AB-1461 Voter registration: California New Motor Voter Program

Anyone who takes this Rexx Doofus seriously about anything is the type of person PT Barnum spoke about.
He might even lie more than Trump and that’s almost impossible. There is no question Hillary got millions more votes than Trump and there hasnt been a lick of evidence that has said differently.
Our thin skinned whiny little bitch president thinks it’s an affront to his manhood that Hillary beat him with something.
He knows she did and he can’t handle it.
Holyfuck. :eusa_doh:

How many times does this bullshit need to be debunked until rightards stop believing it?

AB-1461 Voter registration

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.

You poor rube.....

No ID is required to register. No ID is required to vote. You simply "attest" that you are citizen residing in California. PERIOD. Nobody checks. It is ILLEGAL to ask.

Classification - Voter Registration Application - California Secretary of State

We have Democrats in front of every Hispanic grocery store in the state registering illegals.
Imbecile, can you read?

I replied to someone who posted, California to auto-register drivers to vote, sparking fraud concerns

... and I replied with the California law which proves that is not true.

The California law is for rubes.

There is no ID required to vote. No ID required to register. Therefore it doesn't matter if the DMV is registering them or not. They go to the website and can register in less than 30 seconds.

That is the point, imbecile.

That is not at all true. You shouldn’t try to speak as an authority on a subject you know nothing about.

Do I need a California ID to vote? Where is my Polling Place? The SDFP Quick and Easy Guide to Election Day

Read your link dumb ass.

California does not require an ID or proof of citizenship to register to vote. You simply show a utility bill or a paycheck and ATTEST that you are a citizen. It's the voting equivalent of a "Gun Free Zone".

California does not require proof of ID at the time you vote. They ask you your name and address. That's it. If your name is on the list (the one where you "attest" you are legal) and your address matches the one you used to register, you vote.
Holyfuck. :eusa_doh:

How many times does this bullshit need to be debunked until rightards stop believing it?

AB-1461 Voter registration

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.

You poor rube.....

No ID is required to register. No ID is required to vote. You simply "attest" that you are citizen residing in California. PERIOD. Nobody checks. It is ILLEGAL to ask.

Classification - Voter Registration Application - California Secretary of State

We have Democrats in front of every Hispanic grocery store in the state registering illegals.
Imbecile, can you read?

I replied to someone who posted, California to auto-register drivers to vote, sparking fraud concerns

... and I replied with the California law which proves that is not true.

The California law is for rubes.

There is no ID required to vote. No ID required to register. Therefore it doesn't matter if the DMV is registering them or not. They go to the website and can register in less than 30 seconds.

That is the point, imbecile.

That is not at all true. You shouldn’t try to speak as an authority on a subject you know nothing about.

Do I need a California ID to vote? Where is my Polling Place? The SDFP Quick and Easy Guide to Election Day

Read your link dumb ass.

California does not require an ID or proof of citizenship to register to vote. You simply show a utility bill or a paycheck and ATTEST that you are a citizen. It's the voting equivalent of a "Gun Free Zone".

California does not require proof of ID at the time you vote. They ask you your name and address. That's it. If your name is on the list (the one where you "attest" you are legal) and your address matches the one you used to register, you vote.

You said no ID is required to register. Not true. It's not as restrictive as you'd like, but it IS required. California's going all Vote by Mail. Makes Voter ID moot. Relax, we're automatically registering all citizens when they get their valid photo ID.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
You know who actually voted in the last election

If there are as many illegals voting as Republicans claim, why don’t they check some of those names and see if they are actually citizens. ??

They won’t because they know they will not like the answer
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks.

This is the worst kept secret of the 2016 election.

Like the entire Democratic party and its left wing extremists, I figure Californian finally saw no use in attempting to deny what everyone knew.

Gee, the state that openly violates US Immigration policy, aids and abets criminal illegals, and demands the Federal Govt to give them money to continue to fund their violations of Federal law ... broke the law by allowing those same illegals to vote?

View attachment 181514
us normal Americans were right all this time,,,Trump did win the popular vote by about 8 million votes once u knock off the illegal votes that came from all of the deep blue states,,,that probably even registered dogs and cats too!
Holyfuck. :eusa_doh:

How many times does this bullshit need to be debunked until rightards stop believing it?

AB-1461 Voter registration

(d) The department shall not electronically provide records of a person who applies for or is issued a driver’s license pursuant to Section 12801.9 of the Vehicle Code because he or she is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his or her presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Vehicle Code, Division VI, Chapter 4.5 § 12801.9

(d) (1) A license issued pursuant to this section, including a temporary license issued pursuant to Section 12506, shall include a recognizable feature on the front of the card, such as the letters “DP” instead of, and in the same font size as, the letters “DL,” with no other distinguishable feature.

(2) The license shall bear the following notice: “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.

You poor rube.....

No ID is required to register. No ID is required to vote. You simply "attest" that you are citizen residing in California. PERIOD. Nobody checks. It is ILLEGAL to ask.

Classification - Voter Registration Application - California Secretary of State

We have Democrats in front of every Hispanic grocery store in the state registering illegals.
Imbecile, can you read?

I replied to someone who posted, California to auto-register drivers to vote, sparking fraud concerns

... and I replied with the California law which proves that is not true.

The California law is for rubes.

There is no ID required to vote. No ID required to register. Therefore it doesn't matter if the DMV is registering them or not. They go to the website and can register in less than 30 seconds.

That is the point, imbecile.

