AB 26 - CA Tough Illegal Immigration Bill - Will It Pass?


Apr 22, 2007
Fat chance of passing, but there is always hope! This bill is sorely needed!

Californians for Population Stabilization - ALERT! New California bill would bar sanctuary cities, require businesses to use E-Verify system!
ALERT! New California bill would bar sanctuary cities, require businesses to use E-Verify system!

AB 26, by Assemblymember Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks) would reverse California’s direction and have the state assist in efforts to stem illegal immigration.

The legislation, introduced into the new session of the legislature, would:

(1) Bar sanctuary cities in the state and authorize citizens to sue any local government that operates as a sanctuary for illegal aliens
(2) Prohibit an employer from knowingly or intentionally employing an unauthorized alien
require every employer to verify the employment eligibility of employees through the federal E-Verify program
(3) Make it a misdemeanor trespass for a person in violation of federal immigration laws to be present on any public or private land
Fat chance of passing, but there is always hope! This bill is sorely needed!

Californians for Population Stabilization - ALERT! New California bill would bar sanctuary cities, require businesses to use E-Verify system!
ALERT! New California bill would bar sanctuary cities, require businesses to use E-Verify system!

AB 26, by Assemblymember Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks) would reverse California’s direction and have the state assist in efforts to stem illegal immigration.

The legislation, introduced into the new session of the legislature, would:

(1) Bar sanctuary cities in the state and authorize citizens to sue any local government that operates as a sanctuary for illegal aliens
(2) Prohibit an employer from knowingly or intentionally employing an unauthorized alien
require every employer to verify the employment eligibility of employees through the federal E-Verify program
(3) Make it a misdemeanor trespass for a person in violation of federal immigration laws to be present on any public or private land

Whoever tries to pass this bill will commit political suicide.
Nah, NOTHING that goes against illegals will pass in the leftist, bleeding heart state of CA!!! Unfortunately!!!
With all the illegals that now vote in California, not a chance
Fat chance of passing, but there is always hope! This bill is sorely needed!

Californians for Population Stabilization - ALERT! New California bill would bar sanctuary cities, require businesses to use E-Verify system!
ALERT! New California bill would bar sanctuary cities, require businesses to use E-Verify system!

AB 26, by Assemblymember Tim Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks) would reverse California’s direction and have the state assist in efforts to stem illegal immigration.

The legislation, introduced into the new session of the legislature, would:

(1) Bar sanctuary cities in the state and authorize citizens to sue any local government that operates as a sanctuary for illegal aliens
(2) Prohibit an employer from knowingly or intentionally employing an unauthorized alien
require every employer to verify the employment eligibility of employees through the federal E-Verify program
(3) Make it a misdemeanor trespass for a person in violation of federal immigration laws to be present on any public or private land

Whoever tries to pass this bill will commit political suicide.

No, they will probably be nominated for president.:clap2::clap2:
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Cali is determined to be ruined. Everything they have done has put the 8th largest economy in the world near the bottom when it comes to states. And their answer to thier problems? More of the same, only harder.

As the AZ law gets enforced, illegals will go to either Texas or Cali, with Sanctuary cities in CA, most will go there, and further burden the system.

Eventually CA will break, and they will take the country with them.

But hey, at least we were nice to criminals.
Cali is determined to be ruined. Everything they have done has put the 8th largest economy in the world near the bottom when it comes to states. And their answer to thier problems? More of the same, only harder.

As the AZ law gets enforced, illegals will go to either Texas or Cali, with Sanctuary cities in CA, most will go there, and further burden the system.

Eventually CA will break, and they will take the country with them.

But hey, at least we were nice to criminals.

California is finished, there are no jobs there and their cost of living is still high as fuck, their only chance is to start lowering that and give the people there a chance. How are you supposed to be $1200 rent for a studio when your only making $11 an hour at your job?
Cali is determined to be ruined. Everything they have done has put the 8th largest economy in the world near the bottom when it comes to states. And their answer to thier problems? More of the same, only harder.

As the AZ law gets enforced, illegals will go to either Texas or Cali, with Sanctuary cities in CA, most will go there, and further burden the system.

Eventually CA will break, and they will take the country with them.

But hey, at least we were nice to criminals.

California is finished, there are no jobs there and their cost of living is still high as fuck, their only chance is to start lowering that and give the people there a chance. How are you supposed to be $1200 rent for a studio when your only making $11 an hour at your job?

Taxes. It's the taxes. CA is getting ringed by corps that used to do work in CA, but can't swing the taxes, pay thier workers and still sell their product.

How do you sell $100 widgets when next to it someone is selling the same thing for $75, and is still making a larger profit?
Cali is determined to be ruined. Everything they have done has put the 8th largest economy in the world near the bottom when it comes to states. And their answer to thier problems? More of the same, only harder.

As the AZ law gets enforced, illegals will go to either Texas or Cali, with Sanctuary cities in CA, most will go there, and further burden the system.

