ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions

I am sure you are right about that, Matthew, as the far right wing nuts go hard after Obama.

Name of the game.
I am sure you are right about that, Matthew, as the far right wing nuts go hard after Obama.

Name of the game.

Yes, but the game has become very nasty and personal. Anyone can post a lie and claim its the truth, then others run with it if is suits their politics.
I guess this bombshell had to come from Candy from Cnn for anyone on the left to care..

If you think logically about the IRS targeting opponents of the president, there is only one conclusion that you can come to. That this has come from the top of either the DNC or the whitehouse. Now, since the IRS does not work for the DNC, what does that leave?

Does anyone really think that rogue IRS agents did this all on their own? Does anyone really think that the top people in the IRS did not know about it? Does anyone really think that the IRS director was at the whitehouse 157 times talking about easter egg hunts and baseball?
I am sure you are right about that, Matthew, as the far right wing nuts go hard after Obama.

Name of the game.

Yes, but the game has become very nasty and personal. Anyone can post a lie and claim its the truth, then others run with it if is suits their politics.

Both sides were doing it in 1800 with Jefferson and Adams.

I don't think any way exists to correct man's basic nature in this conflict.
If you think logically about the IRS targeting opponents of the president, there is only one conclusion that you can come to. That this has come from the top of either the DNC or the whitehouse. Now, since the IRS does not work for the DNC, what does that leave?

Does anyone really think that rogue IRS agents did this all on their own? Does anyone really think that the top people in the IRS did not know about it? Does anyone really think that the IRS director was at the whitehouse 157 times talking about easter egg hunts and baseball?

As a matter of fact, no. You need to have the evidence, Redfish. If you get it, good. Impeachment time.
If you think logically about the IRS targeting opponents of the president, there is only one conclusion that you can come to. That this has come from the top of either the DNC or the whitehouse. Now, since the IRS does not work for the DNC, what does that leave?

Does anyone really think that rogue IRS agents did this all on their own? Does anyone really think that the top people in the IRS did not know about it? Does anyone really think that the IRS director was at the whitehouse 157 times talking about easter egg hunts and baseball?

Add in the fact that it was not just the IRS doing the dirty deed against conservative groups, it was the FBI, ATF, OSHA, and the EPA. One has to ask themselves how these other agencies even knew that a group filed for non profit status. The only thing these various agencies have in common is the White House and Obama's political machine.

Those not seeing the obvious, are those not wanting to see the obvious.
From the OP:

"...but does not offer any new information to support the claim..."

That's the only line from the OP worth reading.


He was blowing smoke. And some people think all that smoke was from a bombshell. :lol:
WTH is going on with ABC "News" these days anyway? Weather, accidents, and bs controversy....The Hollywood gossip and human interest starts at 6:42 pm. lol
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WTH is going on with ABC "News" these days anyway? Weather, accidents, and bs controversy....The Hollywood gossip and human interest starts at 6:42 pm. lol

I have pretty much stopped watching TV news, on any channel. I still watch the local news pretty regularly, even though all three stations have a ridiculously high liberal slant.

I will watch ABC or CBS half hour national news once in a while, but usually just the first ten or fifteen minutes. The last half is almost always fluff.

And I never watch CNN, MSNBC, or Fox. They are beyond ridiculous. They have about as much "news" as MTV has music or the History Channel has history. Which is to say, virtually none.

Christ, the last time I saw Fox, it was their morning show. There were three of the dumbest idiot airheads on there I have ever seen. I thought it had to be some kind of parody. No one could possibly be that stupid and take themselves seriously.

But it wasn't a joke. I had to shut it off after a couple minutes.

Nowadays, the only time I see CNN or MSNBC or Fox is when someone on one of these political forums posts a YouTube link of one of the more bizarre moments from the circus.

If people are watching these shows and taking what they hear as truth or objective reporting or news, they are stupid, stupid, stupid.

