Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2013
What do you think of this then?

Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein
PA head presents reporters with a racist and hateful vision of a future Palestinian state.
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 7/30/2013, 8:56 AM


Sign north of Jerusalem

Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas presented a racist and hateful vision of a future Palestinian state when he spoke to reporters in Cairo Monday.

“In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands,” he told a group of reporters, most of them Egyptians, on Monday.

“An international, multinational presence like in Sinai, Lebanon and Syria – we are with that,” he went on, referring to United Nations peacekeeping forces like UNDOF and UNIFIL.

Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevy explained that when Abbas speaks of “Israelis”, he means “Jews,” seeing as the PA refers to all of the Arabs who live in “Palestine” – including “Israeli Arabs” – as Palestinians. There is, therefore, no distinction in the PA's approach between “Palestinians” and “Arabs,” and similarly no distinction between “Jews” and “Israelis,” when speaking of residents of the territory of the Land of Israel (“Palestine”).

Even now, Jews are not permitted to live inside the PA-controlled territory, and the sale of land to Jews is punishable by death.

It was after meeting Egyptian prime minister Adly Mansour, that Abbas laid out his vision for a the permanent status arrangement he will insist upon in the talks that opened in Washington Monday, between the Israeli delegation headed by Minister Tzipi Livni and the PA delegation headed by Saeb Erekat.

"We have already made all of the necessary concessions,” he said, adding that “eastern Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine.”

As for the idea of so-called “land swaps” in an arrangement based on the 1949 borders, Abbas said that “If there is a need to carry out limited exchanges of territories that are equal in their size and value, we are willing to discuss that, no more and no less.”

Observers note that while the future “Palestine” in the PA head's vision is apparently to be “Judenrein” (“Jew-free” in the German term employed by the Nazis) Israel will, of course, remain anything but “Arabrein." Arabs make up about 20% of the Jewish state, enjoy full equal rights and regularly elect representatives to the Knesset who openly despise the state in whose parliament they serve, support terrorists and and issue calls to their fellow Arabs to rise up against the Jewish state.

Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Israel National News
In that case, there will surely no be a single Arab in Israel, let them all be removed to "Palestine".

In case there's a "Palestine" free of Jews, there should be Israel free of Arabs.

If not, the situation will be 2 "Palestines" and one Israel in Auschwitz borders.

We will surely not agree to that.

And considering Abbas' lackeys "Apartheid" whiners, I am surprised no one pointed out that what this man is suggesting its pure apartheid and very much racist.

I don't know of a ONE SINGLE COUNTRY in the world in which Jews are not allowed.

Now there will be one- "Palestine".

Good job, Arabs.

You've finally uncovered your racist mask.
Abbas and the PA have said that many times before, but seeing as there are peace talks now, and their view has not changed, then it shows their agenda.
he said "israelis".

does israel let non-israeli arabs live in israel?

you are the ones saying "jews'.

you are also advocating ethnically cleansing israel of its arab citisens.

the only thing the two of you have convinced me of is that neither of you, nor israel, want peace.
he said "israelis".

does israel let non-israeli arabs live in israel?

you are the ones saying "jews'.

you are also advocating ethnically cleansing israel of its arab citisens.

the only thing the two of you have convinced me of is that neither of you, nor israel, want peace.

Read the OP again, slowly, carefully, then read it a couple of times more.
he said "israelis".

does israel let non-israeli arabs live in israel?

you are the ones saying "jews'.

you are also advocating ethnically cleansing israel of its arab citisens.

the only thing the two of you have convinced me of is that neither of you, nor israel, want peace.