Eventually CA will break, and they will take the country with them.

But hey, at least we were nice to criminals.

California is finished, there are no jobs there and their cost of living is still high as fuck, their only chance is to start lowering that and give the people there a chance. How are you supposed to be $1200 rent for a studio when your only making $11 an hour at your job?

Taxes. It's the taxes. CA is getting ringed by corps that used to do work in CA, but can't swing the taxes, pay thier workers and still sell their product.

How do you sell $100 widgets when next to it someone is selling the same thing for $75, and is still making a larger profit?

California is fucked, you ever looked into how much mortage payments are in California? my girlfriend is from California and one her friends pays $3200 a month for her mortage, her parents pay half because she can't afford all of it. Her childhood friend pays $2800 a month for a place in Ventura however her husband lost his job, so right now they are fucked. California doesn't even give their people a chance, I don't understand how anyone who is not rich can live there, just thinking about how expensive stuff is there pisses me off.
Cali is determined to be ruined. Everything they have done has put the 8th largest economy in the world near the bottom when it comes to states. And their answer to thier problems? More of the same, only harder.

As the AZ law gets enforced, illegals will go to either Texas or Cali, with Sanctuary cities in CA, most will go there, and further burden the system.

Eventually CA will break, and they will take the country with them.

But hey, at least we were nice to criminals.

California is finished, there are no jobs there and their cost of living is still high as fuck, their only chance is to start lowering that and give the people there a chance. How are you supposed to be $1200 rent for a studio when your only making $11 an hour at your job?

True, the smart businesses are getting the hell out of the state.
Whoever tries to pass this bill will commit political suicide.

I doubt it anywhere near is as politically dangerous as you suggest. But if you are correct, then it's a very sad thing.

Hispanics are the biggest minority in this country, on their way to becoming the majority and a large chuck of them are here illegally, or their parents came here illegally, you really think they are going to support a bill that sends their own family back to Mexico? will never happen. Thats like asking Pakistan to sign a bill to send the Taliban to US Custody.
Whoever tries to pass this bill will commit political suicide.

I doubt it anywhere near is as politically dangerous as you suggest. But if you are correct, then it's a very sad thing.

From the outside, it seems that the majority of CAians want to keep illegal immagration.

I can't fathom why.

those that work, do so for slave wages, with no official protections. They get hurt b/c of work, they are just fucked. Sure they get free medical, but that won't help replace lost wages or hurt the emplowyer that can replace them with one that looks just like them.

those that don't work, well that's simple, they are an utter drain on the state budget.

Inviting them in is something they could have stopped long ago, but have refused, and I'll bet will keep refusing.
Hispanics are the biggest minority in this country, on their way to becoming the majority and a large chuck of them are here illegally, or their parents came here illegally, you really think they are going to support a bill that sends their own family back to Mexico? will never happen. Thats like asking Pakistan to sign a bill to send the Taliban to US Custody.

They don't have to support the bill. They can't vote either way. :lol: I remember all those protests a few years ago when Congress was trying to make illegal presence in the country a felony. All I could think was "Why should any politician listen to you all?"
Whoever tries to pass this bill will commit political suicide.

I doubt it anywhere near is as politically dangerous as you suggest. But if you are correct, then it's a very sad thing.

From the outside, it seems that the majority of CAians want to keep illegal immagration.

I can't fathom why.

those that work, do so for slave wages, with no official protections. They get hurt b/c of work, they are just fucked. Sure they get free medical, but that won't help replace lost wages or hurt the emplowyer that can replace them with one that looks just like them.

those that don't work, well that's simple, they are an utter drain on the state budget.

Inviting them in is something they could have stopped long ago, but have refused, and I'll bet will keep refusing.

I'm sure there are Californians who want change but they are outnumbered by people who want to keep things the way they are, I really think the cost of living needs to be addressed because even those who do work can't afford to live there, motherfuckers end up renting someone garage for $500 a month, I have seen people do it in Santa Barbara. In New York and Boston the cost of living is high but the jobs generally pay more, I have met Pizza Delivery Boys in New York who make $900 every 2 weeks, in California the jobs don't pay enough to support the high cost of living. The Middle Class is being exterminated, pretty soon that state is just going to have the rich and the poor thats it, just like Egypt.
Hispanics are the biggest minority in this country, on their way to becoming the majority and a large chuck of them are here illegally, or their parents came here illegally, you really think they are going to support a bill that sends their own family back to Mexico? will never happen. Thats like asking Pakistan to sign a bill to send the Taliban to US Custody.

They don't have to support the bill. They can't vote either way. :lol: I remember all those protests a few years ago when Congress was trying to make illegal presence in the country a felony. All I could think was "Why should any politician listen to you all?"

If your mother and father were illegal would you support this bill? because alot of people in California are in that situation.
If your mother and father were illegal would you support this bill? because alot of people in California are in that situation.

Well, this is just me, but if my parents had been illegal immigrants, I would have reported them to ICE on a weekly basis.

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