ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions

bigreb wrote, "No you don't understand because you aren't smart."

I replied, "biggie, every board member here compared to you is Einstein, friend. :lol: Is what it is. Benghazi is nothing, while the IRS may be the gold mine

bigreb trolled, "you aren't that smart little man try again."

Vacations aren't paid. :lol:
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bigreb wrote, "No you don't understand because you aren't smart."

I replied, "biggie, every board member here compared to you is Einstein, friend. :lol: Is what it is. Benghazi is nothing, while the IRS may be the gold mine

bigreb trolled, "you aren't that smart little man try again."

Vacations aren't paid. :lol:

Yes I wrote that you don't understand because you aren't smart and explained why. Which you left out.
The media is doing it's hardest to latch onto the IRS soft target to distract for obama. If you were smart you would understand that those people aren't going too allow anything negative against the IRS out too the general public. Afterall not too many people like the IRS it's a soft target for the media to distract with.
what was illegal About the IRS?

What's the cover up with the IRS?

whats illegal about the IRS?
bigreb wrote, "No you don't understand because you aren't smart."

I replied, "biggie, every board member here compared to you is Einstein, friend. :lol: Is what it is. Benghazi is nothing, while the IRS may be the gold mine

bigreb trolled, "you aren't that smart little man try again."

Vacations aren't paid. :lol:

Yes I wrote that you don't understand because you aren't smart and explained why. Which you left out.

No, you did not, because you simply let your emotions, as almost always, get in the away.

One, Benghazi is a non-issue. You wrongly believe differently, which reflects your inability to understand and thus the need to project and ad hom others..

Two, IRS, if it can be proven that Obama gave the orders to use its powers to persecute his enemies, can damage the president badly if not bring him down.
bigreb wrote, "No you don't understand because you aren't smart."

I replied, "biggie, every board member here compared to you is Einstein, friend. :lol: Is what it is. Benghazi is nothing, while the IRS may be the gold mine

bigreb trolled, "you aren't that smart little man try again."

Vacations aren't paid. :lol:

Yes I wrote that you don't understand because you aren't smart and explained why. Which you left out.

No, you did not, because you simply let your emotions, as almost always, get in the away.

One, Benghazi is a non-issue. You wrongly believe differently, which reflects your inability to understand and thus the need to project and ad hom others..

Two, IRS, if it can be proven that Obama gave the orders to use its powers to persecute his enemies, can damage the president badly if not bring him down.
One more time you don't comprehend what is happening because you aren't that smart, and those people are depending on people like you too keep looking the other way, hell they even threw you a bone to keep you occupied IRS. The only reason why Benghazi is a non issue too some is because the media is covering for obama, they're distracting with a soft easy target like the IRS, and you fell for it.
Our Democratic opponents want folks like you who don't get it to keep looking at Benghazi.

You few keep doing that, we will ignore you because you can't get it, and we the greater number will work on IRS.

Have fun :lol:
Our Democratic opponents want folks like you who don't get it to keep looking at Benghazi.

You few keep doing that, we will ignore you because you can't get it, and we the greater number will work on IRS.

Have fun :lol:

You don't comprehend what is happening because you aren't smart, and those people are depending on you too carry their water.
bigreb writes, "No you don't understand because you aren't smart."

In fact, biggie, every board member here compared to you is Einstein, friend. :lol:

Is what it is.

Benghazi is nothing, while the IRS may be the gold mine.

Benghazi is the next thing. The main stream media has buried the story.
Once this IRS thing is cleared up, Benghazi is next.
This stuff is not going away.
Benghazi does not faze anyone except the hard right and die hard BHO enemies.

The IRS on the other hand excites the deepest emotions. That is what must be focused on. Right now, there is almost nothing. So keep digging.

The media is doing it's hardest to latch onto the IRS soft target to distract for obama. If you were smart you would understand that those people aren't going too allow anything negative against the IRS out too the general public. Afterall not too many people like the IRS it's a soft target for the media to distract with.
what was illegal About the IRS?

The IRS is NOT 'illegal'..What has been done IS illegal.
The IRS is out of control.
It's going to be brought down.
Those people in the Cincinnati office accused of the targeting are speaking out. They are reporting that their marching orders came from people much higher up the IRS food chain.
This scandal goes to the highest levels of the agency. Heads will roll. People may have charges filed against them.
Here's what it's really about:

[T]he most momentous policy decisions, including an immigration overhaul and a fresh deadline for raising the federal debt limit, have no coherent strategy to consolidate Republicans, much less take on the Democrats.