Read the OP again, slowly, carefully, then read it a couple of times more.

i can read it a thousand times and it won't change what abbas said.

he said was the future palestine will have no israelis living there.

then i have some jewish israeli and a conservative israeli daily trying to stir up trouble by telling us what they think he meant.

i think he meant what he said...that the future palestinian state would be free of israelis, or in effect, settlers.

now, maybe the israeli negoiators can work a deal where some israeli settlers remain on the condition that palestinian nationals can establish and build palestinian settlements within israel proper, complete with an armed military and security forces, but somehow i don't think that would please you at all either.

i tell ya what. i know some peeps here and there and around. i bet i could set it up so that you could renounce your israeli citisenship, go live in the occupied yerritories, and when and if the time comes, we can swing you some palestinian citisenship. are you game for that? hell, i bet abbas would jump at the chance.

you may want to drop the condecension as well.
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he said "israelis".

does israel let non-israeli arabs live in israel?

you are the ones saying "jews'.

you are also advocating ethnically cleansing israel of its arab citisens.

the only thing the two of you have convinced me of is that neither of you, nor israel, want peace.

He says Israelis, but meant Jews.

Because, seriously, Seal, use that big head of yours.

If an Israeli Arab want to live in Palestine, will anybody tells him "No"?

Of course not.

Today, If a Jew wants to live in Judea and Samaria, even without being part of Israel, he cannot, or at least, has MANY problem achieving that.

That is because while the Palestinians cry "racism" and "Apartheid", they use the same manners of racism, if not worse.

This is a Judean Frei racist policy.

Hopefully, the talks will fail. It is a Nazi committee which is nothing but smoke and mirrors!
he said "israelis".

does israel let non-israeli arabs live in israel?

you are the ones saying "jews'.

you are also advocating ethnically cleansing israel of its arab citisens.

the only thing the two of you have convinced me of is that neither of you, nor israel, want peace.

He says Israelis, but meant Jews.

Because, seriously, Seal, use that big head of yours.

If an Israeli Arab want to live in Palestine, will anybody tells him "No"?

Of course not.

Today, If a Jew wants to live in Judea and Samaria, even without being part of Israel, he cannot, or at least, has MANY problem achieving that.

That is because while the Palestinians cry "racism" and "Apartheid", they use the same manners of racism, if not worse.

This is a Judean Frei racist policy.

Hopefully, the talks will fail. It is a Nazi committee which is nothing but smoke and mirrors!

he said "israeli".

he meant "israeli".

if an arab israeli wished to live in the future palestine i imagine he would have to forsake his israeli citisenship.

my head works quite fine, thank you.

why is israel turning away sudanese refugees? it is not because they are black, it is because they are not israelis. what part of the whole deal don't you smug, self-righteous arrogant people understand.

it is comforting to know jews want the talks to fail. it makes my decisions and courses of action far easier knowing exactly what kind of people you are. i myself hope the talks succeed and both parties reach a just and equitable agreement burt hey, i have seen war. it doesn't bother me.
he said "israelis".

does israel let non-israeli arabs live in israel?

you are the ones saying "jews'.

you are also advocating ethnically cleansing israel of its arab citisens.

the only thing the two of you have convinced me of is that neither of you, nor israel, want peace.

He says Israelis, but meant Jews.

Because, seriously, Seal, use that big head of yours.

If an Israeli Arab want to live in Palestine, will anybody tells him "No"?

Of course not.

Today, If a Jew wants to live in Judea and Samaria, even without being part of Israel, he cannot, or at least, has MANY problem achieving that.

That is because while the Palestinians cry "racism" and "Apartheid", they use the same manners of racism, if not worse.

This is a Judean Frei racist policy.

Hopefully, the talks will fail. It is a Nazi committee which is nothing but smoke and mirrors!

he said "israeli".

he meant "israeli".

if an arab israeli wished to live in the future palestine i imagine he would have to forsake his israeli citisenship.

my head works quite fine, thank you.

why is israel turning away sudanese refugees? it is not because they are black, it is because they are not israelis. what part of the whole deal don't you smug, self-righteous arrogant people understand.

it is comforting to know jews want the talks to fail. it makes my decisions and courses of action far easier knowing exactly what kind of people you are. i myself hope the talks succeed and both parties reach a just and equitable agreement burt hey, i have seen war. it doesn't bother me.

