AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program

Fair enough. However, wouldn't it be better to be proactive on this? Rather than a potential problem cropping up, go ahead and implement the voter ID, and you have to have this ID with you when you show up to the polling station, otherwise, you don't vote until you do.

Surely, if it is a verified document, only given to those who are proven to be u.s. citizens, and when you show up to the polling station, you swipe your card and vote. It would be electronically recorded that you have cast a vote and if you tried again, it would recognize that you have already voted and you would be denied.

This would solve several potential problems:

1) everyone would be able to cast only 1 vote.

2) if you are not a citizen, you wouldn't have an ID card, and therefore would not be able to vote.

3) the ID will be picture ID, and if you have to show it to a poll station worker before you voted, then you wouldn't be able to use the ID of someone who is no longer living, and thus, someone could not use the ID of those who are no longer living to cast ballots.

It may be that it is not a wide spread problem, but it does happen. Who's to say that it doesn't get worse. You say that there are already measures in place to combat voter fraud, the problem is, those measures are usually on the back end, after the election is already over, and it becomes a hassle to track it down and remedy it.

Put safeguards on the front end to stop it from happening in the first place. Also, the reported cases are those we know about. How many more slip through the cracks each election cycle that we never discover?
Let's get one fact straight: When you add up all the votes for president, including the third-party candidates, the center-right won the popular vote, and won it rather handily:

Trump -- 62,983,000
Johnson -- 4,500,000
McMullin -- 700,000
Castle -- 172,000
TOTAL -- 68,355,000

Clinton -- 65,853,000
Stein -- 469,000
TOTAL -- 66,322,000

This means that the center-right vote topped the center-left vote by more than 2 million votes: 68,355,000 to 66,322,000. That is encouraging.

One reason that Hillary lost in 2016 is that she got slightly fewer votes than Obama got in 2012: she received 65,853,000 vs. 65,915,000 for Obama. Trump, on the other hand, got over 2 million more votes than Romney got in 2012: he received 62,984,000 vs. 60,933,000 for Romney.

Moreover, not only did Trump beat Hillary in states won 30-20, but Trump buried Hillary in counties won: He won over 3,000 counties, while she won fewer than 200. Think about that: the county is the most basic political unit. Yet, Hillary won a majority of the votes in fewer than 200 counties out of over 3,200.

I might add that Republicans control 33 governorships. You can't gerrymander governors' races; they are based solely on the popular vote in the state. So a majority of the citizens in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.

And don't let anyone get away with the nonsense that Gary Johnson was closer to Hillary than Trump. Johnson campaigned on things like repealing Obamacare, supporting school vouchers, ending the right of public unions to collectively bargain for benefits, defending the Citizens United decision, repealing Dodd-Frank, repealing the birth control mandate for insurance, abolishing the Federal Reserve, cutting personal income taxes (including corporate taxes), ending the inheritance tax, prohibiting affirmative action for college admissions, etc., etc.

Let's get one thing straight- Trump was lying about how he actually won the popular vote- if it wasn't for all of those 5 million illegal votes that nobody can find any evidence of.

And on one cares whether the 'center right' or the 'center left' in total got whatever- people are voting for candidates- not a theme.

And Trump won the election- but he surely didn't win the popular vote.

Sigh. . . . And I'm betting good money that you haven't bothered to read any of the serious studies that credibly argue that at least 1.1 million illegals voted. Do you realize that in one university survey, 13-14% of Hispanics said they were illegals and that they planned on voting? You can bet that for every one who would admit it, there are one or two who would not.
That university "study" was froth with problems. Most notably, it was actually an online poll and respondents were polled a second time, two years later, where a large portion of those who first said they were citizens then said they weren't.

That's not a reliable "study."
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:

Democrats know they're the ones who cheat at the polls. That's why they oppose voter ID
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:

You poor rube.....

No ID is required to register. No ID is required to vote. You simply "attest" that you are citizen residing in California. PERIOD. Nobody checks. It is ILLEGAL to ask.

Classification - Voter Registration Application - California Secretary of State

We have Democrats in front of every Hispanic grocery store in the state registering illegals.

Duh. I've been saying this since the election: it's obvious what is going on. California WANTS illegals to vote, is the problem. California is now majority Mexican, so surprise!! They want to be more Mexican, more Democrat, and secede as a separate Latin nation. Watch it happen.
And it's not true that nobody checks. Election offices check.

Frequently Asked Questions | California Secretary of State
Holyfuck. :eusa_doh:

How many times does this bullshit need to be debunked until rightards stop believing it?

AB-1461 Voter registration

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.

You poor rube.....

No ID is required to register. No ID is required to vote. You simply "attest" that you are citizen residing in California. PERIOD. Nobody checks. It is ILLEGAL to ask.

Classification - Voter Registration Application - California Secretary of State

We have Democrats in front of every Hispanic grocery store in the state registering illegals.
Imbecile, can you read?

I replied to someone who posted, California to auto-register drivers to vote, sparking fraud concerns

... and I replied with the California law which proves that is not true.

The California law is for rubes.

There is no ID required to vote. No ID required to register. Therefore it doesn't matter if the DMV is registering them or not. They go to the website and can register in less than 30 seconds.

That is the point, imbecile.

No ID required to register.

:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.

Tallies are posted online. They are even free. It's called the Statement of the vote and all 58 counties post them on their websites.
Yet they haven't been verified......the simple fact that California refuses to clear their rolls of dead voters and expired registrations lets us know that they are actively practicing voter fraud. The fact that they refuse to follow immigration laws is a direct indication of their criminal behavior.
With someone like Jerry Brown in the governor's office it's clear that nothing coming out of Sacramento can be taken at face-value.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review
Last edited:
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:

Democrats know they're the ones who cheat at the polls. That's why they oppose voter ID
Poor kaz just can't stop kazzing.

