ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions

An opinion, not a bomb shell.

No, no, no. You do not understand. When a Republican strategist makes a claim with no evidence whatsoever to support it, that's a "bombshell" of manufactured bullshit which must be disseminated far and wide as "fact" by obliging piss drinkers.

Just like Harry Reid had evidence that Romney hadn't paid income taxes in 10 years. Right?

That's different. When a Lib lies it is all ok cause everyone does it.

Opinion is not fact, folks.

When people state opinion as fact, other people correctly think they are stupid.
Let's briefly review the career of this 'analyst' referred to in the OP,

Trey Hardin:

WASHINGTON, Aug. 4 [2010] — VOX Global, a bipartisan public affairs firm, has hired veteran Republican political strategist Trey Hardin to join its senior team. Hardin will serve VOX as Senior Vice President in the agency’s Washington, D.C. headquarters, where he will lead campaigns for clients who are impacted by political, legislative, and regulatory outcomes.

Translation: He's a Republican lobbyist

Highlights of his career:

1. Hardin got his start in the White House under President George H.W. Bush, and his political career took off from there.

2. from there, he jumped into Virginia politics, directing and managing successful campaigns for Senator John Warner, Congressman Tom Davis, and Governor Jim Gilmore.

Job title: REPUBLICAN campaign manager

3. Hardin was then called to Capitol Hill by Congressman Davis, where he served as Communications Director, co-managed Davis’s successful race for Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), and worked with him in his new capacity as a member of the House Leadership.

4. Hardin went on to serve as Chief of Staff to Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham, a senior member of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

Yes, THAT Duke Cunningham. The crying convicted criminal.

5. In 2000, Hardin was tasked by the Republican Leadership to play an active role in successful efforts to expand the Majority through two election cycles. Hardin participated in national redistricting efforts...

...aka GOP gerrymandering.

6. Hardin then joined the private sector at the consulting firm NorthPoint Strategies as a Principal Partner. At NorthPoint, Hardin represented and counseled corporate and association clients on legislative, regulatory, and communications challenges.

Job Title: corporate lobbyist.

So, gee, why would anyone be entitled to a degree of healthy skepticism that there would be any value to an unsubstantiated accusation directed at a DEMOCRATIC administration from this guy?


the OP might as well have put his own name to the accusation; it wouldn't have been any more or less credible.
An opinion, not a bomb shell.

No, no, no. You do not understand. When a Republican strategist makes a claim with no evidence whatsoever to support it, that's a "bombshell" of manufactured bullshit which must be disseminated far and wide as "fact" by obliging piss drinkers.

Just like Harry Reid had evidence that Romney hadn't paid income taxes in 10 years. Right?

LOL, do you realize you just assigned the same value to the OP as to Harry Reid's claim?
No, no, no. You do not understand. When a Republican strategist makes a claim with no evidence whatsoever to support it, that's a "bombshell" of manufactured bullshit which must be disseminated far and wide as "fact" by obliging piss drinkers.

Just like Harry Reid had evidence that Romney hadn't paid income taxes in 10 years. Right?

LOL, do you realize you just assigned the same value to the OP as to Harry Reid's claim?

Its not about what you KNOW Clyde, its about what you can prove in court.
was the source of this 'bombshell'. Do we need more proof that this is a case of trying to stretch a piece of very stale bubble gum around the oval office??
It is a case of a news network trying to get a bit more traction before going on to the next item.
until we complete an investigate or see a real smoking gun, we'll be hearing all sorts of gotchas maybe gotchas and supposition up the wazoo.....

it doesn't matter, you all do realize it would be far better for the country and by that I mean us all, left right sideways IF there was a cabal of higher ups that gave out marching orders to do what they did, instead of some institutional hive mind that just went ahead and did it, right?
No one on the left gives a shit. They would support Obama going after conservatives groups and shutting Fox down. They'd root him on!

This is just the truth.


Maybe the government should shut down all media sources, but one that it approves of. You would really love that until a republican took the white house.
until we complete an investigate or see a real smoking gun, we'll be hearing all sorts of gotchas maybe gotchas and supposition up the wazoo.....

it doesn't matter, you all do realize it would be far better for the country and by that I mean us all, left right sideways IF there was a cabal of higher ups that gave out marching orders to do what they did, instead of some institutional hive mind that just went ahead and did it, right?

I posted this yesterday in another thread, obama's chief of staff admitted that he knew about it already.
In my opinion the reason they are doing this is to protect obama. But anyone stupid enough to believe obama did not have any knowledge about what the IRS was doing deserves all every bad thing that is coming.

