AARP to Obama: Stop citing us


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
AARP to Obama: Stop citing us
The Hill ^ | 10/4/2012 | Elise Viebeck
AARP to Obama: Stop citing us - The Hill's Healthwatch

AARP has a message for President Obama: Stop using us to score political points.

Obama cited the nonpartisan senior lobby twice in Wednesday's debate when arguing against Mitt Romney's Medicare proposals.

The remarks prompted a polite statement from AARP Senior Vice President John Hishta asking candidates to refrain from mentioning the group.

"AARP has never consented to the use of its name by any candidate or political campaign," Hishta said.

"AARP is a nonpartisan organization, and we do not endorse political candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party."

Hishta sent a similar dispatch in August, when the Obama campaign released an ad using AARP quotes to attack Paul Ryan's Medicare policy.

"The next president and Congress will decide the future of Medicare, and the candidates owe voters straight talk — not just 30-second ads — about what their plans will mean for today's seniors and future retirees," Hishta said in August.

On Wednesday, Obama cited AARP estimates to argue that savings from the healthcare law will extend Medicare's lifetime. He also told Romney that "AARP has said that your plan would weaken Medicare substantially."

AARP supported Obama's signature healthcare law, prompting criticism from conservatives who believe the group is more political and left-leaning than it says.

On Thursday, Reps. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) and Charles Boustany Jr. (R-La.) aired these complaints after AARP moved to distance itself from Obama.

"In reality, senior AARP leadership and key White House officials worked closely together on the passage of President Obama's healthcare reform," Gingrey and Boustany wrote in a press memo.

"AARP leadership consistently ignored the deluge of calls from members, the majority of which opposed ObamaCare, and instead continued working in conjunction with the White House to perfect their 'messaging' to seniors," the memo stated.
I have always felt that the AARP was in the tank for Obama. I am thinking they just don't want to be dragged down with him at this point. When your own long time supporters start distancing themselves, it's not a good sign.

Even yahoo, who normally does a great job of spinning all things Obama in a positive light, is saying that Obama's next hurdle is the latest jobs report.

Me thinks things are beginning to unravel.
The AARP is an extremely powerful political lobbying group. It takes some big gray balls to complain about someone else using their politically oriented materials in a political debate.

Their membership took it up the ass after supporting Obolshevikcare...Now they hafta try to put up the illusion that they're all impartial and shit.
I have always felt that the AARP was in the tank for Obama. I am thinking they just don't want to be dragged down with him at this point. When your own long time supporters start distancing themselves, it's not a good sign.

Even yahoo, who normally does a great job of spinning all things Obama in a positive light, is saying that Obama's next hurdle is the latest jobs report.

Me thinks things are beginning to unravel.

EGGSactly, they threw the seniors under the bush with the health care debacle, They're in the business of selling insurance.
Their membership took it up the ass after supporting Obolshevikcare...Now they hafta try to put up the illusion that they're all impartial and shit.

I don't know why democrats think seniors are idiots.
Seniors, blacks, women...they think they're stupid, and they commit a lot of resources to misleading them.
I am a dues paying member of AARP
If President Romney wants to cite my association as a source, I don't have a problem with it
Seniors, blacks, women...they think they're stupid, and they commit a lot of resources to misleading them.

BS. Example of Dem lie. ONE?

The gigantic Pub propaganda machine, hundreds of lockstep Pubs, pundits, BS orgs, institutes, and bloggers, has the dupes living in an alternate BS universe. See "Obama gutted Medicare, Workfare, had total control for 2 years", see my sig pp3 for hateful BS and character assassination.

The whole Pub platform is a BS smokescreen to cover their longtime pandering to the rich, and the continued ruin of the nonrich and the country. see sig pp1.
Dem lie: We need abortion or women who need to abort for medical reasons will die.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ totally irrelevant to this election, or anything else but the dupe alternate universe.
I was dying laughing when I saw AARP claim they were nonpartisan.
I am a dues paying member of AARP
If President Romney wants to cite my association as a source, I don't have a problem with it
Good job in supporting one of the biggest lolberal lobbying groups out there, dude. :thup:
Truth is liberal. For example, AARP says "SS is in trouble" is USA's #1 myth. Horrors.

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