Abbas meant Jews and you know full well he does. Israel cannot absorb refugees from Sudan. It has a bad enough shortage of housing at the moment, even more so if it will have to give land away to your friends in the Palestinian Authority. So concern yourself less with infiltrators from lands outside of Israel, and more with the topic in hand.
He says Israelis, but meant Jews.

Because, seriously, Seal, use that big head of yours.

If an Israeli Arab want to live in Palestine, will anybody tells him "No"?

Of course not.

Today, If a Jew wants to live in Judea and Samaria, even without being part of Israel, he cannot, or at least, has MANY problem achieving that.

That is because while the Palestinians cry "racism" and "Apartheid", they use the same manners of racism, if not worse.

This is a Judean Frei racist policy.

Hopefully, the talks will fail. It is a Nazi committee which is nothing but smoke and mirrors!

he said "israeli".

he meant "israeli".

if an arab israeli wished to live in the future palestine i imagine he would have to forsake his israeli citisenship.

my head works quite fine, thank you.

why is israel turning away sudanese refugees? it is not because they are black, it is because they are not israelis. what part of the whole deal don't you smug, self-righteous arrogant people understand.

it is comforting to know jews want the talks to fail. it makes my decisions and courses of action far easier knowing exactly what kind of people you are. i myself hope the talks succeed and both parties reach a just and equitable agreement burt hey, i have seen war. it doesn't bother me.

Abbas meant Jews and you know full well he does. Israel cannot absorb refugees from Sudan. It has a bad enough shortage of housing at the moment, even more so if it will have to give land away to your friends in the Palestinian Authority. So concern yourself less with infiltrators from lands outside of Israel, and more with the topic in hand.

abbas said israelis and he specifically mentioned israeli soldiers and settlers, mentioning the desire of israel to maintain a military force along the jordan.

abbas meant "israelis".

i understand the overwhelming need of jews like you to depict abbas as a bigoted racist as you imagine that it somehow mitigates the past and present atrocious behaviour of the jewish state, but it doesn't.

abbas said "israelis". he meant "israelis".

do you think israel should allow citisens of the future palestinian state to set up residence in israel with no intent on becoming citisens of israel? if israel wouldn't allow that should i, on solely that basis, assume they are NAZI racists (i didn't miss that "wansee" reference, lipush. talk about histrionics and fake victimhood.)

do you think america is racist for not allowing all immigrants to stay in america?

the sky is not falling. he said "israelis" and he meant "israelis."
Sweet_Caroline, et al,

I'm confused.

What do you think of this then?

Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein
PA head presents reporters with a racist and hateful vision of a future Palestinian state.
By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 7/30/2013, 8:56 AM

Observers note that while the future “Palestine” in the PA head's vision is apparently to be “Judenrein” (“Jew-free” in the German term employed by the Nazis) Israel will, of course, remain anything but “Arabrein." Arabs make up about 20% of the Jewish state, enjoy full equal rights and regularly elect representatives to the Knesset who openly despise the state in whose parliament they serve, support terrorists and and issue calls to their fellow Arabs to rise up against the Jewish state.

Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Israel National News

Did Palestinian Chairman Mahmud Abbas actually say that Palestine will be "Judenrein" or say it will be “Jew-free?" OR, was that a news media interpretation?

Most Respectfully,
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et al,

I got an answer from our friend "reabhloideach (seal)."

Apparently, what the Palestinian Chairman actually said was:

Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state said:
"In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli - civilian or soldier - on our lands," Abbas said in a briefing to mostly Egyptian journalists.

SOURCE: Abbas: 'Not a single Israeli' in future Palestinian state | JPost | Israel News

While it is not the friendliest of relationships being demonstrated, it would be within their rights to establish such a law and citizenship requirement.

It is not apartheid (but hint at rather citizenship/immigration/naturalization law). It is merely a vague statement that suggests that everyone has to be a Palestinian Citizen, vice, and Israeli Citizen, and that "maybe" (it suggests) that in order to be a Palestinian Citizen, a person would have to renounce Israeli Citizenship.