Here's an article of some voter fraud cases from the 2016 election and both parties were caught committing fraud...

There have been just four documented cases of voter fraud in the 2016 election

Here's a case not in that article of an illegal Trump voter...

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation
counties like Los Angeles has gotten to the point where anyone who doesnt speak a word of english, can walk into a precinct and register.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>

Then there's this......

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, if there were millions, you could find one.
Not if the state isn't even attempting to look for one.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>

Then there's this......

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
Weird.....the link goes nowhere.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.

Tallies are posted online. They are even free. It's called the Statement of the vote and all 58 counties post them on their websites.
Yet they haven't been verified......the simple fact that California refuses to clear their rolls of dead voters and expired registrations lets us know that they are actively practicing voter fraud. The fact that they refuse to follow immigration laws is a direct indication of their criminal behavior.
With someone like Jerry Brown in the governor's office it's clear that nothing coming out of Sacramento can be taken at face-value.
Your imagination belies you...

Fake news: California voting rolls are riddled with ineligible voters

Were Judicial Watch’s allegations accurate, it certainly would be, of course, a serious scandal and would undermine voter confidence.

However, they bear almost no resemblance to reality.

The Census Bureau provides the basic data about potential voters by calculating how many residents of the state, and of each county, are citizens over the age of 18. Election officials then adjust the estimates incrementally to account for population growth.

Currently, 24.9 million of California’s 39 million residents are adjudged legally eligible to vote and 19.4 million – or 77.9 percent – are registered. Individual counties range from a low of 58.68 percent in Merced County to 88.28 percent in Marin County.

So how did Judicial Watch come up with 11 counties having more than 100 percent of their eligible populations on the voter rolls. It added the counties’ “inactive voters” – names of those who have voted sometime in the past but have been dropped from current registration rolls – and carelessly branded them as registered voters.

However, those inactive voters are just names, now about 5 million statewide, and any that seek to actually vote again must prove their eligibility and, in effect, re-register. Most are no longer living in the counties where they had once voted, which explains why adding registered voters and inactive voters together could total more than 100 percent.

“They are using bad math and flawed methodology,” Padilla said in a statement, adding that maintaining the inactive voter files complies with federal voting laws to avoid eligible citizens from being administratively disallowed from voting.

At any rate, there’s nothing there to justify Judicial Watch’s injudicious allegations and lawsuit threats. It is, quite literally, fake news.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.

Tallies are posted online. They are even free. It's called the Statement of the vote and all 58 counties post them on their websites.
Yet they haven't been verified......the simple fact that California refuses to clear their rolls of dead voters and expired registrations lets us know that they are actively practicing voter fraud. The fact that they refuse to follow immigration laws is a direct indication of their criminal behavior.
With someone like Jerry Brown in the governor's office it's clear that nothing coming out of Sacramento can be taken at face-value.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

They have been verified. California requires a post election manual audit of randomly selected precincts.

No California does not "refuse" to clear its registration rolls, we follow state and federal law. California requires a greater burden of proof for cancellation than some states do, but that keeps us from disenfranchising voters.

Your "poll" has already been debunked 12 ways to Sunday.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>

Then there's this......

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
Weird.....the link goes nowhere.

Works for me. Weird you don't want to address the subject. It should be easy to find irregularities on the scale you imagine. If it were real that is.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.

Tallies are posted online. They are even free. It's called the Statement of the vote and all 58 counties post them on their websites.
Yet they haven't been verified......the simple fact that California refuses to clear their rolls of dead voters and expired registrations lets us know that they are actively practicing voter fraud. The fact that they refuse to follow immigration laws is a direct indication of their criminal behavior.
With someone like Jerry Brown in the governor's office it's clear that nothing coming out of Sacramento can be taken at face-value.

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review
That poll was actually an unscientific non-probability online poll...

Methodological challenges affect study of non-citizens’ voting

A number of academics and commentators have already expressed skepticism about the paper’s assumptions and conclusions, though. In a series of tweets, New York Times columnist Nate Cohn focused his criticism on Richman et al’s use of Cooperative Congressional Election Study data to make inferences about the non-citizen voting population. That critique has some merit, too. The 2008 and 2010 CCES surveyed large opt-in Internet samples constructed by the polling firm YouGov to be nationally representative of the adult citizen population.

Furthermore, it was determined that respondents were wrong at best, or lied at worst, when claiming their immigration status...

It turns out that such response error was common for self-reported non-citizens in the 2010-2012 CCES Panel Study — a survey that re-interviewed 19,533 respondents in 2012 who had currently participated in the 2010 CCES. The first table below, for instance, shows that nearly one-fifth of CCES panelists who said that they were not American citizens in 2012 actually reported being American citizens when they were originally surveyed for the 2010 CCES. Since it’s illogical for non-citizens in 2012 to have been American citizens back in 2010, it appears that a substantial number of self-reported non-citizens inaccurately reported their (non)citizenship status in the CCES surveys.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, if there were millions, you could find one.
Not if the state isn't even attempting to look for one.
Readers, how do you know when a conservative is lying? When they're posting. Like this one ^^^

The truth is California did look...

Valid voter fraud complaints in California? Dozens, not millions | CALmatters
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>

Then there's this......

Trump Disbands Commission on Voter Fraud
Weird.....the link goes nowhere.
Works for me. Went to a NY Times article. Your inability to work a link explains a lot though.

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