die.[1]

Vaccines for the above was developed over time thus safe for use while COVID-19 pseudovaccine was never properly tested and had numerous side effects and rapid deaths for too many have been reported.


COVID-19 death rate is 1% and still going down slowly probably end around .75% a very low death rate.


Cases which had an outcome:
455,348,223 (99%)

Recovered / Discharged
6,222,567 (1%)


Currently Infected Patients

43,004,575 (99.9%)
in Mild Condition

42,306 (0.1%)
Serious or Critical

Your partisan babblings are boring why not make an intelligent reply instead?

There have been a lot of Vaccine mandates in military, sports, governments and in various schools' districts.

You never addressed what I said and completely missed the point about personal ownership contradictions.

Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to an anti-vax nutter who considers Jenny McCarthy a medical expert. My bad.
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to an anti-vax nutter who considers Jenny McCarthy a medical expert. My bad.


Oh, dear you came back with ZERO!

You can't admit your errors about mandates which is why you ran off at the mouth instead. You still ignore my point about personal ownership it is why you are stumbling around now.

I never opposed voluntary vaccinations thus your lie is exposed.

COVID-19 vaccination mandates in the United States

Now why don't you grow up and learn.
You can't admit your errors about mandates which is why you ran off at the mouth instead. You still ignore my point about personal ownership it is why you are stumbling around now.

I never opposed voluntary vaccinations thus your lie is exposed.

Making it voluntary is why we had 500,000 excess deaths... This thing should have been wrapped up in March of 2021


She looks legit!
Actually, I've never given the case a lot of thought until now.

Now I can see how this poor man was railroaded by the police and the media.

So let's review. In the police theory, he killed his wife at home in the morning, took her body in his car to his workplace, then put it in a boat and dumped it in San Francisco Bay.

Totally ignoring there were people who saw her walking the dog after she had been supposedly killed.

And somehow he managed to not get a drop of blood in his house, car, workplace or boat.

The police ignored the fact that a break in happened across the street. (The burglars later claimed they robbed the house on the 26th, but by the 26th, there were camera crews set up on the Peterson's front lawn.

So the actual evidence was-

1) A single one of her hairs in a pair of pliers.
2) That he was having an affair with Amber Frey.
3) That he wasn't acting like the police thought he should be acting.

Um. That was it. Kind of terrifying that's all it takes to get you on death row in this country.
I doubt you're being honest. Peterson might not get death but he will remain in prison for the rest of his life for the murder of his unborn son. Something California sanctioned
Making it voluntary is why we had 500,000 excess deaths... This thing should have been wrapped up in March of 2021

It would have been over with and forgotten by mid-2020, if not for corrupt politicians dragging it out, exaggerating it, and exploiting it for political gain.

Just like any other routine cold/flu outbreak, left to run its natural course, it would have been over with in a few months at most.
It would have been over with and forgotten by mid-2020, if not for corrupt politicians dragging it out, exaggerating it, and exploiting it for political gain.

Just like any other routine cold/flu outbreak, left to run its natural course, it would have been over with in a few months at most.
Conservatives seek more government, bigger government at the expense of individual liberty – indeed, the neo-fascist authoritarian right is willing to go as far as subjecting women to criminal prosecution for no other reason than exercising their right to privacy.
Making it voluntary is why we had 500,000 excess deaths... This thing should have been wrapped up in March of 2021

View attachment 632050
She looks legit!

LOL you have nothing but assertions it is stupid anyway since the CDC Director and numerous health officials have stated that the "vaccine" doesn't prevent the viral infection on people who are "vaccinated"

You also lied because MORE people died under Biden than under Trump in their first year which most of the time there were no one vaccinated until near the end of Trumps Presidency while a lot of people got vaccinated during Bidens first year.

You also ignored post 272 that destroys your silly unsupported assertions about death rate, and you ignored the correction over your false no vaccine mandate claim it appears you are continuously wrong because you are lazy and a partisan hack.
I doubt you're being honest. Peterson might not get death but he will remain in prison for the rest of his life for the murder of his unborn son. Something California sanctioned

Actually, I kind of doubt it. I just got done watching the six part A&E series, which I think made a very strong case for his innocence.

Once you get past the outrage that he cheated on his pregnant wife (which made him a real cad!) you have a whole lot of nothing with this case. No witnesses, no evidence, no timeline, no weapon, no forensics...

It would have been over with and forgotten by mid-2020, if not for corrupt politicians dragging it out, exaggerating it, and exploiting it for political gain.

Just like any other routine cold/flu outbreak, left to run its natural course, it would have been over with in a few months at most.

Right, it was all a conspiracy... all those people who died were just faking it.

LOL you have nothing but assertions it is stupid anyway since the CDC Director and numerous health officials have stated that the "vaccine" doesn't prevent the viral infection on people who are "vaccinated"

You also lied because MORE people died under Biden than under Trump in their first year which most of the time there were no one vaccinated until near the end of Trumps Presidency while a lot of people got vaccinated during Bidens first year.

More people died under Biden because you refused to get your fucking shot, Jenny.

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