That is not at all true. You shouldn’t try to speak as an authority on a subject you know nothing about.

Do I need a California ID to vote? Where is my Polling Place? The SDFP Quick and Easy Guide to Election Day

Read your link dumb ass.

California does not require an ID or proof of citizenship to register to vote. You simply show a utility bill or a paycheck and ATTEST that you are a citizen. It's the voting equivalent of a "Gun Free Zone".

California does not require proof of ID at the time you vote. They ask you your name and address. That's it. If your name is on the list (the one where you "attest" you are legal) and your address matches the one you used to register, you vote.
California requires proof of presence in order to get registered to vote. You've been shown this any denying it or acting stupid (assuming you're acting) to avoid accepting it is not going to save you.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:

If Democrats didn't cheat with massive fraudulent voting, Media in their back pocket, running fake news stories and negative reports 24/7, getting debate questions handed them in advance, using the IRS to block opponents, having the FBI and DOJ drop worthwhile criminal investigations, use their position on the SI Committee to hold up and confuse Senate hearings, run 10,000 grassroots organizations across the country to riot, protest, disrupt and sway voters, use Black Panthers to intimate people at polls, bus Mexicans in every which way come Sunday, block ICE and warn/release criminals at every turn, and a dozen other ways to thwart fair, honest, legal and open electoral practices in every election, they'd never have any chance winning an election for even dog catcher in Wikipsee, North Dakota.
There's this thing called logical analysis. When you have certain districts in California where the number of votes cast equals 80-90 percent of the number of registered voters, when those districts never had a voter participation rate over 65% before 2008, and when, oh just by coincidence, those districts have large number of illegals in them--well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened.
There's this thing called logical analysis. When you have certain districts in California where the number of votes cast equals 80-90 percent of the number of registered voters, when those districts never had a voter participation rate over 65% before 2008, and when, oh just by coincidence, those districts have large number of illegals in them--well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened.

Go to that district and verify the citizenship of those who voted
If it is a fraudulent as you say, it should be easy to back up your claim

Yet, you can’t point out a single illegal who fraudulently voted
There's this thing called logical analysis. When you have certain districts in California where the number of votes cast equals 80-90 percent of the number of registered voters, when those districts never had a voter participation rate over 65% before 2008, and when, oh just by coincidence, those districts have large number of illegals in them--well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened.

Which Districts were those? Got a link?
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.
how can anyone actually believe that not one illegal alien in California has ever voted for a President?:aargh:
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.

Tallies are posted online. They are even free. It's called the Statement of the vote and all 58 counties post them on their websites.
Legal immigrants in California and other states ALSO cannot legally vote in OUR elections and there are 15 million of them.
California requires proof of presence in order to get registered to vote. You've been shown this any denying it or acting stupid (assuming you're acting) to avoid accepting it is not going to save you.

And I've answered this stupid argument by pointing out that for years CA illegals have been able to get driver's licenses and that the licenses do not ID them as illegals. The only thing that's different about their DLs is that they have a small-print notice about a federal exception, which means they're not supposed to vote. Yeah, right. . . . And I've also pointed out to you that voter ID laws are only as good as the people manning the polls, and lots of poll workers are willing to look the other and allow illegals to vote, as has been documented.

Are you ever going to stop lying and dodging about this?:
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California requires proof of presence in order to get registered to vote. You've been shown this any denying it or acting stupid (assuming you're acting) to avoid accepting it is not going to save you.

And I've answered this stupid argument by pointing out that for years CA illegals have been able to get driver's licenses and that the licenses do not ID them as illegals. They only thing that's different about their DLs is that they have a small-print notice about a federal exception, which means they're not supposed to vote. Yeah, right. . . . And I've also pointed out to you that voter ID laws are only as good as the people manning the polls, and lots of poll workers are willing to look the other and allow illegals to vote, as has been documented.

Are you ever going to stop lying and dodging about this?:
Great, let’s see your proof that California gives regular driver’s licenses to undocumented aliens...
:1peleas: So here we are about 16 months after the election, and now we find out that California has been registering illegal aliens to vote? They sure have been pretty open about it these last few weeks. Looks like Hillary never did win the popular vote all this time.
Anyone disagree?
:5_1_12024: :disagree: :hellno:
You have yet to prove a single illegal vote in California

Easy enough to do....why don’t you do it?
You would think with their claim that 4 million or more, out of some 13 million votes, they could find at least one, right? That’s 30% of every vote in California for president — and a year and a half latter... zilch... nada. <smh>
That's extremely disingenuous.
They conducted an investigation into voter fraud and several states simply refused to cooperate.
They would have had to take them to court to get the election tallies from California and that would have taken years.
Democrats attempted to destroy the election results after a special election in another state.....and I wouldn't be surprised if California already has....taking into consideration their lawlessness.
Oh, for fuck’s sake, if there were millions, you could find one.
California requires proof of presence in order to get registered to vote. You've been shown this any denying it or acting stupid (assuming you're acting) to avoid accepting it is not going to save you.

And I've answered this stupid argument by pointing out that for years CA illegals have been able to get driver's licenses and that the licenses do not ID them as illegals. They only thing that's different about their DLs is that they have a small-print notice about a federal exception, which means they're not supposed to vote. Yeah, right. . . . And I've also pointed out to you that voter ID laws are only as good as the people manning the polls, and lots of poll workers are willing to look the other and allow illegals to vote, as has been documented.

Are you ever going to stop lying and dodging about this?:
OK....show where they actually have voted
Not “coulda voted”

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