A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important​

That's because the experts are retarded.

Note to self, if you mutilate your body and look like a freak, no one wants to hire you, at least, most won't.

Woman in suit jacket with face tattoos

The whole tattoo and piercing craze is beyond my level of understanding. It used to be only navy men would get tattoos, but now it seems everyone has them. I have to say, I've never seen a tattoo that looks attractive. And in terms of piercings, I've never seen on that was attractive either, except for many ear piercings.

And the color your hair thingy, same thing.

Of course, when you put it all together, I suppose they look gorgeous, like this fine specimen above. But then, I'm partial to the satanic like horns coming out of "its' head.

So, what changed in society to have this common place? Does it correlate with the failing mental health of society as a whole? Is it akin to people wanting to cut themselves?

A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important​

That's because the experts are retarded.

Note to self, if you mutilate your body and look like a freak, no one wants to hire you, at least, most won't.

Woman in suit jacket with face tattoos

The whole tattoo and piercing craze is beyond my level of understanding. It used to be only navy men would get tattoos, but now it seems everyone has them. I have to say, I've never seen a tattoo that looks attractive. And in terms of piercings, I've never seen on that was attractive either, except for many ear piercings.

And the color your hair thingy, same thing.

Of course, when you put it all together, I suppose they look gorgeous, like this fine specimen above.

So, what changed in society to have this common place? Does it correlate with the failing mental health of society as a whole? Is it akin to people wanting to cut themselves?

Did you not notice the body modification bumps/horns on her forehead?

Also, 50/50 that this is an actual "woman"
Did you not notice the body modification bumps/horns on her forehead?

Also, 50/50 that this is an actual "woman"
Maybe "it" thinks "It" is a cow and needed those horns.

It was either that, or the surgeons would just allow "it" to kill themselves I reckon.

A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important​

That's because the experts are retarded.

Note to self, if you mutilate your body and look like a freak, no one wants to hire you, at least, most won't.

Woman in suit jacket with face tattoos

The whole tattoo and piercing craze is beyond my level of understanding. It used to be only navy men would get tattoos, but now it seems everyone has them. I have to say, I've never seen a tattoo that looks attractive. And in terms of piercings, I've never seen on that was attractive either, except for many ear piercings.

And the color your hair thingy, same thing.

Of course, when you put it all together, I suppose they look gorgeous, like this fine specimen above. But then, I'm partial to the satanic like horns coming out of "its' head.

So, what changed in society to have this common place? Does it correlate with the failing mental health of society as a whole? Is it akin to people wanting to cut themselves?
Why two of the exact same thread?
Did you not notice the body modification bumps/horns on her forehead?

Also, 50/50 that this is an actual "woman"
The tattoos are a filter. They know it will be offensive to some, but, mostly, they want to offend those people. So they get what they want. But it means they'll miss out on opportunities. That's the way it goes.

A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important​

That's because the experts are retarded.

Note to self, if you mutilate your body and look like a freak, no one wants to hire you, at least, most won't.

Woman in suit jacket with face tattoos

The whole tattoo and piercing craze is beyond my level of understanding. It used to be only navy men would get tattoos, but now it seems everyone has them. I have to say, I've never seen a tattoo that looks attractive. And in terms of piercings, I've never seen on that was attractive either, except for many ear piercings.

And the color your hair thingy, same thing.

Of course, when you put it all together, I suppose they look gorgeous, like this fine specimen above. But then, I'm partial to the satanic like horns coming out of "its' head.

So, what changed in society to have this common place? Does it correlate with the failing mental health of society as a whole? Is it akin to people wanting to cut themselves?

I'll bet she loves Hamas.
Clearly what's need is a protected class for skin art and the like. It's discrimination!!!

A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important​

That's because the experts are retarded.

Note to self, if you mutilate your body and look like a freak, no one wants to hire you, at least, most won't.

Woman in suit jacket with face tattoos

The whole tattoo and piercing craze is beyond my level of understanding. It used to be only navy men would get tattoos, but now it seems everyone has them. I have to say, I've never seen a tattoo that looks attractive. And in terms of piercings, I've never seen on that was attractive either, except for many ear piercings.

And the color your hair thingy, same thing.

Of course, when you put it all together, I suppose they look gorgeous, like this fine specimen above. But then, I'm partial to the satanic like horns coming out of "its' head.

So, what changed in society to have this common place? Does it correlate with the failing mental health of society as a whole? Is it akin to people wanting to cut themselves?
If it's a public facing position, no visible tats, male or female.
One piercing per ear for females no piercings for males.

Back office or warehouse, driver, etc.?
Who give a damn.
That thing is creepy.

Yeah, look like that, you probably aren't the face to represent someone's business.
I don't get it.
These people strive to show their individual identity by becoming just like all the other weirdos showing their individual identity.

These days?
What to stand out?
Dress normal.
That's sure to turn a head.

A woman said her tattoos got her rejected for a job, but experts say personality is far more important​

That's because the experts are retarded.

Note to self, if you mutilate your body and look like a freak, no one wants to hire you, at least, most won't.

Woman in suit jacket with face tattoos

The whole tattoo and piercing craze is beyond my level of understanding. It used to be only navy men would get tattoos, but now it seems everyone has them. I have to say, I've never seen a tattoo that looks attractive. And in terms of piercings, I've never seen on that was attractive either, except for many ear piercings.

And the color your hair thingy, same thing.

Of course, when you put it all together, I suppose they look gorgeous, like this fine specimen above. But then, I'm partial to the satanic like horns coming out of "its' head.

So, what changed in society to have this common place? Does it correlate with the failing mental health of society as a whole? Is it akin to people wanting to cut themselves?
Discrimination ............
I don't care what her personality is like, if she walked in with all that trashy shit done to her face the second I saw her I'd know there is no way I would hire her for any job. I wouldn't pay her to scrub toilets.

If I can see tattoos outside of a T-shirt I wouldn't hire you. If you had more than than NORMAL ear piercings I wouldn't hire you. If you had any piercings beyond the ears I wouldn't hire you. If your hair isn't a natural hair color I wouldn't hire.

But conversely, if they met all those requirements and were still a shitty person or a woke freak I wouldn't hire them
I don't care what her personality is like, if she walked in with all that trashy shit done to her face the second I saw her I'd know there is no way I would hire her for any job. I wouldn't pay her to scrub toilets.

If I can see tattoos outside of a T-shirt I wouldn't hire you. If you had more than than NORMAL ear piercings I wouldn't hire you. If you had any piercings beyond the ears I wouldn't hire you. If your hair isn't a natural hair color I wouldn't hire.

But conversely, if they met all those requirements and were still a shitty person or a woke freak I wouldn't hire them
You wouldn’t hire a qualified person who has a non-lewd tattoo visible on their arm?

Good luck hiring anyone.
You wouldn’t hire a qualified person who has a non-lewd tattoo visible on their arm?

Good luck hiring anyone.

No, I wouldn't.

They were interviewing past couple weeks and after the initial interview I got to speak with the applicant and give my opinion of them. I turned down 2 people they brought in to be the off shift version of me twice for tats and piercings. The 3rd had none and worked out great so far.

No tats, no piercings, Christian guy, works hard and is picking up on things pretty well so far.

The posistion starts out at 27 dollars an hour, I'm not selecting some goofball that can't even manage to keep a decent appearance and have some semblance of pride in themselves

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