ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions

Of course you would dismiss the article because it's WaPo. We'd expect nothing else from a little wingnut such as yourself.

Nevertheless, all this scandal-mongering is about the "loyal opposition" not having their own shit together to get anything done legislatively. Let's see what happens in the fall when they have to vote on immigration reform and the debt ceiling again.

hummhumm, someone as partisan as you can take their opinion of things if you want... just don't think everyone else will
I gave the reason why anything they say now should be taken with a grain of salt..they are in bed with this administration..
that doesn't bother or upset you...oh well

So are you saying the GOP in Congress is NOT having a lot of internal conflicts right now over these bits of legislation?
When did you decide that a body of 435 people was a rose garden?
Unlike democrats and their go along to get along( and make sure everyone still has a job) style, on our side we can disagree, argue and battle over issues with the idea of coming up with the correct solution. We don't care if everyone is happy. Only what's best for all concerned.
How's this "bombshell" working out?

how is denying there is nothing working out for some of you?

Couldn't answer a simple question, Steph?

nothing to answer, the investigations are still going and everyday more is coming's not looking pretty for this administration and the hero Dear leader..

at least Obama feigned he was outraged, then he and the misses left for their next $30,000 a plate fundraiser to beg for money for the Democrat party..... on our dime..
hummhumm, someone as partisan as you can take their opinion of things if you want... just don't think everyone else will
I gave the reason why anything they say now should be taken with a grain of salt..they are in bed with this administration..
that doesn't bother or upset you...oh well

So are you saying the GOP in Congress is NOT having a lot of internal conflicts right now over these bits of legislation?
When did you decide that a body of 435 people was a rose garden?
Unlike democrats and their go along to get along( and make sure everyone still has a job) style, on our side we can disagree, argue and battle over issues with the idea of coming up with the correct solution. We don't care if everyone is happy. Only what's best for all concerned.

Oh no.

Of that body of 435, there is a subset which is much more disarray than the other side right now and that disarray is caused by a subset of that subset knowing that they're not looking too good nationwide at the moment and actually giving a shit. Losers don't legislate, after all, and even with so many gerrymandered safe seats, they probably don't feel that secure with public opinion nationwide being so much against them.

The others either don't know or are so immersed in their own ideological Kool-aid that they don't give a shit and are pursuing an agenda which by all accounts isn't terribly popular and could make their side look that much worse as a result.

on our side we can disagree, argue and battle over issues with the idea of coming up with the correct solution.

It would appear that a good many actually already have their minds made up and are really not interested in any kind of debate, just battle. Can't see why the current Speaker would even want to stay in his job under these conditions.

But hey, there's no problem there, look over at the Executive Branch. WOLF!!

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