Nothing to get rattled over. As I said several times before in other threads, we all knew that this was going to come back and bite the Israelis. They have not been the most benevolent occupation force we've ever encountered. Whatever the final outcome is, it is fairly reasonable to expect that there is going to be some population relocation involved.

Nothing to get rattled over yet.

Most Respectfully,
Arab racism and bigotry at the highest levels is okay, maybe that's what is expected of them. I guess the world puts up with this barbarism because they just want this conflict to end. But Israel, which currently hosts about 2 million Arab Muslims as Israeli citizens with full rights is held to different standards.
There are also approximately 4 million non citizen Palestinian squatters living in Israel as well.

Arab racism and bigotry at the highest levels is okay, maybe that's what is expected of them. I guess the world puts up with this barbarism because they just want this conflict to end. But Israel, which currently hosts about 2 million Arab Muslims as Israeli citizens with full rights is held to different standards.
There are also approximately 4 million non citizen Palestinian squatters living in Israel as well.

Arab racism and bigotry at the highest levels is okay, maybe that's what is expected of them. I guess the world puts up with this barbarism because they just want this conflict to end. But Israel, which currently hosts about 2 million Arab Muslims as Israeli citizens with full rights is held to different standards.
We all know exactly what he meant, NO JEWS. This conflict has always been about no Jews / no non Muslims. The bogus claims over land are just an excuse. Anybody who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
MJB12741, Roudy, et al,

This, again, is somewhat of a negative view (no insult intended).

Arab racism and bigotry at the highest levels is okay, maybe that's what is expected of them. I guess the world puts up with this barbarism because they just want this conflict to end. But Israel, which currently hosts about 2 million Arab Muslims as Israeli citizens with full rights is held to different standards.
There are also approximately 4 million non citizen Palestinian squatters living in Israel as well.

Yes, Israel is held to a higher standard. But that is because they are a people that know better. It is not as if Israel is without and education, a barbaric nation, or lacking morals and manners. Israel is a nation that must do better because they know better.

And Israel knows, that no matter the source of citizenship, and Israel is an Israel, ---- is an Israeli. And all Israelis must be given equal treatment under the law; both cohesively as a people and coherently as a polarized and universal concept.

As far as the "X" number of squatters is concerned, without regard to whether they have a formalized or documented status as Israeli citizens, the Israeli has to stop thinking of them in that context.

I know, I have a lot of room to talk, given that, America has this controversy with its Mexican-American problem. But just as we have to come to grips with ours, so it is with the Israelis. If they have been there for years, you have to do the "right thing" by them. It is what it is, and because the Israeli knows better, it must demonstrate that it holds the high moral ground.

Just My Thought,
People living on a land without titles or deeds are squatters.

MJB12741, Roudy, et al,

This, again, is somewhat of a negative view (no insult intended).

Arab racism and bigotry at the highest levels is okay, maybe that's what is expected of them. I guess the world puts up with this barbarism because they just want this conflict to end. But Israel, which currently hosts about 2 million Arab Muslims as Israeli citizens with full rights is held to different standards.
There are also approximately 4 million non citizen Palestinian squatters living in Israel as well.

Yes, Israel is held to a higher standard. But that is because they are a people that know better. It is not as if Israel is without and education, a barbaric nation, or lacking morals and manners. Israel is a nation that must do better because they know better.

And Israel knows, that no matter the source of citizenship, and Israel is an Israel, ---- is an Israeli. And all Israelis must be given equal treatment under the law; both cohesively as a people and coherently as a polarized and universal concept.

As far as the "X" number of squatters is concerned, without regard to whether they have a formalized or documented status as Israeli citizens, the Israeli has to stop thinking of them in that context.

I know, I have a lot of room to talk, given that, America has this controversy with its Mexican-American problem. But just as we have to come to grips with ours, so it is with the Israelis. If they have been there for years, you have to do the "right thing" by them. It is what it is, and because the Israeli knows better, it must demonstrate that it holds the high moral ground.

Just My Thought,

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