The notice Ruemmler saw on April 24 gave her a thumbnail sketch of a disturbing finding: that the IRS had improperly targeted tea party and other conservative groups. She shared the news with White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough and other senior White House aides, who all recognized the danger of the findings.
On IRS issue, senior White House aides were focused on shielding Obama - Washington Post
During the Wannssee conference in 1942, when the top Nazis, Hitler, Himmler, Heydrich, Eichmann, Goering, Goebbels, Bormann, discussed the hows of the Jewish Final Solutiuon, nothing was put in writing and all references to any decisions reached there were referred to in code.
Everyone knew that Hitler had desired and authorized the extermination of the Jews but there was never a shred of proof to be found, ever. Up until this current time of Obama, Wannssee has been held up as an example of plausible deniability at a level only the German could carry out. You're not going to find anything incriminating Obama either which good and loyal Democrats will use to extoll Obama's innocence as being as pure as the new fallen snow, or a newborn baby's cheek, provided that baby wasn't left in a dirty closet to die based on Obama's order that is.
Every time a naive German citizen came face to face with the brutality of the extermination camps they would exclaim that "The Fuehrer must not know of this because he would never allow such a thing! I have to tell him!" and when they would choose to inform the Fuehrer, the person giving the warning would inevitably dissappear. The only person to have given Hitler the warning about the death camps and survived was the sister of one of the high party members... "I want to see a glint of the wild beast in their eyes" Baldor Von Schirach.
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until we complete an investigate or see a real smoking gun, we'll be hearing all sorts of gotchas maybe gotchas and supposition up the wazoo.....

it doesn't matter, you all do realize it would be far better for the country and by that I mean us all, left right sideways IF there was a cabal of higher ups that gave out marching orders to do what they did, instead of some institutional hive mind that just went ahead and did it, right?
It would be better for the country if the IRS scrutinized Anyone that applied for a tax exempt status. But you, and many others, seem to want the IRS to scrutinize the current political opponents.

How sad that is.
until we complete an investigate or see a real smoking gun, we'll be hearing all sorts of gotchas maybe gotchas and supposition up the wazoo.....

it doesn't matter, you all do realize it would be far better for the country and by that I mean us all, left right sideways IF there was a cabal of higher ups that gave out marching orders to do what they did, instead of some institutional hive mind that just went ahead and did it, right?

It would be better for the country if the IRS scrutinized Anyone that applied for a tax exempt status. But you, and many others, seem to want the IRS to scrutinize the current political opponents.

How sad that is.

I don't know who you think u r quoting, I never said any such thing, if you're sure its me, please link to my saying so......
WTH is going on with ABC "News" these days anyway? Weather, accidents, and bs controversy....The Hollywood gossip and human interest starts at 6:42 pm. lol

I have pretty much stopped watching TV news, on any channel. I still watch the local news pretty regularly, even though all three stations have a ridiculously high liberal slant.

I will watch ABC or CBS half hour national news once in a while, but usually just the first ten or fifteen minutes. The last half is almost always fluff.

And I never watch CNN, MSNBC, or Fox. They are beyond ridiculous. They have about as much "news" as MTV has music or the History Channel has history. Which is to say, virtually none.

Christ, the last time I saw Fox, it was their morning show. There were three of the dumbest idiot airheads on there I have ever seen. I thought it had to be some kind of parody. No one could possibly be that stupid and take themselves seriously.

But it wasn't a joke. I had to shut it off after a couple minutes.

Nowadays, the only time I see CNN or MSNBC or Fox is when someone on one of these political forums posts a YouTube link of one of the more bizarre moments from the circus.

If people are watching these shows and taking what they hear as truth or objective reporting or news, they are stupid, stupid, stupid.

I can actually feel America getting dumber.

CNN international isn't bad. The few times I've seen Al Jazeera, I was pretty impressed. It was like the BBC.

In what way Did it impress you?
There must be something really awful about Benghazi that they're hiding to make them leak the IRS stuff themselves to draw attention away from Benghazi.
An opinion, not a bomb shell.

No, no, no. You do not understand. When a Republican strategist makes a claim with no evidence whatsoever to support it, that's a "bombshell" of manufactured bullshit which must be disseminated far and wide as "fact" by obliging piss drinkers.

Just like Harry Reid had evidence that Romney hadn't paid income taxes in 10 years. Right?

That's all you have at this point, a tu quoque fallacy?

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