House Republicans have broken into fighting factions - The Washington Post

well ok, if the Washingtoncompost who is one of a few who just met with Holder during these scandals, one with him and THE PRESS says's so.:rolleyes:

anything from the Washingtoncompost should now be taken with a grain salt folks..
Here's what it's really about:

[T]he most momentous policy decisions, including an immigration overhaul and a fresh deadline for raising the federal debt limit, have no coherent strategy to consolidate Republicans, much less take on the Democrats.

House Republicans have broken into fighting factions - The Washington Post

well ok, if the Washingtoncompost who is one of a few who just met with Holder during these scandals, one with him and THE PRESS says's so.:rolleyes:

anything from the Washingtoncompost should now be taken with a grain salt folks..

Of course you would dismiss the article because it's WaPo. We'd expect nothing else from a little wingnut such as yourself.

Nevertheless, all this scandal-mongering is about the "loyal opposition" not having their own shit together to get anything done legislatively. Let's see what happens in the fall when they have to vote on immigration reform and the debt ceiling again.

well ok, if the Washingtoncompost who is one of a few who just met with Holder during these scandals, one with him and THE PRESS says's so.:rolleyes:

anything from the Washingtoncompost should now be taken with a grain salt folks..

Of course you would dismiss the article because it's WaPo. We'd expect nothing else from a little wingnut such as yourself.

Nevertheless, all this scandal-mongering is about the "loyal opposition" not having their own shit together to get anything done legislatively. Let's see what happens in the fall when they have to vote on immigration reform and the debt ceiling again.

hummhumm, someone as partisan as you can take their opinion of things if you want... just don't think everyone else will
I gave the reason why anything they say now should be taken with a grain of salt..they are in bed with this administration..
that doesn't bother or upset you...oh well
well ok, if the Washingtoncompost who is one of a few who just met with Holder during these scandals, one with him and THE PRESS says's so.:rolleyes:

anything from the Washingtoncompost should now be taken with a grain salt folks..

Of course you would dismiss the article because it's WaPo. We'd expect nothing else from a little wingnut such as yourself.

Nevertheless, all this scandal-mongering is about the "loyal opposition" not having their own shit together to get anything done legislatively. Let's see what happens in the fall when they have to vote on immigration reform and the debt ceiling again.

hummhumm, someone as partisan as you can take their opinion of things if you want... just don't think everyone else will
I gave the reason why anything they say now should be taken with a grain of salt..they are in bed with this administration..
that doesn't bother or upset you...oh well

So are you saying the GOP in Congress is NOT having a lot of internal conflicts right now over these bits of legislation?
Of course you would dismiss the article because it's WaPo. We'd expect nothing else from a little wingnut such as yourself.

Nevertheless, all this scandal-mongering is about the "loyal opposition" not having their own shit together to get anything done legislatively. Let's see what happens in the fall when they have to vote on immigration reform and the debt ceiling again.

hummhumm, someone as partisan as you can take their opinion of things if you want... just don't think everyone else will
I gave the reason why anything they say now should be taken with a grain of salt..they are in bed with this administration..
that doesn't bother or upset you...oh well

So are you saying the GOP in Congress is NOT having a lot of internal conflicts right now over these bits of legislation?

we know how desperate some of you are to turn this away from Obama and throw it up as Republicans having internal conflicts..will it work...for some I guess..did for you..

the WashingtonCompost should be taken with a grain of see it with this lame article how it's about the REPUBLICANS..pathetic really
hummhumm, someone as partisan as you can take their opinion of things if you want... just don't think everyone else will
I gave the reason why anything they say now should be taken with a grain of salt..they are in bed with this administration..
that doesn't bother or upset you...oh well

So are you saying the GOP in Congress is NOT having a lot of internal conflicts right now over these bits of legislation?

we know how desperate some of you are to turn this away from Obama and throw it up as Republicans having internal conflicts..will it work...for some I guess..did for you..

the WashingtonCompost should be taken with a grain of see it with this lame article how it's about the REPUBLICANS..pathetic really

That's cool.

Like I said, we'll just see how this all looks when these assholes have to do something more than wolf-crying in a few months, ok?
The media is doing it's hardest to latch onto the IRS soft target to distract for obama. If you were smart you would understand that those people aren't going too allow anything negative against the IRS out too the general public. Afterall not too many people like the IRS it's a soft target for the media to distract with.
what was illegal About the IRS?

The IRS is NOT 'illegal'..What has been done IS illegal.
The IRS is out of control.
It's going to be brought down.
Those people in the Cincinnati office accused of the targeting are speaking out. They are reporting that their marching orders came from people much higher up the IRS food chain.
This scandal goes to the highest levels of the agency. Heads will roll. People may have charges filed against them.

what was illegal and please point to what law's have been broken. Please show who has been arrested for such crimes please. please stop it, you people are a laugh riot with your idiocy.

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