I can actually feel America getting dumber.
WTH is going on with ABC "News" these days anyway? Weather, accidents, and bs controversy....The Hollywood gossip and human interest starts at 6:42 pm. lol

I have pretty much stopped watching TV news, on any channel. I still watch the local news pretty regularly, even though all three stations have a ridiculously high liberal slant.

I will watch ABC or CBS half hour national news once in a while, but usually just the first ten or fifteen minutes. The last half is almost always fluff.

And I never watch CNN, MSNBC, or Fox. They are beyond ridiculous. They have about as much "news" as MTV has music or the History Channel has history. Which is to say, virtually none.

Christ, the last time I saw Fox, it was their morning show. There were three of the dumbest idiot airheads on there I have ever seen. I thought it had to be some kind of parody. No one could possibly be that stupid and take themselves seriously.

But it wasn't a joke. I had to shut it off after a couple minutes.

Nowadays, the only time I see CNN or MSNBC or Fox is when someone on one of these political forums posts a YouTube link of one of the more bizarre moments from the circus.

If people are watching these shows and taking what they hear as truth or objective reporting or news, they are stupid, stupid, stupid.

I can actually feel America getting dumber.

CNN international isn't bad. The few times I've seen Al Jazeera, I was pretty impressed. It was like the BBC.
Drip, drip, drip . . . . .

While appearing Tuesday on KABC’S morning show, “McIntyre in the Morning,” veteran ABC News analyst Trey Hardin dropped a bombshell when he said he is convinced that the IRS scandal emanates from the West Wing of the White House.

Hardin states his case with “with a very strong sense of certainty,” but does not offer any new information to support the claim:

“I will tell you this on the IRS front. I’ve worked in this town for over 20 years in the White House and on Capitol Hill and I can say with a very strong sense of certainty that there are people very close to this president that not only knew what the IRS were doing but authorized it.​

ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions - BizPac Review
If you're falling for that tripe, then might I interest you in a nice bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn?
Drip, drip, drip . . . . .

While appearing Tuesday on KABC’S morning show, “McIntyre in the Morning,” veteran ABC News analyst Trey Hardin dropped a bombshell when he said he is convinced that the IRS scandal emanates from the West Wing of the White House.

Hardin states his case with “with a very strong sense of certainty,” but does not offer any new information to support the claim:

“I will tell you this on the IRS front. I’ve worked in this town for over 20 years in the White House and on Capitol Hill and I can say with a very strong sense of certainty that there are people very close to this president that not only knew what the IRS were doing but authorized it.​

ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions - BizPac Review
If you're falling for that tripe, then might I interest you in a nice bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn?

Sure, and I was wondering when you will actually argue the OP instead of dodging him. Oh that's right. You liberals don't know what to do with yourselves. I've seen this kind of dismissive behavior from a bunch of liberals on this board, and predictably from the MSM.

If you believe Obama had nothing to do with this, I have a plot of land on the moon I'd like to sell you.
Drip, drip, drip . . . . .

While appearing Tuesday on KABC’S morning show, “McIntyre in the Morning,” veteran ABC News analyst Trey Hardin dropped a bombshell when he said he is convinced that the IRS scandal emanates from the West Wing of the White House.

Hardin states his case with “with a very strong sense of certainty,” but does not offer any new information to support the claim:

“I will tell you this on the IRS front. I’ve worked in this town for over 20 years in the White House and on Capitol Hill and I can say with a very strong sense of certainty that there are people very close to this president that not only knew what the IRS were doing but authorized it.​

ABC analyst drops bombshell: People very close to Obama authorized IRS actions - BizPac Review
If you're falling for that tripe, then might I interest you in a nice bridge I have for sale in Brooklyn?

Sure, and I was wondering when you will actually argue the OP instead of dodging him. Oh that's right. You liberals don't know what to do with yourselves. I've seen this kind of dismissive behavior from a bunch of liberals on this board, and predictably from the MSM.

If you believe Obama had nothing to do with this, I have a plot of land on the moon I'd like to sell you.

The OP's argument, if you want to call it that, was defeated in post #30. If you would like to contest that defeat, I suggest you post something worthwhile to the contrary.

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